if''' 54 PAGE FOUH THE DAILY NEWS W. ts-i V..: f . Hi !(... i ... Te- J ROBINS DEFEAT 8-1 Mrs 8-1. GIANTS TWICE Chaser Cubs Mm Oter Tards: Vankee an Ked Sul KliWr Honor; UNra.S tsain NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. St. IMU M 38 Pittsburgh M 31 Chicago (l 30 New Tork 38 34 Philadelphia 33 37 Brooklyn n so Boston is t Cincinnati 30 38 AMERICAN LEAGUE" STANDINGS W. L. Mew Tnck Detroit -Watrhlngton flrago AatrMeaa Leazee FURTHER GAMES IN CANADIAN NATIONAL TOURNEY PLAYED OFF of the Canadian Rational Tennis Club tournament: STATION TAKES SOFTBALJ, LEAD hwa'lirjf Dock y Score or It to J In Last MjW'i C X K League I . 1'UUire - - - - - NEW YORK. June 19 Prooklfaf 8UUon mt to -the too of th In th Aswrloaa toagu. nnatnn ! V ' : Smith, rf. Red Sox fell on three New Tork like buries in the first gam of a I Stattlm Hsllfey. p.; Skattebol. c: douMehrndiir but were shut out in 8UU. lb Berptm. 3b.: Oros. 3b. : the second. jAstorta. as.; UePhenon. if.; Skattebol.' Retaining th Msjor League lead by - Mcmtosh. if a long margm, PnJladeiphl AthstUe got back Into their winning against Washington Senators. Yesterday scores: .tMMUC.tX LtlfU E Boston 0-7. New Tork 0-4. Pbiladerphia 7, Washington 8. NATIONAL LT.Vfil E N Yoek 7-4. Brooklyn 8-1. Boston 3. PhOadclphla 4. Pittsburgh I. Cincinnati 3. St. Louis 8, Chicago 11. League smnsllnga are a foOows: to 33 33 31 38 30 31 18 .lt UkIV. lb.; H. Osvthorne. 2b.. Retd, Kelly, cf.: Around TKe World With Sport Fans Dy To Tramp) Max Scbmellng. the young Oennan See Imltatcr of Dempsey aad Paollno Ur- .838 Mun. the fighting Basque, one of the 44 most Interesting figures In ring his-MSS ta"y- This wtH be the second act In .3V mate drama whkrh wul end In the 344 crowning of a heavyweight ehamplon i Is place of Oeee Tuaney. resigned . The announcement that Sir -Montagu Fct ! Allan has presented a cup for cricket -1' In Canada wfB be aetaomed thrsugtiout .604 :be Dominion, and wUL It Is hoped. .883 beb to revive and tester a game that .317 seems to have fallen 'Into decay In this .481 country, says the Toreato Otobe. Time .388 vat when many town and cities la the part of the Dominion boasted Freddy Mack of Ketehlkaa It to box Jte MtlS In the mstn rmmmt nl ! vaaoker at the Alaska city on the eve-ntag ef June 23 at a hospital smoker. . At the same event It Is stated In the The rcaaMug further game sere KetetUUa Cnrontcle. soms oulck steo. last evening la th that round pmg Utitwelgrtts from Prince Rupert win show their wares for the first Urn there. i. U. Borton bast 1 X. Dsrles. 8-1, H Peer, beat . Smith 8-1. . ; OUTBOARD MOTOR FIEND W. O. Baroid iiea'. L. Parkea. S-2. . . . . - STIirif AT A FRTRAY IsVPher:?! beat T Wilding. 6-3.1 Miuwmiumwu visa I Thistles Win, Opening Game in Dominion Day Cup Series One of Goals Called Dbhlitful Before ..... one of the . largest m, . . crowds of the ,f year i orHhe 5.' f10".?? ..?c r: son1" rat of . Apmnnlia Hill irronnHs. Thistles won oDeriincr honors last I Red Lucas heM th Pittsburgh Pirates to four hits to give Cincinnati Beds th Victor? . Willsdslggils won a tight contest tram Boston Brave. Kteln. she PaU-lies' outnesder. hitting his seventeenth of the seaaea. Jackson line-dps i mki Ra were umpire with i even. Immediately after the kick-on in the second halt, M fallows: irMl "r:.l.11 .1 t, fiVef rrnol fn fVio TVil'ctlno Trio - Dry Dock Hove, p.: Boulter, o.; Hill lUlldlCll flUlCU UiC 1UI vv, iiiwuw. ihv second we scored by Charlie BspMe ! when a doubtful penalty wu swarded against C. J. Nor ring ton. Most everybody In attendance thought that Nor-rtagton had not really handled the ball before It was outside. Th decision caused some dtatlifacVin. NsvertbeJes. the Thistles had the most The standing f team are as follow: j of the piay In the second half and W. L. Pet. pressed an the time, being thoroughly 4 3 .97 entitled to their win BH1 Mitchell, a. 3 3 .800 centre for the Thistle, was th oajt- OOfee 3 3 .860 aaandlnw nlaver of the Kam. On the J! D0 1 -l7,w!ttM, It was a very aaUsfactory match I , from the spectators' point of view. w. E. WUMseroft referred and uoee- men were Ales cisppenan ana a. Bureau. ' Tn teems were as follows: Regiment Underwood: KeXwy and Rets: Strochen. Hsddan and Burdette; WUson. Ruaaeil. J. K Murray. Tinker and NorrlnfMB. 1 Thistles Campbell; Enklne aad Jack: O. ' -chH. Baptle and Half: J. JL ? H Smith. A. Maodooald. W MltchsU. J WON AT ASCOT ASCOT, England. June 19 Sang , Psench bred edit, won the Royal 1 1 ant Club Cup today The hone la owned 338 fine cricket clubs, each one of wtotoh "if"1" ' could produce a star bowler, fielder or I hitawitn; but those days, to targel extent, have passed away. Of the 38 other In the race, H. E. Steel' Cahitcmneat to Oongt and Ouardw Pared . owned by Abe Bailey, took the tnrra money. TRAIN ACCIDENT IN BELGIUM IS FATAL BRUSSELS. Belgium. Jane 18. Ntoe persons were .killed, and many injured when a uaaWbger train from Ohent crashed Into a derailed engine near H EST COAST IIMIINO SKIDKOATE. Jua : The tatset Ladles' slntlet SBATTLE. June 19. Raymond Ifalnes. report from Hlppn Is that there are no Rcgtrs beat Mrs Brass. 6-0., who left Juneau last week tn an open spring attmaa them and all the flaber- boat with an outboard motor for Se- men and buyer have left for Ncrt paaas will b played tonight If aUle. today was stormbound at Alrrt Iland except those who have given up weather I suitable ; Bay. B.C. :ro!'!r.i THE ACME IMPORTERS Backward Season SALE Specials for Thursday Only HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS AT SPECIAL PRICES WHICH WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THURSDAY MORNING ONLY BOYS SHIRT WAISTS Tooke's make; in assorted shades; broadcloths included ; and in all sizes. Backward Season Sale Price 75C TENNIS SHOES FOR BOYS-Sizes 11 to 13 and 1 to 5. Backward Season Sale Price 95C BOYS' KNICKER PANTS Knee length ; in fox serge and in all sizes. Backward Season Sale Price Q5( .BOYS' SWEATERS in pure wool ; worsted. The right sweater for summer wear. Backward Season, Sale Price 95Q The Acme Importers NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS-NO C. 0. 1). TERMS, STRICTLY CASH Mail Orders Promptly Filled at These Sale Prices. TENNISFINALS COMING ON NOW Ilefrat of Itrana nd furrle L4 Mlbt !r Mtniferd and Jolln Surprise of Tourney The Mg surprtie as far of the Prwe Bufert Tennis CluWi tournament was the defeat last night by W. L. Stamford and P. Joel in in th men's double rfnl-ttsli of Carl Brand and William OuiTte. two of the club's strongest pi vers. The score was 8-3. 3-7, 4-8. Stamford ' lobbing was a factor, tn de- In: (tie other men's doubles seml-fJTMl. Qtdle Smith and Poll Howard beat Peter Black aad W. O. Fulton, Can Brand and kite Oarotlse defeated Col. W. J. NloholU aid Maw Btta Robertson 6-3. C-O. - la mixed doubles eml-flnal. The wnoie tournament Is the final stages. final .Schedule The following finals wtlf be stayed tonight: , . n.d a. i.,d Michelmin. Took U1rd doublea-Mlst Caroline Mlteh- Koyat Hunt Cup ThK Afternoon ell Bd Ctrl Brand Va HvS. . . a W ..... I mamm wi. o. I . mbhwhk , . L - Men" doubies W. L. Staaxford aad'vr14 by dead reckoning. Thick P. Jcatln Howard. 1 Mlm Vera ssal th aad Poll He ward. Lad' singles Miss Carol trie Mitchell vs Mrs K. L. BhadweU. Mag's single Cart Brand vs Petl Howord. Tonsarrow night the following fmalt will beMpiaved: Ladies' doubles Mr W. Carrie and HI Vera Smith vs Mrs. H. L. 8hA v Bddte SmKh and Sport Chat Poll a The annual city championship ten his tournament will start on Sunday water baseball players here (or 'the July 1 celebration. No doubt, this Interna. tlonal series, whlofa ha alwaya proven v popular In the past, will be just is well appreciated again. A series of name will b played her In connection with Dominion Day celebration and arrangement an being made for Prince Rupert to go to Anyox for a return aerie on July 4. Several horse have already been en. 'ercd tor equestrian races which will feature the Dominion Day celebration at Smither this year. Every event will be keenly contested from th present ooks of thing. A special new event that ha lutt been arranged for th celebmtlon wfll 'be' a tie makers' con test which should command much in terett There will also be a baseball game between SmMhera and an outside teem a well aa th usual track and field event for adults and children After an Interval of four vein Inter. town baseball game between Talkwa and Smlthers have been mumari Tn the tint game al 'Telkwa, Smlthsr waa toe winnerw.a rree nitiinj contest by fee re of lHk 7. Allen pitched for 8nuuwrf While, Swanson and Gowar-loek dreided mound duty for Ttlkwa. Smlthers-scored six pun In the second unnig ana live in in mm. Noonant running one-handed catch In centre field for Telkwa was a feature of th ifsme. Bum Lake ha been playing baseball and football with outside teams but without much success. a bane ball tame with Wistaria was close and thrilling affair. Wistaria finally winning out after a back and forth con-lent nn the long end or a 13 to 11 core In the first football game. Rose Lake descended on Burn Jake to win deciiivsjy by a cor of 8 to nil. STORYRECALLS KILTUISH LOSS Shp's Record flat llare 1'arts Without BrrorUlKf Mrurgle nil MMMtintruillnntf T twill ft m -I- ft.tll.KU r'KOM KITEHT iron new ion uianvs in uic niipur, 12 to J win over tile losly Dry Doek r o" --------j 1 ' dral - , , n , , sklnrvr's las itea not with Leagu. th. ftur. o b MK.rlu( rviinf Tb 5 So, thh night in the Dominion Day Cup football series over the j -ZZrZTZZ up ISSSf tl -nJSTS: Regiment by a score onwoion i. rracucauy au uie spec with 81. Lou Cardinals in siugbst dHrt "p " m been one to nil, but the referee wa's absolute. There was no IT-"4 " hu l ""-.scoring in the first half and back and forth play was quite ver prevtnse In a recent feature story Ttxre are no trutitnlng, no explana tion of the perils of the moment, for the master take not pains to outline adventures or risk of life and limb which oceur la the ordinary or extraordinary moment of life at se. Take far instance, the Vase of the ' Vancouver flahlng boat. KlltuMi, lost on th Alaska coast late sn March.! 1037. She had a terrible time with tnew-and atorm and Ice. In reef and ripping tea. . Her erewt risked their Uvea again and again aad 8e up , hope finally. untH one of the men bat' tied his way to the beach through vave which crashed and roared over and around the Jagged rusks of the bltutr shores Captain p. J. Bsowu wasted as 1UM try effort In maj laming bis log. "March 7. left Prince Rupert for flab' tng banks," be wrote Next day he recorded, "Off Cape Spencer, rteerlng There was nothing mar worthy of not until 7 a.m. on th morning of March 13 where the ship arrived t the bank, "heavily Iced up. wind Hawing bard." They .hove to. Ice and I'Khlng . Kext day, "Stlfl hove to." and ha the morning of Marsh 18 tn aafpsar shifted tnehore. under th lea of Trinity Island, and anetscead. There she lay far three day with the bexosnetei t 38.40. On March 18 they hove up anchor at naJdnlght and bucked Into th gale for the flahlng grounds, but j wen driven bask by a hard norta- leeaUf. taking shelter la Three Salnl now la Bay. Kodlak Istand. The weamar was oosd sad every -thtag was troaen tight. "StUI at im-enor. Frosen up hard.' r ads th log. At midnight an March 31 the ship brake out and fought be way (or 4.1 milea to aea. Is the efiz of the bank. The crew fished next day. rode a gale all night and fMnad the next aftat noon ffceY aaned for Port Lock Hooks, ar rived an March 34. and (laned that kOtuMn and th nest two days On March 3V they headed for Print Rupert Ha adtat fit tby had. A Mnag south smitheeet gal hrt thea, iDeriswptnlnd by snow It was IcnpaMtale to take any sights . and - the xpvji swuuswa aown ana ouno ed them at frequent interval They eould aee n diets see. and war pru-ceedtng carefully wttlj the wave crash-lag over tn deek. and the water freesing a th aaragr hrt house or Mg- img. ine cteasing or tn deck waa Jseavy with ice. an house window were aned by dinging, heavy agssw. No Mxn ef Mt 4 There waa no sign eftM. and Cap- lain Brown ogured be was still m safe A heavier squall, nrurooced next. It I announced. Members of all wrapped the boat la It "trftfing untf ciuos are rang invited to parnapaK , ollndtng silence. There waa no sound and. In addition, any players who are but the wave hlttmg th hull, and not meraoera of in aiuo will oe - the snow-rtencd obatter of the en come a the .competition wR)l be strictly open to rtll. There wttl be event in ladles' and men's singlet and gine. Then Crash I Hard and fast reef Men dashed out. TYe ladle.' men' and mixed double add 1 poured more rlnlinllr aaaoss 01 u games win oe pssyea- st tne fwura -and md Ufe til the Open a Very poor ef the Prince Rupert Ttonla Club En- ask. They tried In pull off hut wee inr are Detng receives, oy rai nowaro and Carl Brand and wttl be open until Saturday evening. Baseball at Anyox this season 1 fie Mlppsd smoothry and softly ua In proceeding so. far without a hitch. The (the smother of snow, beat at the edae team are providing a good brand of well, three hundred having witnessed '.he last league game which the Mine won 7 to 3 from th Elk. Of th tx league game to far played, th Mine baa won three. Concentrator, two. and Elk, one. The Concentrator, with an average of .343. lead In team battlagl while Hardy 1 the leading individual batter of , the league. Local basehen fans; ar glsd to learn hat the Kstrv, Son of Canada are nee arata olennta to brimi Ketchlxan unable to move. Oraat rotten smashed aad shook, at th null and th treeing chain broke. Like a wimlin triphammer the bag otllowa from the Past- of the reef and amete the stern of the ball and the peettora ar turning out j lost craft with thunaarou The deckhouse wan carried aVaf. aatt the timber of th stout hull began 6a tear from their fastening. Between boat and ahor waa a wild turmoil of waters, ragtag whit, gashed here and there by the black teeth of the reefs. ftwam In Cauldron A volunteer started to swim tarotwh this cauldron, taking a light line. He drew; a heavier line In after he had negotiated th passage. Then, wtoea the tide dropped, the reet of the shin- wrecked inane were able to make shore In comparatively shallow waters. They had easeped with nothing but th clothes tjiey war, and they were drenched d chilled Porvamately there was a settlement within a few mile. and they staggered there for refuge. Captain Brewn'a log doe not tell these thing. It read: "Ran on reef tn eaawaquall. Tried engine astern. No use TrW to steer head out. but wheel shaln carried away. The ware carried away th denouse. and the vessel began to break up. Bach wave foreed u up on the reef and closer to the beach so that w were finally able to wade ashore, saving nothing but what stood up In." Lake- Tltiae in--Peru, 13.C44 feet above sea level, Is th highest point in th world where steamers are found. MILK Fi 1 MILK tesh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. We hnve been appointed sole agents In Prince Rupert for the famous BROOKS-BANK CERTIFIED MILK. Price, 25c per quart. The game In Prince Rupert as in Vancouver . VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone. 6S7. YOUR SUMMER MEANS MORE WITH A Portable Orthophonk Victrol Portable Vlrlrnln 2-3S $SS Tortable Mclrola 23 $18. SO EASV TERMS th Earl of Ravecwry. Liberal Take music with yon. summer. Don't xn r II Jojrs for a inottuiit genuine Portable ic Orthophonlc type i exclusive Victor ie.it, i rmXfttfiern -thw.biwl ;. "If It's 'Victor' Wc Have It. and former Prim Minister, "ha the teak of carrying on a ftae tradiUb be i wi areat tat Wat, and a position " -ickr: bulk large la th of his eoiatr- '?- men." sag th Dally News and Watt. " minster Oasatte "He followed in his her ..n st f4fera fooiilsps both in politic and "' la anon, and 'at for oiaaw'uts'i old r tin Bonetltuency. Midlothian, from J808 to d ijiih: 1810. attar having first held a own- ' " ' ft , i' fT" J 4jJ f W PROMINENT FIGURES SrORT I Written Especially for the Dally New b t!.. - ! new tjoun R08Fb::hy Fa minis fftft The new Lord ftoarbrry. who Lirt Datmeay. reeentty uc9dd hi faiher A h'' '!. Atartt an v n Only the, purest iiig'rediesits ; arc .used 5w "CANADA DR.Y The Qhampagnc of Cjingcr CantJa Drj Ginttr If.UitiL'L T'lsKUU'. r"-.,'l,V11 ' t(Xmi) I, I, if.t flL. - ... t ,-( fy I