FAGE TWO . in,, tc survives i cai scene. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor 1 Of Jfr.TIlWWl City delivery, by mail of Kfrrier, yearly period; ..fraM1 In; advnCe; $5.00 For leaser Deriod. Daid in'advance. per month SO By mail to all parta of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for 100 By mail to ajl other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per yeaty COO By mail to all other countries, per year . . . . .1. 7.50 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insejfon ...... 1.40 Transient advertising on front pagei peri inch ...wn.; 2.80 Tuesday, November 19, 1939 BRITAIN WANTS CHEAP FOOD Cheap food is what the people of Great Britain de mand. Thatis why they do not like the present action of GREAT IRISHMAN T. P. O'Connor was one of the great Irishmen. He was one of the few men of his day who was able to fight a political battle without losing his head and doing and saying rash things. ..He was a literary man of considerable ne saw an nis compatriots pass from the politi- Shrffor! St m m remained to tne end, tne last ot the fight oi ajgenerauqn ago. VDEARNING TO LAND " Only a few years ago men were learning to flvr Thev were having their first Experiences in the-air, and thejr great aim anu ammtion was to get up and stay up. Today the problem that is engaging most of the experts is how to come down. Under proper conditions, landing is simple, but the moment they get away from those conditions there is extreme danger. One of the next great developments in aviation undoubtedly will be jo landat any time and in any place with safety. MEXICAN ELECTIONS It is impossible yet to intelligently discuss the Mexican elections because no one can tell what will happen before that which he writes is published. Up to this morning ' there was nothing more serious than a few riots in which a score of people were killed. In Mexico the election is onlv the first sten in tho rnn. Caravan Women Visit Victoria; Tell of Work Bliss Eva Hasell and Miss Iris Sayle Collected $16,200 For Work .Last Year . VICTORIA. Nov. 19. Well known throughout Canada and Great Britain as the founder of the Sunday School Motor Caravan work in Western Canada. Miss Eva Hasell. accompanied by Miss Iris Sayle, arrived In Victoria. Last summer, these two worker covered 4WQ miles in Northern British Columbia aud , the ! Peace River district visiting fam- T rrW. nor insertion, ner line V .25 Hies and Interesting parents and Classified ndvertising. per insertion, per word fftaSWSSSh.'XS?! Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line , ., 16jsult of the season's work. 18 new' DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations mJS X Sunday Schoo' iv Rapid Growth in an interview. Miss Hasell re rked unon the raDlditv with whlh the FHUe River district Is developing. Where year ago, there were 3.000 neople today the population Is estimated at between live and six thousand. Many now school districts ha,va the Wheat Pool and other grain interests in refusing to j ftoesetlnK111 great sell Canadian grain and thus holding up the price. I challenge to the church to a provide Canada wants the best possible price for her groin. If 'j?bHiJly ?6 thi,i?"8,uiy J505; the farmers are well paid for their product, the country ; the po3e. MUsLelri particular is prosperous. All branches of industry feelthe effect. ioncern is to Rive parents help The difference between Canada anct Great Britain on ! WSSH&i the grain question is as great as the difference between ; children. rnrmHn nnPl tlir TTnifprl Rtntna nn tha tariff nWf inn Tn ! . Mls? Hase11 . ls. : Efcfclish - W....VM v- .. v. 'i"'"''' i enurenwoman wno has done, a re oxen case it is a question oi marKet, sometning mat is pi-imarKaDie woric ior lamuie leged to have been responsible for mapy of the wars of the world. Today people regard these economic, differences with equanimity. They refuse to get excited about them. If we lose money over it, that is fetter than losing our best sons in a useless war. We are today coming to a point where we can fight an economic contest without losing our tempers. KELLY DOUOLAS O. CO. .LTD. es of pioneer settlers in scattered parts of Western Canada during the last nine years. Last year, for example, she "collected In England over $16,200, and supervised the operation of 13 motor caravans In eight dioceses In the prairie provinces and British Columbia, each van carrying two trained Sunday scnooi wooers, one being also a qualified mechanic. Mies -Hasell and her fellow van workers have visited tens of thousands of homes, started hundreds of Sunday schools, and added thousands of children to the church, through baptism and membership, in the Sunday School by cost The last two summers were note" hnd WifMTiad that fount of humor that helps solsDent1oiM m the peace w..nV. X '-,'.-Vu t:u i i L t i River River Blsulef BHtrlct and and other other narta parts of ol mnn iy rtiijruie irwii iu places oi prominence in. OinertNoAhcrfl Brlllsh Columbia uommoia. countries than nefr own. TT; kS-jj. t?ylsn Many Irish members of Parliament attained nromi- nence in their way. Many, were the talk of the country . for a week or a month. "Tay Pay" had thafcquality which ACTIVITIES 0FKUKLUX 'Alberta Minister Says Move Will test., Taking over .the reins of Government is a muchlbertemonfin We have no such more important move' and those who hold thr rpins nan.! knows that our Dut ally object to letting go with the result that a fight ensues. Srsectffi0" an4 rIctly I 1 j;Be Dominion-Wide in Scone '.into.-, i.v.n ! EDMONTON. Nov. 19: Political action'" st the Ku Klux Klan In Alberta- Is not likely to be provln- mi only in cnaracter, out to he Dominion-wide in Its scope and influence, declared Hon. George Hoadley, minister of agriculture for the province, In an Interview regarding reports that the Knights of the Fiery Cross were organizing in the province. "I have known for some time," Mr. Hoadley said, "that agents ot tnc uanaaian organization nad en tered Alberta and were organiz ing at a numDer oi places and in raci aiscussea tne suDject some time ago witn one of my Ottawa friends. 'The Klan took an active part in uic ic triii, oasKatcuewan election because they considered' thev had a grievance to remedy lh the scnooi snuauon in mat province situation In. Ali this nrovlnce bile schools are After the Score is Counted NABOR a TEA f7ecA Ids VflhouidBc THE DAtlY N2T73 Tuesday, November j9 "What else could the Klan have against our government? "Anyway it it ls an overthrow of the Dominion government which the Klan really hopes for, they would hardly be trying to get the same kind of 'governments m power m tne provinces that they desire at Ottawa. Canadian history has nearly always been tha,t the people vote opposite In lederal affairs to what they do in provincial." When It was pointed out to Mr. Hoadley that there were Indications, agents of the Klan were organizing through and with the co-operation of another fraternal organization in the province, the minister said; "There are some of us who are members of that other organization, .too, and we are not. "oing to sit back and watch them have all their own way." ea And ocean wide and hills re-. spond While life shall last, forever be A link twixt set and plains beyond. , The gateway to a nation great Tne entrance to a questing world As fair a gem. of any, state 1 No Beneath the Empire!? flag lips 'that , cannot speak her name, ' , . Nq voice that will not sing in praise. The world shall echo with her fame And teach the virtue of her ways. And fear not' lest destruction's pall Descend and spell her early doom. He l.east deserves who fears a fall ues soon forgotten P trie tomb. Each passing year new glories Ullllg, New Joys, and none shall pass away Give peace to peace while tri umphing Shall be her glorious destiny. A thousand souls for one before A thousand ships both great and small. A thousand ships where once a score And she proud mistress of them all. A city stands on a lofty hill wnere a river nows la we sea A city ofhopes,-a-river of dreams kji uungs tnai in.ycars snaii De. II. O. McDonald. THE WORST OF IT "T fplt vnu " nlH th rvnln. "mpri are getting so deceitful nowadays that you can't trust 1 your best friends," "And whnt't nnrso." lntfirrnnf.pH the other plnnmllv. "vou ' can't opt your' best friends to trust you." saint jonn xeiegrapn-journai. If as . .1 , 4 J Man in the Moon the consumption of sunshine ancQ iiccii an. When a writer disappears . from the public gaze he is probably writing editorials for a newspaper. Did you hear that story about wotians wnaier tie said to himself: "I have Inside information and ought to get a-prophet out of mis a u i i uiic ivuuci i 'iTh .r)0., DUSlie, 1 A city stands on a lofty hill, w at the hosedown las wnere a river nows to tne sea.' w u"owini conversation A city of hope, a river of dreams, oocurrw: "la my face dirty or ls Of things that the years shall,' my imagination?" The quick re see. . The march of progress sweeping on , Is heard, she hears the call Let the world sing her -fair renown Where e'er men's footsteps fall. She calls to hills- and . boundless ply was "Vojur face looks all right. I'm not so sure about your Some echoes may be heard ovr one hundred times but Jake says Jake savs it's pretty hard to in.ais notning VQ tne joKes in h Hrlvo tlirniiirh llf urltVinitt HH-C01U"in diner Into other neonle's business. j-t i -f ... remaps tne siock market saw ' " " " ' I ii J. A. . . . m Nn nno pan rfpnv thn mvor of "e auvumn leaves railing ana publicity. SeeWw ft fasTnQreadJ1"0" It wpulddo likewise It's easy to save a dollar but the supreme test is to keep It saved. With some people both the Bible and Shakespeare are too sacred to read. And did you know that little Iamb Whose fleece looked white And gay. He gamboled In the stock-1 exchange "' And they took his fleece away. One advantage in having a wife ride in the car with you 1 that you have someone to talk to the traffic cop and tell him where he I gets off. 1 KEEP LOCAL MEN'S PICTIIIES The current number cf elite Ffeberrnan cont u. , picture of members .mi of the Biological Bo&i I : who attended the recenr nr. , the Pacific coast sub-o , ,.; the board in Vancouv. the convention of th: A of Pacific Fisheries Tn. :a(:, the pic tuny are John Dun. ! D. B. Flrln ot Prince Rupc BRANDY HANDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE mi WHEN A NATION UEME.MBEKS THE POPPY FIELDS OF FLANDERS This splendid picture of the great throng paying homage to Canada's illustrious dead before the Cenotaph erect ! m front of the Houses of Parliament at Ottawa. It was attended by the Oovernor-Ceneral, members of the Oovemment, )u : lciary. arfd all classes of society. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia obinHood FLOUR. ProfqiTed by Discriminating Housewives fOBlN HOOD Ml ' V 1 a una StJITS! SUITS! w MADE TO ORDER Cutting. Workmanship and Stjt AH fiunrnntefj SUITS-fiTRAM -CLEANED AND .) .0 PRESSED We 'We liver to Ariy Part of tk City. Ling, the Tailor Prion ni