istetive Library ITA XI ” 4 ov. / Z \6/ g Phone 75 and 36 t % \ Y Ri We Never Sleep 1 Suns 4 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO | 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE | —- - - oe — op. X. NO. 197. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C,, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23. 1919. PRICE FIVE een wt Should Hang Our Heads in seer in shame.”— properly cared for. who fell there.” — day. | “when we think or read of the work of the Canadian Army in France and Flanders we swel! out with pride, but when we think what provision is made for the widows and orphans of those who fell, we have to hang our heads i Major F. A. Robertson, D. 8. O. “We must face this question fair and square. | not be British and see that the widow and orphan is Forty-eight dollars a month is not enough for a woman, and twelve dollars a month is not enough for a child.”—Sergeant-Major Jimmie Robiason. “Vimy is a glorious place where the maple foliage in autumn will be as glorious as the blood Canada shed. |! do not think the Canadian Government is going to fall to provide property for the widows and orphans of thos« Francis R. Jones, F. R. G. S. “The Government could waste money during the war everywhere except on the soldier who got only $1.10 a Why should a woman have to live on forty, fifty or sixty dollars a month when her husband before the war gave her one hundred and twenty.” Why ' Rev. “anon Rix. When some men were getting millions of blood money, the anid attested for the reconstrucuion period. idow thers were getting only $48 a month and the childreu ae, y hs ® each That was a statement of Sgt. Maj. Jimmie Robinson at NEW DOCK WILL BOAT FOR STEWART e meeting the city hall last night The speaker asked EVERY WEDNESHAY ‘ far and square, to be British and see that dhe widow oeprewided for elee we mest. bandwour heads un ee . a ee ‘Change of Schedule Gommences | August 27 and Continues 1 Z ring was small butventhusiastic and some first rate Regularly Thereafter. were given, not Only by Set. Maj. Robinson, but also boeneiteenateb y i ‘ son, Francis R. Jones and Rey. Vanon Rix OCH 7 : he Grand frunk Pacific Steam ed W. P. Hinton, General Manager “!!'P Company are arranging for and Vice-President of G.T.P., a more regular service to Stewart Ret. \ ibinse : m te re fulfilles ie fou ar too ; 1m . ‘obinsom West on oj we —_ Une var se Says evork on New Struc- effective on August 27. The ' ow $60 imuch interest ta the foreig ' ‘ pacligpee Big as a am foreia on — ture Will be Rushed. steamers Prinee Albert and Prince nost in who Was in breed Certail oreigners were John will on alternate weeks leave — : ' - in pension being treated née a Pane a We are perfecting the plans Prince Rupert for Stewart on | sion co tana ae — poneigh vt ' e WAP. for the new dock bere and just as} Wednesdays at 2 p. m., thus giv- ; ; an 0 rat as ‘ \ iade in Ger. pay a man ~ * ' soon as they are ready the work'ing a regular weekly service to : nd the streets any ‘was nos ade ih Japan.) ~ il] go ahead,” said W. P. Hinton, the mining town. ant et - ; 1 people the . . ot e .. ID — nt| They sh a warn } pI hat thi vice-president and general man- One of the steamers will leave according tojshould cease ager of the G. T. P., this morning August 28 for Masset and north ind it ‘was now Educate Children. en arriving from the south. “The ern points on the Queen Char! hal the promises Ghristianizing was ali right, the) gock will be a big one and will, Islands and every two weeks I . who went away | spe: said, but color was al8© cost a good deal and the work, thereafter. a line ofedemarkation. Uf they) wij; be rushed just as soon as For points on the southern LANING MILL pwere So Keep Lanada British they possible he continued. “The Queen Charlottes the steamer will ishould make every person WhO! .oniract should be let and the leave on September 5 and every | Came here fo live be a Canadit@n. work commenced in about a, two weeks thereafter. OPERATION | Speaking of the impossibility! month or five weeks The plans nee Seen i Viggo #4 ¢ hut fat be agit approved ADVERTISING AGENCY ; id on $42 a month, th: Mr. Hinton is here on an official spgeant.-Major said every facility rm _ e going to ‘ ™ re ORE LONG: eaubd he open for she-educetial vieit and is going ‘ pe 'O- Representative of A. J. Massie, . rule fe opel or ne © ean right return yg are row ae nigh turnin here omol Ltd., is in the City Looking of the ehtid the man who and going east in his private cal Over Ground yor Cowper Young Brought a | overse as. It was Canada’s dul ——— : . onstructional Engineer With |t? the dependents of [hos who WANT PRINCE. AND | W. H, Carswell, manager of the Him From the South | fell Phey should ae ae iPacific Coast division of A. J. ; ; reatmetl ‘ Today. jto ask for this treatn i AMERICAN FLEET Massie, Lid., gemenal advertisime . ——- eburches had urge —— a SY agents, arrived in the city this ajo wper Young returned {t#e front, and some of the mé AT THE SAME TIME morning and was much interested bringing with him'ers prayed overtime that the wal see the progress which was nal engineer to lay might continue so that they migh (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs naking here and which was in and shingle mills make more fi olite H: or Vancouver, August 22 An ef prospect His firm does a large : ed at the drydock advocate putting all returned men) | heing made to have the business in Winnipeg and has re- . Daily News repre im parliament and he hoped re 3 proposed visit of the United States ently opened the Vancouver of- , orning Major | het =e ‘thin! ‘the Pacifle fleet correspond with the tice where they are reaching out i : eee ee a a ms r eee and presence of the Prince of Wales, for Pacific coast publicity work. ence al onee 1ile Shout lave 1 Perere .' -— ents on i : “ — a — W = necatt plember 22 Che Policé Commissioners ye exact wher YT) . oa» ~Y ~~ > » o arw i would arrive, it would Major Robertson. ’ W erday afternoon raised the salar) t be long and in tl Major Robertson backed up the \ Spent Constable Leek to the ey wor . ae Moantimn< “4. : speake » his demand ame as the members of the ree . uld get ahead with their Brevieus #P © . . IS SCHOOL TR r, @4; 7 ove y work@ Very soon the '" bette treatment for the wo- lar foree, namely, $130. They 1 th I ing r thet and children No one de- ought that as the duties were ee en serves atlentiol much as the Promptly av two o'clock today) ..aetly the same, the same re- widews and orphans, He went on Returning OMoer Wands declare’ ward ought to be qffered for his i? R cN to tell of the work of the provin J.C. MeLennan elected truster cerviees, 94.00 a day was not! M ES eial Returned ‘foldiers’ Commis- fill the ——s aor by the nough in these days, was the resignation of Mis avies onsens New Show T whrg sion, much of which was publish = ee ! aan oid tien « msensus of opinion. ' . li cLennan Wi le po eae Ss din ro : agg tion until January, 1920 B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. GL ren oe = — § LESLIE Francis Jones of the Overseas) ANUmph of the Foothills The Great Houdini “The Mast. © Master Mystery” thi real serial athe a anadian Gazette Magazine md 80 cfs > and 9 “~- of the great day whe marched through way to the did not think the vuld fatl Club spoke Canadian troops then also said he London on “ ble Canadian Government we for the dependents of] those who had gone they did it governments and put in new on They proble Lo face now after the war than «l ing the strugele They had en the foolishness of hairbrained at Continued on Page Six. to provide overseas i! wilh uch was out had greater \ ancouver, whip, par lumbia Plans British Columbia B. Liberal representative C., Shame at Treatment Given to the Widows and Orphans peakers at Meeting Last Night Unite in Condemning Present Paltry Allowance of $48 a Month to a Widow and nd $12 a a Month to each Child 1 LIBERAL REPRESENTATIVE PSaes — POLISH TROOPS PUT TO ROUT SOVIET FORCES Copenhagen, August 22. Polish trops have The administered a crushing defeat to the Bolsheviki soviet forces. The reds were put to reut and will find it difficult to effect a come back ARCHDUKE RESIGNS i Paris August 22 Archduke Liberal members from this provinee, J. A. ‘Joseph has resigned as head of lithe Hungarian Government and | as eft Budapest. ‘KINGS Vis VISIT IS DELAY (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs. August 23.—British Columbia will have a in the House at Ottawa. As there are Robb, chief Liberal local Liberal executive of after listening to charges by the all consented to act in the capecity of British Co! Liberal Representative until such time ties, have jnegiect of this province by executive of the B. Cc. L McKenzie already The from Hon. W. L. w be unable to come Session, Kir to the been Liberals for laid the Federal Governments irrespective as there is a British Co Liberal member at Ottawa ibere!l Association received a wire ig, Liberal leader, until after saying that he coast the forthcoming for a two-day conference discussion of Liberal policy in EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTION TONIGHT Ww. S. HART Think of it, This time the husky west rner tears 1 Reel Cartoon “o* Comedy WESTHOLME Shows, 7 and 8.15 he THE POWERFUL AND POPULAR WESTERN STAR in “Branding Broadway” wears a dress suit. right into New York's roughest. 1 Reel Scenic el Ol TONIGHT Admission, 30c and 15¢ Trades (Special to The News via ne Strike or Election, Says British Labor Representative of ‘Labor in Parliament Says British Government Acted in — Direct Opposition to Policy of Council G. T. P. Telegraphs.) London, August 23.—A general strike or a general election, | probably the latter, will be brought on soon to give an opportunity to protest against the action of fusing to nationalize the mines, the British Government in re- according to a statement made | by Fred Bramiey, parliamentary committeeman of the Trades pone . Bramley added that the Government’s decision was in aint etetiliien to the policy of the Trades Union Congress, which supported the nationalization of the mines. — IN BARS ~~ ARE DISCUSSED | Police Commicsionere take Excep- | tion to Bylaw Recently Passed By the City Council. The main discussion of yester- day afternoon's sitting of the Police Commission was intro- duced by Geo. Hill who objected to the bylaw which was recently __ | passed by the city council in re- igard to the granting of licenses to girls working in places selling two per cent drinks. He objected strongly that any girl should have to come to the chief of police and give a report of her conduct for the five Years previous. Com- missioner Macdonald backed this up very strongly and said that it was hard enough for a girl to keep straight on the salaries which were being paid without raking up all her. past history when she was trying to get a job. This followed from the statement of the mayor that the bylaw had been enacted so that the unde- sirable element might be kept out of these places. The mayor said that there were lots of jobs that the women could get without hav- ing to tend bar. Securing Licenses. Another feature of the bylaw which received the condemnation of Commissioner Macdonald was the fact that the sum of $1 had to be paid for the granting of the hice This was just like pay- ing for having to work. City Clerk, ;/ Woods pointed out that this was merely a legal technicality and the It wa lise charge was a nominal one. not at all intended as a revenue to the city coffers. The general sentiment of the meeting was that any girl who desired to work in any of the places where liquor is sold and men congregate, ought to be spoken for by her employer and that he should come to the city hall and get the license. The granting of licenses should not be handled by the police depart ment, but by the city treasurer \It would be up to the police to see that anyone who broke the laws in any way should be take up tor it and the license taken away. The law should be ver) drastic and the license holders should be sufficiently warned that on the first offense their permit would be revoked and would not be renewed in this city. During othe diseussion it was stated that the City Council might jat least have . shown common leourtesy and enbentttae the bylaw to the Police Commission for ‘eonsideration, seeing that it was ithis latter body which ha brought the matter up. The Com- to the ‘just as much responsible citizens as the Council, : Contro! Rents. roronto, August 22.-—It is pos- jsible that loronte will apply for i\Federal legislation to control the soaring standard of rents. ‘Ladyam: uh Coal. The best. Prince Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. mission was an elective body and} Says Event Was Most Successful He Ever Attended; Was National More Than Liberal. “The big Liberal convention at Ottawa was hardly a party affair. it was national. The whole idea pervading the gathering was the national good. It was the most successful gathering I ever at- tended. There was complete har- mony throughout, even if there were slight differences of opinion. Fveryone was reddy to sink minor differences for the common good.” That was the report brought by Frank Mobley this morning on his return from the Liberal econ- vemfion at Ottawa. Mr. Mobley was very enthusias- tic over the event. He said that Premier Oliver made a name for himself there and proved himself be a national figure. There soldier representatives and labor representatives present and every class and condition in the country had its interests looked after. Mr. Mobley goes north tonight. GO AFTER MEN WHO SOLD THE LIQUOR That is Suggestion of Police Com- missioners to Police Force. were At the Police Commission meet- ing yesterday afternoon there was considerable discussion in regard to the prevalence of drunkenness about the streets. The members present thought that it would be more effective if the policemen were to go after the men who were supplying the booze. It war very good to “soak” the fellow with a heavy fine when he was caught with a “bottle on his hip.” Probably he had paid fifteen dol- lars for it and yet the man whe had very likely sold several bottles during that same afternoon was never caught. The whiskey gang of runners still continued im spite of the stringent efforts against those who were found in a help- less condition, Tt was only those men who were disorderly who were taken to the police station. Many other drunks were around the city and nothing was ever said to them. Spirella Black 257. Corsetiere. Phone Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, at 1) a.m. FRANCIS R. JONES F.R.G.S. will speak on \' “Britain in War and | Peace” 7 oe - "9 f ‘ t