Pane 6 G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public For Sale Section Six. Heuse and lot, Has five rooms and bath. Price $2,150.00, Easy Terms. For Rent Seven-room house with bath at 10th Ave. and Bacon St H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds Insurance Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats can te docked together on making fees light. Large stock materiéis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds one small of repair Several section, Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. Carpets and rugs. at Tite's 20 per cent sale prices. 197 LM. Stephens H. V. Goodwin and wife of Ed- NOTARY son were among the arrivals from ithe east on last evening's train. _ FOR SALE It is just as cheap tv get your printing done wel! and done at 6-Roomed modern house and ivine as it is to send it away. Try #200. M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE ithe Skeena, left the harbor morning on her way to the this south. | Crockery, at 20 per lweek of glassware and china cent discounts, the last Tite’s sale prices. 97 Just arrived, a car of Beave: - Board. A. W. Edge Co., distribu. ‘tors. f ‘Everybody is [“" _-- _-__ MINERAL ACT Not a Judge uF IMPROVEMENTS CEA TL IPICATE NUTICE. . . iron Bug, Blue Jay, John Bull, John 0 lamo bull No. 1, John Bull No. 3, and Drum Luinteon Fraction Mineral Claims, situak jis the Naas Mining Division of Cassia: Most people have to lake some - Distriet one’s “say 80° because minst-people W here located Approximate!) w aren't up on diamond values jenties - a Granby Bay i ; that 1, H. N. Ciague ol * We wish to tell you that every ls ay 1s Duncan, B. seting as ages ; , . j for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smet diamond we have im stock has jing and Power Company Limited Free passed 4 most careful examination } Miner's ertificate No. 32188-C, mend a our hands s\ty Gays [rom the date hereof, " t0 apply : the Mining Recorder for a { JOT Un case f improvements, for the purpose of ob taining a rown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced before ome issuance Of such certificate of in provements Dated this 3rd day of July, A.D. i919 H. N. CLAGUE, B.C.L 8 MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE ta IMPROVEMENTS OTICE Which makes buying here aba lutely safe for the person who knows little about diamonds We are showing some nice dia mond engagement rings at $25.0: $40.00, $75.00 and $150.00 John Bulger } Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look Jewe er oul, Mystery, Midas Lake Frac,, Pass Frac The Store of Worth and land Mineral Claims, situate in the Port uty 1 ane Canal Mining Division of Cassiar Dis Bea . rict. Where ‘located On the East Salmon River Valley TAKE NOTICE that I, A. H ing a8 agent for L 16840 -¢ © & Green, act Watkins, F.M. Cc. N Carter, F. M. ¢ No. 9.58 | K. M. Martin, F.M.C. No. 9,587-« id. Fetter, F. M4 No. 9,507-C; H. ft ;Cariton, | Se No. O,598-C; Mar Weich kK M. C. No. 0,509-@, intend, sip deys from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of 4 provements, for the purpose of @b bali a Crown Grant of the above claim* And further take notice that action. | . der section 85, must be cummenced befor Street, the tssuance of such Certificate of bh provements Dated this Houses for Sale Five-roomed plastered house with bath, Borden werlooking harbor, $2,700, #700 cosh, Balance arr: 25th day of Jul ‘npn GREEN A. u need Fifth #1.600 Four-roomed Avenue, house, Section 5, Five. plant neal roomed house, heating fireplace, Sixth Drydoek, $2,570, Ave.,« THR DAILY 1 Ewa. Best Display of FRESH FRUIT in the City Anything that is in season can be found in our Store Rupert Table Supply Co PHONES 211, 212 “BRANDING BROADWAY” BY BIG BILL HART Curious Admixture of East and West in Play at Westhoilme Theatre Tonight. puncher from got into Man- ago was Harrington, the man, to un- Bob Sands is a the Southwest. He hattan a few empleyed by Mr. millionaire railroad dertake to tame young Larry |Harrington, his son. The brightly lighted districts of the metropolis |have known Larry for some tire past as a spender who has no re- gard for his father’s 1 illions, land who can fight like a demon. | But Bob started in by licking his charge and then tried to help him collect some letters foolishly written to a pretty little waitress. But Bob fell for the and then Harrington, 8Sr., called in a private detective to get the evidence. The latter got with the papers, but Bob borrowed a mounted policeman’s horse and followed the fleeing taxicab. The part of Bob is taken by Big Billi Hart and the play i¢ on to- night at the Westholme. NYMPH OF FOOTHILLS days and lot English Hill, $2,625, 3))"* News Print Shop. terms. | Mrs. R. E. Benson sailed for | 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Vancouver by the Prince George Avye., East, built in buffet, fast evening where she will visit| fireplace, ete., $3,500— ee na her father who at the present terms. }time is very seriously ill. 8-Roomed house 6th Ave., » = W., modern, $3,250 terms. The 8. 8. Queen City which was Double Corner Sixth Avenue n the drydock here for repairs and Tatlow St. 84,750. to a smashed stern post when the One nice lot near Drydock ltide carried her on to a rock up jed her, We also lots near have a number Drydock for build. ing purposes. of McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Third Avenue: Phone 11 GLADYS LESLIE lheatre at the Tonight Empress One of the gripping “A Nymph of the Foothills,” the | Vitagraph Blue Ribbon drama, | fe aturing Gladys Leslie, which | will be the e¢ttraction at the Em- | press tonight, is where lland is on trial wild mountain hamlet with slaying the father | Chaney, tiful but untutored |}daughter of the mountains, whom ihe married and carried away tu his city home. Emmy coldly-received by his parents and a former sweetheart of Ben's easily convinced her she married because she could show no marriage certificate So she returned to her mountain o face another tragedy: the mur- der of ber father, together with the fact that the man she loved but who, she believes, had wrong- was the murdered. The Houdini “Master Mystery” is also to be shown tonight. for his life in a eharge: a beau had been home Jas. Smith of the Digby Island Quarantine Hospital whe has been critically ill for the past few days, is resting easily al his home this morning. A trained nore nurse has been in attendance regulariy. eA rhe Army and Navy Veteran: will hold a meeting in their clu rooms on Second Avenue urday night at 8 p.m bers are on Sat All mem. requested to attend. 9 br. H. Tremayne Victoria a the Grand evening where he duties.on the returned to rrunk last will re Pensions sume his Board in rhe Parliament Buildings. > . > R. kK, Alen was among those leaving for the south on the Prince George last evening and will proceed as far as Ocean Falls > o . “Phonola”™ from 825 to Furniture talking #200 at Warehouse; machines Barrie Tite’s Home gontinues until Furnishing August 23 sal Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. 1! Phones 41 and Red 39] , For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Pieniec and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor _ J. MYHILL-JONES lady himself) away | IS GLADYS LESLIE scenes in} ,|of Buckley were among those ar- Ben Kirk- | of Emmy | was not! Qvemseeneititnernantshetilie anna Local News Notes bl |} €. L. A. Dance Friday, St. An i | Hall. 196 7 * . Saturday ALICE B. for Salt Lakes at 2 and 2:30 drew's ; } | . . . | Barrie's for baby buggies; £0- ling at cost this week v7 . , . | Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Armour are recent arrivals in the city from Anyox. > >. > rhe Catholic Ladies are giving a dance on Friday in St. Andrew's i . | Hall 196 i ee A. P. Gurd arrived in from the | mouth of the Skeena on the train last night. Ps . > * Graves of Massett was emdag tes arriving in the city this morning. ( W. King of Port Clements arrived over from Ahe Islands this morning. * . . Mrs. Florefice Moore of Surf Inlet arrived in the city by the Union boat today. * * * North Island visitors in the city | inelude 4. C. Flanders, J. P. Haw jkinson and ©. G. Taylor. >. . . Last week of Tite's August iSale. Brass and iron beds springs and mattresses. igi * * >. rl. E. Jefferson of Telkwa was among the arrivals from the in- terior on the train last night. > . . We have a few nice gilt edged ‘invitation cards that are different from the ordinary. Daily News | Office. tf >. * * arrivals include Miss E. Wallace of Claxton and Mrs L. T. Spragee and family of In- verness. Up river * > > {. 8S. Hameoeck and W. & Ruth are visitors in the city, having arrived over from Buckley Bay this morning. * > . | Db. H. Horlatt and Miss Horlatt iriving in the city from the. Queen Charlotte Islands this morning > > . your winter bedding, blan kets, sheels, spreads, pillow cases ,and comforters, take advantage o! iTite’s 20 per cent discounts. 97 . * * i For | John A. W ymes whose arm was amputated yesterday following an accident at the mill, is doing wel) jat the Prince Rupert General Hospital. * * . When an invitation is sent it should be on a natty card. We jhave the very latest in gild deckk ledge just like they use in New 'York — Daily News Job Depart- ment. * >. * Constable Adams j two cows impounded at the city hall this morning. They are~ barricade: near the entrance to the furnac: room. The two animals strolling about the Grand dock this morning as if for a home. were Trunk looking Spirella Corsetiere. Phone Black 257. * * * Last evening the launch Chaka-~ wana arrived from Vancouver with a party of fifteen Royal North West Mounted Police who will ve engaged in the service in this district. The trip was very suc cessful and the distance n good time. covered * cas, a Catholic Ladies Danee in St Andrew's Hall on Friday. io . * . |} On the Market Place grounds jlast evening the Tiny Tims and | the Nationals clash®d for honors jand the former were victorious latter along drawn out game iFrom the eighth to the tenth th: } score stood tie 4 to 4. Im the eleventh the Tinyehampions mad ** the deciding run. a Just arrived, men's dancing | pumps. Family Shoe Store. if *. . * rrancis R, Jones, Fn. G. 8. lrepresenting the Overseas (Clu! arrived here last everling and wil jaddress the Board of Trade at a this afternoon jand also will speak at the meet ing called this evening in th: jeounesl chamber to hear Sergeant ispecial meeting lajor Jimmie Robinson, D.C. M jon “Hepatriation.” | erims, Cretoniies, Lace Cur tain goods by the yard at Tite's 20 per cent discounts. * 19) ) Use MURESCO, the ‘great sani jtary wall finish. A. W. Edwe Co. SCii0ol | wii: Days... And now is the time to fit Jabour Bros., Ltd, Ladies Colored Shoes ~~ GEO. HILL the young ones with their Clothes. ee as out School We have the new arriy als Leckie High Boots the waterproof kind, for boys or cir|s Jersey Sweaters, Rain Coats, Rubber Boots & BOY’S SUITS at the very lowest prices Call and see us. We can clothe the young scholars from head to foot. Third Avenue NEW ARRIVALS IN Now showing at the Specia ‘a Willis soon, be An —; —_— FAMILY SHOE STORE " — ial Values in Children’s Shoes 2 | feeerrece } Come and be fitted by Expert Shoemen The Practical Shoemen E. R. TABRUM Pho ne Will be ing to dis pose of-any goods AUCTION SALE heift Bhort!y in the Melntyre Blo GEORGE LEEK NO batds were playing welcome music for the on-board the transport Finland, which,reached Ho! The old Red Star Steamship carried her ensign at ) from Brest the veteran skipper of the Finland, Capt'! Gelpbia, died at the wheel. Captain Hill had been » since 1888 and was one of the best known skipper the government took over the Finiand as a transport the grade of lieutenant commander and inter wa ' Upon bis death the transport was turned over to | tenant Commander J, R. Rague, who is ouly twenty youngest commander to bring a vessel of the Fin port of New York, Fle was an officer of the Finis and bad « lieutenant commander's rating in the N°