The Wise Ma. Tlifi The ...tan wise Man w n - ft. J n It,. 1 N ' 'J LONDON, June 19. The world learned a little more! j. night of those conversations which Premier Ramsay Macdonald and General Dawes, the United States ambas--ador to Great Britain, held on Sunday. ; In speeches which both made last night, the prime mini-tor at Lossiemouth and the U. S. ambassador in London gave common expression to a desire for the deepest Anglo-American friendship. j "The hands we clasped were not cold with official cor-rpct.nep.s, but warm with friendship, inspired by a common ,:n' usiasm for service in the cause of international good will and commonsense," said Premier Macdonald. "Let's be hoprful for the cause of world peace and for the prog-of civilization, for in the joint hands of the English -pcakinjr peoples rests not only their guaranty, but as vt il the ark of the covenant of human freedom," Mr. Mac-raid declared. 'YY met in the hope that we might be instrumental in vn paring a board around which other nations might ulti-itfly sit in co-operation, studying ways of gaining a -cr -e of security, not by arms, but by the absence of arms. ; "As to the wide world purpose of wht Is known as' in Amrln-American conversations. I hope that neither I NEW SETTLERS ! FORTY DRQWNliD FORCANADA! SOUTH AMERICA tv re llutlng farms from Cana dian National Heltlemenl At. aortal Ion BOOOTA. Colombia- June 19 penoos ae believed to hare been drown -1 aad aaore then one hundred Injured tn nractteally the total destruction of town of avUl Wf Oonos from the . v , i -". Mat five - Mi'EO Jul ou.lA. stiver. SerllU to IB the de- i.,iliu iwiainil mar IeJ Hkfl in t--- . ... - .i ks WlnnlDM i laMMtMW. ;i train over the lines of the ..n National Railway The la-e all buytcj land la Weatsrn from the land settlement as-of the CanaeUMi National ivv and wKhln the neat r will be oettled In their w lv in the party ate W British, '.odisli. a number of Oermana, is. Dansv and Hungarians. wt l ! Canada on the steamship :m Litunls Penalaad. Antonia. ,i rt ih. A uranla and docked at ivt the weea-eno i lIIKUY PATHOL tKingoAm lp:-Uuneh Eru-ka. with B. F. aoksnu aad A c. rMksnt of aaadsfxt. Mai tone down the tt roast of Mueeaby tsand on fishery petrol senrloe. MIW. C1TV1ITII ll'AI VAKOOtJVKR. June lt:-Mrs Itoijf H. Oouworth, aged 6. wlfe of kio S j . .. tr f.rma CoUwurth. Ol LIV cvuik; w. - fore iif dei'h THE NEW MUMOX SEKIlNAHE , resident rortes Oil sings a "dry" aonff to the nation. -,veUlor. Mexico City. the thtnn T a leaJeWm- rnon dar I at her hjHJw Vancouver and liiterai-.iiii'e icxii .... . t ik noit. few arr:v-l I r 1111 ' uiuui..- flew rorx .11 nuun 1 ' I v.-'.. . Revolirr Fight on letrolt J lift Before Daylight arur nor small states will have a doubt that they are not ;. ive. They are inclusive." '' j -,,-,,.. t. Ambassador Dawes at the Pilgrims' dinner in Loadanl ,,ltM, M rd the outstanding importance of an early agreement! a, aTi. " 'ward world peace, it s succeesiui accompiisiwTiwis'r-' iuircd co-operative employment of two distinctly uftre- 'od talente, that of naval technical experts and that of 'dV -men," he declared. Otoria' Ohpner. S.4S. 8. so. Oeemu River. Stl-t. 14. rskuKn Mil It 1.9 MORE QUAKES ' - Boston Grill r 4 .am -am. man mo . . . . " w WittO , LARGE CABARET gificd advertisements em and uses Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturday them whenever he needs to sell J- Dancing Erery Saturday Nlgbt, 9 to 1? or buy, or rent, to flnd lost Oanc Hall for Hire goods or to get a job. Accommodations for Private Parties PHONE 437 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITKn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . -IXJIi i )l XX , N0. 141. V PIUN'Ctf ftUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNK 19, 1929. PU'CE FIVK CRKTV Step 7ou;arfj World Peace is Father and Daughter Work Together free JrflJg Within tk e Taken in Britain when Two World Figures Make Speeches Premier Ramsay Macdonald Says Board Bcinjj Prepared I'ur nations 01 world to Sit Around and Discuss , World Security Without Arms RUMRUNNER WAR IN EAST Klvrr WINDSOR, Ont., June 19 After a swift (noting rriolter fight In (ho iH-trnlt Klvrr Jut before day. Unlit today, rum runners of the Heat W'lndwr section retreated Into Canadian waters after peppering a hole In the prow of a tnlted State" custom, patrol rutter. There are h known rsualtlet. Tfie rum runnera opened fire without not Ire on the lulled Mate boat. It la charged by Waller S Petty, acting rollertor of rata at Detroit. Ill men re-tHrncd the volleys and ensued the Inlruderi bulk to the Canadian hrr. lie ald. Petty rhargid that fir from the rum runnera' boot (nntlnt'ed leng after It bad h ached Canadian wafers. The "U-ems boat abandoned the thae at til- International line. STOCK QUOTATIONS iCourteay S. D. Johnston Co.) The following quotation! were Octennda.' l.JO. l.H. iOOfl Orandvlew. 0. i 1-3. Indajpendenee. T. B. . . . Indian Mines. 4, Mil. K Intern. Coal ft Coke. M. it. ; i Kootensy Herenee. 18. 18 3-4. Kootenay Klnf. 38 I -. 3 1-3. I. ti L.. I. 3. Lakevlew. NU. 3-4. lAieky Jim. It. 13. Mohawk 31-1. 4. Morton Wootsey. 43-4; i. Marmot River OoM. 4. 8. Marmot UetaK NU. S. MntionsJ Stiver, 11. 13. Nome Fit. 37. 91 1-3. Oregon Copper. 31. 31 1-3. Ksnd OrtUle. Nil. I . Premier, i.ea. 1.78. Porter Ideao. 43. 4. Reeves MsotsaaaW. l.M. 1.75. Rufus Altwta. 38. 38 13. Ruth Hope, JT 1-1. 38. Stiver Oraet. 314, 8. BUrerade Com.. . 89. WvtMntth. 13. N. Mbobb JClnf. 3. 0. Sriowfkths. U. 38. mutiatK t.m. Ml. TopUf MeafMs), 31. 33. Telle Mine. 1.00, 1.30. Whitewater. 33. B3. Woodbine, st-3. 7. BRtstMSt, 11. 13. Oft, Oalcary Detlaav 1 .3. NU. Wsiliaym Treasury, a. 40. Nil. ONKt "Mt. 80. Ktt. Mercury, I. it, NU. mm vm, M. mi. mui Orty, 9. to. Nil. Oitsim Hew, 3.4ft, NU. Mssjent , NU. O. A E. lod. O.M, Advanos, Nil, IT. 60. A. P. OotMoUoatKt, 3.64. 3,68 Caiman. 8.30. 3.38. Dalhotttte. 4.00. 4.08. MfH Pete, 81-3. . HOBW. 31.40. 31.60. mtnols Atberta. Nil. 97 1-3. MeDstkr.-Sefur. NU, 3.60. MUwd, NU, 4.30. New MoOouf.-Beiur. NU, 1.73. RoyaJMwi Ml. 130.00. vumsii. N. 1.10. llsrtst, 1.48. 140. aterllnt Pacific. 1.84. 1.93. United, Nil. 11 00. Mid West. 61, 88. Freehold, 1 30. 1 33 Ka.trrn Slmk Shcrrltt Oordon. 7 38, Nil. NEWZEALAND WattilNQTON, N Z . June 19. aa r eerthTuakes were felt today In Mtrnklaoa and Takaka oounUes, both of whloh were hsrd hit In the tremors oar Her In the week. ' If all oyster egs hatched and survived. In five generations their shells would make A pile twice the size of the earth, Pi David Lloyd peorge. famous Liber i w i-, r tib, :ii r.:iiiig daughter, Megan ard nu, nte, wbo alicwca tnentselves to to phut; gr&phed at their i" ' fr--e-e:ri during a lull in -.he Just btlore .he genera el-ectioiM. A a result of te clectlcna Mtaa, Mr vd Oer-rre w? elected u a seat m the Hoove of Owmnjos and ber fa her will wield the bal.noe o! p rwer In ParUsjneftt. w T. i t - lrKank naiidit(Labfiire-i " Yesterday Afternoon and kht : Then ;he Pleaded Guiltv VANCOUVER, June 19. Cool and defiant. Arthur Thomas, nineteen-year-old bandit, pleaded guilty in the Vancouver police court this morning to the holdup of the (Jrandview branch of the Royal Bank of Canada on Commercial Drive yesterday morning and asked for a summary trial, he was remanded to June 24. Thomas refused to give his address or give any information about himself, except to say that he was an orphan and lived in the Grandview district. The lad was captured yesterday afternoon in New Westminster after he had purchased an outfit of clothing in a store, the proprietor of which, F. J. Mitchell, being informed about that time by a seventeen-year-old youth, Fred Blewett, of the holdup. He became suspicious when Thomas offered him Royal Bank bills in payment. Mitchell will probably receive the standing $5000 reward of the Bankers' Association for the capture of the bank bandit and Blewett may share it. While Thomas went over to another store Mitchell phoned the police, who arrived and arrested Thomas on his return. Thomas said he had a car and when this was found a large sum of money was found in it in a canvas bag. Altogether $3822 was recovered in the car and on Thomas' person. TWO WARSHIPS AT VANCOUVER M. X. Colombo and H. H. . alaalppl Arrived at Soutlirrn Tort Yeaterday SIZZLING HEAT tleven Me Within Tueiit j-l'mir Hours; I Tempera! ure at Niw York M ,lHie VANCOUVEft. June 19ewlT-a was-' OrW. J ... ..j.. . tnedlate .DKnpect o .jT.j., ... v. ,1-... i itoda antcri d Its V VANCOl'YER WHEAT MAY INCKEA8X CAPITAL lua.lm if east IH BITOT Will I ITO ra. tt,i - . H. ,.'! nl tt At 10MJ yetertay morning. Hi ' Litr-fi Colombo. Oapt. O. O. Dohson. ettteml ' ZtLTinL dRd 01 drownln- while nUe the Uon'a Oate. and at 8:30 n the eve- , "f nlng the United States battleship Mis j . na, rechod M de. slsalppl ejrlved. ; raM above wro In New York. oocicty ioik oi me chj i.vv Kriaisi a Busy program of entertainment ' tor the office of both ahlps. Entpvte Seems Likely to be Govt. Policy TORONTO, June 19. The Globe published the follow ing despatch today from its Ottawa correspondent: "Tariff changes which will have a revolutionary effect on Canada's external affairs are under consideration by the Dominion cabinet. In response to demands from all ; parts of the country for action, the government is taking preliminary steps towards what will undoubtedly be the most drastic revision of the fiscal policy of the present century. "The present prospects are that the vital changes will take the form of a material increase in the British preference, if not the inauguration of complete free trade on the bulk of British or Empire goods, while the general tariff which applies to imports from United States will remain stationary." hll.YER MINX OV Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE! r 4 EKIDEOATE, Q.C.I. , June 19: 4 A. Hanow, pioneer prosfieetor 4 of Queen Charlotte Islandt. who owns a group cf claims known at. the Cotter Island group. Is here looking for what' la known aa the lost .Molken silver mine. ii;;.cscd to be on the east coast at Morsby Island. 4 Mr. Hanow, who has prospected TORYLEADER COMING HERE II. Hennett K C. Mill Hold Meet Ings on Augiikt It In Courae of UUtrlct Tour . ' Aoeompanled by Major General A. D. Mcflae, M.P for Vancouver, and Conservative organizer for Canada, Hon. n n n.K. V C tv.mlnl,.ri fnn - BENNETT IS AGAINST BR. PREFERENCE II. btiift at the local dry dock for the bland Packing Co., are expected to leave tomorrow for the West Coast of Vancouver Islsnd. PEMU'MTM OBSERVATIONS Pendulum observations by the minion Observatory show that mountains of British Columbia bueyed up by abnormally light Do-the are ma- terlal extending down Into the earth's OTTAWA. June I9: The Exchequer ; cruet for about sixty miles. The excess Court Imu given Judgment that the of gravity revealed by .the pendulum VAK'mtivrn Juno ll'.Whui vulann life Aasuranor Co. has authority . on the oralrles Is believed to be due ouoted on the loial exchsnge today at i under Me rherter to Increase IU capl- to an extensive underground ridge of gl.Hl.a. taUaatlon from 13.000,000 to 14.000,000. abnormally heavy rock. comment of CHIEF JUSTICE IN HARRIS CASE VICTORIA. June 1D:--In delivering; ?udgmer.t In favor of William F. Harris, sged prospector of Port Angeles, Wahlngt-n. giving hint tlOOOOO and the Inlands tor 30 years rnd who " Unrt in the B g Mto- krew Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Steven KWt ralr CnU,f Jo . Morrison when they were children. Is mak. tfl' verbal agnement between tng his home with them while at Trice Harris. Hiram Stevenson and . Jsmes Proud foot, of which Trice Hams gfcidtgaie ' . U now the aM survtwr. was a Wndlwt r''T; contract before wttnewes aud atood ,lim., be;,$hlel Jueticfl id m fort: "Incidents of these on : the psrt of Harris, Stevenson and . rrrudfont are exempli flea lion of the simplicity of the true pkmecr prospector, who tn consequence waa en the occasion victimized by doatgnlns, nd dishonest partners. "I find that the agreeaxnt as pleaded was entered Into between the plalntKf 8tevenon and Proudfoat; that the Llndebergs were brought Into tV grrement rr that they intruded thecrA elvs with It and were fully aware all along of such agreement; that Daniel Llndcberg took advantage of what he drubtlem deemed to be a aafe attu- aerratlre ' .". . leader, Z . I'm will apend IL-i several HCUi TTl days ' i stlon . .. with the Intention . of depriving r PllJntl" of his Just rights. in this dlatrlct early In Augurt in We 1 course of a detailed tour of Brttun ; Columbia. i The Conservative leader wtll pass thrcugh the city on August 9 bound for Anyox where he will hold a meeting that night. On August 10 at noon a meeting wtll be held at Premier and the same night a meeting at Stewart. I On August 12. It Is planned to have both afternoon and evening meetings i rrnrccillng Hill Open Tomorrow At in Prince Rupert. There will be a short' trrnoon With Tea and Con-iBeetlBg at Smlthers while the train is tlnue I Mil Frldsy there on the evening of August 13 andj Afternoon on August IS a night meeting will be held at Prince George. I Mr. Bennett and Oencral McRae will1 return to Vancouver from Prlnoe . Out of town delegates will arrive from Smlthera, Terrace, Hazelton and other Interior points on this afternoon's the Pacific Orcat Eastern Ooirw over , Uln am, from etewlrt nan way. DIOCESAN W. A. MEETING HERE it ir Canadian Industry was advocated by " 'd and Anyox aboard the steamer Prince Charles tomorrow morning to Join the local delegates In attending the eighteenth an-nvsl meeting of the Caledonia Diocesan Board of the Women's Auxiliary to the Missionary Society of the Church of England In Canada which will open tomorrow here and continue through rrlday. The proceedings will open on Thursday afternoon when Mrs. O. A. Rlx. drbcesan president, will be at home at the BIsheA'a Houe to all Women's Auxiliary members, ladles of St. An Would leeli Empire Trade but Not at drew'a Cathedral and delegate from Expense of Canadian Interrata outside points with their hostesses. 1 On Thursday evening the opening mUn w, " SIMOOK. June 19. -The promotion of . r when an Illustrated address will be , . ,., r Empire j without the IUng .-,, ot en on mJMim by Mrs. Robinson of Terrace, Lite of Hon. R. D. Benneju vxmservaiive ----- night's, ' .y mornhig from 10 to U o'clock leader, here a wlutlon Cmnmunlon 1U be oal.brated m I of Oan-da'a trade problems. He con- Idemned the treaty made with Australia j 'Jhedral and an address will be b, the Mwkenrte King Government on by fnJ , .A l.L ,k-. .t ,;. the B"P f CaJedonla. who will be as- Oanaman dairying Industry snd l "t.'L J ? a',T,n,a Th"' ZT . r,. .n. i will be business sessions at ll la a.m. toiled the destruction of home indus try. i IMCKf.RM LE.WINtl thvifo packers kpaoo I and Ispaco and 3:30 p m. the same day. AFRICAN FLOODS KILL HUNDREDS ASSAM. Cametxm, West Equatorial Africa. June 19. Hundreds of persons are reported to have perished throughout this district as a result of unprecedented floods after heavy monsoon rains. MONTREAL, June 19: Rev. W. W. Peck. S7 years of age. secretary of the Canadian Temperance Federation, with offices In Toronto, died here Monday night.