ursday, October 17, 1929 The aim oS SAL ADA is quality above all else. HQ A I II 111 T liiiHil Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELlViJUY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. 'Fresh from the gardens' Original Chocolates Ltd. MADE BY R. C. PURDY Mb. boxes $1.00 2-lb. boxes . .'$2.00 l'i lb. boxes $1.50 Peanut Crisp, lb 40c Mint Chews, lb COc All Now In Stock Arriving For Saturday, Oct. 19 Frls o Chews, lb 75c Mint Mollasses, lb 60c ARRIVING FRESH REST QUALITY 7w Pioneer Orttgeists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TLLEPHONf.S M' b 200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Tallinn 1'ri.m Iflnre Kuptrt tor VAMOUtMl. VltTOKIA. .hui,mjii iu). IliiliiUlt. .tlrrt flay, etc, fur, day, i.So p in. lor VAMOmt.it. Vlff TOIill. UulnUle. Mft lUf. ttt.. Irl.lay luldnUht t'r ALICE ARM, AN VOX, STtWAKT. Nu, Klvrr, lurt HIiupDOii. bun-day. iXV p m . It) tnl Atenue It M SMITH Agent luiire Kuiwtt, II.C. 11 rough Ik-ketH sold to Victoria and fcnttti .auil baccate chetkrd through to dr(luatlon. iCAKADIANi VACiric D. C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE KVPEKfJjl!' ) To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and 'Bariy Oct 9 19 30 1 .i iu .in. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Qeftitt 1&03- A PrlnrpM Mai-v Heparin Falls, etr. .. Vancouver and Victoria, tvery Friday, 10 p.m. Agents Tor All Steamship Lines W. C. Oliartl0frient1 Afrnt. 3rd Ave.. Prince Hflpert, Phone 31 ' Canadian National Qfte Largcft Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE KL'PEKT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday, 4 p.m. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN, each Saturday, 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUI EN CHAIILOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. I'ASSENOElt TKWNS I.RAVE rKLM'r. Ttt TERT DULY EXCEPT HI NDU at ll:SA a m for ritlNCE (1EOKOR. EDMON-TON, HINMl'Co. all points EaMrni Canada. I'nlted Mates. AOENCV All tK'KAN STEAMfMlf IANT.S City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave.. Prince Rupert Phone 2Cft LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 lxG No. 2 Spruce Shiplap ; $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', SIS, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2xG, 8'to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED. PRINCE RUPERT, . C. Sawmill and Head Office, pal Covje, .Telephone, .361 Retail Yard, Cow Hny. Telephone 423. HOSPITAL KINANCK3 h O. P. Tlnke reporting for t f Inn n -:e ommittoo., t last . night' hoapl hospital board incetint of the announced that collections for the month of September had amoun ted to $4,884.96 with disbursements o'' $5242.23, leaving a deficit for the month of $357.28. There had bori' 1712 hospital days at a cost of Jl n ! hospital day. This afternoon's train, due from the oajl 1 3:30, was-repbrted 'this nioiniiiiT to be on time.. Rag rugs, I for $1.00, Wallace's. 1 Local Items Road Richmond's Louvre ad, 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Billiards tonight. Elks vs. Grotto. Dentist, Dr. (f. VU iGosse. Phone mm m ft ue jaEoufs aS. about his 95i 95c (243) Ladles'' union Wits, $1X0, j Don't forget tomorrow night, Elks' daftce. Good music, good punch. ; i.J:: Uet dancfi of the season In Boston Hall ifflilght at 9 p.m. Accordion jnynr by Anderson, Gentlemen 75e7 Ladies fr.ee. P. G. Russell, assistant superintendent. Canadian National Railways. Smithers, arrived In the e; y last night from the Interior for a loner visit here on oiflclal busi- ness. J. Hutchinson, travelling car service agent. Canadian National Railways, Vancouver, left on this morning's train for the interior en route south after a brief visit to the city on official duties. Comments ware made at last fright's meeting of the hospital board on the great Improvement lhat hayd been made- to the sui-rpundlnBs of the institution a a 1 result of the lawn whirl) had been 'jlanted in the spring. Shade trees from Terrace that were also put in are thriving well. 1 . ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Elks' Patrol Team dance in Elks' Home, Oct. 18. 1 Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance, Elks' Home, October 25. Mooseheart Day Sunday, October 27. Observance, Hill 60 Annual Bazaar, 2. Presbytermn Bazaar November Eagles' whist drive and dance, Kovember 7. Rupert Bast United Church bazaar, November 7. Premier Orchestra Dance, November 8. Whoopee j Anglican 'W. A. Bsviaar, Novfe T 14. 7 ber LOU A whist drrve and dance, November 14. Moose Annual Basaar Nov. 21 and 22. United Church Bazaar. 5. N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine .Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof where ram will not trouble: build boats any size or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Hoats For Sale I generally have a boat to suit any requirement. Mooring space for boats' winter quarters. Agencies any en? glne required. Repairs Why pay more when your work can be done for less with, better accomodation? PHONE GREEN 129 srasa Stock Certificates-- ' Ronds, Insurance Policies and Legal Documents of every description SHOULD HE PROTECTED AGAINST FIRE. cixjsit Uoxesln Our IoW.VauU rWv-14M This ITotcVtion The small cost of rental for these Deposit Boxes is really cheap Insurance for your valuables. S.D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Uupert. IIP. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE "I was all run-down, tired all the time and could not do my homework. My eyes were dull, my tongue was coated and I did not want to eat. A neighbor told mother about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I began taking it and now I am hungry alt the time. I sleep well, my nerves are good and. I have told lots of friends how the Vegetable Compound has helped me. I have also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sana five Wash and I feel lots better. I will be glad to answer any letters." Mm. H. E. Winters, 827 S. Willow St., Faribault, Minnesota. Ladles' hand bags, $1.00. Wai lace's. The hospital board made Its usual annual grant of $50 last night for the purpose of providing Christmas Cheer among patients in the Institution during the forthcoming festive season. One of the big fire trucks returning to the hall this morning after a practice run. broke through one of the planks of the platform in front of the fire station and it was about ah hour before it was freed. No damage was done to the machine. The regular mffnUiry 'meeting of he 'Mkrd 'ef 'Wf Prince Rupert General H6al pfa& TastJ evewiHt'ui' tnt Hospital. business betnn lance v of a routine 'flalhre. ThAse- pmkpW 'JSnttsP tf.-Thompr son, vrwiuentv Aiat 'B. d. Macae-n-sid. Mrx. MeRae, Aid. W. M. Brown. R. E. Benson. G. P. Tirfter and O. V. Wilkinson, directors! Miss Jean Harrison, lady Miperinftndent, and it. w. oircn, managing secretary. The hospital board decked last niahi te consmunleate with' Ingram holuysdftplVifrnn, that It did not feel-liable for the nayw ment ot mm,. saiJM.beinwj llising equfptaeht rscenuy auppUea the hospital. 4In its irt'lrfter. the firm quoted a price top. Erie.. Pa., duty free. LaVer the firm had to pay the $21.84 duty on part ot the equipment and then sought to collect from the hospital., my mm Read Richmond's Louvre ad. 95c Sale at Jabour's Friday and oaiuraay. - (243) Boys' sweaters for 95c , at Ja- : pours y&c sale. (243) ! Pure silk hose, all colors, $1.00, wauaces. Entries will be received for j Whist League by F. Wermlg, P. d. I Box. 216 fpr gentlemen's , section i until October 2U' ladled' section. October 25. I Norman McGlashan, who has oeen recently aboard vessels of '.he Canadian Fish & Cold 8torage Co.'s fleet here, has left the city 'or the Atlantic Coast where he will board C.O.M.M. vessels to take deep sea navigation for the next couple of years. Mrs. Brae, mother, and Frederick D. Brae, brother of Mrs. G. G. Bushby, will sail by the Princess Mary tomorrow night on their re-urn to Victoria after a visit in the city. Mr. Brae is assistant accountant for the Esquimau St Nanalmo Railway at Victoria. Tearing up of the old plank 'idewalk started 'this morning preparatory to the putting down of a oncrcte aidewalfc on the so'ith lde of Third Avenue between the Oybhavn & Hanson and Smith juildlngs inclusive. Reporting for the house commit ce at last night's meeting of the ospita) board. Aid. Brown repor-'nd that new linoleum had been aid in the operating room. Miss lean Harrison, "lady superinten-1ent. was authorized to have linoleum put down in the kitchen of he nurses home. L. S. McGill of Smithers is the author of fin int.prpstlnnr factum trticle in the current Vancouver eunaay province, describing the career of Sam Hunt. 91-year old interior prospector, who is still active, ripsnltf his ntrp Tn ths of his career, Mr. Hunt has made anq lost tnree iortunes. Bargains In remnants, Wallace's. e Oe fraying Products of B. C. n.a products bureau Tb Vancouver Hoard of Trod 21t . : is much more COOKING pleasant when your stove looks as well as it cooks . . . when its brilliant' black shine makes it sparkle like new . . . when "dressed up" wilh Zebra Liquid Stove Polish, the one quick, easy, clean way to 'keep 6tovcs lovely. OQ5JSD STOVE POLISH RKCKITTS (Oreriea) LIMITED MONTRKAI. . TUKO.YTO - VACOUVlltt .sTb, II JABOUR BROS.' 95c. SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Oct 18, 19 LADIES' DEPARTMENT LADIES' RAINCOATS Regular $7.50. QO QC Sale pricQ vOaJtl ' ' LADIES' MEitEotE-? $ 'ft takn Sale price, 3 pairs for; . . . . : T. . 4 . LADIES' SILK VESTS AND1 BLOOMERS fijff Sale price, per garment 5 til LARGE ASSORTMENT FELT HATS Ql Qff Regular $3.25; to clear 75 PAIRS LADIES' STRAP AND OXFORD (?9 OCT SHOES-Regular$7.50. Sale price 30 PAIRS LADIES' GAYTEE OVERSHOES Black, grey and fawn ; to fit any heel. Regular 2f) $3.75. Sale price tp.4tJ 49 PAIRS LADIES' RUBBER BOOTS Blue, red, green, rose blush. Regular $4.75. Q9 7ff To clear tjlsfl.-i tl Twenty Per Cent Off Ladies' Coats and Dresses GIRLS' DEPARTMENT GIRLS' FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS Qffp Sizes 8 to 16 years. Sale price 5 til GIRLS' RAINCOATS Sizes 22 to 30. QS AC Sale price GIRLS" HOSE Qffp Sale price, 5 pairs for 57 til CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS Regular $1.35. Affo Sale price , tll BOYS' DEPARTMENT BOYS' SWEATERS All sizes. Regular $1.75. QC0 Sale price 7tll BOYS' PANTS Assorted sizes, 3 to 14 years. Qff p ttll Sale price 18 PAIRS BOYS' BOOTS Sizes 1 to 5. Reg- ACT ular $5.50 ; to clear V V tl LADIES', MISSES' AND GIRLS' HIP BOOTS Going at $4.75, $3.95 AND $3.25 MANY OTHER BARGAINS ARE NOT HERE LISTED. WATCH OUR WINDOWS Many Bargains in Our 5c to 95c Dept. Such as MIXING BOWL AND BEAN JAR ftr Selling for 3-PIECE SET Teapot, Cream and Sugar Bowl. .All for wi,.iu..,...: 4 FANCY BOWLStt , Selling for tii; 95c 95c JABOUR BROS. LTD. PHONE 645 3RD AVE. AND 7TH ST. NOT ONE REASON BUT MANY Four Thousand New Victor Micro-Synchronous Radios have already been placed in British Columbia homes. The demand for this marvelous instrument still exceeds the available supply. WHY? Because the New Victor is in a class by itself there is no competition no other instrument will do. You must own Victor Radio to realize its perfection,, its performance, its tone, its dependability. None but the best is good enough and here is the Best of Everything. ARRANGE FOR A DEMONSTRATION H Mtl llliniiiiiiiiii,iii) ..iiml ii i "i qtr Ml COAL MINE HEAD LUMP Per ton .'$13.50 innNE HEAD EGGPeK torv ,w V f $12.50 Pembina EGG-Per ton .$12.00 SPECIAL PRICES FOR WINTER'S SUPPLY HYDETRANSFER 171 THIRD AVENUE EAST rHONE 580 HEATED STORAGE BAGGAGE COAL