eaturday, September 28, 1929 canadiah VACinc 3rd Are Fortify Yourself Now Against Thpsc Winter Colds With a Uottlc of Rum Honey and Cod Liver Oil A well-tried remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, etc. PRICE, $1.25 PER BOTTLE 1 Z7fic Pioneer Drticycists THIRD AVE. O SIX in ST. TF.LEPHONFS 8'&200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnti i'luin Prime Itupm lor VAX(OL'EK. VICTOKIA, Jtwaiion liar. Butt-dale. Alrrt llay. He, Tuta- day. 3:30 p.m. lor VAVOIXKK. VlCTOIUt. Ilulrdjlr. Alrrt llay. etr.. Friday mldnirht tyr ALICE A KM, ANVO, STtWAIlT, Naat River, Port Slmpnon, bun-day, 4:00 p.m. Ijr POUT SIMPSON AMI WALES ISLAND. Tnurnflav. p.m. 123 3nd Airiiur It M SMI I II Ajtrnt ITIiicr Itupert. II. C. Tl rough ticket tuld to Victoria an brattle .and baggage checked through to dentinal Ion. ...... .. .. B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES M.UI.IM1S I IMIM I'KIMK IllPKKT To Krtrlilkun. Wrinipcll. Juneau and Simgnay September 7. 18. IS. To Vamouvrr, Victoria aud Seattle Set.mler 7, II. 12. PUINCLNH MAKYOcean Pall, etc.. anmuver and . Victoria firry Prlday 10 p.m. Atrnti far all rUeamhlp Line W. C. OKCIMKI). tiLNEKAL AOEXV Prince Kkpert, II C fhone 31 .AN AD IAN National CJhc Largeft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE' Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VIC TORIA, SEATTLE, and ln'crmcdlate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANVOX and STEWAKT, each Wednesday, 1 p.m. For STEWART and KETCH Hi AN, each Saturday, 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOOTH' O. t'l'Btf- CHARLQTTE " "ISLANDS," fortnijhtly. PAMSENOER TRAIN! LEAVE PRINCE IUTEHT DAILY EXCEPT St'NDAY at 11:30 a m for rill.Nt E (iKOKtiE, EDMONTON, IVI.VMI'EO, all wlnU EaMrrn Canada. I nllrd htalr. AOENCY ALL OCEN -TEAMMIir LtRA City Ticket Office, 528 third Ave, Prime ilupert Phone 26 LUMBER 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap ...$23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14", S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6. 8 to 14", SIS, No. 2 Common. ... .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lhth, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. Sawmill and Head Office. Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 423 . N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof where rain will not trouble; build boats any slzo or kind at siirprlslngly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Roats For Sale I generally have jl'bbatito suit any . requirements. Mooring spaces for'boats' winter quarters. Agencies any engine required. Repairs Why pay more when your work can be done for less with better accomodation? PHONE GREEN 429 Coal? Coal? Tnkp advnntaxp ot low price to put In your winter mipplj, l lisOV ami t!AHllY-MKLI.IXtl. TON ' In tiny quant Jitlrt, Ahoy lluur, lly, drain iinil . 3 ' Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexajie PIIONK 873 ltLOCK DENTIST Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Rig 4 Taxi, tf Pure silk hose, all shades, $1.00, Wallace's. morning at 10 o'clock. leading city from the interior on yester day afternoon's train. Organ recital by Ewart Lyne at First United Church on Sunday, September 29 at 9 p.m. Collection. Hi ii , , j (226), Lelf Erlckson meeting and so-ciay in Me'tropole Hall, Tuesday, October 3 at 8 p.m. Members please attend. (227) , Provincial f!nnst.ahle H. L. Mc Kenney of Terrace, arrived In the lace's. IL C. Fraser, school Inspector,; returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Port Eselngton on official duties. Silk curtain panels, silk fringed, $1.75, Wallace's. Loal Improvement taxes are now due and payable at the Col- 1. (223) Several native children from this district sailed last night on the Cardena tor Sardls where they will take up studies at the Co-qualeetea Institute. T B. Campbell, totem pole pro servatlon engineer for the Cana- Stamped Rood a big variety,! two lor 51.00, Wallaces. C.N.R. steamer Prince George. Capt. Nell McLean, arrived in oort at 11:30 this morning from Van couver, Powell River and Ocean lace's, Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this , , efnOSI -MONTREAL Soursoiiinampion-Aniwrrp jurSoiithamplon-Antwerp Aoniv to Aeenu evsrvwiMra or 4. J. roiWTElt Steamship Oenl. Pass. Agent C P R stAtlon. Vancouri Tlph.)n- Sfvmour 263() CANADIAN SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL TO pl.V iltll Til ilAVUr-LM)t) :,uim:u, O -I 4. Nov 1 Mi:.'.;na. CVi . 11. N ft. UH.inia. C t. 18 Nov 15. Ascanls, Oct. 'J5, Nov. 22. " FUOSI MONTREAL to iiLi.rAST-uvnnrotiL.uLAstiow , otttlo, Oct. 4. Nov. 1. Ai'ti-ila. Oct. 11. Nov. 8. Athenls. Oct. 18. Nov. 1. Andnnla, Nov. 33. , FROM HALIFAX. N.S. I Tt I'LVMOrTIMIAVUB-LOMXIX Tuscanla. Dac. 9. I TO IILI KAMT-l-IVKUPOOL-tiUVStlOW ; Atlwmla, Deo. ' 14. . .1. prom st. .tniiv. vn tstitnv ! TO IlI'l.tSmiLlt rflli'txiL-dLASI :Alhnla. Doc. : t. . Rsulnr Kslllngj vry wrlt from I Now York and Boston to London- I dorry. 'OImiow. Uvorpool, Oobh j iQurenstown), riymouth. South- ampton, Iyindon, Chorbourg nnd 1 Hnvi. I Money Orden, Drafts As Traveller' Chrmirs at lowsst rates. Full livfor- 'matlnn frrm Lorm! Airenta or Com-j:inv Office 823 Hnstlnga St. W., Vancouver, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIIItEE Skin Irritations Quickly Healed B the Pure Antiseptic Too will be unrprtird M w bw nulcUr akin aWit Kin m Irrlntl tlMW-a. ' ITCHING, STOPS Jtf-i btavtlt. li n n. m clMr and talole.i. A 85c bottle proTM III nerlt or Tour dnigxl.t r1?M jour mmer buck. OBMCS LTD. IV. 4. McCU.TCllEvr. nnt'OGlST. Ladies' silk pajamas, $2.75, Wal- Dentist, Dr. J. It. 686. Gosse. Phone Wallace's Month-end" specials on sale Monday and. Tuesday. Miss Betty Amey sailed last night on the Princess Mary for a trip to Vancouver. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30. was reported this lector's Office, City Hall. Ten periWunJ to be on time Scandlnavian dance. Boston Hall tonight. 9 to 12. Accordion music by Relder Anderson. All fees for LODE. Badminton Club must be paid before October 7. Frank W. Allen, secty. 1 (226) Judge and Mrs. F. McB. Young returned to the city on yesterday dian National Railways, arrived In ; afternoon's train from a trip to uw citv i own uaECiton on yesver-. smithers and Burns Lake, day afternoon's train. I I DtAKtrtsn(an "'V.iieV Tin fttAe Festival Services tomorrow. The church wi" b ootn Jrus femne from 7 to 9 to receive gifts of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Fine lace-trimmed nighties, Wal- afternoon for Stewart and Ket- Mrs. Smith of Ocean Falls, who chlkan whence she will return here has hen receiving treatment. In at a ociock tomorrow evening ana the Prince Rupert General Hos- m souqt at 10 pjn. ! nital. sailed last nteht by the ' 1 i Princess Mary on her return to I Against the possibility of a dls-. the paper town. ; agreement In the Smithers man- laughter ea. Mr. Justice W A R. F. MrNaushton. CI.R. & Macdonald did not discharge re- ,rct nassengcr aefiit, returned to malnlne members of -the Jury the cilv on yerdav afternoon's pane; yestoraay anernoon from irum irm m various in furthsr service at the present ses- tenor no'nts between here on 1 sion of the Supreme Court As-slzes company business. out merely ex"Uri thpm until this Th nnnl Tax flalft inf xlty. for delinauent taxes will, be. held in the Pity Hall oVMSnday?-"mber 30 at 10 ajn. A list of the lots to be offerert pan be had at the Collector'-s-officr Remnants of all klTmf-all one nrloe 95c. Values tq$2.75, Wa-lace's. , fi . M"orhlp RplHnharh. Capt f?; J Cooper arrived . In , port this morning from Ketchikan with a rar'oart of canned ...salmon, fof trr.nsshinment d.kt over.the Canadian National nalbvaysJ X-li :T. " Rvrii:iiii. i Four horses arrive In the cit.v ipv i Montrose fro mthe interior by freight train Nov 23 , vesterdav and wprr. shlnrwrl last last To ciirrbourg-soHthanipton-iiamuurj nUht on the Cardena to 1 Engle- iCct. 17, Nov. 14 Montcalm wood where they will be used by I to iw,at.umpooi.Glafow !J? solIated Mining U Smelt- W3- 'Oct. 10. Nov. 8 MUU Oct x. Nov. 28 MiiuMdoM Dr- an Mrs. O. A. Roberts of i Nov. i ducImm or Athoii Queen Charlotte City, who have Nov. aa Duoiwaa ot Yor been spending a few days In the I 'tot qallinjat Uvupool. iclty. will sail bv the Prince To Livrrixmi (t.nanes this evening on their re Oct. n Duohaaa of Bedford tum to the Queen Charlotte Oct. as DuchMi or York, islands. FROM QUKI1EC To Chrrbourj-SootlumFton Oct. 31 Impress ot Scotland " R" Wr'Ikn windows Month -end specials. for To New York . Rtonhen K Ravmer, Juio-Slav Nov. 33 Kmprrsa of Australia cnnWil at Vancouver. salld lal nteht bv the Cardena on his re turn to Vancouver after his'trr arien as interpreter in tne bvi. kovac murder case at' the Supreme Court Assises here this wee. Union frelehter Chllllwaek. Cant W. W Mounce. arrived in port earlv twt mriminr from Alice Arm and is today loading a cargo oil Terrace cottonwood logs at the1 ar.v aocK for delivery to the Laml-utM Mtterlala veneer mill at New wrs'mmster. C.P.R. steamer Princew Loule ant 'bprt. Rinnon, Is due in "ort at 6 o'clock this evening from Vancouver and will sail later for Pkarrway and othr A'tska point whence she Is scheduled to call nere southbound next Wednes day afternoon. Spur sl'ks best quality, two for wauaces. ANNOUNCKJIENTS ', Catholic Qazaar. October 2 anr1 3. 15? . United Church Banquet, October 7. Anniversary tf i MooshqartvLadles' whist drivel find dafiddjoct. 11 at 8:30 prompt; AtlmJssJorf -and 50d -i '.'A Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance, Elks' Home, October 25. 6. Presbyterian Bazaar November Moose Annual Bazaar: and 22. Nov. 21 Ladles' wlncyette gowns, $1.00, Wallace's. 'nll'ir.r'a Silk bloomers and vests, 95c each. Splendid fine quality. W. H. Galbralth of Balmoral cannery staff sailed last night on the . Cardena, for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Johnston returned pn, yesterday afternoon's tralit-tb 'Inverness following a trip jto.,Smlt,hers thuslasts-will be held on Monday night at 8 o'clock at the Canadian Legion Rooms. A good' turnout Is requested. (227) Don't foreet to visit the Tea Room at the Catholic Bazaar next Wednesday. Tea from 3 to 5. Sup per from 6 o'clock. Adults 50c. unuqren 25c, , . , (227) Presbyterian Church Harvest FMt.lVfll Rprv1f.0 fimnrrnw TVin fruits, vegetables and flowers, W. S. (Duke) Harris, who has been on a trip to Vancouver on mining Dusmess, arrived in city on the Prince Georee this morning from the south and pro ceeded to tne interior by train. Members of the Jury at the Su- from duty until this afternoon bv Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald this SAL ADA has the largest sale in North America. S 7 33 A (Fresh from the garden! Rag fugs, 27x54, two for $1.00, Wallace's. church will be open this evenlne Oiler Besner returned to the city from 7 to 9 to receive gifts of on the Prince George this morn ine from Vancouver after an ab sence of two or three weeks In the south. who h'as been on a trip south, is a passenger aboard the Prince George today returning north from Vancouver. D. W. McLeman. well known preme Court Assizes not engaged Stewart' hardware dealer, and Mrs. nrfS5ff-Vn5-0X fmitners McLeman are returning north on manslaughter case were excused, thp Prinre noon? tndnv aftpr a trip to Vancouver. ".., tt..n, uJJ.n ktlnns. the C.N.R. steamer Prince Georee. miss jviyrue MCLenaenan. dlrec- is makine satisractorv nroeress to tor of home economics for the! ward recovery in hospital at Van department of education, and sls-couver after an operation last ter of Mrs. Thomas McClymont of week. Soon he expects to be up this pity, arrived here on the again and will then make a trip to Prince George this morning from Harrison Hot Springs to further victoria. recuperate PROGRAM OF ORGAN RECITAL FIRST UNITED CHURCH ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, AT 9 P.M. By EWART LYNE ' Matt "Dawn" (arranged by Ewart Lyne) Mendelssohn "War March of the Priests" Bach ,u "Prelude and Fugue In O Minor" Wagner "Prieslled," from Die Meisterslnger Puccini-Tavan Fantasia From "La Tosca'1 Ocehl . '. :.J.L.:.ia "Lutln" Ewart Lyne : : ..-..ij;..Hi..;i,..ii.i...,The Storm" Faulkes ;..ftOT.jt,fSj"ifuiplal Postlude" Nevln Lemare Mouton' ........... - ((; ix'ttv '((( ,.'Wlii .1 ; -r, v.-vSr')-tj;iV v)im plumber song ...v,' ...v(v.aPastorale In E" ..If... 'J It , W V Wa t VS V WS MSSAaUSli of the quality built into it. ALADA Til Hanson and Farstad. who played dt the Capitol last week, will give a Scandinavian dance at the Moose Hall tonight. R. O. Emmerson. orjerator at the Dead Tree Point wireless station, and Mrs. Emmerson, who have been holldavlntr in Vancouver, ar rived In the city from the south on the Prince George this morn- ins and win proceed to the islands on the Prince Charles this hotel Arrivals Prince Itupert A. L. McKaughton, F. L. Racey, W. H. MacBeth and J. M. Ben nett. Vancouver; A. C. Ferguson, Edmonton; Mrs. A. E. Glbb and W. A. Glbb, Anyox; aeorge P. Fry. London. Ont.; J. O. Watts, Seattle: Mrs. F. Hetherineton and Mrs. Peterson. Carlisle Cannery; I. W. chambers. Inverness; J,; L. tavid, Selwyn Inlet. Royal S. Robinson. R. H. Argue, 'W. Thornc and George M. Johnston, ,HR.; J. Pedersen and A. Ander-n, city. ' Savoy R. W. Hall and D. ity; C Beck, Pacific. that has been Rcmcbcr these two points when you select your next car. These arc combined to an uncommon degree in the Ford. Come in and drive a Ford car yourself through thickest traffic, up steepest hills, over roughest roads. A thirty-minute demonstration will convince you that there Is nothing quite like it any where in - simplicity of design, quality,' price and performance. th ill 'nvjiq ,1j S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 i;t: '. 1 .j aiii' 1 Haglund, Central Victor Terrlen, Vancouver. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY XERK WANTED Apply Prince Rupert Hotel. (229) X)R SALE Five-roomed house, furnished, and lots 8 and 9. block 44. secUon 5. Snap. Given away for $750.00. Apply Box 224, Dally News Office. (228) You'll life jhe Easy-Riding Comfort of the Ford Car Ford car Is one of the THE casicst-riding cars on the road because At its low centre of gravity, minimum .unsprung . weight, Iloudaillc hydraulic shock absorbers and the unique construction of its transverse springs. Furthermore, you are as comfortable In mind as in body when you drive the Ford car. You have confidence in the performance .of the : car because you know something OUR TIME PAYMENT PLAN IS MOST ATTRACTIVE