LADIES' SHOES. at 33 per cent. . Saving We have just received a big shipment of Ladies' Shoes in the very latest and up-to-the-minute styles. We bought these right and can sell cheaper than the mail order houses. RUBBER BOOTS Rubber Boots for men, Rubber Boots for girls Standard quality in a wide range of sizes. ' for Christmastide In Men s Wear we have everything that trman needs Shirts, Ties, Hats and Suits in snappy styles. FOR QUALITY AND PRICE SEE MONTREAL IMPORTERS MEEKER BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD MILL ENDS Per load" $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 The Season's Big Smash in Radio RADIOLA 60 (jj 1 Qfl 1929 MODEL t)JLtU We consider these sets to be the most marvelous aver offered at this remarkable price. A nine-tube Super-Hetercdyne Circuit employing seven UY 227 'tubes, one 171 and one 280. These sets have no equal as to distance, volume or tone! Only a limited number at this price. TOM B ALLINGER 3 1 8 5th St RADIO AND BICYCLE SHOP LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Dr Alexander PHONE 87S BF.8NER niOCK DENTIST seem to cut trie main nortn ana" south zone at Intervals for the en tire distance of 2000 feet. This vein is from one to three feet in width and assays run from $4 to $43 in gold and one to five ounces In sliver. The zone, wherever exposed, in tunnels and open cuts, is miner allzed with oyrite, sphalerite ' galena. Some work was also car ried out on the east vein, material in this velng being quartz mineralized with-pyrites, lead and zinc. Native silver also occurs, values in this metal up to 300 ounces being obtained with evidence of enrichment where cross-fracturing occurs. Tunnel extension will be prosecuted on the property throughout the coming wmter. The large crew employed during the past summer on the Georgia River Gold Mines. Ltd., property on Portland Canal is being gradually reduced as the camp settles into its winter program. Many of the crew were employed on trail work and other work about the mine build- ines. but. with the comDletion of this work, only those men actually - 1 Goldbloom has Just returned from the East and has on display a wonderful selection of furs. Goldbloom Is a keen buyer and can offer his customers prices at least 35 Per Cent Less Tan SiRiilarooddlh Be Purchased Else- ' where! Goldbloom, the after being In Old Reliable, business for twenty years, has not yet had a dissatisfied custdmcr. 1 See Goldbloom First Third Avenue, Next Bank of Montreal tlon as far as it jroes. From the end t-.l the road, trails continue to several points. A good bridge crosses North Fork River so that the road could be extended to the west rr many miles without much more ex- dnrt ' pense than that necessary for clear-f"u ! Ing .and the brldtrine of tributary streams. A good trail leads east up Kirk Creek which enters the Stik-lne.. from the east, one mile abov the mouth of Clearwater River. An-' other trail from the mouth of Kirk i creek runs to and up the next tributary to the north. The trail from Jackson at the mouth of Dochdaon River, south to the claims on Devil's Elbow Mountain. Is well maintained. From this mountain it is possible to droo down Into the ; valley on the east side and, from it, by traversing a low pass, to reach needed for the mining will program , I sakicen Creek for about eight miles. be retained. There Is now over a ; foot of snow at the property and travelling in from the beach is curtailed by the hard going. The report has been current around Stewart for some time that the much discussed deal whereby Premier will take over and operate the B. C. Silver and Sebakwe properties will be consummated in the near future. If the reports are correct that there is an estimated $8,-000,000 worth of ore blocked out or partially blocked out In B. C. Silver and Sebakwe and that Premier has opened up an important new shoot of ore on the sixth level, the Premier, Instead of becoming depleted, may turn out to be a still more Important producer than ever. Dr. George Hanson' long looked for geological report on the Bear and Marmot River areas In the Portland Canal district has just been Issued. It Is an extremely useful. Informative and Interesting publication which will be welcomed by all who are interested In mining in that area. The report Is based on practical mineral survey workJ carnea oui Dy ut. Hanson, wno is identified with the federal Geological Survey. Ready Ingress to Glacier Lake at the head of Glacier Creek in the Stlklne River area has been made possible by the construction of a trail suitable for pack horses from near the mouth of Prltchard Creek, four and a half miles south of the mouth of Glacier Creek. A trail from the mouth of a creek two miles up from the mouth of Clearwater River, up the mountain' to Umber line and thence around the southern slope affords entry to a large upland area extending towards Olacler Creek. During the greater part of the summer Clearwater River can be navigated by power boats, with considerable danger, however, to about twelve miles or so about Its mouth and at high water probably as far aeain in this way It Is possible to lay down I considerable quantities of supplies' anywhere along the valley without I serious difficulties of excessive ex-1 pense. From Clearwater landing to mc wcoi, oiuc ui nunn r oik uiver a fair road used by motor trucks provides a safer means of transporta- NEW MINES PRODUCING ' -i Premier Gold Mining Co. Ships 600 Tons ot Iligh-Grade Ore From Prosperity and Porter-Idaho 'Trie; Prosperity and Porter-Idaho production last week when 600 tons of high-grade ore was shipped from mem a 00a r a tne ireignter unffco. It Is .reported at Stewart that the valutf of the shipment was in the neighborhood of $300,000, values being chiefly in sliver and lead. It IS the first regular shipment to opening them,. NEW YEAR BALL IS PLANNED THIS YEAR At a meeting of the directors of the Pjince Rupert Club last night it was decided to hold their second annual New Year ball on New Year's Eve. W. O. Fulton was appointed general manager and other committees are being formed -'lth the Idea of making It one of the big social events of the AT YOUR SERVICE ATHENIA Iron Sotrt John, M. B. Friday, D. 13lh Iron Holita.. N. S Saturday.DvcHth to SeKatl, Liverpool and Cloigow. 4- TUSCANIA Iron Halifax. N. S. Monday, Dc 9th 10 Plymouth, Hoyrt ond london. Direct train connc- tloni Iron any point to th ship tld. femmber yait Cunard toilirtgi Iron No.22nd. Weakly lalllngt to 1N1 date, Book through The Cunard Steam Ship Co. United, 422, Hastings St. W., Voncouver (Tel. Seymour 3648-9), or ony steamship agent 1 KEEP TRAFFIC MOVING Pompeii never had traffic problems In the human system, as In modern cities, the great need is to keep the traf fic moving. A slight obstruction may cause very serious consequences. The road to health in the human body The intestine is 32 feet long. Think how easy it is for this lonfc tube to become dogged. Think how essential it is to keep it healthy and active. You cannot alibi by saying "I cannot fro because I have a sick headache." You cannot plead indigestion or biliousness or constipation. It simply isn't done. You cannot confess that you are a victim o( self poisoning from half digested food lying in the intestines, decaying and generating poisons which becloud the eye, blotch the skin and stupefy the brain. Don't put off ordelay. Try what a little friendly aid will do. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Red Packages all druggists 25 cents. Week-End Specials GRANULATED SUGAR 20 lbs SWIFT SILVER LEAF LARD 5-ltr. tin CLARK'S CATCHUP Large bottle SWIFTS SLICBD.BACON Per L tne wide, glaciated vaL'ey of upper : rX)nwi nniun Dochdaon River and th mnnntnin CROWN BRAND above Its head. It leads to and I SAttXjINEo across a low pass east of the moun-1 3 t,ns ! creek to its head. From Just below hUY BUTTEIt-A lbs, j-.iiue m,.1?!: uanyon, a trail follows Och- JONATHAN APPLES Wrapped. Box CRI8CO 3-lb. tin SHELLS) WALNUTS Broken pieces. Per lb.. WAGSTAFFES CUT MIX ED PBKL 1-lb. pkg. ... LIBBY'8 MINCE MEAT Large Jar VI-TONB For school. 1-lb. tlrt tion at Stewart nt Into Vctl . CIIR18T1PS SODA BIS CUITS Per tin TIGER .BRAND PLE8 2s. 2 tins go out from the two properties since i HOLLAND me .completion or tne tram bv the 1 PreAKer Gold Mining Co., which is r Milkers. ...akU.: SUNKIST JUICY ORANGES 5 doc .iiiiU HERRING Per keg SOLVBNE 81IREDDED SOAP 4-lb. pkg. GEM LYE 2 tins V Fifth . GAMUL Street Spend this Christmas in the Old Country Cross on the fomou"AthenIa,"$o affectionately remembered by Canadians of Scottish or English birth as the ship that takes them home for Christmas, You'll know at once why they love it. ..the warm and Intimate atmosphere ...the pleasant Scotch burr when your waiter or steward addresses you.Travet , In the merry company of Old Country folk homegoing for Christmas, on the Athenia -or the great Cundrder Tuscania, which tails earlier. :ANCHOR- DOHALDSOH V-s LINE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE CABIN TOURIST THIRO CABIN THIRD ClASS $1.35 $1.00 20c 45c NORWEGIAN 35c 51.40 S2.25 80c' 40c! 30c 35c hot drinks after ' 45c 05c SLICBO PINEAP- 25c 81.50 85c 25c Alberta Market Proprietor I'hune 208 II DEMAND "r. PAGE SIX THE DAILT NEWS Wednesday, NovPmr I Europe Fbl CHRISTMAS - ' SAILINGS' -a-tt JJLOttliL - DemU M.S. San FraocLoo - IMMtiabtt 9 ImU r-.-..,I)W 11 Smrnth'AontiatCnilM AMKUid Iba World, S.S. Raaoluta Jaauarj DROP responsibility and trael "Globe." Everything arranged for you . tlcleti, reservation, hotel, passport and luggage . personal Insurance if you . wish. "Globe" are agent for ftll tearoshlp and rail, way line. We'd really enjoy helping you plan your trip. CowlmntM SerWe 555 Punsmulr Street TO CANADA Have -' your .family or friend jjoin jox In Canada. ' GioWTrarel Service arrange . every detail of their journey from the moment . they leave till you meet them at the train In Canada. Let "Globe" take the responsibility. Fra Information Vancouver, 11. C. Thona Dou. 2969 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT ! ftJcjMyprJk pcinffccQmplishcd On Unicorn Krop- "erty atStewart; Winter Operations at Georgia ' ' River; Premier Deal Mooted ' Much work has been accomplished by the Unicorn Mining Co. on its property at Stewart during the past season. This consisted of open cutting and stripping the surface outcrops of the east and west zones. The west zone is about 800 feet wide by 2000 feet long and forms a contact with the'tuffs lying tp the east of the east fork of Union Creek. One thousand feet of . open cuts and stripping was done this season in an effort to prove the numerous outcrops along the strike of this zone. Low values in gold and silver appear in most of the open cuts. A number of cross-fractures MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY TWO SHOWS ' a"0 9 p.m. 100 PER CENT TALKING PICTURES & MUSIC PEPPY COLLEGE STORY "The Sophomore With EDDIE QUILLIAN COMEDY "MUSIC HATH CHARMS" Please. Note PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS Admission, 20c and G5c lumber! 1x0 io. 1 spruce snipiap S23 00 1 ixiu io. 1 spruce snipiap lxo JNo. z bpruce shiplap , $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22 pj 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14 S4S, No. 1 Common. . $25 01 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14 S4S, No . 2 Common Kiln Dried Flooring Ceiling and Finish, MouldinJ Lain. fciunRies, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LI PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, Ml Hetail Yard, Cow ftay, Telephone 423 "Rupert Brand" Kippers 'THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd PIUNCE KUPEKT, B.C. nrRlltlKKiBIBlBIBftaiBf III HAVE THEY A Silver Vegetable Dish? These dishes make a very neat appearance on the tabic. The lid can be incel an an extra dish, making It possible to have one at each end of the table. ; - The one illustrated makes a, nice Christma s gift at $10.00, and a larger size is $12.00. We also have the style with detachable handle In the centre of the lid at $14.00. S . I T" nun (Jewellers Jltt STORE WITH THE ClOC ib 1 til hi a ib 1 Bra kbibi'bi:h Mine Head Coall HARD, HOT, CLE.11 AND DRl This coal ! v- ;J ail wuu ia-- Into Prlnrn TJ ' no rock nor snil ' deliver it in ar. .'- : " 8 SIS 1 inch to l-tat & Stove, 3-lnch 10 : ; Furnace Lump Our rnnl ii k n UVJ ' f?l and you are ( ' Kv;;iit'l water. we can supjj s!v, Telkwa Lump ,L II cihiik mil .M..r .. u nflD ,Jut ll"xl6 '. bH load C. C. KBTCIp & CO., LTD. PHONE T oal? Coal W to put In or kdson and cusinv ton in i""1;; llour. Ilur. ra'n nJ Prince Rupetl.F PHONES 5 aw- Buy From the Merchants That Advertise. Their I resh.