PAGE TWO The Daily News PIMNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Ewiy Aftflrinpf,i Exceptunday, by Prince Rupert "Daily vs, LiiteTHfrilTfBU- J II. F. PULLEN - - - ManlKirfir-EaitoS DAILY 3DITION B m-il tn all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- ant, fr-arlic-smelim. unpreierreu m'ro anH Vr,taA if .to. ,!! - u fM continentals as we nave oeen Contract rates n application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone . .., 93 Editor and Reporters' Telephone , Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 1 CLEVER WORK OF BANDITS Some bandits are very clever. They do not really need ; unit ?'n bU to become bandits. Such cleverness directed into, other! pJ fce'of Pea! eace in the last three years? Surely this cnanneis wouia onng a sate reward without the danger of the gospel of eternal love and the spending tne rest 01 their lives in prison or ending them 'broths bod of caD Me noin prematurely on the gallows. ! country ought to be able to govern lit railways rather than let the railways demoralise out popupia- ;. If ( tut nut atuutaMni to the 1 RotnAH Catholic clergy to help, be cause they, as well as tne poor type politicicans, are the profiteers." Mr. Luchkovich says it is a crime against Christianity, against civilization and against Canadian hop, wno snouia the footsteps of and preaching r"r k.ri:7i ;c IV J " does it not seem passing strange best he wall have little peace, for the fear of being caught : that from amongst these "dirty, will haunt him to the day of his death. ignortant, g-ifc-smeiiing. unpre- A man clever enough to rob a bank should be. employed i JJISSS inside it, or at some even more lucrative business. , SSR Si"vSlSuT& i t THE BIG YACHT RACE to Sir Thomas or he would not undertake the enterprise.) POLITICS IN THE SOUTH The Vancouver Sun publishes a nolitieal nrtiVlp which it says that R. B. Bennett, K.C.. will be in Van toy. th world's greatest philoso pher and humanitarian of tne nineteenth century, and from whom Bishop Lloyd might learn lesson in humane and I The big international yacht race nlanned for next . i-ll v"S!S? year when Sir Thomas Lipton will again be the challenger, ! the .lady who 4lseAerea radium, promises to be just as spectacular as have been former f n. e,meBt which 80me Jdy similar events, From now on we may expect to get news ! "vSSfBSA irom time to time in regard to the construction of the new Caruso, whom Bishop Lioyd would Vessel, the trials she will have to undergo and evprv mnvp ! lout designate a dirty, ignor- nd vrorrl nt Sir ThAm " n isnt. garlic-smelling, unpreferred THE.DAILY NEWS Wedi.ejy, June 19. Bishop Lloyd is Flayed by Young University Man of Ukrainian Birth in ouse A few dava aeo the House of Commons at Ottawa was . , , . , startled out of its usual humdrum course Dy a speecn in otgiu Wednesday. June 19. 1929. fIpfn.b of central and southem European immigrants in. r" " 5 ' " ' 1 1 ' -Canada and combating the utterances of Bishop Lloyd of subscription rates j Saskatchewan, whose anti-foreign views are Well known.i City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid Injadvance $5.00 The speaker was Michael Luchkovich, B.A., representing For lesser oeiaod. oaid in advaaca. tier monihia....flf! 50 ifnlA I'mflN nviraniT.qtfnn aa mpmher inr VetrrCf By mail to alt parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, Tn uia suMres he hit the bishoD blow after blow. paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 tJi Transient advertising' on mai front, page, p?se' par r inch ,nen 'V 2.80 without gloves, using such terms as "Neurotic and un- . . . . . v 1 1 t T - I. -,, " - i hrlilian UUnoD UOVU. 'cuoU4 Bishop Lloyd's later pub- dutiful Uk or ur,i Local readers, h per insertion, -!r per line .25 Xd in The National AdvocaU that the matur or aquation u uMKiiiicu duvii9iii, yer luscmun, per worn us ag f0Mgws: Ijeval notices, each insertion. rer atrate line IB. n.. uh'v thnnlH thla western Or four months for l.OO'ountry be inflkted with another B mail 'jo ail other countries, per year 7,60 three years of thee dirty, Ignor-' , toiiuxgraat be left naMwt Mr. Luebkortch M empiuaeutod nit apeeeh by Hi. Uaohm who thick tbe hcte Houte ha 1U- tned with a rrj gnt dl at tottract to ttw isMMb of the hod. toUaMii lx bM just tmtM hit Mt. I bU the ftffU ot Oiiud cn Uk prUW in tM feet lSt oot vbo. altitougb born co tbl asAWneiat cman ml UkrMlui ttrroU, bM btn M to (Mltrcr. u mtvtixr ot tl Koum. spccb of vbteb any boa. mrmbrr mtfkt vrtl be proud. tf District News NFW ' HAZELTON ii;g better in Central Europeans; Tb country irouixi bre u now class of dirty, Ignorant, jot or piuior witn mnj wim now- lUi doi veil Ui tftte ot the drr&M e( ttie mius. at Lake Katajrauler a couple or weeka i A cpeeUl trtla with nuttrtol and' cqul(?mrQt and lomteen mrm Is tn-a(l In mUB( reotlri so tbe SrIjr Oulcb bridge over wbleti roll train omm now pua. J. Orr ot Wlnnlpef W In charge ot tbc repair work. MIm Hueu' and Utaa 8ale were town last week en route to ttte Peoee! River wtieiw ttwj will reaume their van mlwloa work lor th AncUean Cliureb. Ul Kathleen York returned home a) the end of tfee week alter having un derfone a iMocmful , oyetaUoB fee ap pasdlcttla tsn the Prioce Rupert Oen eral HoaptUl. UUa Violet Bird R. N. la bsiidavtctj dago, but the records of whose lbefor aaauminj her duties at tne; i J30" racing IS Still a pleasant sport, although it IS golden voice may even now bep1" Hcpitai. wholly divorced from commercialism. Shins do not saili1" "uprem rJeasu-e to the' "r Iny more, but are Drooelled bv somP nnu-Pr u-ithfn th wfhoP-,f .uch a. th,n' ..J.f.J? bw ... - v I " -..--. nnu h tn nnp at anen u-flrrwrt ; ....... Barbeati of t loft ier th!S ra la worth tha mnnav avnanrlnrl nn U .n.ffit - v l ' ial feverameBt. Ottawa, ta wndtori . J.V--L? 7. V v-Fv.aui.u wii io.n,if.,...w-;nu oi oi)tww wk to tbu rtct oe ofMetaM unwuiuK quuun anu can never oe decided. Alliwuier" wnora ,ne UIH ,,nm sei o";dutiea irtrfs nnnn th mint nf T?ar Tf t t,i,i ..u : i ruy sneech will not allow me to SDeolal native basaiamal aervleeo featral Kumpran I were coedueted tor Rev. T. D. Proctor in us ff w monienu left at mj dle-;.u, fit. petera AnKUean Ohurob at pciari is not Mtead-to deal wttb anr.Hateiton on Sunday, tttieral atfWMnta with retard to Ua , t::- . wrht, i b.t. t. k. l. .tt:..:. , wrutt. united pnwe nwer 111 ' ren. LTL The ' renlral J T. ""V.""""' Btneeeaiu are 1 . H 71 ton, u now In Oahawa, ' Ont.ate . ' "1 !H " Wlt with frtenda lit Tora- .M com er next month to try to straighten up political dlf f i-; ;;,f : ewe . .tund th. of eulties and to lend aid to Premier Tolmie in carrying on 'Z&rt&fmZZ Tt " Vumuw rtturiUB its purpose the laying of plans for trying to retain federal mei,iVt ot. and oouid be uttered seats now held for the party. I""' H; ttrcn 1 ",pr1 m -V 1 f . jpbatietftv. Mr. Chairman, that the .1 .1 V.- it ..... ; x One of the rocks on which the party is splitting, accord-1 crown awopean u not what Biatp ttl CT tn tha film a ttiaf f nntunnn. Tt.- lZ. l 1 i Llovd would mike hun out to t: hla hu 0 . w.v x ue imiwy Iieeicrain u lblialt w tbe t.l driver, appeared before IMtpea. want tne uovernment positions for their sunnnrtprs tVin'Tenti- Eurcn but t hum.mtv m "t auuau j. p. searMt here Dreaent holders of such nnsitinna tn ha ni,nn,l r,' general., it Is tnleathat moat ot theee .w"k - WM ntly, f" to ,H...L T'lLM cntr.r fcUrbptana are rather when unpru,onmnn Ior dm,, f t m - poor the ranks of among the faithful. To this Premier Tolm e they come but y make -' us sara io oojeci. Mr. uennett, as leader of the party, it isi up .T , ,100 !., 1 tttAliavttr tent) ii t it r- ju 1 1 1 r- til. 1 1 1 1- r 1 1 t 1 1 I'liiiiititr t ri it nnriitirina - . - v.i . t h " -....w. , ... ,UUII vMC HkllUUCi) ... , ui me iiujiiani joo nuniers. throughout the country. Also, it has existed nnrlpr- ntrinr ACTIONS, NOT WORDS (Financial Post) i tn w0rds ,n the annual rePrt of the Cana-dian Pacific Uailway to refer to the construction of the Roval ork Hotel in Toronto. The hotel is costing the C P.R. $J6,000,000, which is something over $600,000 for each word m the report. Canrtfen Pacifiohas become such a. large, institution that even its mightiest works must be kept in. perspective when one attempts to view them as.evidence of what C. P. R. is dome for Canada. Three millions is being spent on the Empress Hotel in Victoria and $2,000,000 on the Palliser in Calgary, but these are routine matters to C . P . R Mil. lions will be spent on a gigantic Canadian hotel in London, but this will be only one item in a year's program of construction. Within about one year, four magnificent ocean liners have been put into commission; contracts were let for two others and five ocean fi-pifTlitr- hnvo Kaoh inn,i,t,i markiibv 4betr thrift, tbelr aturdlneaa. their peraeferaoce and tbeir detrrmtna- T'....l 1 ;.i .i . . fcn to reclaim homea for themaelvea i luuMuwicy buwi it IJUS1UUI1 UOt'S e.XlSl 10 SOme extent on ow prUle Urr of l.ud Once thrte Europeana come to Can- !: .' alnipIat.itKt poorewt. yet they finely t . . . fu ... . . . . STEWART Ai the aequel of a rollUlon on the SUwart-Hvdtr road. Fred Soak!, Hfdee aeven oarl Huh lleDunald. feneral road fore oian for tlx't diatrttt. has aeveial at - work putting Ue rcsds tn hape for the aeoaon. Amoat the worka under war are th Bear River win. dam, aurfaeinc of .town streeta. r pairing of Btwart-HlUr road andj (jOVPmmentS. not eXCentintr the RrPU-stpr nnrl fllivof . ..Tk.. !..-. ccrutruetlon of American Oreek hrUi.l , a n ta vaVW . wvmj lawiwr, .saw. J KIV av V IV SV rn (IS - - gimes. There are always heelers who see in .political ,h W 'D of M'Vor1-n So,,1 charges opportunities to secure positions. Wither Mr. i nleSXn" 1 tus reoor, u ,aimn jom her. that Bennett or Dr. Tolmie can curb Ihe tendency remains top.- tfJJmfieSZ OCPeen. !l Psrt of the scheme for for a number of thoM ao-!' It is no argument for immigranta.ljlev'l0me"lt propertiea m tn any nartv to lu fcy sav Knmennp boineone eise pl?plc1I.s'rrd . eu"t" : , -.K(ll'X dtfk untrT a,.. dutnot of the consolidated Mtaim & 1 1 1 i i nu su mu no umtr r r nrtA inh w-iw-M-He . . j i i. j t i n , . to talk about it SnvrMng Co. vuriim vu iv. wnj iuki Tery lew acme; comfort at we know them In Canada,' Hooton, Homr Flklin sad yH they dearly loved their rude dwel-! BIndy Charlton are pJaqalng on leaf llf. They were lamlly meo In a!ln M D a meathar li III on niuen cloeer arnae than U uaually P"4'"! '1p Into the White River known on tbe Korth Amertean eontln-l00"11''- InUreatlng rrauUa are an-t: thy lived, they loved, and their tkPu1 trom the espedftlon. whole world waa the land on which! they worked. They retain In Canada! Oracle Allen of Hyder. B'C a thoae fine eharaoterlatlca for whlth ' nt of Mra George Wcetel of they were noted In the old country, , mier. waa auooeaeful recently In and untiueatlonably Canada baa beenilnc eiamlnatlona of the Royal a Ifalncr thereby. idemy of Muale. Mrdltlnn , , irrw vaara waa eent 10 lau IOT; Jack OXf. I. a natlent In witjntheir first mps. JNew lines as long as the distance .pXTreS f roiOJonTreal to Toronto were built. Millions were snent i ceuntT ' "" irth of a number or "iv nn pnninmpnf y ftomnint membera of the Houae in- On equipment. j eluding J. c. Bradj of Bkeena and hU atu-Pre-paa. Aea- the Uttering in Canada certain aedltloua , local hoapitai aufferlng from burna on tenement nd ut hla charge to (he Jury Mr. Juajlce . Wright had thla to tiji waa the article calculated or Intended to excite 111 between different claims of the Klng'a aubjecta, becauae that cornea wlhtln the definition pf edition "If Vaara, becauat ot this arUcIe. w mrm 10 jiii ior au montha I con hla wrlata cauaed through an accident with a gaaollr Mow torch tend that Blahop Uoyd ahould be sent Icle. anrf to jail for alx yeara, because hU refer ; merchant, enco to the dlflercnt racea la Canada plane, waa Juat aa bad aa tha artlcia written I by vaar In the paper which he edited aomewbere in Ontario. The aeaplane Juneau, piloted by An-ret Etkmtn, was here laat week from Ketehlkan, having brought over rtank Metcalf and Ray McCormlck. land aur-veyora, who will aurvey the Creat group tor Oren f HiJl, and Sdward O. Uor. riaaey. editor of tht Ketchikan Cbron- Thoma Pavlea, who returned il-T ENOCCiU Ketchikan with the "Should a huaband krep anything from hla wife)" aaka a writer. Enough for lunch and carfare, w ahould aty - Boston Trsnssrlpl. fiBSIlLvB v i (v.Ti 1 1 It it i S 'Puffed Rice is Good, too Quaker Putted Kkt it exploded tbe sasae way as rVfrd Wheat, and it equally delicious. Full of tbe ready energy of the bneit white rice, tit vaacrr, keep both kinds of putted f rains in the bouse. SI Corron'i'e compound! in impur gatolint re$ult in tulphuT-forming aciji which Jtitroy th vital pattt of a motor. 60 ptt cent, of valvt and tearing trouble it due to tulphur in gatolint. . "''i"Ghercs no Gas Uc Home" i r r .- hen appetites are sluggish THEM with Quaker Puffed Wheat MOTHER knewj that appetites are often EVERY sluggish. Sometimes the children won t est sometimes it's did himself. Oaliturr food does not tempt them. Qusltex Puffed Wheat aJways wins the skiaguh sppetite. Pufiingthe wheat grain to ciaht times us natural size gives it delicious, mtt-Wtefiavourwhirt, neryonc relishes. It contains astonishing nouxuh-ment, too. In each grain, the DutSng breakj do n raillioni of tiny food cells and releases vahisble food stores to that their assimilation becomes easy and complete. The wheat bran is all retained, but artfully concealed. Serve Quaker Puffed Wheat just is it comes from the package or warm it. Use it w ith berries, jtUy or jam, or just with cream or milk. Quaker PUFFED WHEAT MADE BY THE MILLERS OF QUAKER OATS C lP" the dtttnmr Tmloiitwiflioiitdelqy VfOTOR HALITOSIS no otlicr iTJ-word explains it so well a danger signal of engine trouble ahead. It indicates the presence of sulphur corrosives and impurities in the gasoline you are using. You can't mistake it -that odor discharged fronrtlie exhaust. Sulphur ruins SfOuY moloY Avoid the costly results of using Impure gasoline. Discriminating motorists insist on lome Gas- they avoid excessive corrosion and expensive engine repairs. Guaranteed Free From Corrosive Sulphur Compounds HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LTDm HKUULiLnHs REFINERS DISTRIBUTORS Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you.