Mn,l,v. August MO'29 Man in the Moon our summer came Our summer went It was .four, davs in.fuir'fiktisfc. Tnt though twufl short 'Twiih surely fine; , Tin miometef Jumped To eighty-nine. Hi-i, ks were not made for ,',,v . int' but for building. How loplo use them for that 'HI I" l,,t of people wanted last heat wave to be a per-,t wave. They should re- l, I, it mat jiyruiiiiieiik waves t a lt- - '.. I Ujh I were a fisherman With nothing else to do j;ut ,uyt let down my little hook A rd ai't a fish or two. ( uMiild not havp to plow the land or sow the tied therein, I'd imply reap my little crop And thon I'd spend the tin. M-n'i-.trte Yau are accused of ' r, . .nx-1 jui to it tor a lark. i trnt--Nd y rwwe&Wanee What' Ten daya. '. , '.,,!. vr fish town wish ivwn, rtl It what you like i. 'hc-popl-h-mWh town do you say Mike? pretty lire town . -t Mrtre town. yes Mr like hle town ,.i cause stir. ;,krr oft ere Very dry nif ran you say Just whyf . itruw) on and seldom stop, ;. tluy need a drtnk of pop. Ten Years Ago in Pr nee Rupert Anr.ut 1, 1919 -,, , A McNiehoU, assistant general vir and passenger agent for ie ill', T H. Johnson, tnafceter. of . id fxiragt; O. W. Nkkerson, w W Wright, returned lat i " from eocosansnytnt the Van-8 TM WPWe party m -far I rlMPr Oeorgc. Jtirvis H. McUed ad Uri. M Cannolhaet Mak their aeatt !i,pltal board for tlx fhit i. Ium night M rtyreaentaUrea Of ! .ui:i Auxiliary. -mi (uhlnc partita hare been i for tee pH few weeka to .; Mi-Nlcholl Orvek. The aatmon Miuninc there and Die trout a? :,' III) ! re department H hartng a m this marning testing out m iiTMiire, as r u Broad foot u I Taylor are here on a Witt .m.i,t:on on behalf of the Mala-1 i '! rwnter's Association. NOUNEMPLOYMENflN ICELAND JUST NOW AS ! ISLAND IS PROSPEROUS l:i VKJAV1K, Iceland, Aug. 3: '" l aid has no unemployment l1 '"'I'm. not because folks have f" vk to keep warm up there, ' ut ln raune Iceland Is an undo-u '"I ' d land of great opportunities The unemployed of Reykjavik f'it ailed pight men on May 1. Six I Hum W..r- mnr than f,0 rears .imi in ill hnTtV The other -aid they had just left their in I, o I 1 I . ' uia gel Deiter on . '" land, peopled with only 100, "l !!ih'ir.;ol ,,i,i -nmfnrt. "inaDltantS, COUld COmlort- 1 1 ' 1 lind accomodation and cm- Moment f0r 900.000. I'f hind wants dirt farmers, i tu t rm n to keep the bright lights) "f Ib'ykjnvik burning. The native "'Innrtera aro trnnA fomv lint Nl'jpntifL' nn.vlAli,taia 'invcrnment authorities main- that Iceland could produce greater quantities of agri-ni iii-ai products than at present, a the soil nnd cllmato are ex-""' for many crops. A SLIGHT DIFFERENCE A (ienrnl diediIndfaand a Papef nUrWin nlrrt.'fn an "'"'""'.v notice as " a bottle- . statement called forth the'. " the lrtte Oeneral's re- ;"iv-n 'me of whom called on 'll'' I lilt,, uiiu insisieu on a cor-. appearing In the paper " diiy, as the .deceased hadi "lw'ivs ben n i,nlt,i. DtltV LtCtUtlt I V The Paper next dav made its ttc Dipt tO nlnnsta 4l,n v.lnllvs I "w referred to the General as! DatHn-tie.a.4 1 III I l I Ktiifm UHlllVi t TUB DAILY N2W3 PAGE F1Y1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUNI ' -'.THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH, MOSTPWLE IlE BECAUSE; IT, IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Summer Resort Where to spend an enjov able holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMGALLUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake iS .. b.,8?8 ""1 . balf" iHn. i I 1 1 in, at ui-auuiui hPAIltlfill nceiiiiry; spAnnrv twanttr twenty nilIes from Terrace. Stage leaves lerrace y a.m., aionaay, Wednesday and Saturday, $2 return. Rates, $3 . 25 per day . Write for special weekly rates. U. E, DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE 'FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing. Excellent Cuslno. Parties can be met at Skidegate or Port Clements. WireleM for reservations. 'MRS. RAJOUT ... . . TlelL Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE AT- BEAUTIFUL FRANCOIS LAKE For nent By the Week or Month ' Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte (city, hire cars and trucxs from YOUNG BROTHERS Skldegatr. B.C. LAKE1.SE LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS Is opened to guests. The lodge Is - bow trout The hot springs con- tain Llthla which is fine for rheumatism. Cottages for rent. at J. Bruce Johnston, Manager. bKKENA LAND ItKCOltDINO IllMTKICT " TAKB NOTICE that the Brttlth Co- ofu r. Tc ?JSZL fishing and packing intends to apply ?"V' ring umiif.n TTi Lot Ins on 2. Range 6. Ooeet District : Commencing Lou!iSy aJTVa-W" the I Hl.t.n. .knit I hlns tltm the south- riontlKnot N "eB-B. to ih. pro- duotlon southerly .of the east boundary of Lot 2: thence northerly to mean high Jg;li thence westerly and south- erly, following mean high water mark, iZT British cojJJJgP iro. j. h. Bushnell, Agent. Dated 24th June 1929. BRINGING UP FOR SALE FOIl SALE Studebaker coach,, mechanically guaranteed. Burns and Co. Ltd. . tf FOIt SALE Iron and wooden pulleys, also two pieces shafting.' Apply Dally New, Box xx. (tf) FOIt SALE Twenty-three roomed .partment house, completely furnished. Apply Mrs. White, 427 Fourth Avenue East. (180) FOIt SALE Three-roomed house and lot, corner Ambrose Avenue and Sixth.' Apply Mrs. White, 139 Fourth Avenue East. 180 FOR SALE 8 sets adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large site.. $10 per set. Apply Box 00' 'Daily News Office. (tf) FOR - SALWl'x . ..... H.I . 2-cyllnder . . anvia wi. nln In good condition. A bargain. Applj" Box 212 Daily News Office. (tf) FOR SALE New house, five rooms, furnished. Lots 8 and 9, ' Block 44, Section 5. Apply Box 214 Daily News. 182 FOR SALE Pinbintr boat W. T 52 feet long; beam, 13V2 feet, 3U h.p. rrisco standard en gine; eight years old, in No. ll SAntiH FhAMA II Itn IT.1.! If I VUIIUUIUU. J. IIUJIV XlUfJ Ue VI FOR SALE Heintzman piano, bedroom suite, library table, table lamp, kitchen set, bed, small rug, smoking cabinet, cooking utensils, etc. Phone Blue 505 or apply 330 Fifth Ave. W. (tf) WANTED, WANTSD Hemstitching. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. 179 WAITRESS Wanted, apply Prince Rupert Hotel. 182 WANTED Experienced Diesel engineer. Apply Royal Fish Co. Government Wharf. 181 HOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room SSG peri 'month. Phone Green 21G. tf! LOST LOST Pair of black rimmed glasses near C.f ,R. recreation ground. Finder please phone Green G23. UOVr.llNMF.NT 1'KOrF.KTV FOIt S.M.K TKNDKR8 will be reoeKed by the uiiderslgned up to M ftday, July ISth, 1929, for the purchait f the Provincial Pol tee Launch No. 2, now located Prince ttufiett. B.C. Particulars of Launch are as follows: Length 41 5" Breadth V 6 . -vll' V:" Registered Tonnage ...IIj Powered with 90-34 H.P. Type PPP.isett Inlet. Oraham Island. Buffalo Wigin. -SI "SStS.1 . HSSEf -7" Boat may be Uupeotcd at Prince I Rupert, B.C.. on application to In apector W. Splller, B.C. Police, Prince gS upert. . no B.C. The highest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. V. A. ROLLINS. Pufohastnt' Agent. Parliament Bldgs.. Victoria, B.C. June 14th. 1999. "TlW for rtrelvlng tenders for the above laiinclt been extemled to ThnrMlay, .tiigntt l.llh." FATHER FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished flat. Ap-' ply Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT--Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 347. ' 'tf. FOR RENT Furnished suite, Summit Apartments, Phone Blue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Modern house near business section. $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR KENT Clean, well furnished modem two and three room-d suites. Palmer Apartment. Phine'Retl 444. ttt) FOR RENT Sujierior large flat. Electric cook in p. Heated. Brooksbank Block. 181 CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic Is recognized In forty states of the union. This recognition has been sought and gained by the people who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until ipiG that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 PhonesJ-Black 283 Open Evenings CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments given aecoratng to our new Spinal indjeqter, produce. better results. ' "', R. E. EYOLFSON RACTOR . 623 Third, Avenue Office Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1024 i. EDUCATIONAL FORM BY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR BOYS Ganges Harbor, B.C. Sound Modern Education ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIC Boys taken for holidays . Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application LM) ACT i '. i Notice of Intention to Apply ' '"to Lfase'Land- If. In the Queen Chartotte Und District, rrfcLSOd Reeordins District of Prince Run' art, and situate near the mouth of Mao- B.C.. UjorL occupation, salmon eannrrs. Shr. in tends to apply tor a lease of the follow Irur described lands: roresnore. Commencing at a post planted near the southern end ot Hidden Island thence northerly 10 chalna; tbence east- ejly 1 Cham.; thence southerly 10 efcalns. following low water; tnence westerly to point or commencement, ana containing 0 acres more or less. LANOARA FISHINO At PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dated May Uth. 1929. ll AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind .pr fiin.iture or household .eools, mjfcnl n Btruments.'machrtery, Mr. Gen-''frjeddlntf "AnrfMnfiinA Linoleum bU pe"n Compny Limited of van-eral rennlrs. crating . ,! "!l"tf,L"n!UVl H?.Ae.U !! .PH- r ; . . . . . . ana anipping. workmanship: gUaianteed. Just phone Black 120-an.l we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block SALVAGE AND TOWING -If It's on or under the water we i no IL ' PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. T TiitTmi ilMUKU Pullv fUliy rquippea RotittSraWI Mr lor Dlvtnir uivmg and ano General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrip- Uons for Charttr- Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in GssoKngincs. AGENTS FOR Van Blerrk, Rasthope, Hicks Rnllantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone, Dav or Night, SGI P. O. Box Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Faints, Glass and Art Supplies . O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 SOME BARGAINS IN CERTIFIED USED CARS CHEVROLET Sedan, $500 BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO .,,,,., e . (lrnIANOLO CHEVROLET Sedan $450 compan" limited. "W. E. Walker- Afent. FORD Sedan .... , . . i-.f27ii Good Terms and Sixty Days Service on All Used Cars ROSS & MOORE. LTD. Chevrolet Dealers LAND ACT Notl'e ot Intention to Apply to Lease Laud In the Prince Rupert Land Recording 1 District of Prince Rupert, and situate j otie mile South Bast ot Spit Point on the East shore of Portland Canal. Take notice that Anglo British Colum bia Packing Company Limited of Van- oouter. B. oodupattoa, Salmon Can - I ners, Intends to apply for a lease of the I oi towing aewriDea tanas foreshore: Commenoing at a post planted one I mile South Hast of Spit Point on the Pest shore of Portland Canal; hence East 40 chains following High water mark: thence South 8 chains to low water mark; tnence West 40 chains following low water mark; thence North S chains to locating post; and containing 20 aerea. more or less. ANGLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED, "W. E. Walker," Agent, Dated May 32nd, 1999. - ... ' n ' LAND ACT Not Ire of Intention to'Apply to Lease Land I m t. r.w rrh.rW n,,M.. . JSr3t.WSSL KH? J"PJ ! maw wcrm IM. niiuawi 4 M fc. ll Dundas Island. Take notice that Langara Plsblrig tt Packing Company. Limited, of Massett, B. C. occupstun, uiiiii-ro. nrenMs to apply for a lease of rhe following described Isnds: Pores Bore. Commencing at a poat planted at the i titremlty of Und on Arniston IMInt. 1 theu arlyTclMTthe erly S (mains to low water: theare east- erlr 20 chains; thense southerly to point ot commene-"ment, and containing 20 acres, more or ess. LANOARA PISHINQ PACKINO CO., LTD. By Its Agent, .lohn William MdorehouM. Dated June Tth. 11)29 . II LUMCHEOM VEtrv WELL- MORTENSE PH '"f AIN'T WORTH VMtUE Tl ill Kl wwAT-b P SERVED- fLU a RIGHT IS)-LET W PEH ME TO Co 1M THE ' U TV4ACT? IT L HMrv,'. MtSE6-THbt,THE M DlMIM P?OOM- I CUB, l iLVtl UKPi Sr " ' ' mm wm, me., Orm MiS . iit.i'iViii i i I Mst AiM: 1 FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dlhlhffr i. "i . Room . Suites, ' Chester- fl0lf1:'tRiUA HlmmAna ftAfla nnrl uugs, nunges anu nucnen jarjware We invite you to call. MacKENZIE PURNITUBE PHONE 775 8KIX.VA LAN ItKCOItlUN'Cl DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the BrltMi Co-luaUMa Platting St Packing Company, Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation. U'i. KXi xor a lease x tee loiiowing aeacncieq foreahore, situate fronting on Lot j W. Range S, OoH District: Oommonclng at a post planted at tfoe southwest cor- net of Lot 1T Hanne 8. Ooat District: thence wju 8 ahalus; thenoe In a aouth - I t eMterlj direction 16 chains: thence In a I south -easterly direction 33 chains, more r less, to Afb wrier mark at a point ; aisisnc iv casus, more cr tew, wniorij from the southeast! ' corner of Lot 10: Utvnce noirMj westerly, following high , Vtter mirk, to & point o' commehA- i meat, and containing IS acres, more or left. . -. . BRITISH COLUMBIA FI6HINO & i PACKING CO.. LTD. 3. H. Bushnell, Agent. Dated 20th June, 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention tnAply to Leaxe iJind In the Prince Ruperv umd Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South West eoast ot Wales Is land hall mile South East of BarUett Point. Take notloe that Anglo British Colum bia Packing Company Limited of Van- I couver, B.C., occupation, Salmon Oan-i ners. Intends to apply Xor a lease of tht I in the Queen Charlotte Land District, following described lands: foreshore: Land Record In if District of Prince Rup-Commencing at a post planted on the i ert, and situate near the mouth of Na- Boutn west eoast or waies nau thence South East forty chains JoUow- tag aign water marc; tnence ooutn West fire chains to low water . mark; i tnence North west forty chain toiiow- mg low water marc; tnence norm East ! to locating post; and containing twenty . acres, more or leas DatedMay22nd. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land la the Queen Charlotte Land' District, 1 Land Recording District of Prince' Rup-art, and situate near Klashwuh Point. Orahar Island. Take ottce that Eugene H. Simpson of Mi, ,'t, B.C., occupation, cannery-man, intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lsnos: rxiresnore, Commenclng at a post planted about 20 chains southeasterly from the N. W. corner of Lot No 2741. Orariam Island; thence west 10 chains; thence north chains to low water thence east 10 chains: the-ice south S chains to point m cuuiuicurciuciit, mm wufcaiu.u& iciti, inure ur :cea. Dated May 11th. 1929. EUGENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. Henry White. Agent. LAND ACT Notlre of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate one mUe South East ot BarUett Point on the South West coast of Wales island. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited ot Van couver, B.C., occupation, Salmon din ners, intends to appiy lor a lease or tne blowing de-crlbed lands . foreshore mSHSzZt B'artt post planted one of tlett Pc .nt on the South West coast of Wales Island: . ' . . . . , thence East rorty chains following high Tk notlee lhAt J"" Stapler water mark: thence South West five of Los Angeles, occupation, mining enchains to low water mark; thence West gineer. Intend to apply tor permission forty chains following low water mark; niimhas. th Mkwlns Rl6wmg duacrlhcd tMWHM thence North East fire chains to local J"011 Ung poet; and containing 20 acres, more 7' ' or less. I OarMnenoing at a post planted one iwnii rmma mfnumi COMPANY. LIMITED. w. E. Walker" Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1929 ' For quick results try a "want-ad" in the Daily News. By George McManus !.!!! laxd Atrr N'otloe of Intention to Apply t l.eae Land In th Prince Rupert Land Reoordtng DlMrlct of prlnee Rupert, and altuau on the South West coaat of WaJea la- lann TnRinir . HruiTyn H .nm 1'Klm nnuu that Iti.ia nHil.h rlnm. , u u ippij m oi tna following described landa: foreshore: Commencing at a' post planted on the South West Coast of Wali Island facing the Western extremity of Boston Islands; East forty chains following high water mark: thence South one chain to Low water mark; thenee West forty chains following low water mark: thence North to locating post; and containing Ten QUi BRITIBH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED. W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1829. LAXD AfT Notice of Intention to Apply to iase uina In the Queen Ohsrlatt LstuI miHt Land i. necoiiflllC District Of PrfcMM nun. an. and situate at an unnamed point on vne nonneani oi 2iarea island, north oi the eastern ecttemlty ot the unnamed m Island. Take tlte that Euwne H. BJmpson lnd Author Robertson of Uassett, B.C.. ioocuDatlon. cannerrmsn. InLand Ut inn'i tat a lease of the following described tanas: rwesnore oommencutg at a post planted 200 reet south of high water at the extremity of the above-mentioned unnamed point: thence east 20 chains; thence north a chains to low water; thence westerly 20 chains: thence south to point of commencement, and containing 20 seres, more or less. EUOENE HUMPHRM SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBERTON. By the A Kent, John William Moo rehouse. Dated June 7th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I -esse Land den Harbor, on Msaorrado Island. of Uassett. B.C..' occupattoa. mill owner. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands Commencing at a cost nlanted near rhe south east corner of Lot : friO. Ma! ifcor. redo Island; thence aorthly 10 chains: tnence. easterly a cnaus to ww water; thence following low water southerly 10 cheuH; thence westerly to point of com-meneetnetn, and containing tour acres, more or less. v ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By Henry White. Agent. DU-d May Uth. 1929. LAND ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District Land Recording District of Pruxe Rupert, and situate near the mouth of Mas-sett Inlet as Seven Mile Point. Take botlce tnat bangara Fianing a Packing Company. LhBXMd. ot Mtssett. B.C., occupation. ,n .T. ,nr . m th follow. ln2 Ascribed lands "otneint at a post nlanted near , the noctheiut corner of Lot 2S9. n.K.m i.i.n. .tri in , tBsinr, thence northerly i chains: thence in enains iouowiBe low water: thence southerly S chains to.oolnt of commencement, and containing S aores, more or less. lanoara nsHiNa & packino CO.. LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 14th 1929. LANIi ACT Notlre of Intention to Apply to Leae Land In The Stlklne Laud Recording District of British Columbia, and situate about one half mile Xatterly from the mouth of the Tvusequah Hirer, watch Into the Taku River about six Miles up-strenm from the AlsoVa Boundary . L.. : half "ut mile mlle Easterly Baeterly from from tne ve mouUi mouth of the TuUequah Hirer, thence Bast 20 'west 20 chains: thenoe South 20 i chains and containing w acres, more i it less. JAM 16 B. STAPLER, Dated June loth, 1929. 220 OH-DEAn'. Oi-OaAft'. ; I ATS. THREE OUVS AMD OlET CA'JLS cri-kta i-mvhV Txir.