Jnr di.y. Marcn IS, 1029 : L ,', ffELLS ABOUT BURIED VILLAGE i?-r of Moll-McOacken Ex it! :,!: ) 1.0 tares Jkfore n:ho.olofjr" Club i". i, Cfltoiu, Mr. 12: i'v ii Alafeii of i .-. of !. xhitjoiog- i v to 'science mxn ... . .Uinte4artifc. -ami t?' ' ,r lf"V"q il. . M -k -jsf the. te . ti.'aui'hWmhKh hr. 1 1 si liaoaa '.( I I'l' in ' H., I OHt4teF(T,L -Cij.V-o). or any tetnntH Jfcieti S'il-iii! Clutt, MWll ilgrant and i. of human ook Mat. Intincnts are l'ii'ard t human Hi an the easteryh4mi- lie V ni.'theTfi Indiana, doubtless i Asia. Thus Alaska. much closer to Asia ntiicr part of America. !:itly the gateway huh passed these early nirranta. The north-iht of North America, .in be regarded as thf rYTsV n,l Pirate. V- Toreador nJ Cob I Tn riirlivlnff snii v. -i?irini nat the V ud. en. Kevelry i s! .-.id . . . even (be tinjril and iteward csi i n:i rintolhc spirit ol it. ,m il help you out with vour cotftime. "-fti i- tlu- judglnj. tbe ii Ii HtK of carnival and il.uui. t. rirnty of re cr ,itun on a Cunar Jtrj 6u( Ctinard 1 1 WMkly Slllni u r.iii ope rTom mjt -.j from MontmU (raid Quebec) CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICC VW S.l94 r i. Tour lit ThW CtWn tni Third Clm ' .'18 MI VKKS OF SHACKLES OF MERE INFIRMITIES :. Miu hell, who,' with his wife, studied law despite his ua -fv'cT'the District of Columbia Bar examination of v s successfully. He took notes in Draille. st scene of human .history in aerica. I "No aborigines of Arctic Am-.riea, so far as ia knows, ever psed a written language Can-, nequentiy the mute relics of mat erial culture are the only soure-e of historical information here. Nevertheless, the buried prehis toric villages of Alaska yield tec-rets to the archaeologist" On the almost inaccessible summit of a precipitous island In the Aleutian chain, the expedi-, tion discovered a grave contain inK mummies of -unknown age. By 'reason of their careful pre piratien for burial, the bodies iCostined in a reuatiaJkae state at preservation. Tib trrnjn af-tyrtfW the first mpheBlve r fwsnation concerning, . this tor of burial in the Aleutian 1st-ends -before the intrtsfictiW of hjginr elviiytion. V i , V?foL& week Mr. Wefcr! Tuthm?inveatiKttiin in' the , egion of tiering Stra. ttie neck ! M water fffty Mile Wv&t- ting Asia and Alaska, fart of! lr- time he passed on tie ! We-! (ie Isirrfds, where dwell, the . 1 J & uiiuiiliir 1 1 inwip aw WW -section' of the .Arctic In e m4 oil with m moum w Ure,Mrti are the en oris ever taken on these islands, he related many interesting customs which ihesc Eskimos practice. IINDRGIRL One or Two Seleettoft From l'cn of Mi Anne Spencer : Morrow NEW YORK, Mar. 48! Tl "Lime Kglc" is to marry a poet, i nn i f whose verse tells of the rapture of pushing one's heell :ij-ui:.st the blue sky and one's lift ii rainst a cloud. Miss Anne Siur. er Morrow already hat flown with Col. Charles A. Llnd berah. Her poem "Height," win ner of an alumnae prhw, wae ub!irhsd by Scribnera raagaa. ine in April. 1928, after the Lono )-Ugle'a first visit to Mexico Cltjr. The poem followa: Height When 1 wu.h young 1 felt so small And frightened, for the world was tall. And even graasca Beemed to A forest of Immensity. Until I learned that I could grow A fiance would leave them far below. And flxinit on a star I grew I pushed my bead against the blue; sun like a singing bird, I find Kapture to lesve the Brass be hind. And sometimes, standing j In f or ner imu... --j Smlt! owl THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Vary your dinners FjtfflKW E4MES with fish and eggs 0 M ':i VI IV In Chestnut 'candls flume. Patterned on a twilight Mope Shadows on the grass And after dark along the walks' tauhter and steps that pass. a Not oors 'alone, we leave to Jro Shadows and hills and trees. My lips are cool again . elod. W ptant tM tvjf hsr. todir , .....inatintf eiaaa at imui.r ii!OW . V T, villtV LATTT STYLE b:T-' tv . (Alef-etit"teft.) ov l i, 'jieiithtful frJc fashioned in the gjfc psAt whlehK ls st pomjlar, tfcte season. Notfet iHbv new style cMffeiAh is eAught on the shalet loose knot with the ends left flying. This ml xaVhm ituren.U laVest wlst and bafnllne. ' ' A i'OPVLAK E.NSEMIILE (Above cut right.) The above is one of the ensemble suits which fashion decrees for spring wear. The coat Is of heavy silk with a flowing scarf. The dress hi of the . same material ami featur as the new pleated skirt Material of a eoatrastliut shade is stitched oa tc form. the large design on the front of the and skirt. iletesho wrote the fol- jfS 'Jv Iay, Rng poems follows: Kemcmbranre Ivg -w plart, remBtnl)eripp those, ! Yours handd have curved about Ail beauties ners we prise; l'ttrrde of?, hill 4tl bare black boughs Against becemlxr skies. this bowl. Your Hps save left a kiss upon this teacup's rim. Frail and Ins ni mate things that can oanaat A .Vis mi sfsgYlijN baauLy. no rmtavo tUltiWWt r u B 4oi ru fte'm;ves of ydW tatloijr, If I might sateh my breath and bow my ha To htart I might as vainly aak -:. i v I . its . . i: '. Another of her undergraduate Ko print of touch, no perfume lingering;, That beauty' 9WU . ltMl hand to hand' might serve as beauty's self, refashioning your loveliness fot raer Mute bowl! Mute cup I I me. - a . .ti . I int scene u jsmjMi-pwniuii io i recall Lost I I 1ST CATTIiK IN WHST j The founding of the Red River settlement brought cattle west of 4- Do their bright surfaces reroera- the Gkeat Lakes. In 19M a herd bar net m faint and trnulous of three hundred cattle was flutter ef the wings ef tight, driven from the south and din-, and shade and eolor that wart jrauT lMd of to the Red Hirer el- etitta. hy -Thirty njrJ?- Women often tell me that their greatest difficulty in meal olannine is to cet variety into the main dish. 1 1 is easy enough to build a dinner, once you have selected the meat, but it takes thought to get away from the obvious round of steaks and chops and routs. Why not now and then substitute fish or eggs? By combining either one with milk, you have a dish rich in food values jprotcins, minerals and vitamin- There are any number of delectable ways in which these combinations may be made omelets of all sorts, creamed eggs, souffles, creamed tuna, shrimp or lobster, scalloped oysters, salmon souffle. You mutt have a dependable milk supply In any cooking that calls for milk, I never take chances. I use nothing, but Carnation Milk. I know that it ts the purest of high grade milk from selected herds. I know that it is rich in cream doubly so for it is evaporated to double thickness. I know that I v.ill always find it sweet and (rood, no matter how large the quantity I have on hand, for it is sterilized for safe-keep-in?. I can count on Carnation always for notably delicious results extra cream-iness, velvety smoothness of texture, fragile delicacy of flavor. The best informed domestic scientists agree that it is not only better in results than ordinary bottled milk, but that it is particularly economical. Product ia Csuudft If you want to taiow what a great new field of cooking success awaits you in the use of Carnation Milk, send for free Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Co.,Iimited, 1U Abbott Street, Vancouver, RC. Carnation Tuna Fish a la King 2 tbsp. butter, yi green pepper shredded, 1 hard -cooked egg, yi cup chopped mushrooms, 3 tbsp. flour, 1 cup Carnation Milk, 1 cup water, salt arid pepper, yi cups tuna fish, H cup peas. Saute green pepper and mushrooms in butter until tender (about 10 minutes), keeping covered. Remove mushrooms ana pepper and blend flour with butter: add Carnation diluted with water and cook until mixture is thickened, stirring constantly. Place flaked tuna fish, peas, egg, mushrooms and pepper in double boiler; add sauce; cook over hot water 10 minutes. Serve in patty shells or on toast points. Serves d. Lobster or shrimp may be used in place of tuna. Baked Eggs a la Carnation VA tbsp. butter, 4 tbtp. flour, Jf tsp. salt. i tsp. pepper, yi cup Carnation Mi'k, yi cup water, 4 to 6 eggs, buttered bread crumbs. Make white sauce of butter, flour, seasonings and Carnation diluted with water. Pour into shallow baking dish. Cover sauce with eggs, being careful not to break yolks. Sprinkle buttered bread crumbs over top and bake in moderately slow (325"F. ) oven until eggs are firm. Garnish with parsley. The Best of Milk Carnation Milk is simply pure, sweet whole milk, ! evaporated to double creaminess. Nothing is added; nothing removed but about half the water. Try this dependable, convenient, economical milk. (See recipes above) from Contented Cows WATERPROOFS A Fisherman's Suit To Suit The Fishermen JACKETS CWk I sty sod i,y- PIKHIIMMI-N SIMICIAL .va.isia SIIC I CHiSf 43 MllltU MAM II CaitDA jr finMhy of nets r Gars citctsnf. PM Qowxl tide ptera, vsry rny and UU fly. Beth ftrsMftti art nude in JwBow tai Hire t very Mush ti iwtK. Mtde by Ctss4t 's (orcKt wittrpreof clothing tMiuJuturtn. in satt 38 to 44. On Stli iy Ftthtrman Smpff menkmh Insist upon getting a genuine Tower's Waterproof TOWER CANADIAN LIMITED TORONTO VANCOUVER WINNIPEG HALIFAX MONTREAL 21 Crescent Ground Cross-Cut Saw, No. 325 I TKU U cm lK motk popular uwi en lK tnuVii lot cuttinf pulpwead. Il U uJ I by tht Urt pulp wood joUwr tnd mMiilacUt. It it made with Unct TwK, 1 1 U turn, uti wiA hollow Uck U ipcaaDr s:M0MrtMkl)t Stt0 IWITID I PLdlllllTITl f fl Cl.NiK'1. VAMCOUVr". jfyi