.,, U. S. NAVY WILL nE REDUCED BY ,MANY DESTROYERS - A WASHINGTON Rant Ort- A The naw demrtmrnr' tnd'ov revealed that its recent order v removing from commission destroyers of the battle, and v scouting fleets. u-nnM nxtonH to 53 ships. . TRAVEL TO AKLAVIK Airplane Service to lie Inaugurated to Arctic in November by Post Office OTTAWA. Sept. 20.An air mail service from Edmonton to Akbvlk, at the mouth of the Markpntlc.Klvcr, will . be .enja 1 ToaTRed upon in November, . postal officials announce. The distanre is about 290') miles and Fort McMurray, Chlp'wayan, Smith; Resolution, Providence, Simpson, Wrljley, Norman, Good Hope, Arctic, Red River and McPherson will be served en route, the journey taking about four days. Henceforth only heavy freight will be taken down the Markrmie River on the old wtod. burning river boats. Lighter package freight will be carried by airplane. Quiet Wedding Was Celebrated Yesterday by Catholic Bishop Mls Atnrs Saunders Becomes Bride of Philip W. Blackburn of Vancouver a ouiei weaaing WUS I1C1U MIC Catholic rectory last evening when Miss Agnes Saunders dauglUer of Mr, una Yct'VhUin Avenue W.. was married to Pnl lp W. Blackburn of Vancouver The ceremony was performed by Bishop Bunoz, O.MX , Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn left on S.S. Prince Rupert for Vancouver and Victoria for their honeymoon, after which they will take up residence In Vancouver. Shipping Lumber to Hudson Bay Over New Railway Line OTTAWA, Sept. 20 Something like half a million feet of British Columbia fir is to be taken in over the Hudson Bay jtanway wj Churchill to be used lor wo iramc- work in naroor developments. Previous shipments went by way of Panama Canal. Tank Exploded At Winnipeg Today Winnipeg. ScDt. 20. Frank Martin. 30 years of age. and Richard Hughes, aged 29. of Winnipeg, were killed when the gdsoilne tarik exnloded mis mprnins "v"?c and spread the fire through the building on Portage Aveue East. It wrecked the structure and delated recovery of the bodies. The damage was $14,000. A SPECIALIST The maid spoke sharply througn ih"iiol can't give you anything, you'll have to come back at 5 o-clock when the madam Is here. mt enrrv ladv.l can't." said the beggar. "My hours are only 8 to 4,"-Soc!ety. On Legation Staff j Miss A. M. Balrd. of Ottawa who has been appointed to the staff of the Canadian Legation In Japan with, headquarters at tokio. Concern Expressed For Two Airplanes Sub-Arctic Region WINNIPEG, Sept. 20. Some concern is being expressed for two planes somewhere on the air mail trail between Athabasca and Coronation Gulf, In the sub-Arctic area, carrying Col. C. D. H. MsAl-plne, president of the Dominion Bx-plorers; A. D. Broadway, pilot; Al Reading, geologist; Richard Pierce, geologist; Captain J. McMillan and C. A. Thompson, pllats. Winnipeg air officials say no apprehension la being felt. The planes are due at Great Bear Lake, northern Alberta, tomorrow. Newsboy Killed; Crushed To Death in an Elevator VAN&OUVER. Seot. 20 Crushed between the car door of an automatic elevator and the entrance on the Sixth Street floor of the Windermere apartments, Thorlow Street, Leslie DUmbrell. aged 13, a newsboy, was killed this morning. Should Refuse To Sell Grain at Low Prices OTTAWA, Sept. 20. Nothing should Induce the Canadian far-Tier to move his grain overseas un less he receives a proper price for it Is the position taKen by K. u. Ramsay, chairman of the board of commissioners. There is suf-iclent ?raln storage facilities in Canada to take care of this year's crop, as well as a larae holdover from 'last year. If there Is any congestion, it will likely be only temporary, ne said. Typhoon in the Philippines Is Cause of Death MANILA. Sept. 20. Twenty-six persons perished in a typhoon which struck the islands of catan duances and Ranurhuaua, near the centre of the Phllliptnes, Tuesday and Wednesday. CASE PROCEEDING Hearing Is proceeding before Tudge Young In County Court today of the action In which C. C. Ketchum is suing Jack Prescott for $131 for goods sold and deliv ered and rent. Milton Gonzales is counsel for the plaintiff and W. E. Fisher for the defendant. The oase opened this morning and was ad.iourned at noon until 3 o'clock this afternoon. European Buffalo Remain in Sveden STOCKHOLM. Sept. 20.-Sweden now has the largest stock of bisons, or European buffalos. fn the world, and it Is expected that thjs rare animal will continue to increase in number, although It was Drcvlously threatened with ex Unction. The bisons were originally Imported to Sweden and have sinoe been carefully kept and tended. In a special preserve at Engel aberg. In the province of TOMORROW'S TIDES If Boston Grill Saturday, September 21 MKOE CAHAKET High 2:44 a.m. 205 ft Special Dlnnen Thursdays and Saturday 14:51 pjn. 21.2 ft. Dancing Every Saturday Night, 9 to It Dance Hall tor Hire Low 8:58 a.m. 4.5 ft. Accommodation for Print Partie 21:19 pm. 3.5 fv. PHONE 457 7 . Va NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XX., No. 219. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS Vancouver Job of Building Three Barges Comes To Prince Rupert Drydock and Work Is Commencing The lumber having arrived from the south this morn J ing in scows towed by the tug Lornet, construction is about to start at the local drydock of thrpe barges, contracts for which the yard have iust boon Vancouver firm . The barges will be of wooden construction, measuring 110 feet long and 40 feet wide. The work will aid the dock considerably in keening busy durinir the coming fall. , Arrival of steel is still being awaited before construction can be started on the bigger job of building a steel tug and car barge for service of the Canadian National Railways on Okanagan Lake. ATHLETICS FAVORITES Given Silent Odds in Wall Street to Win World Series; Cubs to Take First Game NEW YOHK. Sept. 20: Thr Philadelphia Athletics, with a full team of rookies, beat out Detroit Tigers yesterday after the latter hud obtained a three-run lead In the third Inning. The Mackmen regulars are now commencing to rest up for the World Series, having clinched the American League pennant. Harold McKaln let the New York Yankees down with four scattered hits while the Chicago White Sox pounded George Ptp-rrxs- Only five hundred spectators shtvered In the cold to. see thu pme In the National League, the. Ohi-rairo Cubs beat the New Yoric Giants behind six-hit pitching or Pat Malone. Wall Street reported first offer ing'- of wagcrt and 6dds yestcrttrry on the World Series with the Ath-lrtlrs slight favorites Up winthe 'rlrs and the Chimin. Cub1 'the rholce to take the first game In Chi ago on October 8. Yesterday's scores: National lagtie' New York 0, Chicago 5. Boston 6. Pittsburgh 3. Philadelphia 0. Cincinnati 5 American League Chicago 7. New York 0. Cleveland 2. Boston 3. Detroit 4, Philadelphia 5. St Louis 1. Washington 2. May Ask Extension of Studies Course in High Schools ittrwinTi in- a t-ui nir bv the provincial department of ; f Juration extending the Junior I matriculation curriculum oi rugn Fi hooi nvor fniir.vr.iir Dcriod in Place of the three-year course now general, will likely be brought up for discussion by me u.v,. S hnol Trustees convention to be h Id at Nanalmo shortly. Mrs. J. A. Gillespie Heads W. C. T. U. VICTORIA. Sept. 20.-Mrs. J. A. Gillespie of Vancouver was reelected president for "British Columbia of the Women's Christian Temperance Union at the convention which has just closed here. TORONTO STOCKS (MirCatfcry. Olbbona & Coltart, Ltd.) Amulet, 3.20, 3.23. Mandy. 55, 59. Bollinger, 5.00. 6.00. Hudson Bay, 17.75. 17.05. International Nickel. 60.50, 60.73. Lakcshore, 22.00, 22.15. Mining Corpratlon. 4.15, 4.20. Mclntyre, 14.05, 14.25. Noranda, 58.00. 58.75, Abana, 1.76, 1.78. Bherrttt Oordon, 7.65, 7.70. , Troattwell Yukon. 8.80, 8.05. , Ventures. 0.60. 6.75. Home Oil, 19.00. 19.50. Tcck Hughes, 5.85, 5.90. LITTLE GIRL BURIED The funeral of little Agnes Am-K'ulz, 20-month old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joe Amstulz, who was accidentally drowned at Swanson Bay last Saturday, took Place at 3. o'clock this afternoon rom the chapel of the B.C. Un- "t-ruiKers to Fairview cemeiery uisnop E. M. Bunoz O.M.I. oflic lated. MANY DIE BIG FIRE Merrymakers In Detroit Cabaret Entrapped by Flames Early Morning DETROIT, Sept. 20. Sixteen persons are dead and fifty injured, many seriously, following a fire which destroyed the Study Club cabaret early this morning. The flames, which destroyed a three-storey building In which the club was situated, broke out In the basement shortlv after I o'clock this .morning and spread rapidly through the structure, entrapping three score or more of merrymakers and employees in the second floor, dining room. Speaker Tells ofPeace.Riverat Rotary Luncheon II. F. Piillen Gives Talk on What He Saw as Delegate From Local Board of Trade That the Peace River eountrv Is! the choicest part of the grain I growing section of Canada was the opinion expressed by H. F. Pullcn in a talk on the Peace River coun try o the Rotary Club. The speaker nnntloned that the country was a -'rillnx one. which bore excellent rons thiil so far had never failed. They drove through mile after mile f wheat, all in stook. the appear-1 n;:c mair.aung inat trie yield would "ic lar.tc. yet It was a poor year for that nart of the country. The Brit ;sh Columbia section was the best -art of u all and the possibilities were Infinite. Then of course. It tfould have to r remembered. Mrv Pullcn snld. that the wintera-wetc long, the Mlraards fierce, the mrisoiiltoeT active, and sometimes there was a 'hortnge of water. These wore the drawbacks. In splto of them the :ouniry was a wonderful one and offered splendid opportunities to those who wished to go in for grain growing. He gave Instance of men who had gone in with nothinc and made 1yxi and now were independent with large incomes derived from the annual crop. Everywhere were slgru of wealth, even though at times It was doubtless true that there were men even there who did not succeed. Mr. Pulien spoke of the fiaht thev had nut tin fnr Prlnrn nnnnrt both in the country and at the con-1 ventlon and explained that they had done their best eyen if no re- suits might be obtained. Peace River Editor V Prince Rupert Public Meeting Monday Eve. Word was received by wire this morning by the Board of Trade that Charles W. Frederick, publisher of the Peace River Record and other publications in the Peace River dstrict, will arrive in the city, probably on the steamer Catala on Sunday. Accordingly, a public meeting has been arranged to take place in the city hall Monday evening which wiH be addressed by the visitor and at which a general discussion of Peace River problems will take place. Mr. Frederick . a'so will be entertained informally in Cjty wJJj Jjg jh0Wn tn(J gje. Indians Mulcted For Obstructing Fishery Officer Samuel McKay and Albert McKay, Oreenvllle natives, were each fined $25 and costs, with option of thirty days' Imprisonment by Stipendiary Magistrate H. V. Mc-Leod, In provincial police cou.t yesterday afternoon, for obstructing a fisheries department officer while 1 in the execution 01 nis duties. E. F. Jones appeared for the prosecution, while W. O. Fulton acttd for the defendants. GRAIN COMMISSIONER OTTAWA, Sept. 20. James Robinson, former grain commissioner, was appointed assistant grain C.r.R. steamer Princess Wiry, capt. s. K. aray, is aue in pott at 8 o'clock this evening from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and Sir Geo. E. Foster Veteran Canadian statesman, who raised his voice In the cause oi pea.-.e today at Geneva. No Plebiscite on ' Liquor Control Act Ontario Announced TORONTO, Sept. 20. There will be no plebiscite on the liquor control act as long as the Conservative ;ovemnvnt is in power, Premier Ferguson declared in a S;)ce'.h at .ic i. wiufi vttilvc banquet here last night. B. C. Ministers v Leave ForPeace River On a Visit VICTORIA. Rent. 2ft. -The minister of agriculture left here today en route to the Peace River, accompanied by Hon. F. P. Burden, minister of lands, both of whom desired to secure Information In connection with Immigration. Sees Importance of Hudson' s Bay Route OTTAWA. Sept. 20. The Hudson Bay route will bs important from the standpoint of Imports as well a ernnrta Phlof flrnln Pnmmli. ,ln ninm, day. Possibly the new route will havo Its greatest value in reduced transportation rates on imports for the western farmer. to Visit and Address a vator as one of the facilities which may become a factor in the busi ness of the Peace River country. Mr. Frederick was a speaker at the meeting with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at Peace River and was also delegate to the convention in Edmonton. He has been on a visit to Vancouver and Is paying the visit to Prince Rup- crt on nts way oacK to tne Feace. High Value Ores in Rainbow at Babines SMITHERS, Sept. 20. Assays which have Just been made further substantiate reports of high values In new ore uncovered by James Wright In his prospecting of the Rainbow group of claims in the Ba-bine district. The silver content nlone runs 150 ounces to the ton, while, in addition to gold of $4, a samDle taken from the surface as sayed over 15 copper, this being a sample across two reel or ore in a vein six feet wide. Sir George Foster at Geneva Urges Limitation of Armaments in Vigorous Speech to League GENEVA, Sept. 20. Sir George Foster of Canada. speaking as a voice from the North American continent, supported the British proposals for hastening of the general disarmament conference in a vigorous speech before the League of Nations disarmament committee today. The peoples of Canada George said, "have revoltetd by bureaucrats and dictators and insist that human life is of more importance than techncalities, wheh stand in the vav of limitation and disarmament. CLERGY ARE IN RUPERT Conference and Jubilee Celebration of Anglican Church of Caledonia , All the Anglican clergy of the : dlocese of Caledonia are in the city , today to attend the Anglican con- j ference and Jubilee of the diocsse .nd to confer with the national :ommlsslon Investigating the work if the Anglican Church In Canada. Mining Si SmeltLng Co., announced This commission consists of Rt. Rev. yesterday before Major J. C. Mac-D. T. Owen, Bishop of Niagara, Dr. donald, water controller, that Con- 3ould, general secretary or tne mis- solldated would buUd a coast smelt-Jlonary Society of the Canadian er at Lois River, near Powell River, -.hurch. and Dr. Olsbome of Ot- if it secures the right to harness the 'awa. stream At a conference last night the af- The Powell River enmnanv is ask- fnlrs of the dlncese were discussed wiui uie commission. This morning at 8 o'clock there was ft telebratlon of the Holy Com- aaunJon. tne ceieurant Being Bisnon Rlsi purlng the morning visits were naae to tne Kiaicy norr.e ana me Japanese mission. This Is being fol lowed by a banquet this evening ina Ifoly communion tomorrow ;nomln. Visiting clergy areata 1 Moncd here as follows: Mr and Mrs. George Rorle enter tain Rev. L. J. Hale of Smithcrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Farquhar , have Rev. Canon T. Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Allen, Rev.' A. W. Robinson of Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tucker, Rev. W. E. Cooper of Oreenvllle. Rev. j. 0. ana Mrs. umson nave Ven. Archdeacon E. Hodson of Ocean Falls, Rev. T. D. Proctor of a Hazelton and Rev. S. C. Steer of Vanderhoof. At Prince Rupert Hotel. Rev. Powell River Hospital with but Oliver Thorne of Klncolith, Rev. H. slight chance of recovery as a re-Tlores of Alyansh, and Rev. J. S. suit of a shooting accident at Brayflcld of Anyox. Grain Rolling Towards Ports n 1 icaugni it oy tne muzzle, in pul- rncr nnH WpCr llR8 lt towards her, the trigger JLitiOl ailU II CO V , caught on a lower step and the (unfortunate girl received the full ,,,.,, . -j,. ,,, ; charge of: shot at point blank WINNIPEO. Sept. po.-'The high-! range lust below the left hip and ost peak In grain marketings to be nngtnst diagonally through the vlo t.hts year along the toes of hy, accident occurred at the Canadian National Railways the home of Miss Johnston's par-was reached Wednesday, when ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo 6 Johnston, farmers hauled 2,155.000 bushels to, f-ountrv elevators. Likewise. Canadian National Railways grain loadings reached their second highest figure this year for a single day. for 005 cars were loaded with 1510.000 bushels. Oraln In storage at country elevators is now 12.217.000 bushels, an Increase of 915.000 bushels over the previous day. I Tnere are now aojo cars 01 gram , in transit to the lake head, Five ' hundred and seventy-one cars ar - ' rived at the head of the laices 437 ; cars were unloaded, and 1181 cars are awaiting unloading. Seven boats cleared the head of the lakes with 1.684.000 bushels and three more are due to arrive Grain In storage at Vancouver j now totals 6.C59.0UO Dusneis ana 231 cars are now on their way to that oolnt. while storage at Prince Rupert Is 38,000 and 73 more cars I on their way. WILL CONTINUE WORK The Consolidated Mining &, Smelting Co. has had such encouraging results In development j of the Duchess and Contention' groups in the Telkwa River sec-. tion ownea Dy . m. uockhu ana. continue the work which has now been In progress for over a year. Struck by Timbers; Died Soon After VANCOUVER. Sent. 20. Struck by heavy timbers at the Vancouver Lumber Company's yards. Thomas Martin, an employee, suffered In- juries this morning which caused his death shortly afterwards. and the United States, Sir from the o'd idea of control SMELTER AT LOIS RIVER IS PLANNED Fight For Control of the Power Be- tween Consolidated and Towell River Co. VICTORIA Sept 20 F O T Lucm. COIin.vl for tho fYinsnllrlafeH ing for Lois River power for the ex- tension oi lis duid ana Dapcc mill for the manufacture tt naner. it says It must have. this additional power by 1931 in order to retain its export markets. Tne neanng was adjourned until October 18. - . , LOCAL- GIRL MAY DIE Miss Thelma Johnston Severely Wounded in Gun, Accident at Lund Near Powell River Miss Thelma Johnston, aeed la. former resident of Prince Ru- pert and more recently livinc In Vancouver, is a patient In the Lund, near Powell River last Sun- aay. 1 The accident occurred when a youth. Vanar Deckman, and Miss Johnston were sitting on verandan stens at Lund with a shotguu resting between them. The gun' I started to slip and Miss Johnston Padded Price to Allow Payment to Other Tenderers LONDON. Ont. SeDt. 20. A case which has attracted wide Interest has been Investigated here In which 11 was snown mat a group or puim- ucio tendering uu uig cuy .100s uau arranged to make the tenders high enough to allow fnr the successful bidder paying the unsuccessful parties considerable sums to recoup them for the cast of submitting the lenaers. in an, some siz.uuu naa been paid out In this way on half a dozen, big Jobs. The sum of $1000 had been paid out to each unsuccessful man n the new city hall Job, the prlci being padded to allow for this. Halibut Sales American Republic. 2,000 to AtUri erles at 13 and 0. Canadian Folly. 2R00 to Atlln Fisheries at 13.5 and 10. Cape Spencer, 8.000 to Cold Storage at 15.5 and 10. Kalen. 5.000 to Atlln Fisheries at 15.5 and 10. Bremsnes, 1.000 to Royal Fish Co. at 13.5 and 10. Royal III. 2 800 to Cold Storage at 13.4 and 10. : Cape Race. 2,400 to Cold Storage at 13.4 and 10. A. J.. 2.000 to Royal Fish Co. at j!3.5 and 10.