19190 : August 22 . i‘ THE — NEWs. Page 3 — lalallala lalate ovcceceeesnce| GLIA ZB SATURDAY --- FOR CASH ONLY Iz Yj ; * | ON SALE AT | p Fuller's Specia $ Coming Summer Resort | wile 45c | oming Summer Kesort ¢, Y) = ee — A 60c. TEA ~ PER POUND ONE DAY ONLY Limit Two Pounds, and delivered only with other goods Watch Next Week’s Notice for PRESERVING PEACHES FULL Two Stores. RS, LTD. Phones 44, 45 and 534 ee a ee mmm eo p. W. MORRISSEY Phone 573 P. O. Box 1664, Prince Rupert (jrocery Company re stock on hand than money in bank, takes this giving the public high grade value for their cold rhe prices set forth below will be maintaned until ertisement is changed, when a further list of good WILFRID KELLY vill follow. These prices are absolutely for cash uunter. No C.0.D. or charging to account wil | these prices. Delivery will be made by auto on succeeding purchase. Malcolm’s Best, is ....@@c. 2s ..$1.16 5s ..$2.86 Amber). OUP Ts Wi oe 044 60 0 oe wT ec cercsee cone Ve le ou cmceee eer baat ae es ok Pian 0% seb'es 2 for 3c. es Pork and Beans, tomato sauce ..... . 2 for 25c. : ee ey BS a rn 5 ibs. for 50c. ogat, per QMIN sks Ba bee 6 da 4 05k i adks he ae xy Biscuits, all varieties, per Ib. ................ 308. Strawberry, 4s $1.26. Black Currant, 4s, $1.00. Red nt, $1.00. Raspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and $1.00. Gireen gage, 4s, $1.00. 2%s, per case $4.60, per dozen $2.40, per can, 2 for » s, per case $3.75, per doz., $2, per can 2 for 360. Domoleo, 28,..... 30c. 3s 40c. 5s. 60c. pet NRE is kacaeoes Bo. I can 20c. Dans seed tc M a “+s*eeteoeeenvreneneeneeee . 35ce. M short eut 2 for 26c. Prince Rupert Grocery Co. an FOR SALE - 14, Sectioni @..... $3,000.00 vash ! + Cee oe ee 3,000.00 5, Section 1 @ 600.00 k S, Gestion 6 @ os .«. ia 600.00 FISHERMEN, LOOK |! 100.00 Block 50, Section 8 @ ..... eae DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. Special Correspondent of the Daily News spends CT acation there and tells of its Attractions. Sandspit, Prince Rupert’ : | andspit, Frince Kkupert s ;| : | ; } ; | + ” if | COOOEREEEOEOEEEESESESEEEEESSEPESE SES ESOOEEEESEREREEED \t present you go to Sandspit almost any old time. returning | precisely the same hour. As the boat schedule is now arranged |} the visitor may stay either twenty-four hours or two weeks, un- | iless he has friends there or the opportunity of making boarding} arrangements, he will be obliged reluctantly to pass the spit and | deposit himself nine miles further on up the inlet at “Gharlotte’ | where there is a hotel. lat Sandspit At present no such accommodation exists In spite of the difficulties, however, this place might become at any time an important of Rupert contented with their Hot With such an object in view jit is waste factor in making the people at all events the writer can testify that the water was of a delightful pointing out the|temperature useless to time in apologizing for ; reasons. . The beach is strewn with whitened logs and multitudes Sandspit as it is today warm in| of spoils of winte: the sun ninety miles south of|storms. A more facinating holi jhere is a point tapering from}day ground for children could not j nothing to three or four miles be imagined. | across and consisting of about a Along the jthousand acres, of which a good | the land shells—sea shore of land is southeast spit where the con- proportion is cleared, not!stantly being reclaimed from the jpainfully by man but easily by/sea and covers itself in two years nature, who took, just at this! with grass, lies a potential golf spot, one of her infrequent whims | course that would have few equals j to save human beings trouble.|in the world. As | Man has cut a few holdings too! Andrew's with here jand his in the level as St. and there a} , sand bunker, here and there one of Government, has run a good| made of a tossed up heap of giant road along the three or four trunks that have voyaged, per miles between the forest and the /hap$ from California. the fairway | jbeach the length of the settle-|to eighteen good holes lies open ment, with here and,there a cut)under the sun. It is almost pos- through to farms on the other |sible to hear the language of th side. ifuture looking for lost balls. Wide Stretches. openness Dn these wide stretches where the light loam or | ; the mosses give deliciously unde! | loveliness even on a const ote” 7% ee ee — nm die dane But the menstions traction to the people of a place ale . , ~. {like Rupert, where we live a little jtaing is the shore itself, three orliice the denizens of a moated| ur miles of wide stretches of ae castle longing for the time to jSpiendid sand with ideal bathin: |,ome that will bring us greater i apotheosis shape Rare Loveliness. The spit is the handle of al This |beautiful sickle-shaped little bay | } from the shore of which one looks | jup “the Inlet” at a view of all along. For the last fortnight | treedom of movement. But the stax ‘é DIVISION CASSIAR LAND pis-|Climate of Sandspit is also exactly i RICT—DISTRICT OF CASSIAR |what Rupert needs in complement TAKE NOTICE thet 1, Robert Hyland, of |Y° “% Own. Bright, soft, sunny ceraph Creek, 5 C., occupation trader, days succeed one another all the nd to eppl r rMissivh t ease |... > | following’ Sescribea tana: “| summer months. It is never hot, mimencing at & post planted on the | but the warm scent of the sea ail W. corner, about 250 yards below Dee; ek and 2 miles westerly from Teleerap, | blowing over the white clover one, reek, fronting the Stikine Rivér; thence . — » . her's rth 7% chains; thence east 20 cncins.|+#@ honeysuckle in the rancher’s | ee south 7% chains; thence west 20|/garden, is a thing to remember. hains ta the point of commencement, and eoutaining Ofteen (15) ecres, more or less Plenty of Supplies. ROBERT MYLAND —. ene - = |Daie, May 20, 1919 No doubt there are other spots -—*- —— where sandy beaches are to be! found among the islands along! IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA the coast, but they have not usua!- IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA ly the amenities of settlement mOn act ae Sandspit is divided among seven} IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE oF or eight families of ranchers from 5 SCEASED NTE | eae coe, Come... is |whom butter, milk, eggs, cream, vegetables ¢ srrie : > ; TAKE NOTICE that in order of His getables and berries, as well. as Honour F, McB, Young, made the 18th day| Mutton and beef can be had in Oe ety eer eee Bate chee |constant supply. Several of the ceased, and all perties having claims settlers have gasoline boats which swainst the said estate are hereby required could, no doubt. be hired. There are shops at Charlotte and a wireless station from which the inhabitants chiefly learn at pres- ent when not to expect the boat. |But these things will improve. to furnish same, properly verified, to me, care of Messrs. Patmore and Fulton, Prince Rupert, B.C., on or before the 23rd day of August, A.D. 1019, and all parties debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to ine forth with > « ' THOMAS McROSTIE Dated this 23rd day of July, 1919 in baking powders. BETTER baking. to use Bitter or Better Baking A letter makes a great difference in a word. A word makes a great difference If the little word “alum” appears on the label it may mean bitter baking. If the words “Dr. Price’s” stand out bold and strong, they surely mean This is only one reason why it pays Dr. PRICE'S BAKING POWDER Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Contains No Alum —Leaves No Bitter Taste For the moment the crying need of Sandspit is a wharf. Ottawa built one and it blew away. There is a tale that the nice boy from college that was given the job disregarded local advice about prevailing winds, but these things are often exaggerated. At all events the wharf has been gone some time and it is obviously dificult to take off freight in a launch in all weathers or to keep fresh killed meat waiting on the beach without protection for a boat that doesn’t come in until tomorrow at midnight. Sandspit has petitioned for an- other wharf and is quite likely to the opportunity of doing it again, so blind has Ottawa grown to documents of that kind from northern B, C. In case it does, Prince Rupert might do a wise as friendly act in adding the weight of a few signatures It is certainly to the interest of this city that a place of such beauty, convenience and charm should be made as accessible as if for the sake of the hildren alone. Sandspit blooms with children and none of them are ever. ill, Noticing the ab- sence of a long felt want, I asked what one did if one wanted to be Sandspit had not though' small have well as a possible, buried about it. It takes eight hours to get there and the fare is eight dollars and ten cents each way, ineluding meals and berth. Campers would be weleome while Sandspit waits the little summer cottages and the big summer hotel which ire bound to come. window cards take the eye quickly, See them at the (wo.coleot 7 NS the greatest Satisfaction for your sweet tooth. \ in the sealed packages. Air-tight and impurity-proof. WR X SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT {JU S 4 a 2] mr | | Rie rt | | In DOUBLEMINT caneee ' " 4 The Flavour —_ Ormes Limited While our stock lasts we Will GIVE AWAY FREE—-A BATHING GAP with every purchase of Rexall Preparations value One Dollar or over. Come early and take your choice Phones 82 and 200 Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street P.O. Box 1680 Yes - - It’s BETTER Domestic Bread Made by Machinery PASTRY PIES Pound Cake &j| 717 Third Ave. | WEDDING CAKES A Phone 190 SPECIALTY THE LA CASSE BAKERY aS ee Oe eS —o oe Section One Lots for Sale Lot 13, Block 6 $475. Assessed $1,800 Lots 13, 44 -~ 15, Block 5 81,800 Assessed Of .......seennae 6,000 Lot 6, Block S75 ABBORSER BE... rcesces 1,800 Lot 2, Block 7 .. . ‘ 485 Assessed at 2,600 Lot 7,*Block 7 : . Ge DE OP bc é dnnwbh neue 1,700 Lots 16 and 17, Block 26 $2,750 Assessed at 7,800 THEO. COLLART . REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK News Job Department. The Smeeton Tea Rooms 309 SECOND AVENUE The Business Man’s Restaurant REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. 7 x . ¥ — -? es €¢ er ei * _——_