0 TAGE SIX Victor Rudy tUH Fox Trot Vocal Victor Talking Machine Co. My Song of The Nile from the motion picture "Drug" Waltz The Troubadours 22073 Vocal The Melody Three 22023 Baby Oh Where Can You Be? Rudy Vallfe and His Connecticut Yankess Johnny Martin Am I Blase? from the motion picture "On With The Show" Fox Trot Nat Shilkrct and 22004 The Victor Orchestra . II MlVshmka Irl II ilM II ORTHOPHONIC Hl n I"! VICTOR VICTROLAS AND IVIpKP KlAC RADIO RECORDS lllllVaC JJIUO. RECEIVERS DEMAND 22034 22039 KatShUkret Maybe! Who Knows? Fox Trot Charles Dornberger and His Orchestra 22031 Vocal Gene Austin 22033 Heigh Ho! Ev'rybody, Heigh Ho! Fox Trot Rudy Vallee and His 22029 Connecticut Yankees Little Pal from the motion picture "Say It With Song" Vocal Gene Austin 21952 Fox Trot Georfie Olsen and 21954 Oeort.OlKO His Music All the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor Artists of Canada, Limited VE-U "Rupert Brand" - Kipper "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian -Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'lUNCE KUI'EKT, B.C. COAL! MINE HEAD LtjMP-rPAF ton . . . .v. .... $13.50 MINE HEAD EW Per ton $12.50 PEMBINA EGG-Per ton $12.00 SPECIAL PRICES FOR WINTER'S SUPPLY HYDE TRANSFER 171 THIRD AVENUE EAST PHONE 580 HEATED STORAGE DAGOAGE COAL INDUCTION AT TERRACE Rev. II. T. Allen Formally Installed I As Pastor at Knox Church TERRACE, Sept. 20: The In ductlon ot Rev. H. T. Allen intv .the pastoral charge of Knox United Church, Terrace, took place or Wednesday evening. Sept. 18. anci was an Impressive ceremony. I Rev. A. Wilson BA. of Prlncr Rupert, conducted the service am: Rev. T. H. Wright B.A. of Harp. ton, made a short introductory ad dress. Following a much appreciated vocal duet by Mrs. D. D. Munr-' and Rev. H. T. Allen. Rev. Mr Wright delivered a stlrrinpr address to the congregation, offerin? much good advice in the carrying out 01 tneir part or the church work. I A. Wl'son then gave the address to the new parson. einrv latin on the Injunction to be A i good preacher, a good pastor anc ia good presbyter." I A social evening with refrcsh-'ments followed during which brief addresses were made by Will Rob-'nson K. T. Kenney and Rev. A W. Robinson. ; During the afternoon the visit-1 !ng ministers had been taken by! motor around the district in thrj I immediate vicinity of town, anal coin expressed themselves as hav ing received a very favorable im-ipression of conditions here. They left on Thursday for the Interior. I Rev. A. Wilson going as far a I Hazel ton to meet Mrs. Wilson and family who are returning from a visit to friends in England. Boys Led Off in Efforts to Secure Redipoint Pencils ROV lfri the irav TOefaniao I.. getting the new Redipoint Dennis being given away to school chil dren bringing in new subscriber? to the Dally News. Girls have been slower to realize that they too can get these fine pencils free of cost lust by getting a person who is not now a subscriber to the paper ia imminence laiung 11. BOVS and fflrU nut nf foam well In the city mav receive KS2SOi?3&mder shnDar terras Mirrmltfr Subscription price and tha.rjcncil. Ji mlUH Soi-t- t, turn ' ,Ther Is one warning to all. Th subscriber must be a new one, and not one who Is now taking the paper. O. H. Kohl, locating engineer for I the Power Corporation of Canada returned to the city on this at ternoon's train after a two-day vtsjt to the company's construction operations at Falls River. Week-End Specials MALKIN'S BEST TEA Cf 1-lb. pkg UUC- CRISCO 3-lb. tin extras. Per doz 85c BROOKFIELD CREAM- Q-fi I ft ERY BUTTER 3 lbs. DUTCH MAID SALAD OSn DRESSING-S-oz. Jar BEEKIST HONEY 5-lb. tin 85c COWICHAN EGGS Fresh C?n ENSIGN ORANGE MAR- AC MALADE 4-lb. tin 0s VICTORIA CROSS CO COA 5-lb. tin S1.15 MALKIN'S CUSTARD OA POWDER 12-oz. tin OV, HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 25c PRIDE OF B. C. PINK SAL- Qfkn MON I -lb. tin COLUMBIA PEAS Sieve 5. 2 tins AYLMER BONELESS CHICKEN Tin . 25c 40c LIBBY'S RIPE OLIVES qcp 9-oz. tin Wtft LIBBY'S QUEEN OLIVES yf nn 18-oz. jar v"" ORANGES Full of juice. 5 doz CANADA'S PRIDE MAPLE QAi SYRUP 2Vi-lb. -tin OVV HEINZ KIDNEY BEANS OCn 2s. 2 tins t FELS NAPTHA SOAP Ort. 10 bars 95c Alberta Market I P. UAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 TITE DAILY NEWS Friday, September 20 i929 Has Spent Much of His Life in Near East Land Rev. Henry Floras of Aiyansti Blames liolera Arabs For Trouble in Palestine Rev. Henry Flores of Aiyansh is an interesting visitor In the city this week tar the sessions of the Anglican Chtrch commission and the jubilee of Caledonia diocese. Mr. Flores. who was born on the Island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea. the son of a British naval officer, has spent a great deal of his life in Asia Minor and is auite familiar with conditions in Palestine which brought about the recent outbreaks of the Arabs against the Jews for which he lay; the entire blame upon the nomad Moslems who have long been troublesome. Mr. Flores was engaged for 14 years In missionary work in Mesopotamia and throughout the period of the Great War, was an army chaplain there. He came to Aiyansh two years ago from Manchester, England. Auditorium SKATING Afternoons 2 to 4 Evenings 8 to 10 Competent Instructors to teach beirinners. Phone Hlack M9 8E& 9 reason s Specials ON ALL VARIETIES OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOR THIS WEEK Get Your Requirements Early For Preserving PKACHES Per crate ;. PEARS Per box ITALIAN PRUNES Per crate CRAB APPLES Per box GREKNOAQES Per crate G RISEN BEANS Per lb WAX BEANS Per lb 1 S1.65 S2.75 1.10 82.50 $1.40 8c 8c TOMATOES fljfkstshUn. JQq I-' VBGBTABLE MARROW Per lb v v HUBBARD SQUASH Per lb Grapes. Bananas, Apples, Oranges, and Lemons, allftn the best condition. CALL OU PHONE 18 OR 81 417 and 423, 5th Avenue East Mussallem Grocery Co J Limited' P. 0. Box 675. Shower Is Given For Bride-Elect Miss Teenle McLcod Guest Honor at Event By Miss Molly Watson of Miss Molly Watson. Fifth Avenue W'st. entertained delightfully on V. !nesday evening, at a kitchen .hiwcr In honor of Miss Teenle Mi Lrod. bride-elect of this month The tufts were presented by the Misses Molly and Isabel McKen-; m a wagon decorated in pink .in ! white. A miniature bride and tir joni and pink tapers centered he uble at which Mrs. J. Jack and Mrs D. McLeod presided. Thr roonis were tastefully decorated In njrJj and white streamers and wlvtc- bells. Those present were: Miss Teenle McLeod, Mrs. D. Mc-lp )d Mrs o Windsor, Mrs. B Love. Mrs. D. Stork. Mrs. H. Steen. Mrs. J. S. Black. Mrs. B. Cameroh. Mrs B. Daleamo. Mrs. J. Jack, Mrs Wra. Mclvor, Mrs. A. C. Clark iirs. O. Hibbard, Mrs. A. McKenxU, Mrs. H McKenzie of Dlgby Island, -irs. jacn waison. Misses E. M i Earl. Blrdell Jack Avnos MrfVHi.i lan. jtfetta McLeod. Annie Mc- ucoa, janet Waton, Alida Johnson. Pauline Furness. Molly. Isabel and Bettv MrKrnzia nt tik- Island. II m2LUA r II double Bill Fill. AND SAT Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. HOOT GIBSON IN A GREAT WESTERN "King of The Rodeo" GLEN TRYON IN A SPLENDID COMEDY "The Gatecrasher" ADDED ATTRACTION AT 8:50 HANSON & FARSTAD rn Accordian and Violin Duets. Something Classical and Jaizlcal Admission, 15c & 50c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30, Admission, 10c & 05c I iima.-V Mrs. Joe Amstulz of Swanson N. Iwasakl of Seattle r v-Bay, arrived In the city on the, tatlve of the Nluhin Flour vV Cardena this morning to attend Janan, sailed last night v the funeral this afternoon of her Prince Ruoert on his return 20-month old daughter, who was after having spent a frv, , drowned last Saturday at Swanson here following a trip to the Pc Bay. River district. ANNOUNCEMENT! Given Away Free Geo. J. Dawes Furniture Store Geo. Dawes wishes to announce to the public that he has now opened an additional store in the Federal Block'with a dis-play of entirely new goods and will give to every customer, large or small, on Saturday Sep tcmbcr 21, A Cotton Rug Size 27x5 i I" It'll yiwv . Serpentine Front MOHAIR Parlor Suite Included in our tremendous September reductions is this new arrival, making this event doubly important! This suite brings not only comfort into the home, but beauty as well! Al1 the pieces are large, spring filled, full webb bottom and the frame is massive and gorgeously carved. CASH OU TERMS ARRANGED. $225 Solid Walnut Frames 2 Large Arm Chairs Full Spring Construction Are a few features that 'stresses the value importance ot this suite. Our stock consists of Barrymorc carpets of all sizes, walnut dininrj room suites, walnut dressers, novelty bedroom suites, Chesterfield suites, Kroeler suites, beds, linoleum, electric standard lamps, blind rods, curtains, and a selection of ranges. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Look Us Up Reforc You Ruy Elsewhere' Compare Our Prices Geo. J. Dawes Furniture Store Agent for Famous "Nachman" Spring Filled Mattresses FEDERAL BLOCK, PRINCE RUPERT, U. C, PHONE HLACK 10 II