"llJt.J J til .PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 19, 1020 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK. Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 383 Alberta Coal, Bootless Alberta Sootless, Egg, $12.50 Pembina, Egg - - DELIVERED $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. Dr Alexander j PHONE S7S BE9XEH MOCK DENTIST UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing rrom Prince Kupcrt er VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, 8IHK)H IUJ, Butruale, Alert Hay, etc.. Tuee. day, J: JO p.m. lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Ilutedale. Alert Hay. etc.. Friday mldnlrht lor ALICE ARM. ANYOX. STEWART, Naas KHer. Port feAwn, bun-day. 8:00 p.m. Im PORT SIMPSON AND WALES ISLAND. TnursOaT. p.tn ItS Cud Avenue K M. SMITH Aient Prince Rupert. B.Cr Tl rouili tickets told to Victoria and Seattle And bauare checked thruuch to riestlaatlon. lcACIAfJf PACinc B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES FILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT lo tanrouvrr, Victoria, Sratlle June S. 12, lit, 19. 22, 16, 29. PRINCESS MAQIINNA Ocean Tails, etc.. Vancouver and V" icioria every Friday 10 p.m. Agents for all Steamship Linn W C ORCHARD, litNtltAL AGENT Jrd Ave . Prince Rupert, n.C Phone 31 Canadian National cThc Largeft TKfiilway Syiltm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE (Ulna from PRINCE Rfrj.RT for VANrprjER. VM'TOHIX. KKATTI.K. and Intermediate points, Mondays, Thurwlajn, 4 p.m.; fttfurriays, 7 p.m. ir ANYOX and STEWART, Mondays, 8 p.m.; Friday, 4 p.m. lor MASKETT IN'LKT PORTS, Mondayi, 8 p.m. For MilTII qiKEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. For tsKAUWAY, Wednesdays, 4 p.m. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE fltlVCL ttL'I'ERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11:30 a m for PHINtK OEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, all points Eastern Canada, I'nltrd States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINK City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince, Rupert Phone 2C0 I have somcthinsr you want; you have something want. We get together through the classified ads. GREETINGS FROM PRINCE lt'eMmlnstcr (lire MiiRer Receive Mes-MKe From ITInrc of IVales ISe-lore Starting Tour of America This great company of ringers from London, raujland, who will give a I magnificent prcgrmm in the Mo Ball on Friday and Saturday, June 31 j ind 22. have M their org wiser and director, Edward Branscomoe, formerly tenor aokriflt of Westminster Abbey. , Londin. Kngtend. Mr. Bransoombe has: 'iik hit unique organization around: the world several t:mca. and they have j rppeared In many of the leading cities i of the world under distinguished aus pices and patronage. ! The company la unique as It la the only one touring the world with famous boy sopranos from the great West minster Abbey and St. Path's Cathedral of London. These tey sopranos were chorea from the cathedrals because of the beauty and purity of their voices which many a more mature vocalist i fht weU enry. The- Invariably arouse enormous enthusiasm wherever; they sing and wUl unqiMs'lonably thrill and delight local music lovers when they make thetr first appearance here next Friday night. The Prince of Wales sent the following message to Mr. Branscombe recently, when be learned that this famous company wore starting their first American tour. "May your wonderful organization have the same enthusiastic reception in the United States and during your tcur to Australia and New Zealand as you received when we last heard you -tng In London. Their loesl concert Is under the auspices of the Oyro Club, and tickets are -n sale at Ormels Drue Store. The R-tpert Pharmacy and Rose. Cowan & Latta. Ltd. WST CHANCE GROUP AT STEWART TO BE WORKED THIS SEASON H. A. Haltum of Seattle, owner of the Last Chance group of mineral etahM. situated near the foot of Sai-: moo fleeter, was a passenger aboard' the Oatala TMateMs af lamm r-1 turning south after having spent aj wwk si oiewan. air. ttauum stated that he had prepared a program of I '"it savnelve work on the Last! Chance this season but was not yet prepared to proered with it on account of climatic conditions sad an unexpected flow of water in the workings of the mice. There has been dene on the Lest Chance, to date, ab-mt MOO feet of underground work, supplemented by a geophysical survey, and thu will be followed thVi summer hv fur. tbsr tunnelling and snafu J. M Hookln rerturned tn the r-itw on the Prince Rupert this morning from brtef business trio to Onu Palls. Week-End Specials GRANULATED SUGAR. 20 lbs $1.26 BR00KFIELD OR GOLDEN CHURN BUTTER 3-lb. brlek $1.40 SWIFT'S PURE LARD 8-lb. Un ,...66c LIBBVS PORK AND BBAN8-2s. 2 tins 25c CLARK'S PEA SOUP Tin. ..10c GREBNGAGE PLUMS 3. Tin ..' 15c EGGS Fresh extras. 8 doz " $1.10 1 TIN MALT WITH BROWN SUGAR, HOPS, GELATINE AND YEAST Complete $1.80 NABOB PEACHESSs. Tin 20c COLUMBIA PEARg2s. Tin 20c NABOB STRAWBERRY JAM Mb. tin 06c NABOB RED PLUM JAM U. Tin ....,....,...!.. 46o HOTHOUSE TOMATOES Per lb , ...26c CANTALOUPES Each .'.....20c BING .CHERRIES lb 40c BANANAS 3 ibd R0e ORANGES 5 doz, 9c Our trx& of chsese Includes Cnmembert, Edam, Fwrora Cream, Cioat, Taffeloat, Limburger, Gor Konzola, Roquefort, Swiss, Cha teau and Kraft. Your picnic basket is not complete without some of theee fancy cheeses. Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 Two lumps and cream, as usual. Madam ?" A Cunard Deck Steward takes a respectful, personal Interest In all his passengers . . . you wish you could keep him as . your butler ... so self-effacing; so competent is he. lie makes you feel at home. Cunard I 10"' Reduction Take advan-take of the 10 reduction- on round trip fares, available on Cabin class accommodation, when sailing from Montreal after Ararat 15th and returning; alter October 15th. Botk threvtk Th Cuwi Stttm Skip O., Ii'msW, 611 HnKlt SL H, JVseTswsfr (TtL Stymttr .JoVeVp), or any ttMmkipntL fJ Wnkhf SiSSnoi lo Europe VK!L , from Msntrsal (and vJ-" Qusbec) CUNARD V-v CANADIAN SERVICE CsNivTourlstThW Csbin and Third CUw M Mieifsi w SVR-3M COUNCIL PROBE IS ON TONIGHT lliMtr Wrk Allalc te Ite ItltCtikM-d In ITlvate elon ilsrlai-CewtreH te He Let The city ooutkU anil meet ir aevion toaight to tk"l w:th Prudhooune's gget: ,:i bark"! by the reonw n.ncy bylaw i f the munlclpai pib;:- a r:s d'-".' should he rrorennL d This dbw-M :t 1a understood w.U be held :n vate but It l xr--A-j ail. toed by an official sunotancenM-: to the council's decision Aid P' homme would have had the Invc ' ticn in public but other aldcrmei. vsted.lt abould be in private f-Prlor to the lne nauon s-he council will mw,i m public : with a few Item-, ol bun ness in. 1 . the letting of s contr.ic: for g:ir' dlspoaal sen-Ice C N R tean.r Prince Rupert. Ck D. Donald, arr.ved in part at 10 ClOCk this win: Ming Uum Vancouver Powell Slrer and Ocean Palls and all at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Skagway and other Alaska porta whence she will return here at 10 SO Monday morning and Mil at 4 p m for the south. Fresh Vegetables LETTUCE Urt head. 3 for 26c GREEN 0X1088 for 10c RADISHES S for, 10c CAUUFLOWEIV-EMfa 25c CELERY Each 26c SPINACH Grown In city. 2 lbs 26c NEW BEETS Bunch, each 10c NEW CARROTS-Bunch, cch 10c TERRACE TUJUNIPS 8 lbs 26c l'rewh Supply Every Boat LAMB STEWiiiPer'Iu. ". ... . . .20c BEEF CUTTINGS Per lb. ..20c Good Roasts of Freah Veal Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 617-423 6th A7e, E, Phones 18&84 P 0. Box 575. mm ! DOUBLE BILL AT CAPITOL "Me Oanrter" and -Saturday'" Chll- ,' nlrn" to lie Slinvtu Tonight There 1 a big double bill at the Capitol Theatre tonight end tomorrow. "Me Oerutster" tirul "Saturday'a Cbil-j dren." ' Ue Gangster" is Uken from the' Saturday Evening Post story, and Is a! fust moving drama of the underworld j :if America The story wasj published' in book term and has become one ofi the popular publications of the day. j Den-Terry ar.d June C llyer are the; rangster and girl and the supporting cast is one of the best. j Corlnne Oriffttas la the star of "Sat-' unlays Children." I Mies Ortffith la the role of Bobby Haleey plays a working girt, who gives i up ner economic Independence to marry a clerk in the earns firm played by Grant Withers earn tng 0 00 a week salary and as they can only af ford- aar. 00 a month for rent. Orlfflth has to learn to do her own hotvework. "Saturday's Children" la the PulUser prise plsy by Maxwell Anderson and a Pint National picture, co-author of "What Price Glory." Uwiti SefHnt; (trt at l"ml lists KielbMige TiMta) ssmtoefy aensr-eaa 71,000 pounds. 13 Sc and 3e to 14e and Sc. Oansd'an 47J00 pounds. 12.2c and e te 14 3c and Sc. AtMrriean Senator. Sfi.OOO. Cold Stirage, 12 8c and tc. K rmot. rr.OOO, Boysi IS: and Sc. Uayqewier. I.ooo. and, Cora, 4,000 Booth. UTc and Sc. Viola, 4.000. Cold Storage, 14c and 8c Canadian Rooe Spit, 19,000, Pacific. 14.3c and Sc. Signal 10 000, Atiin. 13. Sc sad 8e. Kalen 8 500: Oslo. 13.000. and tramp. 1100 Atiin. 13 tc and Sc. H and B.. 4400. Cold Storage. 1S.Sc and Sc. Vera C . 9.000. Cold Btxrua Jt.4c and Ss. ,t)OlOI.H BtKTHII inCTw-ainiiljHii mt-rr irre Bfy re on Pr;dy and Saturday. J 8 Bogenv. r'-.s m.iii:-rr of the Rupert Marine Prodii"'-. :.ti . murued to Um city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. BUSHS' Grocerteria NABOB TEA lb 60c NABOB COFFEE lb 60c PASTRY FLOUR 10s. Sack 50c SEEDLESS RAISINS '' 2-lb. pkts; .2c GRANULATED SUGAR 20 lbs $1.26 RED PITTED CHERRIES Tin 30c CANNED FRUIT COMBINATION Pent, Plumtt, Poache, Plnwipplp. Aprlcote-A tins . .,...$1.00 LUX IV- pkt. 10c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES I'kt w 10c NORWEGIAN CROWN JEWEL SARDINES 2 tins 26c Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER i i mm " I AND WEI). &THIU Two Showi 7 and 9 p m SPECIAL ATTRACTION WITH "ME, GANGSTER" "Saturday's Children" IN A BIG DOUBLE BILL PARAMOUNT NEWS ADMISSION, 15c, 5!C Wf ROUND TRIP FARES H IkIj CIIK AIKi . . . WJt IMTU.N 131. '.i. IBEJf HlKOMd 1I&9U M;VV0UK.. lil.lil Hi Vffl i:i)MllMU.V, (ILUAKV U jBj fM Irlaiigle 1 or tia Vanruuter 4 IU Iffj 14 Oilier Points CurreMMillu(ly Lsw nf SA full lirtlruurs. lute tuile jKlj CITY TICKET OFHCE l&l ss. ''s VE pjioxe In Canadian National m Ti .-sw-T m r-if fe g nr l Thursday COME Morning SPECIALS for Thursday a.m. only White Kinkleltc Quilts 72x1)0. Each ....$2.00 7 1 White Sheets i2ch 1.25 8 1 White Sheets-Each $1.35 Plain White Pillow Slips 40-inch. Each 25c Hemstitched Pillow S!ip-40-inch. Each Hemstitched Pillow S ips-42-inch. Each Hemstitched Pillow S!ips-44Tinch. Each ! glen's White Lawn Hand-kerchieffi R l, value 15c e;u !;. s price, 8 for 0 Thursday Morning Only J. A. KIRKPATRICK Sixth Street HOTEL ARRIVALS t',l !' -J!', fAXiillnh'- . Itoyat O. r.. McMurphy. Wniteborse; A. Psrton. J. Klsatna and 11. Wat, Port Edward: C. 11. Leslie, city; Ouy A Weiiey. Cluton; L Ohlpman, Ketchikan. Prince It 11 port ' Mts. H. P Olbson. Stewart; J Walker, T. W. Haws. H. E. Ooul-bounie, James A Black and A. Mont-gemery, Vanaouver; Mra. llarry Oorklll city. Ontrn I J B Thompson, Montreal: A "runcan. Stewart. P W ilknd: 8. Mornn. K W nii Charles Held, city Savoy 1 F. Patterson, Porchcr The .steamer Prince Km" umper list of 375 pswc.v Vsncouver this trip norm ff at Powell feiver snrl O tvd there were well over -m arrival of the ship iwrc ng. Some train as well engeis disembarked her-are remaining on bosr'i : round trip to Skagway M rive on this afternoon'" bark for the trip to Alu--