Page sts THE DAILY NEWS NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. TERRACE daysr In Prince Rupert 2". A. Creeehv Prince tfiiptrt, was.a visitor here at the begirt-ning of the week. Mrs. Downing a'nd: spent the week-end at with Mr. Downinfg; VANDERHOOF H. B. Waby df Safmon Arm re cently addressed tfie Neehako Farmers' Institute here on poul try. Other speakers were S. S. Phillips and C. C. KvlUy, district' agrlcluturalists at SmltheTrf and; rrlnce ueorge respectively. Charles Maunders has been on a brief business trip to Vancouver. I ' Miss Lottie Bowron, who has been appointed 6y the provincial government to" fnvestlg-te living conditldns of country school teachers in tile pr6vfnCe was a recent vfsltbr frt tfifa dTstrict. The Francois; Lake Conservative, Assoqfaiiori hair elected; of-fieerl if follows: president', J. G. i. Bobbins; vicg-president, Frank Matthias; secretary John Rbb- -IL Ha.UiweU returned or-erts; executive. .J.bhn.Slany.W Monday alter spending several rjelmar1 Cassidy, E. A. Beach, Ben The building will also eontaln here during the past week but living quarters for use while in.moiT recent nrins are making it town. rapidly disappear. V. Lockwodd of P'rlnee Rupert was a visitor here at the end of the- week, W. W. HfppJaley whtt has been a' patient lit the Prince Rupert Hospital for some months with a broken leg returned to Ter race and he and Mrs Hippisley are living in the Jlome of Mrs. J. Warne. Mr. Hippisley is able to be around on crutches bilt it will be some time before he will be as fit as ever. V. Souete returned on Monday from Vancouver where he spent the. winter. Mr. pix of the Kalum Lake . Hotel Was in town jn Tuesday. W. J. MartW returned ort Sat-urday after spending a few days In Pi-fiitt lthpert A number of the young people of towrt fourneS-ed' t(T Vti on Situ'fd'ay1 nfirht and took iir the dance there They returned: on Sunday. X. A. MaDonalrf of Uk wa a vutitor nere at me eno oi me wfeK. Mrs. Woodr of Prtace Rupert arrived on. Saturday jo visit with her son, BoCby foods' at tfie home of Mr. and Mrs I. A Swain. Mr. and" Mrs. Lofvriy of Csk we're vfsftors here at the ertd of the week. PRINCE GEORGE Another dance. wiB held b the community of South Fort George on Friday night in aid of the hall fund. : AIvLafmforf and' MIjs Ollnda piffmgrert wet fiYatfl here lasf Jueeda lefldar Co STEWART l Mr. and Mrs. Bouzek, immigrants from Bohemia, re making 'ood in the cleaning and pressing, business here. Angus McKenzie, superintendent of the Northern Light, who was in town last week, reported that the workings were now in the Premier porphyry and rock carrying commercial values was being broken Into. Mrs. H. L. McGregor of Sault Ste. Marie is visiting here with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. G; Lawrence. Management of lotfal accounts and business of the Power Corporation of Canada will be hand led from Prince Rupert for the time being at least; it was announced by J. J. Little of Prince Rupert, mariager for Northern British Columbfe, who- was here inst week on company business. Miss Muriel Crawford, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craw ford ef Stewart; was rtfoist .u a decent entertainment put on at the University of British Colum- Kfa In Vancouver. James H. NesWtt returned to Stewart last week after spending the winter at Bell Island Hot Springs near Ketchikan. Heavy cargoes of raining sup-' plies are being unloaded by all boats visiting Stewart just now. there is much activity in prepar ation for the forthcoming sea- ion s work. S trfp tp VarteoUVer. ev? nlng ,by, Rev, Peter Gv R. Bancroft, managing en- . E. IL Burden returned to the city la$f wee'k from a' trip to tfie Peace River district by dog sleigh i Sirmmif Like,' Miss Lottie Bowrbn, who- re cently was appointed by the Department of Education to inves tigate condition confronting school teachers irl olit-of-tfie-way Arthur Hall left last week on a trip to Vancouver. .Mrs. E Olson left last week for last' week for the south after having spent a week on the two if roups. i ' s A LOCAL ITEMS The Ladies.' Music Club holding its regular fortrrtghtly meeting this afternoon at the ifinma nf fr 5 T n.U. or.r. ''it- o. n, a. i ainni, ouu 9 mi r 4i places, is a visiior in mis ais-i Borden Street. The subject Is trlct i"Old Enirlish Comooseds" nnrt Mrs, Parkin is in charge of the triMrram. ! adache Relieved without "dosing." Rub on C WICKS W VAPORUO rr.A?exarder PIIONK S7I BCSNEIt ntOCK DENTIST BRIDGE PARTY AND IT..... Recently Pethick Transferred From Smith-en to vernon and Young From Bella Coola to Powell River G. II. Pethick, asaistaat dtetriet engineer fer the provincial depart ment of public wrks at Snthert for seme time, and who was identi i Mrs. II. OShinn and Mrs. Howard. I'ringle Hostesses at Delightful Affair Held 'Roberta ana Raymond Weldon. ' t vT. r u f r AMCR ARM Light snowfall thlsr winter has Mar. 15 fied with the engineering tfepttrt-f ment of the Grand Trunk I'aeifVT Railway during eonttraetten darn in this district, has been trarisof ferred to Vernon and will be succeeded at Smithera by G. C. Ta-sie from Verften. Another departmental transfer is that of George Young as gen eral foreman frem Bella Coom to Powell River. Mr. Yof ng was at one time located at A!fpe Arm in the service of the department. BREAKS LONG SILENCE Dr. Robert Bridges, Britain's 85-year-old Poet Laureate, broke a silence ol tn years when he spoke on "Poetry" at Magdalen College. Oxford, this week. FeW '8 ipeople have ever heard lit. Bridges make a public speech. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon eio-ing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on out stock-list board dally. We can give instant service in buying and jelling Mining Stocks on Vancouve Stock Exchange. We u)ta have facilities for ata'ptingWlteat order ou Winnipeg StjcV Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston CoM 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupet RC. ALICE ARM LODGINGS DANCE AT SOUTHBANK1 ACCOUNT SUBJECT OF (W. A deGraves in Bulletin) 'said a moment later, quite import-lantly, to the assistant librarian on duty. The assistant meditated ai mnmjant SUPREME COURT CAM -i know f v Mr k ling working in the library. What t t . r : v..i. D0es do?" cour. u. "I don't know what he doe." appeal of J. E. Tre J"W. Wl- d , h ,d see hJ UMto-R.tiJlT.-,B8Bt a-niaWTSr-so-mf import BANK. FrMgjis Lake, J. 0, Jretheway. against a 500 KipX wS -Mrs. H. C &inn and judgment by Judge Rugglesof J .VmJI ' hi ZiA , ,ard J Prlngle were joint Vancouver in favor of Mrs. Elsie f tn leave, StandiWg his ground and v.. - . : ..o. iJij-- r.o... m. nucleases ui a lire wuiv oriuge .11. jiituu; 01 uuwuiu. .ma. tlll ... unconvinced. , ,f.j It f ,,.,. t ., wasn un- ,. .u , ir.n... j ... k r j-any uw aociai evening wmcn u. til he happened to mention what wui koM k atlt, tin. Trethpwnv hecame indebted to . . 'miiti it ArtmarnttvI v fnr . " . .. . " 7' ... a . he wanted to see Mr. Kipling for Children , . . : :, . , . cmg ana me serving 01 aeiKious iwsms . u i .11 1 . in SbT s m,n!ng 0,P!ra:0r, 'Vm 1 -shments re oVer feaiureS Hotel; which she conducted sev- on ,e k,- ' ' Ii wit iw A Knn During the supper hour, prtees " ' That'aji iiory told by n coatirm- Tfe rocfil mHIfs closed at pres.,J ..fAwi P""1 10 t,w brire " " i ed library visftoi Betr it aound ent owing to all heavy hauling fm J'f."'' S?!f. "'.P1? Mra- T- Je'f fved TOAUTPn TnSPPAir.Tn" too good to be tffle. slipped until tfiey are somewhat "Tf .V .M' Easter package wwit to Mrs. J. North and A. David- AKiA-nt. jSantel, ar, . Keeffc p R. Keefe F. C, Bishop went to Prince Rupert on Sunday. 1 a new Chevrolet coach and is an extended vacation. Btilfd'i'rtg' a garage ort a 16t " across" from the G.W.VJa Halt, r There was a fight snowfall ,the men's first priie, a cigarette f , 'lighter, while the men's ewmohi- Mrs. Lee Intermela and family tion priut another Easter pc- . ien msi ween ior rnnce nupen t.-. wa. (M-MMn(iw) fo V Tar. - ' -jt-t. , .1 Mrsi H, HaHlweU has purchas- ana omer poinis in me soum on ( or. A MH KIPLING IN THE J EDMONTON LIBRARY FOOD FlihlES Since its i'neeptwn In Canada, fish cultural opflttttfefM have Hewas a very dignified sort of been almost entirely eenftned to thoroufffaly good time ! a man1 and he walked into the etty the more important frwh water was enjoyed by all. . llbrAry" few days ago.- and pftased amJ aHadfwag fooj but Those present were: Mm. Joint ja n Pw the janitor, who wa fl, reertt yMrf more ftttewti Hostrom, Mian Tillle Befctram, Miaa Alma Botrtrnm and Kvra liortrom, Craasy Plains; Mr. a6 Mra. V. Taylw, Mrs. W. Jeffory .n- Mrs. T. Jeffory, North Pmn-cois Lake, and .Mra. H. Corwr, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. KWe, Mir. id Mra. J. H. Keefe. ReglimW Tweed, Mr. nd Mrs. B. little and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. SBwrn, :pi4hbank. PUBUC WORKS MEN IN DISTRICT MOVE IW flAaninir iin thd AMBAtoA 1 " MM MM vHNMi to thw DMMMtinn I to find lhat want it poent M , tsmM!ku.A !ys.l learned about wfcoen front J, . . . , er. if you don t mirw. he said . . . . . . A. . amiably. The janitor was unable ""ww t",u' m u,e to assist him, but another boek-' ...... borrower who heard the query "U1 'uu ' , anteered the answer; i 'Just iro over the counter ) "esW thiU our there and ask for Kipling," he said, frI Meyer has beeotne rich at I arid walked on as the stringer ngle acnKeT' : bowed in the style of one of the Wo HoV rW it come about T; old' guard. "UW vUhr ffr had the I want to find Mr. KlpUng." ho stinte."--Syey DlpWttin. . U COjrSTA8L!5: "Dtd ymi get hi numb. r ilTO SALESMAN: " So, but ht Mis rlri in modf. ffxrr wheel brakes, leather wfeteiatery, a; tlfSiik atophx glass, automatic windatrteii wiper taptrred bearings, wheeze-in h-a raator, cclln!,. Hflijera front and rear, hydraulic dfeluy e;( orornetd stabilirers, drum head liMna, one 'enfer. afHent pnint-work, anld rrni-irka' in; S1.2AA, iiR-luding tax. , 25c tn beauk and i Rrfrr rn p nrp Wxll ft ; n M 1 1 Yoursclf- there it no MSjK Better Test Ford Car Features Coici 0f tdowrt if U It mtXts n knr rU laSoo lint M I M off ft AM tMaliM Skttttrmef Uu windtkltid Tin ft prtat faaittM Iwli lUlitbaitt and few fktf BEAUTY finds a new expression in the Ford car. Perfect proportion serves to mould-its low lines in pleasing harmony. Graceful, full crown fenders, acorn type headlights and full-nickeled radiator shell and appointments set off its dignified appearance. Performance In the Ford car implies more than smooth speed, flexibility, getaway and instant response to the brakes. The word covers inbuilt quality, precision methods of manufacture, and Inherent balance all of which make for many thousands of miles of carefree motoring. ECONOMY Month afteT month, as you have the opportunity to test this Ford car of yours, the realization grows that it costs very little to operate. You find that you get over twenty milej to the gallon of gasoline in city driving; nearer thirty on the open road. It is sparing on oil. Tires last longer than you anticipated, because the car is light and braking smooth and even. Ford labour and parts are low and Ford service is available everywhere. LONG LIFE Your Ford car is not outstyled from year to year. You can drive it as long as you like and it will hold its own in any company. Rather than creating yearly models, the Ford Motor Company's policy is constantly to make improvements which can be incorporated with your car at low cost. SAFETY The fully enclosed $ix brake sfttem grips the flying wheel with Jilent power. The windshield is of shatterproof glass. A steel body gives maximum protection. Even at high speeds the perfect balance of the Ford car and its unique and effective transverse serines huld it firmly on the road. These features contribute to both physical and mental comfort. SIMPLICITY Behind the whole plan of the Ford cr is a basic prirv dple that haa been followed to the letter. This may be expressed in the words "Make it better make it simpler". TIME PAYMENT If you prefer to buy out of income, you will fi 'd the authorized time payment f! in offered by all Ford dealers most attractive. m i- ii i mi i iinrmp rrri i ,ii.i FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, 0NTARI