turdj.y. TWuary 23, 1029 Waterfront Whiffs His l'iy- Packer lied Boy Purchased by Pacific Sal-v.. c ; neasure Boat Khtada Changes Hands; Seation's First Halibut Landings r-"'' : LABEL S RED AND WHITE IT is the double-richness of Carnation Milk which makes it so economical. So rich that it can be used in place of cream at one-third cream cost. So rich that it can be greatly diluted when used in cooking and for other milk uses. Carnation is the most completely useful milk you can buy. And it has the additional economy of keeping. None t wasted. It keeps several days after opening indefinitely in the tin. Carnation is just pure, fresh milk evaporated to cbuble richness, kept safe by sterilization. Order from your grocer several tins or a case of 48 tins. Send for a free copy of Mary Blake's Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Company, Limited, Aylmcr, Ont. ' MIN ATION CARAMEL CUSTARD Two cups Carnation I --Ilk diluted with 2 cups hot water, J$ cup sugar, J4 teaspoon salt, S eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Caramelize suzar and add to scalded, diluted milk. Let remain in double boiler until sugar dissolves. Add this mixture to slightly beaten eggs; then add salt and vanilla. Pour into buttered custard cups. Bake in 22 S degree oven with cups set in deep pan of hot water. This serves eight. It tastes creamy It looks creamy It Is creamy . Milk MM,' . h I . 1 TWO SIZES TALL AND SMALL Avenue West has been resounding of late with his hammer as he makes cupboards, repairs, and a general handyman of himself. But it's worth the effort, Reg says, even though it does keep a man home nights. Cant. Clarence Camnbell of the lace have moved their shellfish establishment scow from the site on the waterfront which is about to be occupied by the Home Oil Distributors fuel station to a new mooring adjacent to the Im perial Oil Co. wharves Though able to leave the hos pital last Saturday after almost THE DAILYNEWS PAGE FIVE him to remain home part of thai the close in banks. Before the time. end of the month, catches are ox- pected to start arriving from Khtada Sold Kodiak, Portlock and the further ; The well known local pleasure 'out banks. boat Khtada has been sold by ' Landings at Prince Rupert for Charlie Balagno to M. Prsin, one the first few days of the season I of the shift bosses for the Granbyj up to and including yesterday CO. at Anyox, and will bfc leaving totalled 104,000 pounds of which Joe Baker sustained a rather i the Yatch Club floats within the 38.G00 pounds was from Canadian 'horll., . I 1. r 1 I .v4 (...J.i.i fnr hnr tiour hnraa DOflT.R ATH1 Ijh.llUU nnUilOH ffYirri iiilown bitr nsn nacker and cannprv tpnrW ,.,mi a i ..'.- im thotom Ihef smelter town waterfront. Aiwrean. r j ? ) y hafwen SOld by the Skeena River Packing Co., gadgits preparatory to leaving Twentysix feet long and equip-' "First boats of thft! Iwason ; to K j ' L'-QM Edward cannery, to the Pacific Salvatrei011 the initial trip of the season jped with a 10-12 Frisbie engine, land halibut catches here wei icn win acta me vessel to its neet 01 towboats and r" uie 118n'" grounus. uarenceii iwiwu UB uu.. ..c UUUi, sew at Pnnce Rupert. The Red Bov was n MM Vat, Bellingham and was practically rebult in She is:84 ft . 5 in . in length with beam of 16 ft. 5 in. . . i i X6e vessel lfl- c wil'h f ris;o- abut $2000 and the share for i';i. misine, wmcn win each of the six men was $154. ! replaced with a diesel The Melville haled 11,000 pounds, I,-- ti t. new owners. She received a bid of 17.1c and S)c, had (I down in a few days total proceeds of about $1500 and I,;lt' floats torn a the share per man was $104. !,. ,i the dry dock, where M ..,nt the winter, Capt David nitchie, well known Prince Rupert halibut boat F. Star", manager of PP4 is expected to return the i i; Fisheries at Prince end ' February after having a : i' iuhJ on Wednesday "P6" the winter in Scotland. His i.liiiif the winte in the DOit' the Unome, will undergo en- v.'it-. M;m. Starr hevpeat tine overhaul, including the put- i if vacation during the tin" ,n of ma n bearings, at the ! c Ae Ken motoring in ,itar Welding, befoie proceeding r.vlif(er.i;i. iou !tl Initial trip of the season to tiie fishing grounds . ' imt, Capt. Hans Ua ,, , . ! Alaiville. Capt. John l'roficient Carpenter v. ho u (halufLwM bid Everywhere you go and every- m.i m- isor's fJM session thing yon. do you are always n-.li exchange jofeTft'ednea- picking up experience, Reg Web-n .)d on thrApiitial ber ban found. There is nothing "'.); to the' tithing like married life to make a good Tl v we re both out five carpenter out of a man and Keg, '.' vi,!)! 12. JO0 pounds, for though wedded only two or three , t .ii" l.6r hb naid. weeks, ia becoming very profic- ;in s pi. ,1 totalled . ;.t a..ng thut line. Eighth is jucKy .nowever, in naving a six years ago ior uen u. luier real trained nurse for his wife! the vessel became the property and, under her efficient care, the. of Jim llick'ey, well known pros wound, though painful, has been ' lector, who intu'rn sold her to uoing nicely, Dr. R. G. Large of. Port Simpson arrived in town Thursduy afternoon aboard his power cruiser Sunbeam 11 and returned home today. On Thursday afternoon, Pacific Salvage Co.'s power tug Pachena a week's sojourn in the institu- took the first scowload of mach tion, Doc Clapperton is not yet inery out to the site of the Nat- quite up to the mark altbougni'onai Airpian uumuer io.b newt he resumed his duties, at the Gov- sawmill at Porpoise Harbor. The ernment Wharf yesterday. He ; material had arrived earlier In has been suffering from trouble-, some throat ulcers. Next time, if there should unfortunate! be. any next time, Doc had better stay in the hospital unti! the the clyi .,uprot Th6- :&6 Seattle aboard m. don KiS first black ack .co heries got iu xotedf: the Beasou on Whiff man gets a chanceto call AVedne:SMyptrorm the American or, at least, until he getsJaetter,- EaRoTit TCoif-Ohah nnd filled its We are glad to see him about two smoke houses here. B. J. again. 'Bacon, manager of the Bacon ! Fisheries, reports that there Is Expressions of regret were 'a large demand for smoked fieb heard this week at the sudden this year and he expeeta his tiro- passing on Wednesday morning jduction to be larger than in any of A. H. Love who was well season of the past known and esteemed along the 'front in his rapacity as book-j After undergoing an exu-nsw keeper at his son Harry's Imper- engine overhaul at the Star WeJ- ial Machine Works. Harry and dng works, the Prince Kupmrt Bay Love. both. well known water-! ijt.uiit inut I'mr nf Jiickx Cant rent business irierti as well asJPete Lelaml, is about to get basic . u i '. n- - i r . ' . . .... ' . me umer buiib, uruep, unu jirneei, op xne ushing grounds again anJ have the sincere.1 sympathy of the skipper hopes that he vj,: many friends in the passing oi have' a better y eft in 1929 tnan their father. ' , '. !v.' he had in li28 when ho was co - sistently -unlucky in hitting the Float j.iuai Bedecked unjciTKUM W 1 . (narKets when there ........ was a giut, Vy' ' - . .. ; . , lof tish tfnd the nrif.nr" were iow.i Bedeck' of Sio. fedeValHroftl MPV'"? ernme: nmenfli at &&b7' endW ontitfe mooringV M Wl&fe66" iruncrrne mooring oi tha mauif-fi(r fcAS . by IsKnd ferry boat Khona hml 0 T been carred out during tth New railings have alsr) lx tailed and general imprtfv maue. ,ft repairs to one of the freezers in the P. Burns butcher shop. His wife went along with him to. see that' he didn't do anything he shouldn't do In that wild' town. Pacific Salvage Co.'s big power tug Salvage Princess, in com JVlJrtUr on Lne: ?? practicafiy i up and itt again. the bank, j taken un ' on the arfl uvtti9 week for minyr hjork'T?) ' ( Helge Eesen, who has bugaAti . . nont- N'eiTflv.'.lUarlv i charge of the ! city .dellwr HCapt Merrill-SbHows, formerly! vice for the Electric Uaim Mdfe -of the ItiniearTer, should ' eme time, is about to join the bc abIe t0 leave by Marcn u or' local halibut lishlng xiett lor i1rivllffr f. v n.,;: uie auiumw. jgrounas with his new 50-foat j (halibut boat construction of i George Rodger, one of the (which is being rapidly brought! mechanical wizards of the Starijo a finish by the .McLean Yard! Welding shop, returned to town'-t Prince PvUpert. The 30 h.p. ; on lueeday alter spending t At as-ImDerial enirine. formerly week at Stewart where he made in the Ternen, has just been in-! si.Hlied. A number of fittings, including gurdy, have yet to be made. Capt-'Sfllews has selected ; the name Belief for his new boat, j Genefay satisfactions has boon ' uxpi eqa; aioug the Prince Rupert waterfront at success being mand of Capt Frank Tyler and obtained lu having the sum of with Capt. Faul Armour, local 116,000 placed in the federal es-manager for the company on timates i thie year for the con-board, sailed Thursday evening struction of new fishermen's for Vancouver where she will float), a long felt need at the pltk up the first of three new port. It is now hoped that the mows which are to be added to work may be proceeded without the local towing fleet this season, further interruption so the new The Princess is due back about facilities may be ready for uw next Thursday and will bring by, next winter when they will north on the scow another load be needed. These floats have lon; of machinery for the new Nat- been denied Prince Rupert and ional Airplane Co. sawmill at the prospect of them now being Porpoise Harbor Capt. Jud Thurber's old hali end of this week with an attack of bronchitis which has caused at last Installer! is, doubly gratifying. therefore, but boat Muirneag was moved) The halibut season opened well down thie week to the floats of at Prince Bupert this season. The the Pacific Salvage Co. The 20, first sale on the Exohange this 'h.p. Atlas engine, which was .year was on February 20 where-traded into the salvage company, as it was February 21 last year.' m being left in the Muirneag in 'The volume of fish landed for the hope of selling the vessel as nhe stands, or rather floats. Capt. Thurber's new fifty-foot halibut boat will be moved down from the Suehiro boatbuilding plant on Monday to the salvage floats where the 30 h.p. 'Frise.o-Standard engine, formerly in the Caygeon, will be installed. It will possibly be a month yet before the new ship is readv for ea. She Beatrice. the first few days of this season was in excoss of 1928 and the ' prices were much better. Bids on the opening day of the season this year were 19c and 8c for American fish and lClc and 8.5c ( to 17.4c and 9c for Canadian, i Last year opening season bids! were respectively 15c and 8c nndj 13.8c nnd 8c. Prices have also: been better sustained this year, is to be named Verasecondday bids having been 17c ri"f 8c for American fish and " - 14.5 and Cc for Canadian whereas Mllward NlcWsn tin"-r second day prices Ust year dron- managcr of the F. S. Hunt Ltd., 'ped to 10c and Cc for bojh Am-has been suffering toward the -rlcnn nnH Canadian fish. Hall- but landed the first two or three days of the season was from Canadian Covenant, 12,000, pounds; Helen It,' 2.W0; Haielj L., 100; Morris 'H -G,00; Mel-T; vine, n,uu; signal. iy. t Aitieriean-r-ueanc, immt Uty Billy Balagno:' Charlie Balagno ling. 12000; Ionic, 8,' came into possession of the ton, 17,000; Onah, 6,i Bert Hanson and Charlie Wal-lKhtada when Billy moved to 20,000. Victoria 0Q; . a s Midi m): Wiz ..111 - m li k Cape Trinity, t i Saguenay River, Qurbec - FUiST CAVEMAN: "I see you have a happened to the other one?" Wfay- new stenographer. SECOND CAVEMAN: "Oh, she was always hitting her so I fired her." The Humorist, London. Advantages of A Joint BaniAccount A MAN and wife, a brother and sister, any two persons in the same family, partners in business these are among those who find a joint savings account a great convenience. In such an account either person can deposit or withdraw so that the ., money is not tied up in case of , illness or absence of one of - 4t the joint owners of the account. BANK OF MONTREAL EstablisKed l8l7 11 Ar. n, ymu nC 1B7B oaa.aoa T. C. PATEBSON. Manager," Prince Rupert Brairh en Child rcn need Bovril to fortify them against cold and illness. Bovril is the best of the beef in its most concentrated and digestible form. The special body-building powers of Bovril are due, partly to the actual nourishment in Bovril itself, and partly to its unique power of enabling the human system to derive far greater nourishment from the ordinary diet It assists development and increases stamina. Give the children Bovril every day for a month and note the difference. The Body-building powers of Bovril have been proved by independent investigation to be from 10 to 20 times the amount taken.