t . . 1 11 . VIA ' .. j ft i.Lit. i li r uiuaii anvuitauaa vimiui "M i i imi 1111 l bau jl i iu a wrAt vib m u i ' J A. 1 T f . 1 . i 1 i w ll m. nm nn vxrv ijixk . lie . tn MAnt onn nin mnio rin irnnn.H fed A t l . . . V W 111 A I l'.uIIo said. He was very proud, government tb come out like men 1L 1 il - ...1,11. U ! ... , , t t t J 1 1 . . . ' f a V today following the is suance of nn nrdpr from Vi. i i. 111.111 in. uuk lYiacuiii wno was ap- nnlntnii I- iniT -l.i-.l 'T know of nn rnnnnn fnr kht v a 1 1 HBKaVPKl Commissioner Edward J. Hilf- gins. England, who was eiecicu by the Salvation Army iiign Council to head that organization in place of Bramwell Booth, de posed. WILLINGDONS TO VISIT THE WEST VANmiJVER. Feb. 23. No tification has been received by Mayor Malkln that Lord and Lady Willlnirdon will pay an unofficial visit to Vancouver and Vancouver Island in April. many years at sea, and the call on the coast. Tribute Paid Following this a tribute was naid the captain by Dr. George CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill ' mm f rerjon read th ClualtleO Ada. LARGE CABARET If jou Iom, advert! tor It. Bpeolal Olnnen Thursdays and find, locate the Baturdaya If you owner, Dancing every Saturday night WbaUver jou need, advertlM for It - from 9 to It. Dance Ball for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodation for Private GET THE CLA88iri'; HABIT. Parties W?1' Northern and Central BritishkCdlurftbia's ' Newspaper Phone 457 .-?'', . I ' PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SAT URDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS II- "nr,,. - Af. ITION :t going to allow that adminis- minister referred to as ''paternal tributed to the discussion, follow- i,i,w -nflilinieii tip rhnmhor f Prinxm rauon to De euacea in me coun-; ,n chnracter. The government, he "ik wmcn experiences w?ie r; but was going to snow mat gaj,j had a big majority and IX It snarea. n n nnnnio rr rnn nriiv i nr iiihiii' r.u tKmA tn oiifAa iareTa nn- i t - i uri t n u -mi urn ill iiiiuri . IMUCvTir ATlMr in v I nl I lllri i nu SKEENA HIGHWAY l-oucheed Savn Eichtv Per Cent of i Recommended Work Is j Already Started VICTORIA, Feb. 23 The -sibility of continuing the road rem Pr.nce Rupert to Terrace is ii i 11 a In N. S. Loughced, minister hi lofrltalni 1 1 a a teai a fA a t at li i aA I ha t a tvrrA slntf Vi a rl Kaan mDitfl ron Kfl nnr rpnt nr thn mart wnrK (lVrM.4rk.l U.. IU. Dnn.la All. : J "Wll n dltCtL aiWIUUt wssivae PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Feb, 23: The! APPOINTMENT OF aMRS. MAt'GILL AS utrrtr 4 wpbi r t-ll sl wwau viitivi4Mitwa' - VANCOUVER, Feb. 23: The appointment of Mrs. Helen Gregory MacGIll as Judge of Vancouver city ju- venilo court has been res- Clrwllwl l.ir U T),n,.lr..UI - - . - v. . LIU 11U1I1IVIUI " lenged the government to do so. "The economic bread of the coun The meeting of Prince Rupert rrA,.t..r4a, f TT 14,1 f,. viewed the history of the province I nt,nued , geM,on a day yMtM. politically, which from the time 1,1 and concluded after midnight, McIJride took office, had followed j the delegates returning to their party lines. In sfajte of all the ! cjiargeaj for Sundny yorH A '?-cffiiUiea .-rthe ' fttifc4lBXiiff tiar6JLJ&yfUy'' ment.had faeejj e ta-s Ijad not pHOTrw MMgeto-, nori ana leHirniony, in jLtiairmsn, Rev. R. S. Scott, takfptn lead by describing the ppeaji,f the moderator, at the last general council, to the church for the deepening of spiritual life. This was linked in thought with the Marine Mission of the United try in our day ' was spread with ... .... . 11 I. - 11.- r-!! 1 TLI. good wholesome political uuuer. but now it is spread with oleomargarine from the grease made frnm the party machine," he de clared. NEW ARMY LEADER : 1 t ..a j.li . . l.i f -i : ..j One of the most important gatherings of its kind in the of the Indian Empire took place this week when the ruling the prin, es 0f fortv Indian States met in Delhi to exnress unswervine similar movement in other bodies loyalty to the British Crown, and to deprecate the attitude of of the Christian church. Many naUve ieafjers 0f British India who apparently were advocating members Of the Presbytery con- .lf- lnrl.ncnHi.nro I -irH TrwJn Inn. rlirht nrnBinarl nver IVip ELECTION ACT WEL KNOWN The Ma harajah of Patiala, lower, left, in the above cut, and one of the most powerful Princee in that part of the Empire, was u-m 7 - A "1 .u ."r.u" --he mover of the resolution of fidelity to Britain, and he of Bikanir. (lower right). tured. with partkular reference to the Mahaarjah Church on the Pacific coast. This formed an opportunity for honoring a veteran worker, Capt. Wm. Oliver. This was introduced by a sketch of his life by Re. I. ; C. Scott, a co-worker for nmy jears. He touched on his liffl in the shipyards of the Clyde, his was TO BE CHANGED! MAN BURIED OTTAWA. Feb. 23. A special to the Marine Mission work which committee of the house was ap-tame to him at Vancouver 45 years pointed yesterday to inquire into ;go. Since that time Gapt. Oliver the operation of the Dominion has done monutmental work Elections Aot. The premier told donald 10, Home Oil Wilson, mission superintendent,1, ..." 'lower.- ...l i ai. I...., -..A wnu Bune ui iiiu vvuuueriui pun played by Capt. Oliver In Chrls-i tian service to the peoples onHhe' lonely parts of the coast. Dr. Wilson further described. the great scope of the work car- Ice and the growth and progress Brland-Ki that had been made In the first I yesterday (Continued on page two.) Many Pay Final Tributes of Respect Today to Memory of Late A. II. Love Many frfends, including mem- :,mong the Indian people and the R. B. Bennett that this was the (rg 0f the Oddfellows' Lodge of whites on the const. In 1831 he first step in the government plan. wncj, deceased, was a member, built the first, Pacific coast mis- to amenu me act. ine appoini-sfon bint "Glad Tidings," and. ment was in conformity with th since, then, has built other boats regulationsof privileges and the i.s well as churches and shelters, election of the committee which Capt. Oliver is now released of investigated the corrupt practices thn more active side of the work, during the Athabasca election but has plans ahead to continue in 1926 in service In his own way in an ndvisory capacity to the Marine ... ,irrp ,. .nr ... Mission of British Columbia. .iHANlltb WUL IN An illuminated address, the I. Tl lit l!. t T" worn oi iicy. t . iuiaii ui iei- UIULUJ ILUIL IUAl n . gathered at the ehipel of the B C. Undei takers this afternoon to pay their last resjw.U to the memory of the late A. II. Love. The service was, conducted in a feeling manner by Rev. Alfred (Wilson of First United Church, j S. C, Thomson presided at the or-igan for the hymns which were !"Lead Kindly Light" and "Near- QTOfTC: VESTTPnAV cr My God to Thee." John E. RYACTW f SHERMAN WAV I mT nVPRRnAPn FROM HA1IR1JT RflAT Ja, Makes Fighting Speech in B.C. House in Budget Debate and Points To Record of Administration of Which He Was a Member I VICTORIA, Feb 23. "We should have some indica- ions of the miraculous policies that are to keen the bovs ' . z a. : i i t t r i ii 1 initial in hi fit ii 1 1 1 i i it-- i in i i cm i iiiimi i in i u miri w ature vesterdav in the debate nn" the hudrrpt Hp pnn. l l -i. .r . l i i i . i pnueu tnaL in sthlr ri rpnrpspnrnLinns mnnn r urinrr mp I. .1 1 -a! A.t-A 1 ,1 il A I 11 Alt . . . . ll 1 ft 1 HILlllIlU HI nillllY LIWIL LIU! I1CW 1'IIVI'I IIIKI'MI. Iliill ;uiv I HSI II II 1 1: 11-: All III 1111' nil nll II. The speech of Hon. W. C. Shelly, minister )f fu.are. t r i 1 ai! rr in 1 1 1 r if 1 1 nrrHH niiiifr mix .nrnment of the cost of govern- u and that we are in for un r. rra.se in tne cost ot taxation. Mr Pattullo said the speech of f. L'U i i ..... 4-U- ... w.ml. Mo rfrviimnl hr hm ivir ViMi-il it. . .t J 1 in 1 A i ... 1 . aL. ..nlfH.Ai-f tka 1 1 The leader of the opposition re- been i ncfcasep Thevnue8 of untry A under.' their aarninll- nmi.r nn ini dp uvffrv ni niH t.tir,n n.ri i-inrnmA mn nimm n r . -.... ... . -" HftllVII At AA MWAWV V WWVJ - V" r.-t budget speech, which, event that the ' tA-irtiment hadeven PRESENTATION CAPT. OLIVER Vtteian Missionary Is Honored by Presbytery at Public Meeting Last Night I WORK IS EULOGIZED Session Complete:! iind Members All Return To Their Re- spective Stations j Indian Princes Vow Loyalty to Britain Man Lost From Halibut Boat in Gulf of Alaska Valdemar Tang Went on Deck During Heavy Swell and Was Not Seen Again, Reports Skipper of Vessel Capt. Chris Parkvold of the local halibut boat Takla, arriving at Prince Rupert from the banks on February 23, reported the'loss overboard of one of the members of his cert, Valciemar Tang, of Vancouver. The accident occurred on the morning of February 19 about 3 o'clock when theTakla was fishing on the Fortlock banks in the Gulf of Alaska, about 800 miles from Prince Rupert. Tang went on deck when a heavy sea was running and was believed vo have been swept overboard. Nothing more was eeen of iim. Tang was a Scandinavian, about 24 years of age, and has a brother in Vancouver. Th-' Takla was pretty well stripped above deck, losing a nmp innnfl FAn lory and several skates of gear I I U VIP KN 4 IK as well as being somewhat' dam- UiUniUUIlU 1 Vll agde. J Tang was a Dan6?by birth 'and?, was well known here, having! fished cut of the port for some time. CONSULTWITH BIG RAILWAYS race, was then read by Dr. W. w,, ,m,w,ra, OTTAWA. Feb. 23.-The Pilot lUB- Me." Deans of Ocean Falls, and a, I1"01 . . . 'C.N.R. and the - CP. R. .have. beautiful chesterfield chair prcf VANCOUVER, Feb. 33. High ! After tlie service, interment jroned out their differences in re- I sented by Rev. A. Wilson, on be- iced mines and oils monopollml , was mat?e n '"""View cemetery, fipect to i,ranch lines tb such ex- half of the members of Presbytery the market fcoday, Pend. Oreille '"Ke concourse ionowing ine.tent that they now clash in only and other friends in Rupert and advancing 80 cents, Reeves-Mac-1 cortege to its final Testing place. one area between Aberdeen and I , A. P. 1 Pallbearers were Artnur rnce, Melfort, Sask.. Minister of Rail- Consolidated 20, and Mayland 05, on heavy sales. Premier lost 10, Big Missouri unchanged -and Georgia River 2 TKKATY RATIFIED WITHOUT DIVISION ricd on by the church in the Home . ,., . r; .,., Mission areas, in evangelistic, OTTAWA, Feb. 23: With-medical, educational and social out a division the House of service features of Christlnn nerir. Commons ratified the Brland-Kellogg Peace Treaty Oil Aid. U. W Kudderftam, Alex jiac- Uyays Hon. Charles Dunning In ' .Donald, W. II. -McUallum, J. a, Irvine nnd S. V. Cox. . There were many floral ferings. of BROTHER OF R. F. PERRY DIED TODAY MISS EDITH PATERSON IS JUVENILE JUDGE VICTORIA. Fwb. 22. Miss Edith L. Paterson, barrister, has" been appointed judge of the juv enile court at Vancouver, succeeding Mrs. Helen McGIll, it was announced today. railwayIare in agreement formed the house of commons when th hranch line program of the C.N.R. was being discussed. CARD OF THANKS On behalf of the widow of the late Harry Hawkins, I wish to vAvrntivpn" "p0, m thank sincerely all those who Charles F. A. Perry of Vancou-j showed kindness during his 111-ver, a pioneer, and well-known as ness and after his death, especial- the head of a construction tlrm iy mentioning tne w.n. empiu-whloh hnilt manv buildings in tes. Knights of Pythias, Rev. J, Vancouver, died here today, aged B, Gibson .Miss M. A. Way and G3. Ex-Aid. R. F. Perry of M. L. Stepp, Prince Rupert Is a brother. II. HAWKINS, Senr. WEST INDIES 'NEW SERVICE MONTREAL, Feb. 22 The first of the ne,w vessels to go into commission under trie termi, of the agreement by which Canada is to furnish a fortnight mail pas- ,'senger service 'between Canadian I VI jlM I Hll l'0' n Bermuda, the Bahamas IU UUUUUUlLfl VICTORIA, Feb. 23. No char ter for a major railway In aiii province in the Dominion should be granted until the two main systems in Canada, the, CP. R. and C.N.R., and also the Dominion land Jamaica, the R. M.S. Lridy isomers, Canadian National Steamships,' will sail 'frdm Halifax on April 13i ' ' R. M.S. Lady Rodney jrr the same service' will sail f?om Halifax on April 29. , Each steamer will complete its A 1I.-1...1 .J J..M1 government, had an opportunity .j, " , , , to advise in the matter was the J" T Znf , t they wlU 8aU opinion expressed by T. D, PatJlfmSinJ"nce tullo in the legislature on Friday flnH t a nn during the debate on the budKet4 He said he did not mean that n P"ct J"" 8''t"nsh,fnHt the two major systems should J- .M n, Lady d'etate what was to be done under ?: aI1e wWm now in the conditions now prevailing In Canada, hut it seemed as if the two railways were to be continued as the main operators. ptinte, uu me iwu luriuei wm carry first-class passengers inly and special provision has been made for tiie carriage of bananas and other fruits and vegetables lequiring storage at special temperatures. The fruit stolage space on the Lady Somers and the Lady Rodney provides accommodation for 100.000 stems of bananas. CONSIDERING RUSSIA AGAIN OTTAWA, Feb. 23. "I am un able to say more than that the gov ernment is considering the mat ter," Premier King said In the house yesterday in reply to the question by J. S. Woodsworth, Labdr member for Winnipeg, as to. whether the government was taking any steps toward reestab lishing relations with Russia. Scottish Humor Imported direct Aberdeen Joke from the Faetory Jeannie's sweetheart was very saving, so she hinted that he might spend a little more upon her enjoyment. "Fat d'ye say lassie," he replied, "Is It nae a grand thing tae haae a man that's economical?" "Oh, yes," replied Jeannle, "It's a.' richt in a man but it's different In a sweetheart; and forbye y'e micht never be my man."