1i RED'S nn ira nsfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights snd measures are right So Is our Service Phone us and Save Moner and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Ked 317 Local FISHERMEN ! DO NOT CO TO SEA WITHOUT A First Aid Kit Complete supply of first aid articles packed in a cedar chest $3.00 lines Jm yfic Pioneer Drutristx THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST - TELEPHONE R',?nf . a ; l . Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (i.T.I. 2Uon Too r'loalinK Dry Dcl. EnOnreris jachlnlots. Boilermakers, Itlscksmilhs. Puiirrn makers, Founfleru, Woodworker!. l'c fcl.ECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WF.I.DINU. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MAHINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on oui stock-list board dally. We can give Instant service in buying and Jelling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. ' We alMO have facilities for accepiinc Wheat order ou Winnipeg StjfV F.xehange. Representing Miller. Court k Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston CoM 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen SUITS! SUITS! MASTER MECHANIC Shirts and Pants The best made, and we tafi supply you at CO per cent less! Montreal Importers MADE TO ORDER Cutting Workmanship and ttiyw AH Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANU PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of th City. Ling, the Tailof THIRD AVENUE Phone fl and Personal News In Brief 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Die 4 Taxi tf J St. Andrew's Society Scotch., M Dentist. Dr. J. K. Gosne! 58(5. scaler, wilt sail ton! it ANNOUNCEMENTS ! Till i ri'nlAMATtfrHt.uf', r . Ewart Lyne, Teacher of Piano and Organ. Phone Red 701. 47 S. A. (B.ud) Corley has been a viaitqr in town from- Pacific dyrj jng the. pa jt few, days. Fred Parker vs. Dido Gurvich, Moose Hall, Wednesday, Feb. 27. Ladies esjiecially invited. 4( Avoid disappointment and book your seats early today, at the Rupert Pharmacy for . "Green Btockings," at the Capitol, Monday night only. N A public meeting of the unemployed and, ratepayers . will be iield In'the Grain Handler's Union Hall Qntiuday, February 24 at 8 p.m. ' Mayor and City Coun cil specially invited. A.' rison. ' ----- -- - T 'L T 61. Prince John for Port Clements where he wH check upjon shipment of ifte which is being sent out to Seattle aboard the steamer II. W. Baxter. Passengers arriving in the city from the south on th steamer Catala yes'terday after-noon included E. M. Held, Mr Ellis Morris and child, Mis liobinson, Miss Barnes, A. JoniK and Mr. D ungate and son. P. M. Docker has been transferred from Massett to Ocean Falls; rt; 6kr tattg ior the forest 4 niraneU' irTis epected to ar rive in the city next week enroute ! to Massett 'to' arrange forfthMr lirwval or hU effect to thslTWU' jown. .' C.P.R- .steamer t Cant. C. C. Saintey, '"IP sy, armed In port at 11:30 thIM 'Morning from Vancouver and Sailed at 1 p.m. for Bluff way and other Alaska points whertee she is scheduled to call here southbound next' Wednesday afternoon. Capt. Nell McLean and Capt E. Mabbs are npw Uking trip about as master of tke C. N. R steamer Prince' John on th Queen Charlotte Island route. This trip Capt. McLean is in command of the vessel which sails at 10 o'clock tonight for Vancouver via the Islands. See "Ore Htneking,', l.O.D.R. lay, Capitol- Theatre, February 25. A.'P. McCorkindale left on this mornlnffNs train for Fort William where he will vis.t his aged par mm 1 1 era arriving In1 the city" ' buji ;viciua; aiicuivuii . til dudedi L. F. Chapman1, W. 0. Smith, F. W. Renworth and Mr. Lawrence, from Vancouver, and Mr. Frampton who wag making! the round trip from Ocean Falls. Rev. Arthur Earner of Toronto, superintendent of Indian Missions of the United Church for Canada, after attending the seasons of Prince Rupert Presbytery here, sailed last night on the Princess Royal for Bella Bella in the course of his annual tour of the "West. Anvox , 1 ! V IwtiqMati M fin lull hv th lid ii. i a jb players, a series locals,' w:. ,Camosun tomorrow it return to the spiel e senior ana lnt -r- L. fa Chapman of Spokane, manager of the McGlllis & Gibbs Pole t., atrived in the city on the Princes Royal yesterday af- rnopn from the south, being on his way on business to the cen- obtaiat ; large quantities of pole from the Iranian Timber & Lum ber Co. Metting last night at the home ; of the president, Mrs. P. W. An-j derson. the Prince Rupert Pi- oneers Association made tinal ar-; ranfements for the annual ban-' quet which will be held on March 8. Those present were Mrs. Anderson, Dunca nKennedy. F.'fr. Hart, W. T. Cameron. S. M. Newton. A. 0, Franks. F. W. Wench and J. E. Jack, all of I whom will tnWo an nrtiv' tihrt fn Eagles Whist Drive and Dance ! connection with the banquet February 28. NOTICE K. P. Anniversary Ball M.irch To whom it may concern: 1. I I will not be responsible for 1 !an.v debts incurred by any person Women of Moasaheart Legion, other than myself from thin date. fit. Patrick's Tea, March 11. at the FRED LOWE, home of Mrs. Masssllem. 4 February 23, 1929 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED , Mine Head Alberta Lump ' . . j , .'. .$13.50 Mine Head Alberta Sootless Large Egp ! $12.50 Mine Head Sootless Egff $12.00 Pembina Peerless Ejjk $12.00 Also all other classoa of coal. DRY HIRCH. .IACKPINE AND CEDAR 11 Sincle load I feM Do,u)lo, load, . . . ti, f .,m-,,4v . $6.50 Large sack . . . i ', 50c Box wood cuttings, large load ..... i $3.50 Piano and Furnituro Moving. Express and Baggage Day und Night Service 139 Second Avenue Daily News' Ads. Bring Results drs. A. McCosJirie Hails tonight 1;J 1 1 t tLL j Jwbere(sheiwill visit jvith friends. Tommy De Marco vs., YQ.unL. .. ;; J j Bagshaw, ' .Moose Hall, Wednesday, Tiger Boulter vs. Nick Gurvich, i''eb:'Z7. Ladies especially in-.Moose JIall, (Wednesday, Feb. 27, iietf." 46- Ladies . especially invited. 4G DY0D GWYL DEWI. Welsh'1" -.n'.v' .t-.i' ,w."i, ili.J. ' 1 - ' w" t ' " itv : HOST wttn - VII 1 5l Jl CaPtfstLadi?8' rt 4 eBusiness trip to Vancouver re-.rt thtf esidence of Mrs., Jrt ,tumed to the city; from the south "ian. 420 Fifth Avenue West, on the Princess Mary this morn- jiurcn i, oi. uaviu s way, irom jng. Airs. Ellis Morris and young j . son, who have been on a holiday trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south uw on the ents.' He expects to be away Cata,a -terd4y , afternoon about a month and will also visit Edmonton and other points in the Middle West R. M. Field, accountant at the Langara Fishing and Packing Co.'s cannery at Maseett, who has been spending the' winter in Seal! m j- if ti ihi le. .armed, from the south tocCktaln yAtAday Afternoon diwnl proceed i tonight by the ' -r-'iTlf -4- - . Mr. and Mrs. Les Guile, who have been visiting here for the! past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. G Kennedy, Jef t by this morning's train on their return to 'Prince George. The' Busy Bees of St., Paul's Lutheran. Church were entertained, last night by Gudrum Welle. T&ejeveping was enjoyably passed with musicand .playing of games , .u - Tu n i . iana oaimy reiresnmenis , were ,.i,J 3i served. Dr. H. J. Ferrier of Fort William, who was called to Hazelton i-his week on account of the illness of his. father. Rev. Thomas Ferrier of Brandon, Man., will Hsselton by tonight's train on his return east. D. A. Muirhead, chief clerk for the White Pass and Yukon Rail way & Navigation Co. at White-, horse, who has been on1 a vacation I in iha aAiith naoncrr re turning north aboard the Princess Mary this morning. Dr. H. C. Wrinch, M.L.A. for Skecna, who was called to Hazel-ton this week on account of the illness of ' Rev, IThomas Ferrier of Brandon, Man. will leave by train via Jasper Park media team, will return north - ?ntgMVi -JLTl. i boat . r. -u.. 'for Victoria where he will resume aboard the company Granby on which they made the trip here. hiis attendance t thersession of the legislature. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY APPLICATIONS. For Bandmaster for Boys' Band, giving educational qualifications and experience Will be recejved by W. H. Tbbey, secretary of the Provisional Committee up to March 1 at 6 p.m. 45 Was Bothered With Severe Headaches Is Not Troubled Now Mrs. James Rossiter, Riverside, N.D., writes: "I was bothered with severe headaches, for years, snd tn. ii many different medicine, but to t" etlei't. Una day a friend, told trie about and after I had taken three bottles I found it had done dm a world of good. NoV I doa't know what a headarhe is like. I certainly have great faith in burdock Blood Bltteri.'r Manufactured only by The T. Mil-bum Co., Ltd., Toronto, Out. H. S, Wal'ace Co. W. February ,Cleft'rance SALE BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Third Ave. arid Fulton St. PHONE 9 , 4 mm ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor, Rev. J. II. Hanson Residence, 221 Fourth Avenue E , Phone Green 143 Morning worship at 11 o'clock (English); Sunday School and Confirmation Class at 12 nooa; Evening worship at 7:80 (English), (special speeches, songs and readings by the young people. . PREnVTERJAN CHURCH Preacher, Ilevi Tj iy or Jones, M. A Morning worihlp at '11 ,p'clockf subject, 'Working Out What God Works Wj Sundfl School at 12:15; Evening service at 7 0, ' Subject, "The Oure for Boredom."' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society 215 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Sunday service at 11 a.m., subject, "Mind." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. FIRST UNITED CHURCH . Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B.A. Deaconess, Miss E. Elliott Morning worship at 11 o'clock, address by' Rev. G. Wilson, D.D.. superintendent of missions ; Sunday school at 12:15; evening service at 7:30. Truly smart, ncw and solid gold. Just announced in national magazines. Come in and see them. Many other designs. John Bulger Ltd. JEWELLER The New ISPRINGIATS ARE HERE In a bevy of beautiful advance styles, fabrics, colors and fascinating trimmings. Small and la t'geiajTW of smartest straws, folts and silks. Off the face, styles, new turned up brims nnd every one as daring as can posibly be. The price is spfe'cmlly attractive. Jabour Bros. Ltd. " THIRD AVENUE PHONED 15.