PAGE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7 AND 9 P. M. SATURDAY MATINEE. 2:30 P. M. ANOTHER OF THE CAPITOL VANCOUVER RIG ONES A photoplay acclaimed by the press as one of the screen's greatest. A beautiful story that will strum sweet melodies on the heartstrings. JAMES HALL, JUNE COLLYER, MARGARET MANN AND NOTED CAST. "SPORTLIGIIT." ORCHESTRAL SELECTION "KATINKA." Admission, 50c and 15c; Matinee, 35c and 10c. Child's Lucky Ticket will be sold at the Saturday Matinee. COAL Your choice KDSON CASS1DY WELLINGTON TKLKW'A Also Ilulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for "Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 . Prince Rupert Feed Co. Dr. Alexander rilONE SIS HESNER IlLOCK DENTIST WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY AND TUESDAY AMATEUR NIGHT , MONDAY Vocal and Instrumental. TUESDAY Monologue. Dancing and Other Entertainment Not Musical. First Prize. $10. Second Prize, 43. Strong Picture Programme LOTS OF FUN UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED halllnil iroro Prlnrr Kufwrv tor VANCOUVER VICTORIA, Bllon Itt). HutuJalr Alrrl luj, rte Turatlay, 3 JO i.m. lor VAM OtlVER. VICTORIA, huttdalr. Alert lu), fit, ITMjt mldnitht lor Al.Ur ARM. A.SVOX. rtThV Altl IVALUk lt..i, i-mi t lXIMiN NAAS RIVER, Sundaj S pro. Ul i'td Airnuv. B, M. CM I 111. Atrnu rinrr Hurrt. U. Ihruush tUkrU wild .o Victoria aod prattle, and ttaoacr fhki inruuili lu ilrttlnatlvr PACiric iatnr B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To KHrhikan. Mruntrll. Junran und xkagaat I'rb. !k. ti; Marrh 9, 30. To Viincouirr, Vltlorla and Rfulllf Erhruary 13, 1; .Marrh 13, .'I. PUIM'EMS ROVAL I'oi ItutnUlt. Lat Itrlla Drlla. (Hraii Tail. Namu. Alrrt llir. Camplirll Ulvrr. Vaiiwutrr and VlrturU, (ttrry IrliU), J it p.m. Achilla for all htraiualilp Line. l ull ln(rnialln from IV. ii. ORCIIAUD, (iKSMHI. AOBN1 I'iriirr 41 la Slrrrt and 3rd Atrnur. prlnre KiiimI, ll.Ci Plrant SI. Canadian National CTht Largcft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE ! Hailing Irom I'KINCP. IIL'I'CKT for VAM'Ol'V CR. VICTORIA, bbATTLK. and Intermediate polnta, each lltlllAY. 9:00 a.m. lor NTEUART and AN VOX, each WLDNKSIIAY. 10. on p.m. tor NORTH AND fOLTII (JtLtN CIIARLOTli: 1SL.IM)5, lortnltlitl. PASKNOEIt TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE HtTKIlT li Ii MONIl.VY. IVEUNESIIAY and SATURDAY at a.m. for PRINCE UEORUE, LO.MONTON, UTNMI'EO, all polnta Eaitrrn Canada, Lulled Statu. AOIiNCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 260 FINESHOWAT THE WESTHOLME March 8 Montclare To nlfat-Utanor March 31 Mrtlta Aortl 4 MliuMtfcaa TO CIIERMOI Mirch 3S April S ...,....,. I TO PLV.MOITI.IAVRE-LOM)0 ! Atftiinta vfM.h 9' Anpftnlft. March 0 Going Upstairs Had to Sit Down Breath So Short Mri. H. ItroiwMiiu, M&gog, Que., wnlca:- rilta: "For many yrara 1 mffcred o I (ot a box. and in no time I felt better, io I took three boxen more and 1 have never had ihortneu of breath : eince." I Frire 50c. a box at all drugiwta and i dealers, or nailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburo Co., Ltd., , Toronto, Ont. Bring Your FURS to - Goldbloom He pays the highest prices. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, Februarv y SUNDAYSCHOOL F1NEPR0GRAM The palrons of the Westholme Excellent Entertainment Put on last night quickly discovered thutj. their faith in the reputation of i "Four Sons" was not misplaced. There is nothing frothy or inane about it. It is just a big human' story simply told and artistically CLah'ti rrit Presbyterian A -""Church A fine-ni8ttainmeot program rnn'ftlAf .tiff nT "RlinrniM hv thft portrayed, the tenser moments ad- JunjoV Chofr of forty.eight mem. Ii relief. 11 . V I " bers, sketches, vocal solos and Produced amidst edy pic- recitationa w iven lagt night turesque surroundings, it In truly b th SunJ , f Firgt work of artf'v'Many beautiful , L . . rural scenes nreshanHy contrast- ImSTOSSTOlK ZZi J mMrnriidn chh tMhWhtt vral a . large d hv nf th crowded subways of New York and J P"'" Ellis Island ; vreo u "1C viu&ium The was a" exllent one which re-night picture will be repeated to- and should certainly be. f,,ectfd mnch cre(,it on the, ta,e,nl seen. Many fine pictures have 01 ine P8"' FePie wno been shown in this citv and "Four participated as well as upon their Sons" mar h nnaitivplv rir.irHd -vainine under the direction ofr as one of the finest. Thefe are John E- Davey, choir master and also excellent comedies. FROM SUNT JOHN' TO tllWlOl, March IS lion royal 'March 23 Mon.rcae .-th V9 Ducbtaa of Richmond Ap-U 3 Ducbea of Ycrk -To Liverpool only. TO lUSOOW-UELr.lT mSuuS Bdith Mahalfejrr TO t llEUIiOl lCU-M)i:TIIAMrTOX-, lUMIitICO M-rch 14.'.'" ..' Mrtaeama crll 10 IJlV. v.. Montrotal I ROM EW YORK to I'herhourr-Llvrrpool artt 14., ... . .'. A ttNotxwa of Bord yv A vol waiwi vrrviMt or 3. FORflTKIl. . 8. 8 Otnml PaM AMTlt. -- C.P-R. J3tal!on Vancouwr Teteshone Seymcur 3930 CANADUMf StRVICt and jf FHO.M HALIFAX TO PLYMOl'TII-ll AVRE-LOXDON Aurania. Uaroh 11; Autonta. March 18 TO QIEEXHIOWN AND LIVERPOOL Andanla. March 4; Antonia. March 18. -x t fvtnt irii nv ivit rif Ikiau ! Caledauta. March 35. I rnnti vni' vnni; f IVUJI ! TO (Jl EEXSTOW AM) LIVERPOOL JAndanla, March I; Athenla. March 9 i TO LONDONDERRY A NO OLASOOW i Camtronla Mar. 9: Caledonia. Mar 23 I TO ClIERIIOl'RO AMI JSOl TIIAMnON lAimlUnla. March 1. 23. April 17. May 8 i Bmngarla March 8. 29. April 34. May 15. I MaurManla. April 10. May 1. 33. Jun 13. BC FROM BOSTON TO (11 EENSTOWN & LIVERPOOL la. March 34: Athenla. Auni 7. Moimt OHtfa, Oraru and TfaHir-Chao at loweat rat. Fan f9naa- I tron from. loaal ascnt or Compatrra ornom. oz naaunfi o. w . iwioram. Sunday School superintendent. and the teachers. Hev. T. I von Jones, the paster, occupied the Hair and numbers on the pro-':am were aa follows: Chorus, "The Fairy Pipers,' Junior Choir. Vocal solo, "Your Sour from Paradise," Betty Cameron. Recitation, "Be What Your Mother Think You Are," Jack .ijcNaughton. Vocal solo, "A Little Coon's i layer," Dorothy Praaer., Play, VUttle Red Riding Hood," Miss Annie Walker's class. Vocal solo, "The Snow Man," Billy Willicrolt. Recitation, , selected, Jlysie Perry. Vocal so-1 fJFhe Little Green Cabin," EUth Kergin. Play, "Crricttrella," Miss Irene Mitchell's cW Recitation, 'That's Me," Donald Eby. V0e.1l boNs, kth4T O Mine," Plajr, "llelaing Susan," Mrs. J B. MacKas etess. Vocal aolta. HAn Old Fsshionec Honse," Cath4 KastHsan. Chorus. "Two Little Stars,1' Junior Ckoir, ,,. ReciUtion, selected, Adele Mqs- Vocal solo, seleui Olhra Mun- ro. Play. "Aunt ,ebiy's Beaux,'; Canailian Girls in Training. AecoauMFdsi. Mftte Miss Mar jorie Laneasier and Billy Fuller. j A. Jones of the Valentin Dairy staff returned to the city on th' ' Catala yesterday afternoon fror I a holiday trip to Vancouver. ME AT SPECIALS OUR PRICES ON FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN t'HOICE HAMS Whole. I er lb 84c CHOICE HAMS Half. Per Ik . 87c CHOICE BACON YM. Per Ibi 89c CHOICE BACON IMf. Per lb 42 IBAX BACON Whole, per lb. 36 RAX RA' ON -Half, per lb. 39. LEEK S'AUS.VJE S )b. with ihoriM oi rream; ion lour i ... ,,,,,,,., . vrara aco I had palpitation of the heart, i riVim . ni.r.u i m. and wan so bad I had to sit down two or three timet when doing upttain. I read about PICKLED PORK Per lb. CORNED BEEF Par lb. BRISKET BEEF Per lb. ...31k ...35 . ..20i 12ViC .12M,c Iirare Variety of firecn Vejje' table Arriving Every Boat Mussallem Grocery Co. Lim'ted 617-423 6th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 1. O. Box 575. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. ORGANIZATION OF BOYS' BAND Actions of Temporary Committee (Approved by (jencral Meeting i Last Night Further progress was made in the reorganization of the Prince it u pert Hoys' Band at an enthusiastic- gecafal meeting last night n tlwdtjr'Jlall with Aid. Theo .ollart In tie chair and about tweniyffive ,perspns present. Thetnjelting' adopted recom-mendaliofls of the temporary jommittee with minor changes and nine of the proposed honor- ry members who shall pay feet nf $5 per year were enrolled. On motion of William Keid n ote of thanks was tendered the .hairman and members of the temporary committee for the effective manner in which they had carried on during the recent em- rgency. After the general meeting, the emporary committee, which is till in charge, held a meeting nd decided to have membershii rards printed at once and a drivi for members started. Applications for a bandmastei 'ill be called for another com-littee meeting a week from to-'ay when an appointment will e made rabject to the approval f the permanent committe -hichf-wRl htter be formed. Organisation will be further rocedd with preparatory to nother general meeting when th proposed association will be for ned an I members of the perman :nt committee appointed. The Boys' Band is in a health) 'inancial condition, an inventory showing 20 instruments, 26 coir 'ete boy's uniforms, one band aster's uniform and S293.23 in he treasury. EUROPEAN TOUT Marvelous! Different! What you've len waiting (er , Never before have the oppor-lniates for seeing Europe, ir omfort, been presented than ir e Canadian National 1929 A! xpenae Ton: through Great Bri in, France, Belgium. Germany Switzerland and Italy. From 1416.00 up (Montreal-verseas and Montreal) .'9ilgii38 day to 59 day alght-eetng tour-vistting the old world -the cradle of civilisation of eeing the world-renowned cities nd beauty spots, histo ic sites 'iid monuments. Sail from Mont-eal, July 5th. on the Cunard Line .S. "Andania." Everything !ong the way is arranged and no ttention to detail necessary on vour part. The assurance of de- irable steamer accommodatior ind choice hotels on the other sidf -'le elimination of the wrangling jrith taxi-drivers, porters, diap Xintcnents and delays are only a few of the advantages enjoyed by aking this most attractive tour, vhich off its great travel value. featare is touring Scotland and England by motor coach . Full details and information at "fty Ticket Office. 628 Third Av-nve. Prince Rupert, Phone 260. Skin Irritations Quickly Healed Br the Pure Antiaeptk Tin win ! innirlaMl to m tonr alra1y Tw caa lt rrllf rron Kimi, ralw. pkm-r4m. anlM, bluirkM. and rlir kin tmaUia, JBJt tpnlr ih pan canting liqniii I i i. It twnMntf lb. klii. 4iiln( aod h. .lli.g ta Irrttatrd tlo ITl IIINO frrill-N IN- I FTAWT1.T. D D I) I. rlar and UIuNm. A I SSr tmtll provM Iti oMrit ur roar drugilat 1 r1.'""!. ll.6. Unt&U Mil. a'MoatrUXtD.Setfr), W. i, Mrtl TCIIEON. IRI (H.lHT. ORMI'S LTD. 1 Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Nalrir Krlletrd by SANTA L MIDY "U by All llruxsMi LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Speclallre In PInno nna Furniture Moving. CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! WARMTH J APITOL TONIGHT 7AND 9P. M. Cdleen joore in 'QJj (The play was fHnny, but the picture's a riot captivyi. . Colleen's rhlrtlifullesrmovie- Tarzan No. G Our Ganp Comedy Fable Topics Admission Tonight 35c and 5c MONDAY NIGHT ONLY I.O.D.E. WILL PRE.-LNT " Green Stockings, " a Comedy in 3 Acis You see our used cars on the road everywhere. V ' they arc always running, and running strong. Our used car bargaingrc-raltbarffains for the re? 1 that they are thoroughly checlfStltand inspected be fore they arc sold. THE FOLLOWING USED CAR BARGAINS NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION 1927 Dodgo Sedan, leather upholstery 192G Essex Coach 1" " 1928 Model A Tudor Demonstrator y!- "'-' 1927 Ford Tudor, good equipment . . . . 4-'" "'' 1927 Ford Covered Light Delivery i 1923 ptae Covered Delivery": . . .7. X . . . :;nii' S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Thonc DEMAND "Rupert Brand K e ippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD '' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- Prince Rupert, LLC. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Rcsjfa