August 24, 193?. ?AGE SEVEN; f gan in the MoQU sflF 1 Strvvmimv. . fLpjinr la, town who ILASbW ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUN! Sh- ,iiy the long-..'ci ibf fresher they THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. .; v.Ji in Spurn, I tot i ... Liii' if - wi oholl havo a, ,( t'rljtrc Rupert Pf.the: dy Ls Srady to tak the Mia' te' PMle tc-ler-h' onfl ,dunn. ' Is net vi n the tfloked. I pity ttu year In, ; :irc tli vendoaj cX Ice ,i,,ist liavs (lone abjut an n'tn who hires roabcaU pie can make eominpn r worth a thousand dol- by ltllg t. MMl Othjrt a punter's earn word; r their signature. I "nr the doctor's old bus, up the rand Mid the .rp dewn it hel a het iiick town. Ten Years Ago in Pr'nce Rupert August 21, 1919 : . A. Robertson D.S.O., Major Jimmy Robinson, K. Jones K.R.G.S. and ii G. A. RIx were speak- , public meeting in the i II when increased pen- war widows and or-i n urged Hinton, vice-president ial manager of the G. T. ,iy. has arrived from the !). stated that plans were i iccted for a large new M and that construction, i . cxpeited to commence ii.. ni'xt few weeks. Mnt.ley. M.L.A. for At-v. turned to the city af-! nir the national Liberal ii in Ottawa. A Mans Appearance more to do with his sue-, today than it ever had. hing that contributes to look of wellto-doness is I icd yes, necessary! ' fi- rp anything you know nut advertises success than A NICE RING? : inly nothing a man is more in' evidence.' u- place our ring stock : rt- you. Jewellers LiTJtC STOKE WITH THE CLOOS Coal? Coal? T-fci mlvnntngc of low price ,n l"U In jnur winter anpply, Hisox n(1 r.ssiiiy.m:i.L!N(i. In any quiinllllrs. AIo '"-sir Hay. drain and reed. Prince Rupert Feed Co 1'IIONES 58 AND 558 jjr Alexander rilONE 57B KKSNMt t.6C DENTIST Summer Resorts Where to Rptnd an enjoyable holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climb-tnrt etc. KITSUMGALI.UM LAKE LODGE Terrace, R.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake ..Gqqd fishing, boating and bath. tnor; hf.intlfnl unnAiirv' Ittonlt' miles from Terrace. ' Stage leaves' Terrace 9 &;tr).. Mtjndav, Wednes-j day and Saturday, $2 return. I uaies. Ki.zii peraay. write ioi ' special weekly rates. IJ. B. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace. B.C. i i WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cusine. Parties can be met at SkMegate or Port Clements. Wirele for reservations. MRS.RAJOUT Tlell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE AT BEAUTIFUL TRANCOIS LAKE Fpr Rent Ry the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel , Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucKs from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate, B.C. LAELSE LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS Is opened to guests. The lodge is situated on the shore at Lakelse Lake. Gocd fly fishing for rainbow trout. The hot springs contain Lithia which Is fine for rheumatism. Cottages for rent. J. Bruce Johnston, Manager. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone GS Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. I BRINGING UP FOR SALE FOR SALE-Iron and wooden pul- Apply uaily News, Box xx. tf ) FOR $ALE Axminster Rug, 9x10' McLarr range kitchen table, heater. Phone Blue 71.. 10 I FOR 5ALB18 II.P. Standard' Marine Engine at a bargain. R. L. Newcome, Seal Cove. ' Phone Red 481. 198 FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable iron haggers for shafting. Large siie. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 pally News Office. (tf) FOR SALE Six II.P. 2-cylinder 2-crcle Wilson marine engine in good condition. A bargain. Apply Box 212 Dally News Office, (tf) roii SALE Fishing boat W. T.( 52 W beam,1 13Vi feet, 80 h.p. Frisco Standard ea- "'s"1 ;w 'ui iy.-- condition. Phone Blue 159! FOR SALE Gasboat "Grevf!sl;, 2G x 7 1-2, 14 h.p. engine, fully-) equipped with trolling gear. anap, ov.uu. Appiy it. Jiei- py, western nooms. izw) who have bensfltted through .chiropractic. It was not until vnn qatc tt i i f9uSALEnennta? p,5l 1910 that legal recognition was Wilton rug, 9x9; kitchen table tint accorded. ana cnairs; srooKing caDinei: oak table; small rug. Apply J. J. Muldoon, 330 Fifth Ave. W. tf FOR SALE Gasboat "Half Moon" for $950.00. Hull 3 years old, 29 by 8 foot beam. 1G h.p. Palmer engine one year old. Gear and everythi plete and in good run der. . Apply George Jam ton Cafe. 193 'ti.V nf WANTED WOMAN WANTS WORK Plain cooking. Phone Red GO. WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace. - 179 S'll ll,- . WANTED Cook for house by September meals daily. Apply Box 21G Dally News Office. WANTED Position as hotel man asrer. ruteen years- expert ence; capable of taking full; charge; age 43; good references, j Would rent suitable place. Ap ply Box 220, Daily News Office. (200) AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Required in this locality to sell the most popular Canadian made line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards. Re- gal Art Co., S1Q, Spadina Ave., loronto. AGENTS WANTED Magic Gas equals gas Sc gallon. Nuway Cleaner removes dirt, grease, tar from automobiles quickly without soap or water. Two guaranteed products. Used by largest Bus Companies. Circulars,- letterheads, labels with agent's name 'furnished. Free particulars and proof. "3 Magic Gas Bldgs." Alexandria, Ont., Canada. -..rr i mi i ,mv ritirtn MILADY BEAUTY SHOP For first-class hair dressing, per- nianent waving and all kinds of," beauty culture. PHONE 055 FATHER CiRCIOU& DA.DCTY- HERE, COHS5 THAT HORRID NEIGHBOR 'WHO ALWAV6 WAKIT-b TO BORROW THlh4G- I'LU MOT AKl&WER THE DOOR II f I Vl U. AN I'LL OUT OP n EVER HE. WANTS- ii s,a.u m i mi t ianr i i 1 i"" 'iak v FOR RENT F0J. nKNT-Fpur room flat with " Phone W. tf. F0r RENT Published suite,, g mjj Aparfeta. Phone; nuo m5. wr Vtf) tilt UKWT Automoiiiteji ni.-ino.x" inc yfqfcMv Music FOR RENT FumUhed and un furnished housft. Apply 21B i Fourth AvenusJSast. (tf ) j FOR RENT Clean, well furnish- ed modern two and Ihree room- ed suites. Palmer .Apartments. mine uea w. un BOARD AND ROOM guaianteeil. Jum phone Black i Cnnimenclns at a poet pla-ited about 120 n.l wi will -all nFOnfll.'! 1 .tiil!;iiw,.! ' 20 eiiMu wthciterly (com the N. W f n rno J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER 'corner of I No. ni. ar!?im Wand. ,, . . ... , thence wtat 19 ehatna: thence north i I ederal Block J chain tc 1 ystor; theqee can 10 chalite: the-ic nouth S thalm to point of commencement, and containing 8 .,.,.,, ,,. I acrea. more or !ei SALVAGE ANP. TOWING i Datod May 11th. 1029. BOARD And.-Boym $85,, perIo;U and. c, of aU (escrip4 month, rnone i,rtn zib. ti CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS It. . ITM- t X.. 1 1 - recognuml InoW stales of the j unjon. This recognition has been sought Hf,nirht nnd and gained earned by bv I the people; F.r vmir h(,flith' uk. consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Phones Black 282 Open Evenings 'it'(UIUOI?RAbTdR GETS E RESULTS,,;. a a Neuritis, Lumbago, Sdatied ' Rheumatism, Stomach Trouble,1' '3 HedHaehes- and Backaches. ' tonsUltaffflrl1 Free R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C 623 Tiird Avenue West Office Telephoned Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 i.i . , P ' ! -fifrrritfr- ..intf EDUCATIONAL roidlRYHOusE'scHOOi' 1 ' 1 FOR BOYS , (Janges Harbor, B.C. .i Sound Modern iiducation ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIO Boys taken for holidays Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application THE STIRLING TEA ROOM Next to Prince Rupert Hotel Light lunches from oon to 11:40 iMf)(tnable rat-ss for dinner and supper to regular boarders. Home cooking. Onkos and pies made to order. PHONE BLUE 129 EXTENSION l)F TIME NOTIDE Is hereby given that the time for tn motion of tnde frfh. men's Fleets. Prince Rupert, B.C., is By order, 8. K. O'BRIBN. uearwary. DMaWtonnt of Public Works, Ottawa, August v, AUCTIONEER l'RINCfc RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy. sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, rnusJrnl instruments, machinerv. etc. tiirn- t t ' . I i rn rPTiairs rr.irinrf . nnpL'inr . -- .- - , b , and shipping. Workmanship: if fs on or under the waler we ,0 f PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped far Diving and, i Hp n Aral Snlv.uro Wnrlr. tinM tnr rhnrter. Raw Boats aod Cannes for hire. Bamains (.a Gan Kncfner. AOEMTS FOR Korher U. C, DiaiributoiP Sand and Gravel, In any quan - it. . I A II I'A .n.l n n ..... 1. n v n V... water. Phone. D?y or Night, 564 P. O. Box 1551 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and' Art Supplies P." O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 I Hi; .-v.: " week-end EXTRA . , SPECIAL i 10 Only, Bed Couches, complete with mattress, coil springs. Makes full size bed. Simmons goods guaranteed.- Whil-e thev last, :l'r-y. $16.00 MacKENZIE FURNITURE ', if P1,0NP 75 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply lo Lease Land In The Stlklee wim neeordlng District of British Columbia, and situate about one half ulle Saatrrly from the mouth of the Tulaequah Rlrer. which i Into the Taku River about six inllesj Line. Take nutie that 1. Jmw-s a. Super of Lot Angeles, occupation, mining engineer, intend to apply tor permission to purchase, the following dWrloed Commencing at a post planted one hatt nil Sisterly from tfc mouth of the TulaeqUMb River, Mteoce East 2d idisliu- onaint. tiheiHW North Nortn 90 ao ahafna- enaina, thenr. i wueen aarroive wnu uwjks thencj UnJ District ol PrsaceRup- Vrest M chains; .Ute&ce SouMi SO ert. and situate neer the tnouth of Ma-chklm and oontalnlng 40 arS. more .sett Inlet. Orabam Island. or i Take notice that Langara Fishing et 'Packing Company. Limited, of Maacett. JAM 66 B BTAPIElt B.C.. occupation, salmon cannera. in-1999 1999 220 tnd to applT IOr leM 01 f"0"; Dated June lotto. - YOlt KNOW IIEIt "Orace oeecM to be fond of music, doesn't sh?M "Yes, lnde4. You'U alf tln4 h$r St the piano when her rnot&er Is washing the dtahea." The Oreoer. Daily News "Want Ads" bring quick results. LAND "ACT Not lie of Intention ta Apply ta Leuxc l-and Laud atcMdU is mttrict or Prince Hup- en. artd.i4Ua in near Klaahwirn Point, nrhairtTlHa! tl . TnkA UktlPA that Ril'frene It. Rimnknn . . : .xm - - .. - oi M.iratji. u.u., occupation, cannery" !nn- 'ntejwta to apply for a ieav of the EUOENE HUMPI1BY SIMPSON Kenry White. Arent LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to lan Ijnd . in U en CTrk)U ina aiatnei. uun LuxynunK uwuici. oi nmsm itup- ertt Ida Kti4te near the mouth of Na- den Harbor, on UuotRdo Island rake notice that I. AUtnor moertaon, .of Uasson. B.C.. ocewnatlon. m l owner, tnluids U aonly tor a lease of the followlnlTtescrlbed larida: , , Commencing at a ppjt oUnted near the south east turner of Lot 7119, Minor- redo IiUnd: thence northly 10 chains; thence easterly 5 chains to low water, thence foUowJng low water southerly 10 Attain .n.. oAtTlv tj mftint nf Mm. mencement, and containing four acre. . . -""3 1 V. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By Henry White. Agent. Dated May 12th. 1939. SKKKNA LAND RtCOKDIMI DISTRICT ' : 1 TAKE NOTICE that the Brltto Co - i lumbia Ftohlng & Packing Company. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C., occupation. fishing and packing, intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore, situate fronting on Lot 10, Range S, Coa-H District: Commencing at' a post planted at the southwest cor- ner ofLot 10'. Range 5. Coat District; thenee vuth S chains: thence In a ssnth- easterly direction 15 chains; thence In , south-easterly direction 2S ehslna, more i or less, to ajgn waier mara at a iwin. i aistant to cnains, more or iess,-;weserij from the southeast corner of Lot 10: ; Uirnm thence norUiwesterlT. following'' Hlvh ! water mark 0 tM point oi commence ment. and containing IS 'seres, more or lew. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. j. H. BusbneU, Agent. Dated 20th June, 1929. IJIND ACT., Notice ot Intention to Apply to tyt Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Reoordlng District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Arnlston Point. Norm Dundaa Island. Take notice Vhft langara Fishing It Packing Company. Limited, of M&ssett, B. C. occupation, canners, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore. CoMfiieficlng at post planted at the extremity of Und on Arnlston Point. , thence westerly 20 chains; thence norm-1 erlT S onama to low water: thence east erly 20 cnains: thence southerly to : point pf rommencement. and containing i 20 more or less LArjQARA FISHINO At PACKING CO.. LTD. By Its Agent. John William Mnorehouse Dated June 7th, : 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land inK aeacrioeo iiwius. iviwiiwb. Commencing at a post piantea near the southern end of Hidden Island; thence northerly 10 chains; thence east-. ft Mhalna- . h.n.a wuilhwlff ID' chains, following low water, thence westerly to point ot commencement, and containing 5 acres more or leu. LANOARA FISHINO & PACKINO CO-. LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 11th. 1929. Try a Dally News want-ad. It wIJ! brjng results. -! KKCENA LAXp KF.COSPlO DISTRICT i-TAKH -NOTICE: that th Tlrltl.h - rluiubia Fishing; & Packing Company, Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., occupation. fUblne and tncklcg intends to uddIy fpr a lea$ uf tnej' following described tituate Ircntlnir on Lot a, Itange i. Coast putrlct: Commencing at a iurt tantd at a txilnt on the southerlv boundary of Lot 3. Ranee S. fflatfcnt &irmt. 1R l41rt. ftvm h. um.tK. - - .-- - rr east cirner: thence N.B3'E. to the nro- ouoi nation sontherty of the east boundary of lot 3; thence northerly to mean high water mark; tnnce westerly and aouUi-i-rly, follDwlDjt mean high water mark, ti, the point commencement, and con-talulng ten acres, more or lena. unynsn Columbia fishino & v PACKING CO.. LTD. J. H. Biixnneil, r-r Agent. Dated 24tb Jupe 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land - In the Queen dnvlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate nr the mouth of Ua sett Inlet at Seven MlTe Point. Take notice that Langara Fishing to Packing Conoany. Limited, ot Uassett, B.C.. occupiVlon. salmon cawiers. in. lenas to apply for a lease o the follow. nr described lands: Commencing at a post planted neat LOt orahim uina- thnc iMi 10 chains, thence northerly 5 chains: thence easterly 10 chains following low water: thenee southerly S chains to point oi commencement, and containing 8 acres, more or less LANOARA. FISHINO PACKINO CO., LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 14th 1829. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Reoordlnz District of Prince Run ert. and situate at an unnamed point on ,b' ffV5r nV' ,??ftmj - eMtrn wrty 'e unnamed .'ke on Zayes Island, Take notice that Eugene H. Sim peon nd Author Robertson of Uassett. B.C.. ceupatlon. cannerymen. Intend to apply 'of I of the following described :nd: Foreshore. ' , . . Commencing at a post planted 200 feet south of high water at the extremity aooTe-menuonea unnamed point: thenee esst 20 chains: thence north S ,L . .wuu. i menceraent. and containing 80 acres. T-ore ot leas. EUOENE HUMPHKlrT SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBCRTON. Bv the Arent. John WUUam Moo rehouse. Date June Ttb. 1929. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. S.D. Johnston Co.LffJ. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Cal gary and Toronto stock ex-; changes. Closipg prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, wiP receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johns ton Co. Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert. B.C. By George McMianus Wah mr Jicg,i1 Rthbn too wont BV GO-u. ,Hg.coI 'xr a Hi f IF VOO ARC GOING BffiHlBC U LAWN-MOWER P rBB TVE UAWN A HC 3 JMffM I TO U TOOR , rBSlU H So ,0 U MkE TO rm ' , VyATCHIN' r-E OH I LAWN HOftB ( J LS 1 aoROQW iT. J r. m sTTim Lffl i-riiptin fiHf rr-i vtaMaes.m i iiftiu,viii: taiPiuiLj4jii" sbisvuu, r.ywj i " " (. 1UJ. Iml rcir 8-lrf. Ins. Crti Britain tls'j)iTnJ. j