Man in the Moon B -? Now then, ladies and gentlemen,! uii aouara ior tnc peace uivei. Special train leaves In a few days by way .ol Flnlay Forks. Here's off to the Peace. Vancouver shall' 'not, fleece us 01 our-rigr . Without, . r srtmp' . i rney rnusthlnkifte'are geese. John BArrymore paid A vtfit to a haberdasher in Hollywood. After ordering this and that, he turned vo icavc. , "And your name?" the clerk aik "Uarrypiore. was thch.m replyf "Whtch Barrymore, pleas??" "u John ftnrrnvprl Him .'Atai. "Ethei;- :rr,n' ' Once upon a time there was a, poy wno inougni ne. was Dorn to be a movie actor. He moved, all rigni. At a certain boardlne house in the city noted for its baehelors, someone remarked that marriage was a great institution. "That's all right, grunted one of the antl-bencdicts, "but who wants to live in an institution?" HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and RESNEIt Proprietors Central W. Taylor, Los Angeles; Mbc Kathcrine Laird and Mist Anna Jensen, Ketchikan. Prince ICupert C. P. Ballantine, F. W. Howe, H. Griffiths and O. McIUe, Vancouver: E. B. Swan, Calgary; T. W. Skinner Seattle; Capt. and Mrs. H. E. Denlaon, Porcher Island; Mrs. Young and Joseph S. Rogers, city; Steve Sellg, Ketchikan. Itoyal Leo II. Shearer, J. B. Whltworth and F. II. Seuslbough, Vancouver; W. Rcld and J. Hageman, .Casslar; E. Church, city. Savoy D. Clarke and J. Harrison, Vancouver; Mrs. A. Bartted and Mrs. D. Hadland, Oona River. Children's union suits, two for $1.00. Wallace's. ' Wallace' Dollar Days. Friday and SOjtunJay. See our windows. Jmm rr ST. CHARLES Unsweetened JjjlJ TUB DORDBN CO. LIMITED I iumcr Arcads Uitl., Vanoouw, Dept. A. rit ad w fm St , CAiru RkJp Book " f AMK. n,nu, ., ADDRESS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND TIIIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE JtEAP BECAUSE IT IS FULL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. MILADY BEAUTY SHOP For first-class hair dressing, permanent waving and all kinds of beauty culture. PHONE 655 ELITE BEAUTY PAItLQIt ,i ii '-. iMrs. Sutherland Exnert marcellinor. flncw and water waving. Face massage and Phone 499 BOATBUILDERS KIY JIOATBUILDERS, COW BAY Pleasure and HowboatsFor Sale Y. Suchlro, Cow Bay , Boatbuilder, P. O. Box .314 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, r Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BO, 120 rnoNE 22 SINGING LESSONS Evenings E. DAVEY, PHONE BLACK 396 CHARLES P. BALAGKO TEACHER OF PIANO TERMS MODERATE rilONE GREEN 289 SPRINGS Made and JSPaJf d for any kind of Auto or TruckV . Prompt Serv4oatUfMeUon guaranteed. Star Weldin- and Rrpair Works P.O. Box 764 Prince Rupert. B.C. Dearly a hundred recipes for appetizing, nourishing dishes from soups to desserts challenge your skill in this illustrated cook book, sent on request. You will find them cosy to follow and the results will be a revelation to you, as they are to every woman using this doubly rc St. Chares Milk "for every milk need". Mail coupon today. RobinHood PliOUR , For All Ypw BAKING FOR SALE FOR SALE Furnacette. practically hew, $40. Phone Black 333. (243) FOR SALE Furnished flat. Kew mink stole and martin chocker. Apply 210, Fourth Street. -r-rrr FOR SALE-Iron and wooden pulleys, also two pieces shafting. Apply Dally News, Box xx. (tf) FOR SALE Gasoline boat, 38 feet long by 11 feet, 4 Inch beam. 30 h.p. Jlujl and engine newly pver-hauled. Sacrifice. Apply Pacific Salyage Cp. , (243) FOR ALE 3 sets adjustable Iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. (tn FOR SALE Oasboat 29 feet long, fl.fcet 8 beam; 8 h.p. engine in first class condition. Bargain. Owper leaving town. Apply' Box 228 Dally News Office. 244) WANTED WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Clias. Edwanjs, at Wallace's. ' 179 HOUSEKEEPER Wants position or would do general housework. Phone Red 713. (246) THE MASSETT Hospital offers home to man and wife. Wife must be qualified nurse. Remuneration for attendance to patient only. Write for further particulars to secretary, Massctt, B.C. (248) HELP WANTED, MALE HAVE You a lob for a willing worker rough carpenter, palnt-er or glazier? Phone 427. (247) MEN WANTED Learn Autos, Bricklaying and Plastering in Vancouver, Big demand in these trades, only a lew weeks rc-H quired. Part-time woik while training at 50c an hour. Free employment service. Ail practical training. Thousands of successful graduates. Mail this add with your name and address for big iree dookim.. hemphill auto & BUILDINO TRADE SCHOOLS;" to the diversion of au hundred 1043 render street west, yan-1 COUVer. B.C. (tf "- - . -. - 1 ... i AGENTS WANTED DOUBLE YOUR SALARY BY ADDING $35.00 weekly selling Imperial Art Personal Christmas Cards to Friends, Business Associates, Club and Church members, from Magnificent Free Sample Book. Imperial Art Manufacturers, SI Wellington West, Toronto. (227) SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO OnDER - Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor ! Phone 649 Rnlnn maris If ' th. rft ot .u containing o acre 'more or Im Sii? 'T'u 9uyr. canlcated August 9th, 1929. Roy W Moori frVrt- tw ;fi nis spn a 8l In Building Your Home it Costs No More to Stop Fire By specifying Gyprpc Wallboard you assure Walls and ceilings that are efficient fire barriers yet the cost is no more, and often less than with flutcrials that give no fire protection whatever. fiYPDor FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR RENT Five-room suite, Summit Apts. Phone Blue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. (tf) LOST LOST Baby's black leather shoe. Kindly return to Dally News Office. (tf) LOST Brown puppy, five months old. Finder please phone Green 217. 244) FOUND FOUND Silver Maltese cross brooch with letters W. A. Apply Daily News Office. WAT Ell RIGHTS IJIMNCII Department of Land Province of Brit Mi C6IombU CERTIFICATE? OF APPROVAL OF UNDERTAKING WHEREAS the Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited 1 company Incorporated under the Companies Act of British Columbia and la duly empowered to construct and operate works fox the gene nation and dls-trlbutlon of electrical energy. J AND WHEREAS the aald company hai applied lor fe licence to diver and use six hundred. ubl feet of .water per fSfopd from .Fall River for the generation or electrical energy and to Wore thirty , .thousand acre-feet of wt '4 'teervoir ,to be created in the ihattriel of ' the said irrter and faaa dertaklng toureapecu of the1, skl,Appli- cation .-.;i vwic.xtx.Ao u appear appears id In, 1 the public Interest to grant the prayer oft UK ald company a petition. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the undertaking of the Northern British Columbia Power ComnanT .Limited r-la. g?"0 P"- second irom " grnmuon 01 - ectrteal energy and the storage of thirty thauaAnd acre-feet of water in tlie ravr soe aaia ruer 4 uie stgd underUkllte la ouUlnd IK'the WtlttOri of the'wuik comaaay JUel ypstb the Ccmptrtfrer V Water Rights on the 36th day X r. J9i is hereby approved aobjitt tl the provision of the Water Aot and Wo tbl following conditions: T I J The term of frery licence that my be Istued In pursuance or the company above-jeitlned application ehsll be limited to xph-e fifty years from the date of Issue fit the licence first Issued In fcursuance of the aald application: ' The construction at the works necoi-arv to divert aid atore the water and to generate and distribute the electrical energy .shall be commenced by toe first day of 'July 1030 and shall be carried out to (he satisfaction of the Comptroller of Water Rights; The territory ilthln which the company may distribute and sell the electrical energy generated from the watext of Falls fUer Jhall be that part it . SL tv""l'"1 i.y rKvTVi w -uv V44 v any worxa. DATED at Victoria. B.C., this 27Uj uay oi oepiemDer, 1929. "F. P, BURDEN" Minuter of Ind. - : Fireproof Wdllboard For Sal By Albert oc McCafTery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Burns Lake Hardware - - - Burns Lake, B.C. The George Little Lumber Yard Smithers, Hazelton and Terrace, B.C. B.&jSarge.ntsLid, - , - H&zsltQn B.C. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or hbuse- nom goods, musical instruments, raaenmery, eic. uenerai repairs crating, packing and shipping workmanship guaranteed. Just pnone macK 120 and we will can. G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block THE ELECTRIC BAKERY "The Store That Quality Built!" EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is! P. O. BOX 416 PHONE 667 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SALVAGE ANI TOWING If it's on or under the water ye no it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving apd General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Oas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel. In any Quantity. delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or Night 564 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC SUNSHINE ULTRA VIOLET RAY INFRA AND ULTRA RED RAY CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINALL DjC. 6, 7 Exchange Bl. Phone Green 241 SUNSHINE AND ULTRA VIOLET ray treatments r. e. eyolfsov, d.c, analvte adjustment indicator Service 623 Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME We have a special on CONGOLEUM RUGS For this week. McKENZIE'S. FURNITURE Phone 775 LAND ACT Stlklne Land District; District ot Casslar , TAKE Notice that I Rot W Moore Commencing at a Dost nlanted about three-quarters of a mile distant and In a Northerly direction from to mouth of th TuiMnii.h niv- n chain; thence north 20 chain; thence least 20 chains; 4henoe outh 20 chalna to point of oommencement, aald parcel LocatoR Jalne B. Stapler. Agent. 'Date: August fith, 1929. LAS! ACT Notice of Intention to Ajiuly to rurchake Und In the Atlln Land Kjoordlng Dltrlct, win siiusie ai Weet Taku Arm ot TuUhl Lake. Take notice that I. Otto H. Partridge, of Bfta-my-qaree. Atlln, B.C. pTycu ms deecrlbed ladj: Coinmenong at a post planted 40 rods south of Bon-my-Chree 8tr. I Landing, thence ,wat 40 rod: thence whhi -.w wv.. wieuce eaat a au i rrwia1 roos; th.nce. norm 40 rod. and conUlnlM 160 acre, more or lew. OTTO II. PARTRTDOK. Dated: Eeptembtr 9th, 1929. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvement NOTICE Bmlth Fractional Mineral Claim, situ. ate In th Atlln Lake Mining Division " o j v"?; ', ' Caialar DUtrtct. ,. 'tf ! Where iocated: Between i.aTi.!.f!wter ater la u 1 and Mickey Mineral Claim. r ' Lawful bolder: Engineer Oold uina Limited Inc. 1 Number of holder" free miner' cer- tlflcato 19990-D. ! TAKE NOICE that Engineer Oold Mine Limited Inc., Free Miner' Certificate No. 10380-D. Intend at the .nd of alkty daya from the date hereof, to apply' to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of improvement for the purpose of obtaining a Crown grant of tbe above claim. And further take notloe that action, unae aeqfioa 8S .of the "Mineral AA-. must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificate of Improvement. Dated this 5th day of September, 1929. RDOINALD BTMEO, Agent, rr r- WND ACT Notlfe of jQtrptifM to Apply to I.eae Jjna In prince Rupert Land Recording DXstrlct of BrttUh Columbia, and altu-ate o the North bank -of JBkeena River, near Mil 28.78 on Canadian National Railways, east pf Prince Ru-;jert. fi.C. , t; Take notlo that Northern 'British Power Company. Limited of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Power Cor-poartlon Intend to apply for a least of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about W ft. distant, and In a southerly direction from centre line of Canadian Rational Railways, Mile 28.78 East of Prjnce Rupert, on Uw north bank of ekeena River thence (South 3 chains, more or lees, to Low Water Mark: the nee Easterly along L. W.M. S chains; thence North 2 chains' more or lees po High Water Mark; thence Westerly alone H.W M S chain mnr r.r leas to point of commencement and ,quu tabuing one acre, more or ies. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWEK XXttiPANT. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D McLean, Agent, pated September 21at, U29. ' LAMl ACT Notice o Iiunlloo (o Apply to Vcf0 Lan In Prince Rupert Land Recording District xt British Columbia, and situate cetween 'Low WiteK Mark: nn the Nirth' aide and Low Water Mark '.od ooum side of sxeena River opposite MUe 28. 7 of Canadian National RaU-way, East of Prince Rupert. Take notice that Northern Brttlah Coivmbla Power ' Company, Limited of Pruice Super, B.C., occupation Power corporation intend to apply for a lease fif the following described lnds : - Commencing at a post .planted ISO feet distant, and In a southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National RaUwaya. MUe 28.78 East ot Privet Rupert thence South 9 deg. 40 mm. East 114 chains more or less to fj-WH on South bank Skeena River; thence Easterly along L.W.M. 3 chains: thence North 9 deg. fo mln. West M chains, more or leas to L.W. M. on fortn bnk of Skeena River: thence Westerly along L.W.M. 3 chains, mote or tees to Mint of com. ' ' mencement and containing 35 acres, more or lets. NC-RTRERI BRITISH COLUMBIA IWiWKR COMPANY, LIMITED. Per.Thotnaj D. -McLean, Agent. Dated epVuaher ;29. Notice .of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording "no or iiniisn voiumoia, and altu ate on the South Bank of Skeena Kiverppposit uu 38.78 on Canadian NaUOnaH tun wy- tart of prince Ru.'j Taknotle That TJorthern BrttUh Columbia Power Company, Limited ot Prlnee RbpM, B.C., occupation Power Corporation Intend to apply tor a lease f tfc. following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 120 chains distant and In a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Rail wars, opposite miS 28.78 East of Prince Rupert, on the aouth bank of the Skeena River, thence North & chain more or lea to Low Water Mark; thence Westerly along L.W.M. S chains: thence South 5 chain, more or less to H.w.u thence Easterly along H.W.M. to point of commencement and containing two -; uiure or less. JJORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean. Acent. Da Jed September 2W, J929! at:k not uk Kptlee of Appro prlaWvo and fitorae iAttS ?Sfi.MINIa C0" - 1 PANY intend to apply for a licence to , el. Ad Wr. d In ' . -nil connection, irlves the foUowln P"'.'"" : . w 1 1. am& ana laamm nx in. -""-'v"1 ww ni.. uota Mining r'r. -unenu.vviasa. wn ! n 0lfle " Manvyie Claim on the Northerly bank ' of th Taku Elver, uoui iour miies easterly from the mOutli of the Tulsequah. lb). The Water Recorder's office In which the application la to be filed I the water Recorder' office for the District In which aald application 1 made at Atlln. B.C. (f'j- CT. f'rtdeacrlp - if L ? .tretm wtJ: SUT.Cll.?,0 toreI- lv nl Used IS U fOllOWa: -T Stream U at r,r n mn.m w fof f,. "f4 S.' 2.'-J)uIP0 cf V" notice to caHed Strom" Creek and IS situate aboutltlon three 11) miles Easterly from the Man-vllle claims herein described, on the left limit of the Taku River, and form ine nign water falls flowing into the Taku River about five J) mile up the iu inun tne mouwi or tn Tulsequali River. . (d). .- Th . quantity . of water applied -r- - Si 2 JSTZ "n-um' 2 Inches l: 23 million rations ner dav .ur h, ai't miuioa ganona per day for storage. ().The proposed point of diver-alon and the location ot storage dam la a (nort distance above the falU herein referred to Aboyt two thousand (2000) jtt above the river level, and t rt raruiiIr nf f h rswniAl jaw ated by the dam to about 9 billion gal- una ana win 1100a STOUt .130 Acre of I'll-ms. purpoaeaioa wnicnavtn t,be .used tfUofi mlnlna-fand hower purpose. (g) The name or the mine pr land upon which land or mln the water or power Is to be unrd is the ManvllI sroup 01 lone mining claims situate on the Northerly bank of the Taku River about fou; () mile up the r;ver from th place .where the JMl&equan low Into the Taku. (h) The date when th notice waa posted on th ground Is: September 20. 1929. ' ALASKA JJ.'M'ait OOI.I) ) Minimi company. My L. II. Metzgar. Oeneral Buoerlntendent. The date of the first publlcatlin of thU notlc la Octobers. 1929. -t-UJUXUS- lAXJf APT Notice of Intention to Apply tfl ?ur.rtafte Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording platrlgt of British Cplvunbla. and altu. ate 6fl the ,fiouth Bank of the Skeena River opposite Mile 28.78 of Canadian National Railways," East of Prince Rupert- f Take notice that Northern British x-olumbla Power Company, Limited, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply for permission to purchase J?e jTollowlnc del icrlbed lands: . Con?SV.Pg M txt planted 120 :halns xUataat, and fa a Southerly direction ;rom .centre line of Canadian National Railways, Mile 28.78, East of "rlnce Rupert, on the South bank of ikeena River; thence South 10 chain! '.hence West 10 chains; thence North 10 chains; more or lets to High Water Mark; thence Eagerly along H.W.M: 10 chains more or less to point Ot commencement, and. containing 10 icrM more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA' POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent.' Dated September 21st Jjj. Uli . J - lASp ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land In The StUtlne Land Recording Dl-Clslon, Land Recording District f Telegraph Creek, and situate In Maple Slough, one half mile north of the main channel of the Taku River and about jone mile in a Norjh-easterly direction from the Junction of the Tulsequah and Taku Rivers. . Take notice that Nell "orpes of Alike Ann, p.C. occupation Miner. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the (ollowlng described land: m Commencing at a post planted one half mile north of the Taku River and about one me la North-east-ertr direction from the Junction of the Taku and Tujaequah pfver; thence Soyth 20 chain: thence east 20 chains; thence North 20 chains: thence West 20 chain and containing 40 acre, more or leaf. NEIL FORBES, Mjner .of Alice Arm, B.C. Dated September 9rf, 1929. WATER NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that William Karl Lentz. whose address 1 S30 Smvthe Street, Vancouver, B.C., wUI apply for a license fo take and, use water In a flume 4 feet by 4 feet out of an unnamed creek which flows southerly afid dralna' lnto Kent Bay, Mussel Inlet. The water will be diverted from the at re am at a point about fifteen hundred feet from the miuth ot the atream and will be used for mining purpose upon the land covered by mineral claims "Olant No. 1," Olant No. 2." Giant No. 3" and Olant No. 4." This notice was posted on the erouna on the 7th day of August, 1929. A copy of this notice and an application pur-aant thereto and to the Water Act 1914. will be Wed In the Office of the Water Recorder at Prince Ruwrt nr. Objections to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. within thirty days after the first an- nearanoe of thla notlca In a lanal ttv. paper. The date of the first publics Uon of this notice Is October 10. 1929. W. K. LENTZ. Applicant. WATER NOTICE Diversion and le TAKE NOTICE that rraneis Ever- man Buchanan, whose address 1 24 Water Street. Vancouver, B.Cii wUI np- yj i or a license io taae and use water In a flume 4 feet by 4 feet out of an unnamed creek which flowa Into a bar on the north shore of the Eatt Arm or Mussel inlet. B.C.. about four mile East of Matbison Channel. The water will be diverted from the atream at a Point about fifteen hundred feet from the mouth of th. stream and win h used for mining purpose upon the i.n k. .i.,jT. -m. -w Lead." "Black Lead No. 1," "Black v. i - ..n,-w Led No. 3 "Black Lead N, No. 4." 'Black Lead No. .' 5Crrei Olaht." "Oreen Olant No f. 'fff.n a Unt No. 2." "Orten Olaht No. 3. ThU notice wa ported on the ground on the lt day ot August. 1929. A Oopy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the Water Act 1914. wlU he filed in the Office of tbe Water Recorder at Prince Rumrt nai Pbectlona to th application may be fi!ed with the said Water Recorder or wBh tbe Comptroller of Water Right. Parltamcnt BuUdlnf. Vlctor. n a Within tnlrt. rf.f. ftr .h fir.. .' WN f 0e in a lopal newa- paper. The date of Uie flratnubllea. of th'. r.nttr 1. rvtnh in loon ntANCIS EVERMAN BUCHANAN. Apolleant. w.vriat NOTICE Dlveniloii and l'e TAKE NOTICE that James B. Stapler, whose add Ik Motel qasUneaUj Juneau, Alaska, will apply tor a Ilcefe to take and ure 1000 cubic second feet of water out of The East Fork of Tulr eequah River which flowa Southerly and drain Into The Taku River, about 2a miles above the mouth. The water will be diverted from tn'e atream at a point about Three mile up stream from the mouth of the East, Fork and will be used for Mlnlffi Power nuweae - uooa the Tulsequi Ch?ef aryftb Jllneral Claim This unWeTwaa pMted on the groun4 ah tbeth dav otFAngut. 1929. A ccCT of thl notice and an aDnll- cation Uiereto and to the "Water Art, 1914 villi be filed In tbe off ot toe-Water Recorder at Atlln. August 22. 1929. Objection to the application may be fljed Jlh the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.o;. within thirty day after th first appearance of thl notice In a local news- B"?ne date of the first publication of this notlc I October 10, 1929. JAMES B. STAPLER. Applicant By 11. MeN : ru BASER, Agent.