PAGE SIX W' everybody benefits from its remarkable powers V in lnstanziy-relieving anu pu&mvciy cuuuig wuujm and Colds, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup or any other ailment of the Throat and Chest. The very first dose relieves and there are 40 doses in a 75-cent bottle! Keep "Buckley!" always at hand at home and at your place of work. Druggists everywhere tell it under a positive money-reiunaea guarantee. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual Street, Toronto 2 to Acts Like a Flash A Single Sip Proves It Large Size, 75c; Traveller Size, 40c. wawiii nil i Ermm-mmmrssss AND TpUAVILL MAKE THIS RESOLUTION ONCE YOU HAVE RIDDEN IN THE More Pep More Power More Comfort Tlian Any Light Car Ever Utiilt. They .Are on . Display at Our Showroom; S.v E. PARKER, LIMITED .: FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. EasL . DOMINION TIRES Phone DEMAND "Rupert Brand" 9 ippers TIIK UAINT1RHT HKKAKFAST FOOIV Smoked Dally by Cajiudian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., Lid. Prince Bupert D.C THE V&llX .Nuwa GRACEFIELD !NEW OFFICERS DUETOMORROW1 MOOSE LEGION Car of Grain Will Again Begin John M. Morrison Elected Head - IollinrlsWar'l'Yom --'wsaniratmr Kt -Mevt i I'rajjies . 1 ing Ust Night ! The British steamer Gracefield, Moose,Legi! wheat for the United Kingdom or continent. The steamer Adra, British, which was at first . .riettt!'. to arrive aheud of the Gracefield, is still expected on ihi.rsv.ay unU will be the sixth grain .ship of the season here. ..tic i.i also lined and will load lull lor the United Kingdom or continent. A third ship reported i .iJ' wcuK if the i.ntish 'earner Hind pool which is ex- 9 Advertise in "The Daily News' , I H iliiriiTfi iT il Ti" ffljj 'i ecnut prevent ' i-M'aHon cel. ivi'd llnrrisdn' io, 45 elected the nriirinnllv 'rennrti-d flni on following officers it ; Saturday, is now expected to ar- meeting ; 1 rive tomorrow and, being already ceremonies being carried out lined, will go on berth immed- rre sqaciaen; iatelv at the Alberta Wheat Past Greaf North, Moose Pool's Prince Itunert Elevator to. Ohnesorg Hi;trf Imtrlincr n full nurin nf ' Great North i4, in the New lea here. " its annual installation ; will also load full for the United UNITED CHURCH L A. Kingdom or continent, i , With those tluw Wits relieving 1 ilv 1'ijiifa-scioJi which has been .t at 4he loeal levator fbrHhe ast few weeks, graiu shipments a In lu resumed at once from ;e prairies to Prime ilupt-rt and tviiciil it; expected to son bu :rving in here aram t- the. rut ..1. fifty carloads fr-day. SALVATION AMY YOUNG FEOPLE TO STAGE A DEBATE The Salvation Army Young People's Legion met last night. The opening exercises wen conducted by the newly appointed chaplain, Geerge Almon. The meeting took the form- of preparation for the fol lowing week. It was decided that a debate should take place on the destruc-tiveness of fire and water. Chaplain G. Almon was chosen to be the leader for water, and Captain Anderson for fire Other rlohatora "4-' 77 .. ." by Alois Moose John M Mprr'Jfion. ! Sou'th.Moose-H!N. Mussallehi. i East Moose W. B. McQil-lum. ! West Moose Percy Cameron . j Guiding Moose Louis Astori. I Herder Fied Scadden. i Treasurer C. It. Biggart. I Guutodiaii J. L. Blain. i Argus W. R. Booth (Stewart), i Arrangements were made for a big novelty dance on January 26. i v.. r - r 8. A r;.. p : LyKMEial musical service was held Miss D. Monteomery: f f F'PH Miss L. Pierce, Mrs. Kerr, Aj Kerr and Mi H. Sims. E. Kane ill be the judge. Games were enjoyed by all and tne gathering dosed with pVsyer. UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE Rev. A. Wilson Spoke On New Year Resolutions at Meeting Last Night Urging upon hi hearers the desirability of ever being of good cheer, Rev. A. Wilson, pastor of Pint United Churrti, combined the humorous wtth the serious in addressing the Young People's Society lat night on New Year resolutions. The meeting was presided over by the president, George II. Stocks, end business lg-iudgd the dhu-uWon of plans fp the coming senjmn. There wa also the usual recreational period. It was the first meeting toUowinr the Christmas and New Year- ELECTS 192SFflCEK f i, , ' kHlrHFrank Vlckers Chosen 'l'rctii dent and Mrs. J. J. l'ayne Vice? at Meeting Yeaterdriy Meeting at the, home of Mrs. JameaKriVevsky, w'hp, been thet praMUoni. ior ine pa,i ,two years, tlje'U'dlw' AW of Ptrisi Tjhifed Church yesterday afternoon elected officers for the year 1029 as follows: Honorary president Mrs. W. II. Kergin. President Mrs. F. V. VJckers. Vice-president Mrs. J. J. Payne. Secretary Mrs. T. W. Silver-sides. Treasurer Mrs. G. V. CLASSIC MUSIC PORT SIMPSON ace Vtmea dUUufcK sunaaTT Iftsffuie DroiEftrrbberniraaofolIows "Tne Heavfti "Are Telling," ny I Your Heads 0 Yr Gate," by. IIadl, from the "Messiah" r ''llallddah Cborpji," byj Handel, from the" Messiah" ; pnthems, 'Turn Thy Face From My Sins," The 'dwloists en the anthems 're Ufa. T. Q. JIngar and Mrs. r. G. Large. A solo, "Crowing the Bar." was .ung by Mrs. T. D. Magar. The ervie was condueted by Rev by, B.. jmstor; organit, Mrs F. Dudowuru; leader, James Heury . ' District News A uumbt of l?oplo foni this strict went up tu Iluaition to .1 ' , There m?three mild base of itlucnsi ital am la the Hazelton Hos .V I If ,4 iiiteiidoi Hrr nww in iiubiiuh taken to SJfJ; &3c X9 rftfa Jare are beinir being pread of the malady 11 1 ' reetiogs have been local friends from lement, former 8u- t the Highland Hoy in- who f spending the winter i n Toronto. During recent years hi hu been engaged in mining in Northern Ontario. I Miss Ida Schultzlk, formerly of New Hazelton and now of To-ley, who is attending school in Pi in' e Rupert, sjient a few days here htt week visiting with, t I'ieti Is. LINDSA: Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cariuge, Warehousing, and 'Jistrihutiug. Team or Motor. Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. r AFIUC AN EXPLORER 1 --mtm: ,imt...m'm i 1 I An eiploration of the ZinaB- we ruiiiw in Southern Uh'.dcsia ill be made l.v Miss i.erliude :aton-Thom.snii ( above i, lull-! liant Ei gl;sh vonian. She lie-1 ieves the we ruins it re the ml Jviri-.S.'owoo mines. Flashi on Fmichs The Impartaiytrof tbe-Two-Tone iSVAik Ui an Ensemble Age i r- : j-t 1 n n r nnT u i V ! i, ji I it i Have, you a coat in an unusual shade of red of greea? Hei; is ihe sivLuoji for that undercoat run, you have bean seeking. "She. skirt Jsraride of marocain rep to match your coat, and the blouse may be of any shade that delights your eye, provided the skirt agrafe to the combination. Notice the triple-bow effect a little belt the V-neck- line, wlih'h is repeated ut the banded hipllne of blnuse. CHIC SPORTS TS TAMPtlS-W FROCK FOR 'ISE 00.U)S. awvig" ' iae Here is one of the most sports (irosseii ever designed 'far; .the ooIIbkh girl--a simple I twji-pleee i frock of jersey 'with just' the suggeslioivQf' A flare. This model achieves that rakish air so desirable In clothes for the younger generation through the medium of simplicity of cut. The skirt Haras just a tyt to one side, and the sole tr (renting Is h tnsiwlled. bow on both mhatilder and hip. Stunning in your college. colors. Advertise in Tits News. A New Horizon NEW horizon opens out before the man with money. With $1,000 saved you can look to the future with confidence start one of these easy savings plans now: $1,000 in 4 years costs $H0.16 In weekly payments of 4SL $!,0O0 in 3 years costs In weekly payments of $0.13. SljDOO In 3 years costs WdM in wecUlj '. payments of 19.33. SHU The Royal Bank of Canada I'rincc Rupert Branch - F. E. Robertson, Htnn", ltu Mil II I rmrmii nm,m n mi ll it frritt ra POLAR BEAR Is Able to Put up With it A CODE INSTALLED Thb trmhol U ih Itknilfftng mark of Warm air kmiing lm lrMallJ MMfJ' Ing to thtpcKrartsna W h Standard CuJa. A MaCUnr ahUa," OuJ IruulUJ. mwaMm 70 W kml bf avart room la aar armlhaa. MCC! BUT 3 4. . Tl v -- CAN YOU ? Is fine for Polar Bean, COLD but not so good for human beings 1 A chilly or poorly heated home, for example, is a menace to the health of everyonc In the household. There is only one answer McClary "Sunshine" Warm Air heating. For real home comfort, for mellow, healthful warmth, no other heating system can compare with it. Like the balmy breath of a June day, the air Is kept con stantly rc-circulated, properly moistened. So unlike the dry heat from Iron radiators 1 Burns any kind of fuel, the famous'entiblast" ring making thorough combustion a certainty. Saves money in actual use and it cptts much lest to Install this guaranteed MtfClary Warm Air System than hot water or steam systems; 300 n o fay 7 -. mm ace W GENERAL STEEL WARES Product COAL Your choice UDSON CASHIDV WEI I.INRTON TKLKWA AIho Hulkley Hay and Crnln. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. I'hone GS Prince Rupert Feed Co. Dr. Alexander nioNi: his HriNNDK III.OI K DENTIST