Monday- September 16, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE No. 1 A Folding Kodaks Fi am. $12.25 No. 3 C Folding Kodaks From $18.50 Ird Ave KODAK TIME. Brownies from $255 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks From , $1155 No. 3 A Folding Kodaks From $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), F. 35 Lens UMON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED '"T ...$100.00 Kodak Films, all sizes In stock; Developing and printing for ainatuiirs. Dally service. Quality finish. 3 m mm.. k Zrfie Pioneer Druggists THIDD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEP110NFS 8?,200 " Sailing I rum ITInc lluix-rt lor VANt OU tIC. VICTORIA, Swanson Itaj. ButrUale. Alrtt Hay, etc, Tue-day. 3:30 p in. t,,r viMOlW:u. VK'TOUIA. Uulfdal. Aim Hay. tie.. Friday mldnleht lir ' ALICE AIOI. ANYOX, STtWAltT, Nasi KUtr, I'urt blinJMu, tun- dai. 6M0 p.m. I'nar MMI'MIX AND WAI.KH IM.AND. TnurKUT. i.m. I ,i I 1 2 ml Au-iiuf K M SMITH Agent lTlu Kuyrrt. II. C. urouRh Orket kuld to Urforlu aim brattl jina burnt rhrikrd inrauglt t ilfllii:itlmi. Icahadianj IPACinc B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES maii.ims mini i'kim i. luri iii lo Krlrlilk-in. Wrangrll. Juneau and 8kagta) Ketrintrr 1, IH. W. To Vanromer, Victoria and 8atlle Sfrtcnilrr t, II. St. tiiivr-r xiti'V iirun full rii- anrouvrr and Victoria rrry Itlday 10 p.m. Agcnta far all Plnumrilp Linn W C OIK MAKU. fiCNKRAL AGENT I'rliire Itunrrt. II C Thone 31 RANAD1AN NATIONAL Q7ie Lnrgcfl Kailway Syilcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAliN bKUVUJb Sallincs from ritlNCE UUrCItT for VANCOUVER VllBV TOKIA. SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART, ehVlntly, 1 p.m. For STnVAirrariiT KCTClf lA?Tifn Saturday. 4 p.m. lor NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. fortnightly. hahmimikii tkains i.r..t miNrt nrriiin DAILY KXCEPT Nl'NHAY at II :W a ni for IHI.MC OEOIHIE. KlfMOX-TOX, WlXXirtO, all poInU Eatrrn lanuiU, l ulled State. AOKNC'Y ALL CHT.N STEAHMIIf I.INTS City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prime Kuperl -i'hone 2fif LUMBER Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S4S Dimension and Boards. KILN DRIED Sitka Spruce and Cedar Finish, Ceiling, and Rustic. . SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edpegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and G" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED C. Head Office, Seal Cove. Telephone. 361 Itetail Yard, Cow Hay, Telephone 423 N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE 1 take you out of water under roof where rain will not trouble; build boats any or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Boats For Sale I concrally have a boat to ult any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' winter quarters. Agencies any engine required. Repairs Why pay more when your 'urk can be,donc for less with bcUcr accomodation? I'HONE GREEN 129 Coal? Coal? Take advantage of low prlre to lut lih J'" nttf wipplyt I.DSON ami C.SMlY-Wi:i.I.IN(l-TON In 0y quantities. Alw l lotir, lUy, Oraln "1 t rva- frmce Rupert Feed Co I'HONKS 58 AND 558 LlNDSAiYi'S Cartage and Storage I'hone 63 rrtaife. Warehousing, (If foil waltt anything, try a classified ad. and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In l'lanc and Furniture Moving LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi I'hone 4, Dig 4 Taxi, tf Adair Carss I.O.D.E. Bridge and Whist, October 17. Drawing for raffle will take place. J. A. Teng returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior. F. O. Dawson returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's i train from a brief business trip to Prince George. Leslie Parks of the local CNH. service returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a holiday trip to Toronto. J. E. Stark, well known pioneer last evening by the catala on nis return north after having spent a few days in the city. Mrs. II. B. Rochester and little Dentist Dr. J. It Gosse. Phone 686. ... , , .! harles P. Balagno, teacher of Pianoforte, has resumed teaching. (tf) Duncan Mackenzie, pontoon foreman at the local dry dock, has returned to the city after a visit to his old home) In Scotland. W. ,IL Manuel, C-N.R. travelling auditor with headquarters; nlpeg, arrived In . the city from the interior on yesterday after noon's train. Another successful . dance under Scandinavian auspices was held Saturday night In the Boston Hall. There was quite a large at- prospector of Alice Arm, silled tendance. G. A. Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Oil Co-., returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's ; train from a trip to the Interior daughter, who have been visiting; on company, business. at Port Essington for the past!, , . few weeks, returned to the city j Mr, and" Mrs. R. F. McNaughton on yesterday afternoon's train. land son, returnedjjto the city on , .jyesterday afternoon's train after Corp. Illnton R.C.MP. arrived having spent a couple of days at in tne city on yesiroay aivcr- ierrace ana Laiceise uxe. 4pont train from Hazelton, .hav- who has been sentenced to JO manaeer of the National Almlam days imprisonment for vagrancy. Lumber Co., returned to the city on Saturday after an absence of W. S. Harris, well known Hazel- a few months In Vancouver. ton mining man, arrived In the ity frbm the Interior on yester- A R Hoitby, bridges and build- day afternoon's train ana sauea Ing magter for the Canadian Na-last night on the Prince George tlonai RauwaySi returned to tle for a business trip to Vancouver. clty on Saturday afternoon's train from a brief trip to the ln- J. C. Brady, M. P. for Skeena. UxiQT on 0jIlciai duties. H. F. Pullen and J. W. McKinley.j members of the local delegation i Thomas Hodgkinson will leave vhlch attended the Canadian 0n tomorrow morning's train for :hamber of Commerce BACKACHE Can Be Stopped often in a few find pains gone, sleep fine, feel younger, stronger, and full of pep. Mrs. Duncan Kenedy, who has been visiting' in the south, re turned to the city from Vancou ver on the Catala last evening Mrs. E. Kenny, who has been on trip to Vancouver and else where In the south, returned to the city on the Catala last eve nlng. L. Jessen, well known diamond drilling manager, and party of men, were passengers aboard the Catala last evening bound from Vancouver to Anyox. T. B, Campbell, engineer in charge of totem pole preservation work for the Canadian- National Railways along the Skeena River, arrived in the city from Hazelton on Saturday afternoon's train and spent the week-end here. Mrs. John Barnsley sr. arrived in the city from Victoria on the Catala last evening and is the guest of Mrs. Milton Gonzales, Fifth Avenue East. A former resident of Prince Rupert. Mrs. Barnsley will be welcomed by many old friends here. With a rather light passenger list, 'Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived In port at 6:15 last evening from the south and sailed at 8 pan. for Anyox. conven- Guelph. Ont., where he will Visit Stewart and other northern points inn in Edmonton and Calgary, fnr a month with his son-in-law i whence she will return here to are expected to return to the and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter -1, Imorro morning, and sail south Ity on this afternoons tram. Doherty, who formerly ' here. E PAIN OF RHEUMATISM! "Fruit-a-tives" Rid Him of Trouble of Long Standing A rattt rer from rheumatism for yetn, Mr. S. Floyd, Niiuimo, B.C, turned to "Fruit, a-tivef". lie writes: "I. a ihoct whit I Hit! nSUL 'FruM-uW orkad Ukt a ckum. Do you have the terrible agonizing paint of rheumatism cant work, cant sleep, torture all the time? "Fruit-a-tivts" will give you relief just as it has helped thousands of others. No more pain for the rest of your days! Cet a box to-day. Sold St all druggists. Season's Specials Ion all varieties of fuuits and vegetables for this week Get Your Requirements Early For Preserving PEACHES Per crate PEARS Per box ITALIAN PRUNES Per crate CRAB APPLES Per Per crate GREEN BEANS- Per lb. WAX BEANS Per lb TOMATOES for kttcljup. Per lb. A '. VEGETABLE MARROW Per lb i HUBBARD SQUASH Per lb r. Lim'ted O. Dox 675. $1.65 2.75 $1.10 8c 8c 10c 6c 8c Grapes, Bananas, Apples, Oranges,"ons, all-in the best H condition.' v. QUALITY AND PRICES AKE RIGHT CALL -OH I'HONE 18 OR 81 417 and 123, 5lh Avenue Last Mussallem Grocery Co. Miss Hazel Cunningham resided lt 3:30 pan. Lake service which is being built here. ANNOUNCE51ENTS . Premier Orchestra's opening dance. The dance of the season. Moose Hall. September 20. A whoopee I Catholic Baiaar, October 2 and 13. 158 United Church Banquet, October 7. 6. Moose Annual Bazaar Nov. 21 and 22. JLjClCllCS'"' ORBBNOAGB8 JOAGBS t?-fl I A t?X.2U Anniversary tf Presbyterian Baiaar November Will you please let us talk RINOS with you sonic of these days? .We don't mean In an ad T What we request Is that you step Into the store and ask to sec our Ladles' rings Don't expect us to parti cularize here. Always glad to "answer vour Questions and assist you In selecting, Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CLOCIS ''"At 3:30 yesterday afternoon the R.N..plre department had a call to the graduate of the Prince Rupert'rooms over McCaffery, General Hospital nurses' training and Collart office conducted by school, has resigned from the' Mrs. Nations, where a lodgj had staff of the Smlthers Hospital and i gone' to' bVd with a lighted cigar-will be leaving shortly for Van-ette. The bedding caught fire and couver. a hole was burned In the mat-I j tress, the damage being of a ! O. A. McMillan, dry dock super-lrrilnor nature, intendent, and Bert Cameron, " shipwright, sailed last night on1) Union freighter logs that has been - shipped for months to the Laminated Materials veneer mill at New Westminster. The Chllllwack arrived here Saturday afternoon from Alice Arm where she had discharged a cargo of coal. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frizzell ar rived In the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver. Re cently they made a trip from Lowe Inlet, where they had spent the sammer, to Vancouver aboard the B. C. Packers speed boat Sally No. 1 which blew up last Tuesday afternoon near KUdonan on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, Capt. John Boydell of Vic torla losing his life by drowning when he Jumped Into the water. aaaaaaaaTVVrlp.! it: Halibut Sales American Atlas, 31,000 pounds, J. M. Hockin left on this morning's .train for a brief business trip to Terrace. hours. If you are losing pep, W. Hudson, local cobbler, left on health and strength from Getting this morning's train for a trip to Up Nights, Backache, Bladder j the Moose, Jaw. district In. Saskat Weakness, Burning, Leg or urom cnewan. ,. .- ), . . not try the Cystex 48 llo'ur Test? Get Cystex (pronounced siss-tex) today at any drug store, for only 60c. Money back if you don't soon Pacific Fisheries, 14.1c and 8c. Celtic, 33,000 pounds, Atlln Fish eries, 14.3c and 8c. Northern, 20,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries. 14.3c and 8c. Daily. 27.000 pounds, Royal Fish eries, 14.3c and 8c. Venus, :31,000 pounds, Cold Stor age. 13,7c and ec. Sentinel, 18,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 14.3c and 8c. Excel, 18,000 pounds, Cold Storage, 14.7c and 8c. Hazel II., 9,500 pounds, Atlln Fineries, 16c and 9c. , Pierce, 13.000 pounds. Atlln Fisheries, 16.5c and 9c. Vlolai 6,200 pounds, Booth Fisheries. 18.1c and' 9o.' " -' Wabash, 5,000 pounds, Booth! Fisheries, 10.1c and 9c. Canadian Melville, 18,000 pounds. Cold Storage, 14.8c and 8c. Viking I, 8,300 pounds, Booth Fisheries. 14.7c and 9c. Toodle, 5,000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 14.7c and 8c. H. and R., 1.200 pounds, Cold Storage, 14.5c and 8c. J R., 9,000 pounds, Royal Flsh- 14.7c and 8c. Inspector James M'Tuppcr R. R. E. Allen, district sailed last night on the George for a trip to Ocean Falls on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jancowskl of Stewart were passengers aboard the Prince George last night bound for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thrupp sailed last night on the Prince George for a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, Dr. Leonard B. Wrlnch of Haz elton arrived In the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoons train and sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Van couver. Hon. J. W. deB; Farrls K.C sailed last nleht by the. Prince .11.. n(Alna inin William Millar wJU sail afternoon by tne Catala on a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. George Frizzell sailed last night on the Prince George for a business trip to Vancouver,. , ; E.1 Diekman, CilJt. fuel agent' here, sailed last night on the! C. M.-P. left on thismorning's Prince acorge ior a nouaay-tnp train for a trip to Prince George to Vancouver. . on official duties. Bobo Singh, Seal Cove Hindu, forester, (was fined $25, with option of 30 Prince i days' imprisonment, oy Magis trate McClymont in city police court this morning for ver after having come' here with tcrn00ns Hon: .Dr. J. H. King, minister of health and pensions. Mrs. W. H ter of Smlthers arrived Mrs. G. A. McMillan and family sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver, accompanying Mr. McMillan who Is going to Kelowna on dry dock business. Owing to the attendance of marksmen not being large enough yesterday, the final prize shoot of the season on the McNlcholl Creek outdoor ranges was postponed un til next Sunday. P. G. Russell, CJTR. assistant superintendent, Smlthers, Is paying a brief visit to the city on official business, " having arrived from the Interior on yesterday af- W. II. Tobcy. CUR. divisional superintendent, arrived In the city yesterday afternoon's train Doodson and daugh- In the 1IUU1 finite VJrwi&c emu nwm again this morning as fa.r as Jas- cuy iron, ww U.WCIWI u" '".:pcr park, being accompanied by ternoon's train and sailed day a Burbang dlvlslonal cngin. for a trip to Vancouver. Aid. Theo Collart has gone on to Vancouver after attending the Canadian Chamber of Commerce convention at Calgary and Edmonton and will return to the city from the south within the next few days. Misses May-. 'tad, Cherry Camp bell were passengers aboard the Prince George last night bound for Vancouver to resume their Glbboni studies at theTUhlverslty of B.C., after having spent the summer vacation at -their home at Stewart. H. D. Penoard. who was on summer, i duty here m tne CUR city ticket of ficfi sailed last night on the. i Prince,, Geprge ior van couver,' en route, to Pine Falls, Chllllwack. Man where he will .resume his the Prince George for Vancouver? capt. W. W. Mouncc, sailed last duties In the operating depart-en route to Kelowna where they (evening for Vancouver after hav- ment. will select an assembly place forcing loaded at the dry dock the the tug and barge for Okanagan first cargo of Terrace cottonwood Surprise Honor For Miss Way Grateful Mothers of Her Piano Stu dents Made Presentation Yesterday . A most pleasant event took place yesterday aitcrnoon at the new home of Mis M. A. Way, Fourth Avenue West,, when grateful mothers of her pianoforte students showed their appreciation of her efforts: and success with a genuine surprise tea party in her honor, presenting Miss Way with a beautiful bouquet of mauve sweet peas In a handsome sUver flower basket, together with a set of mauve candles and silver candlesticks. During her absence, the ladles gathered at Miss Way's home and artistically decorated the rooms with sweet peas. There were about thirty ladles present to wish their hostess health, success and happiness in her new home. Miss Way, who was quite overcome at the honor which had been paid her, responded suitably. er. Misses Muriel 'and Helen Crawford, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford, after having spent the summer vacation at their home In Stewart, were passengers aboard the Prince George last night bound for Vancouver where they will resume their studies at the University of British Colum bia. Mrs. Bower Ismay of London, Eng., widow of a former director of the White Star Line, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train following a villi to Jasper Park and sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver, accompanied by her daughter, her personal secretary. Miss Smee, and her maid. SCALE OF CHARGES . ... . . . The following is tne scaie of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices $1. ' Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Man-Jape and Engagement announcements S2. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting. Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED Me Deliver lo Any l'art of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone H49 Better Bedding Week SPECIAL $35.00 -BED UNIT 2-Inch..Walnut Grace- linojBjfeglfixiblc steel wirevcable 'spring, our own built-up "Erl Prince" mattress. TURN IN YOUR OLD MATTRESS AND WE SHALL ALLOW YOU $1.00 ON THE PRICE OF A NEW ONE Barries Home Furnishings "Furniture of Distinction"