.ii.ie1. : 5 A Tuesday, Janum , THE bAILY NEWS PAGE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. W estholme Theatre TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY 7 & D P.M. THE GREAT BRITISH MASTERPIECE 5 NUiOt, ftWi 9 THE MOST DISCUSSED MOTION PICTURE With Sybil Thorndikc, the greatest English emotion a! actress, as Edith Cavell, the martyred nurse. SPECIAL ALL-BRITISH MUSICAL PROGRAM. also ih "CONFLICT" EYKHY PERSON S1IOU I D SEE THIS WONDER UL PICTURE. Fox News Admission 50c and 15c. Coming next Week, "The Street Angel" 2S2S&SSS3&!SMi UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hallloca irom I'rliiir Kuiwrt. t'M VAN OUVFIt. VICTOIUA, Saa.itoii llajr. IIuIm'.mI. Alert IU. He. fur TsiH'VKK.'vil TORIA. Uut-dalf. Alert haj. Hi, Krlday midnight. iSr ALICK AUM. .NOX. MTfcVAUi. WALK ISLAM, flit I M.MIMI.. It M? MMlTh. A8ew lt.n llu, rrl. IV. Tbrub lltkfU Mld Victoria nU ftrallle. and l.attatr fUerlml Inruuch la tfitllnatlor At B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert'' To KHrltlkan. Wraftfefl mid tltway January It. K. To unroiiier, Ylctara ami Seattle January t. 10. So. I'KINCEHS ROYAL Fur llutrdale. but IIHIa liella. mean lalK Namii, Alrrt Hay. Camuuell Blwr. Vawoa rr and YlrtorU. eery Friday, 10 p.m. ir-m for all Meaauhlp l.lne. Information from , fiufitinii nrvriMI Wil-'VT Corner 4th ttH and 3ril Avenue. l4lnee Itupert. IU Tlionr 31. F. AN AD IAN NATIONAL Qfce Largeft Kailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP ANh TRAIN SERVICE KallujK- froci I'KIMK 111 IT.HT for VANttKA F.R. VlfTOKIA. 8EATTLU and Intn nirdlalr uulnts. raili I RIIIAY. 9:0 a.m. I or h i i ll ART and AN i OX. H MlXtsllAY. 100 p.m. lor NOKIII AMI MIIT11 (tlLKN CIlAllLOTip IUMS HMlnlhlly. ' IWIKBMiEK TRAINS l.F.WK rillM T. HITI.KT ta.h MONDAY. HKONKMIAY and MATI XUAY at lllttl a.m. for l'UINt K .Kltlit IJIMONION. UlNMl'tO. all olnt lii.lrni Canada. 1 ultrd Malta. AIIKNCY ALL OCKAN B1RAMKIIIP LINKS lis Ti( kt t Office. 528 Third Ave, l'rince Hupert I'honc 2C0 BZr Sold atetyvhefe V"" v. I FAMOUS PICTURE AT WESTHOLME live for all time and in "Dawn" it is unfolded without gloss in a manner truly sublime. It will MallaceColtd. Cold Weather Comforls A pair of Under Hose worn under your silk stockings will be found a- grat comfort on cold days. Pure Wool, Light Flesh Color, Snug Fitting. ' '85c pair Third Avenue Fulton St. PHONE 9 An Up-to-date Optical Dept., We pride ourselves on our complete equ.pment for accurate testing of the eyes. No longer must we replace lens after lens in front o' your eyes till we find the correct one. Our new automatic instrument can change to any combination in u second and does not tire ynu out. Air. Jack Bulger took the full course required by low coreriqg six 'months in 1025 ahd got. his diploma with hapors. We subscribe to the leading weekly and monthly optical Journals and any new methods are always noticed and adopted If suitable. We are sure we can suit you. John Bulger The Jewellers DOLORES DEL RIO THRILLS LARGE CAPITOL AUDIENCE "Dawn," the much discussed) T, i,.tnninv sl1nromn noknmvledtre bv pic- British motion picture, shown at' . . umMa, -ry 7' 7"o;,ctio had its of 1928 best film oaucUons, nau i s pi the Westholme last night dc-tture critics, as one serves the descrption of "mas- initial showing last raght at the Capitol an d won a won-terpiece" bestowed upon it, for4 derful reception. The performance of Dolores Del luo a masterpiece it certainly is. jn e feature role of Ramona was amazing and.delight-The housb was filled to its cap- IU, - , thi b j the " h greatest screen achievement of her acity. That the large audience i. deeply moved by the story metcor-like career. was TODfovh, mnnn.rl J of Edith Ca veil's life in Belgium,! Laughs and tears-moulded m a masterly mannei should be by v- seen ."Ramon." her trial and execution was plainly evident. One could have! -ry,?a? u Ji heT?tdT hp .mflrtv.fliSUPEHNUATION FOR' nurse was taken by Sybil Thorn-j dike, England's greatest living! FIREMEN IS IN FORCE with quiet restraint, naturally , Major and City Clerk Authorized and convinc ne v. 10 hhcbib flgrwmtm .m.. The story of Nurse Cavell will and should not be massed. Cor-jtnd city clj;.-k to execute an ag-rect in every detail it reveals th-, .eement proTi'iinjr for the plac- truth concerning one of thcing of the members of the fire world's greatest heroines. : department under superannuation . , benefits as requested wine time AnlfiTIlCD CDmXl " aoo by the depart nient. To meet AnUIIlLlv 01 LllAL the scheme, four percent of tbs COUNCIL MEETING OH POWER MATTER- Members of Department The city council last night, on motion of Aid. Prudhomme and be shown tonight and tomorrow ; Aid. Brown, aut!i.rizcd the mayor monthly pay of the firemen will J be deducted and the city win contribute dollar for dollar. The Dlan will come into effect as from j The city council decided last' 1 0,18 ycar , night td hold another special r.e,u?ii." Sf3; LAUNDRY ALLOWED ucui imtiivi " n Mit, vvhivih i with the Power Corporation of I Canada in connection with the transfer of the hydro-electric plant and power franchise. Citv Solicitor Jnnea reoortml USE OF STREET TO . DISTAL OIL TANK 'ihnt now rnnrM of thi nrnnnaml The Canadian Steam Laundry agreement were available, incor- was friven Porm''on by the city iporating revisions which had council last night to put in a ! bopn marln hv tho roiineil at taat fuel oil tank On a IWltlon of Slth ! a :i , I i A week's special meeting. , Avenue aborning iui jjiiu. The 'mayor urgpd th Mother i communication from Fred Weach. special' meeting be' TieW as the manager of thr laundry, sUted matter was of vial importance that an oil burner was to be m-and should be gfven the fullest stalled and it would be necessary consideration. 'to Pllt n 1500 Kallon Unk- L. W. Patmore. counsel for the Nture of the ground in the vic-I'ower Corporation, who was at nity made it .hfficult to instill the meeting, said that II. B. ltiw- the. tank on th- property and it son, the company's repreaentat- w ivqueateJI that the use of 5 ive, was returning to the city fe hi' 18 u Vl of tne ad: from Vancouver tomorrow and joining the building be allowed for the purpose. The top of the would be prepared to moet the icouncil. Unk would oe iwo ieei oeiow the road aurface. ' . ' ! Aid. Collart suggeated that tht matter be n-fferredito the Board of Works but, when Mayor Ic-Mordie oointd out that this would b the last meeting of. the present council, Aid. Brown moved that the necessary permission1 be given, subject to the usual agreement and regulations. i This was seconded by Aid. Rud- derham. Aid. Prudhwnine objected to the principle of fuel tanks being permitted on the , (Streets. It would be just M easy, he felt, jto put the tank under the build ing or, at least, on private properly. T Aid. Collart, Aid. Tinker and Ald..RuddiihMi saw no object ion to the tank being allowed on the street. It was in the residential section and, in any case, it was provided that it could be ordered removed on thirty days' notice. I Thi- request was granted with Aid. l'nuh'ime alone objecting. -.inrrinjr and dancing comedian provided a delightful surprise 'v-ith his original soft shoe dancing numbers. Tonight "Paddy" will sin "Sunny Boy" as sum, by Al Jolson in his great movie-'one success "The Singing Fool." The city council last night iasse;l an account for $100 in fnvor of Williiim Young, Vancouver consulting engineer, for his report upon the power teii-ers which were rceeatly vote' Upon. As additional sum of K36.5S was voted Mr. Young ir connection with the obtaining of water rights. Heart Palpitated Nerves Bothered Iter Sleep Was Broken Mr. Fred A. Pup-Icy, Kaat Southampton, N.S.. writMt:- "I WW Ixittvrrd vcrv much with my nerves and palpitation of th hr.irt! nod my alecp was broken at night. I derided to trv i I and after I had taken nix boxes I found that thev had done nia so muflh, sood I will ajadly recommend them toallthoaa who ate trouMed with sleeplepaneai caused by their Iwart and nerve." Prire SOV. per Ikjx at all droormlii and tiealera, or mailed direct on receipt of "price by The T. Milbun Co., Ltd.. Toroeto, ObU If Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut Nanaimo-Wellington Mine-Run. Deacon Hard Bootless Lump. Beacon Hard Sootleas Kgg. Telkwa Lump. ; Of he above there U ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall b lad to advise ' yoa Albert & McCaflfery Limited Phone. 116 and 117 STOCK-KEDl ( IN( SALE i STOCK REDUCING "1 gprflAKI MEN'S RUBBERS 1,25 PER PAm I Don't lulc a chimci- of wet feet i . . ..! J. A vvn'n you can aeep tnem ury o cheaply . The fumous -"Master Mechanic" Shin for men price the lowest ever. ; i- 1 you wanUto sve jnopey, visit the Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE i MA JU VIZ 1LUVJ o We are taking stock at the end f this month and we must cl-an up the bulk of our stock at great-, ly n'duced prices. ! IIKUirS VOUU CHAXCB I PRUNES 60-70, 2 lbs STic 2fi-lb. box W.Gfi l'UUNES 10-50, 3 lbs 50c 26-lb. box $2.95 1 'RUNES SO-10, per lb 20c ' 25-lb. box fa.ftO RAISINS- Seedless. 7 lbs. 1.00 25-lb. box $2.85. JAM Mb. t ins, strawberry, raspberry, black currant kinds. Per tin and , 76c, Mussallem Co., Limited ' 1 617-423 Uh Ave. E. Phones 18&84 WITH DOLORES DEL RIO SEE and HEAR PADDY McCULLOCII SinKiiiK and Dancing Comedian Tonight at the CAPITOL 7 P.M. MY KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by Thany. TZloJlL Domtitlc Scitac Ceantalor My Secret for Finer-Textured Cahet I must coniew that I haven't always been aocceaafui in the maWng of coke. I suspect that I pocewed more teal than akul thoToughnm rather than cSsftaeoi. But when 1 learned to eser-dte my beating proclivities at the start in the crraminj tntrether of butler and sugar, and to exhibit restraint at the fouth bv stirring only a moment after the final vigredicnu were vJded, my calm tmproved. But the pratet improvement I hare ever made in cake has been through the use of Carnation Milk. Betides being evaporated to double richness and sterilised for safekeeping, it is " homogenised.' the awn content broken up into minute particles and distributed throughout every drop. As a result, cake are not only nch with this uniformly distributed, double share of cream, but because of the fineness of the particles the texture it ueeptinnafly smooth, fragile and fine. Carnation gives similar results in all cooker'' a creamy tfnonthneaa to 6auce&, candies and ice cream, a rich-rest to soup, and a delicate texture to puddings, cake and waffles that even the beat of bottled milk cannot equal Try thin convttnent. economical and dependable form of milk it just pure ttkoU milk Willi about half the natural water removed and nothing added. Write for the free Carnation Cook Book "My Hundred Favorite Keci-pca." Address Carnation Milk ProdufU Co.. Limited. 131 Abbott Street, Vancouver. B.C. It Makes Better Cake a. arK mxtiat& - fioduod b Ctatda Carnation Date Cake K cup ahortenina. cup 1 egg, 3 tbap. Carnstion Mi.k v,.' enouati water to riake H C1; u'f ll cups pSKtry flour. 8 Up. twik. . powder, pinch of nalt, 1 t-p. c nia-VS tap. vanilla, 't cup c1hhi-'I cup broken nut meat. Crea ening; add sugar grsdual'.y arvl i ttnue aeaming; add beaten rVg I beat mixture hard until it t .-:,( .i very huht enter and creamy. A'Vi i cup hour and stir until wdl n" ' Maairenouraftriiiun(0!rt 1': nuts and dates with a little of ttic ii and add to tntiture. Last, silt m n i of flour, baking powder, salt arvl e :. namou; add diluted milk and fU . r-ing all at once; sCir vlforomly for 1 ; a rntnute. Poor batter imnwdiately into pan which ha been oiled and dul uii thin him of Oour. Flare in guu'r. (k?w) oven for first 10 minutes, t lien elevate to 76F. (modrratei. Ba .e about iS ar.inutea. Whan rkme it khrinka from aide of pan and spruigs up when preaaed with finger. Remove from the pan, cool and ice with Carnation Icing. Carnation Icing I M cup cottfectioneri' npr, 1 tbep. butter, 2 tbrp. Carnatxio Milk. H tp. vsoiha. Cream batter and tided auajsr. add Caraatkin and vanilla, beat thoroughly and spread on cake. THE perfect cake it the take of perfect texture. And the way to get perfect texture is to use Carnations the double-rich milk with the cream evenly shared by every drop. Adds wonderful smoothnjcs and flavor to all cooking. ' (See recipes above) ii Carnation Milk "From Confrnfed Cows"