fljrJovcmbcr 20, 1020 m. I IE4S C4RD AG'S, Etc., huge assortment M u m h h vm rom on a lji f.h k yhe Pioneer Dru.ecists SSE, & SIXTH ST. TLLEPtlONFS 8?620C PIFIC MACHINE WORKS Phone 537 P.O. Box 544 SlHEIM, PROP., RES. PHONE, RED 293 HN FOR BUSINESS NOV. 19 ISylene Welding - Blacksmithing Machine shop work of all descriptions; installa-incl overhauling of Diesel and gas engines and ilunB: of machinery our specialty. Stlic Installation of Semi-Diesel "Rap'Encines iWiw Full Guarantee rrom the Factary. Also Ijj'irst-CIass Wooden Work If Necessary UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED (killings Ftum lrlnrc Kucm iMSCOl'VEtt, VICTORIA, Hiiuwin luy. Ilutrd4le. Alt Iter, etc.. Tun-dM. 1 lu p m TAVCOl EK, VirrtlUM. Ilutrdal.. Aim Kay. t(c. Friday inl4nlht 1UO: ARM, ANU.. tf-TlvWAUX, lutf.Jfijrj nlUUWUAfeu: tat) a.t.0 p m "'. fsdMi,nt:e It M SMITH Unit lrliir Kuprrt. IV.fc. ItfiLvn tU-ktt told to Victoria ami mUI .tud bat(ii( Checked dntlnatloii, B. Q. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway Nov 0 and 23. To Vancouver Victoria and Seattle Nov. 3. 13, 27. Princess Maqulnna Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver ana Victoria, every Friday. 10 pm Agents Fur All Meamsliip Lines C,Oi chard, Geneal Agent. 3rd Ave.. Prince Hubert. Phone 31 an ad ian National targci Railway Sylem in America steamship and train SERVICE MlluiS, from l'ItlNf!E KUPI'llT for VANCOUVER. VIC TORIA, "SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursdav uFul,dayf 10:00 p.m. erVOX and BTEWART, each Wednesday and Saturday, flXJKTH and SOUTH OUEEN OIIAULOTTE ISLANDS, wrwisntly. 'AhsevJ .Ml Til ttvu I ivi t Bsititv-ntB lltrtafllV r pT-" iTJnr I itinvn lis v goxntt kim:m)y nnd mtmiiiay m ii:j m. mmv. rcEORi. ;imont(). wiMS'll'KO. all irtn Mlrrn CwumU. I nllHl Jl AOENCY ALL IKXAM STMMHIIir LINES ket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Hupert Phone 2G0 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert tYDOCK AND SHIPYARD AL ATINO (, T. 1. 20,000-TON FLOATING DUYUOCK neers. Machinists, Hollermnl tern, JHacksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 a Dily Nevs Want Ad. I Local Items Dentist, Dr. C86. TMpei ;art wrMtt. Ur. F K Mrs irlafiriii tJoca1 ns.in ' n 'rtJ J. K. Gosse, Phone All halibut boat owners please meet at City Hall,' Thursday at 8 p.m. . - , ;. i(27l). - A. R. Holtby returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to the Interior on official business. Ensign R. Boys of the Salvation Army was an arrival in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver. Walter Shaw returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to his ifarm in the Fraser Valley. Mrs. M. A. Dupuls of Haysport is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the Skeena River on yesterday afternoon's train. A. H. McPherson returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a ten day business trip to Vancouver and Portland. Game Warden E. Martin returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Pacific on official duties. For fine photo work send your films to Wrathall's Photo Finish - inns, 322 Third Ave Quick returns ann careiui xmisnlng. We frame pictures. ,(tf) Bam Jabour returned to the "Mv ,oty,. yMfctttay afternoon's train from a wmct business trip to 8mither and other interior oolnts. Walter MoDonald of Alice Arm. who has been on a trip to Vancouver, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert this afternoon re turning north. Effective Tuesday. November -26 and thereafter, VS. Catala will sail from Prince Rupert for Van couver and wayports at 1:30 pjn. instead ol 3:30 p.m. (278) Olof Hanson returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morninc- from a ten day trip to Vancouver. He went south last week with Premier King. A. Hxlw. assistant port stew- 5F W i Prince wmjerJsln is VGuvWiHSarl r i i "rwir it i ri tan National Steam - afrk r? the city on the, mornlnt? from .fcrief visit here Mr", ana Mrs." George Fraser who have been on a trtn south on Co. W(J,i aiWflllttle Mrs .p T4rSer w,fe of tne I'oiintantorfhe loial concern 8tw raser is engaged Ifess. lfp wtto of tho W H Malkln little daughter daughter and rlved in the city on the Prince Rup?1 this morning from Vancouver to take uo residence here. Ev'rtene for tV crown in the cas of George McRobble. who is rhanzpf1 with h-vng assaulted r-onble R. C Oilker of the city detachment of the provincial oo '" was heard in city police court thl morninv nnrf the case ad-inurned until this afternoon when takinit of defence evidence will commence. Citv Solicitor E. F Jones is prosecuting while Thomas Brown is acting in defence of A TASTE OF OLD ENGLAND WHEN YOU BUY Peek Freans Fancy Biscuits ALL VARIETIES IN STOCK PEEK FR BAN'S Any kind Per lb. BUYINO WHOLE TIN Per lb 114-LB. TINS Bach 55c 52c u, 85c MCCORMICK'S BISCUITS Sweet 3mr-for si.oo DR. MIDDLBTQNS COOK1BS Gliifer, Sugar and Whole OCn ( Wheat 2 pkis. for uOK, LaVL'PLESi . McINTOSH REDS Household. . Per box $2.35 Get Your Supplies Now at These Trices Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue Mast PHONE 18 AND 84 P. O. Rex 575 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIIKEE Children Coughed Day and Night Mrs. Claude Eenjrtl, Renyard, Suk., writer i 'Tta' cfifldiefl were coughing day and night. t ' "A friend told'.me she had used 1 JL JL Dr- Wood's fine Syrup and had received good results, to I ' bought a bottle of it, and in a short time the kiddies were all over 'their cold and toughing. , f 1 "I have no hesitation in saying it is the best I have ever used, 'and I will always keep a bottle of it on hand in case of need." Price, 35c a bottle; large family size 60c j at all druggists and dealers; manufactured only by The T. Milbura-Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Ex-Alderman and Mrs, R. F. Perry left this mornlne by train for Vancouver and will travel to San Francisco by boat on a three weens' noiiday. Lelf Erlkson Ladies' Club "Hyg- ga sale or homework in the Met- ropole Hall Wednesday, November at 8 p.m. program, restaurant. social and dance. Admission 25c. Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook is at Osland this afternoon where he is conducting the funeral of Elin Marie, two months' old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krlstmanson. We have today opened up an up-to-date machine shop at trie Pacific Salvage Company's float and are now open lor Dullness Pacific Machine works, A. Sol- helm, Prop. At the meeting of Rupert East Ratepayers' Association last bight. a letter was read from Postmaster J. R. Morison extending his thanks for sympathy which had been expressed by the association in connection with the recent death of his wifely Mr. and Mrs. Witl. Browne and ?on vill sail tomorrow night on the Prince RupejjUjior Vancouver with the tntentsuritiof taking up residence in the saeth. havine dis posed of their house and effects here. Mr. Browne has been well known here as a musician for many years, having formerly been ui , rntBcr juoras.i- -r , rtlrt wthnlm. Theatretorcriesttti. Wash Away That Itch With a Penetrating- Antiseptic Now yrm ran stop Darsltf Itrhtac skin tor Amir the uur MKar Ujmid n.l D.D.D. ITCHING STOPS 1NSTAXTI.T. Th. kcHn( rlMDMU metrat tke skin ind natb tk Irrl-Ittad His. s)ritM, plmgtai, alnn. rthr. II fonM or Mia troabW qalrtlr rlrld la Ikls Ihm nllwatk. A 3Sc bolt!, ynitt Its vrlt or roar dntrUt frt roar mm bock. V.D.D. $ivtt Uio ktoUk. Kml)M).6t). OKMES LTD. IV. J McCUTCIlEir. PHI OOIST. Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and BESNER Proprietors Central VV. R. Matheson. Stewart; J. McDougall, Terrace; J. Gilbert, O. Wadsworth and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Browne and son. city. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy A. E Andrews, Anyox; James Calvin. Alice Arm; H. B. James, uity; A. O. Hillen, Prince Rupert; W. McKay. CNJl. S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER, COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the investing public, Miller, Court & CO., UK; pUbifth a semimonthly market report, dealing with mining, oils and industrial stocks, which is available at our office on the 1st and 15th of every month. We offer prompt and reliable service in the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto Exchanges. S.DJjohnsfonCo.Ltd.1 C10 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert R. ANNOUNCEMENT Father C. Wolfe OAIL. who has been attending meetings of the 3io3an Roman Catholic clergy n ths city during the past week, 1 'eft by today's .train on his re-: urn to Prince George. i C. if. Orme. J. W. Scott R. Gammon and Tom Watts will comorisc 7 hunting wrtv ffhlrh will leve tomorrow morning for a week's rlp to Hartley Bay aboard Gam- mon it Watt's seineboat Bertha G. i rTopoMni- Sum frvlee of the citv detachment of the provincial nolire i. re-eivintr congrat'iltxtions, on the birth Monday mornlne In the Prince Rupert General Hos- oltal rf a daURhter. Mrs. Service and little girl are doing nicely. C. N R. steamer Prince Rupert "fcpt. D. Donald arrived in nor at 12:30 noon today from Van-'O'tver. Powell River and Ocean lis and will sail a( 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart -Thence she will return here southbound tomorrow evening. A the metln' of RiiDrt Ea?t Ratepayen' Association last nlcht a resolution was passed on sur-"estion of T. Ross Mackay. asklne the citv cdnncil to place a sinn or .he hlghwav near the citv limit0 'varnlng aralnst euttine down nr. alder erove which borders the creek there. It was reported that -ome of the-w tre8 had been cut down, possibly Innocently by the oerson responsible. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Annual Basaar and 22. Nov. 21 Catholic Women's League Social November 27. St. Andrew's annual dance No 'ember 20. - United Church Basaar. December 5. Royal Purple bridge, whist and dance, Friday, December 6. Pythian Sister's tea at Mrs Shentan's, 530 Eighth Avenue West. Thursday, December 12. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKESH PASTEURIZED JN11LK AND CREAM DAILY Earlv Delivefrv Throughout the City E3 OF THE ACME IMPORTERS SEVENTH ANNUAL awn starting Friday, Nov. 22 . See Tomorrow's Issue of the Daily 'News for particulars Greatest Sale of the Year for Prince Rupert People Store will be Closed all day Thursday Fair Board general annual meeting tonight irr City Hall. Ms.-e. C Thomson. First Street, will be at home on Friday afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. ELKS NOTICE Soeclal meeting Elks' Wednesday, November 27. Home. (2701 We desire to clean out our stock of AND IN ORDER TO DO SO MAKE THE FOLLOWING VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES Compare them with prices on the same models offered in the Vancouver papers and you can see just how low our prices realiy are. 1926 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Good tires; newly p :.inted ; new sieat covers. $250 00 1923 FORD SEDAN QQtft (id Good .motor VvVU DODGE COUPE Good running HOC A A condition. A bargain at ........ JJ-tJ-VU DODGE DELIVERY CAR Good C9AA, A A running condition; good tires V-iVUUU 1927 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY - Good balloon tires; good mechanical condition. jJ20 00 1927 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY Good, high pres-suro.tiree ; good general condition. JjjJJj gj Q Q Q 1925 FORD DELIVERY Large good mechanical condition. Price FORD TOURINGtlrter; good tires. As is . covered body ; $2S0.00 $75.00 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY Non- ff A A starter; good tires. As is V'WiUU ro4bS:,T: 5100.00 TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED ON ANY : ' ! OF THESE CARS t 1 ! S: e: PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES' Phone 83