m Ml? w fAGE FO.im 'S Transient Di6iSfiilverM8inir, Transient Adreuliltfsr on -r- Classified AavKFsIr pernsertfon, per word, Lerl Notices, lachiju-rt'on pjr-2-at? Hne .. In order to and in order to per insertion 11.4!) jf Or four month fr . Sfn By mail to all et'ier part ot British Columbia, the Hritish umpire ana unitec Males, paia in aav-nce per eur .... Cjr mail to all other couttries, per yeai Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circu.'atlcn Celeph'inc 99 Ed'rbr and Reporters Telephone - 88 BJember of Audit Bureau of Circulations IDAILY EDITION 12.80 .25 . ir 15 $1.00 Sfi.Oi.' $7,M IU Wednesday, April 3, 1029 GETTING READY FOR TOURISTS to begin the work of cleaning up the yards;-improving the -. guruens, anu painting me Dunamgs mat are needing it. ,'' So much can be done by individual effort to make things 1 brighter and better. It is the littlehjngs that cqunUiMak-i feeing Wg plans do not amount to muJSi. irMlittftl placelwelf: !r kept is far better than a big place run to seed. i m. ft- : i i i.i i nr. iu is auggi-Biuu uiuu a spring siuguii snuuiu uu . i mice y'ltupert, the city beautiful. REGISTERING AS A VOTER People who failed to vote at the last provincial election will have to register if they wish their names kept on the list. It is now the time when they are about to be struck off unless they take this action. While there is no election in sight jut riow, it;fe Just'as weirto kSep on the lUt so that when j'tjrtje comes all wilMpe ih' readiness. There are always a .nuinfeer.pf people who, wish to vote. but who are not allowed-to do. an Just beaaufc -they havej lanea to register. niu.. : . . .-. .,,iiumi' Many people do very-useful work' and vet thev never iT'get their name inscribed upon the tablets in the hall of lame. Their usefui-deeds-go unrecorded.' Just recently 'a man died on Vanleouver Island who was a"c(Jlebritv be- l cauae he had-devotld himself to a line of activity and had i; (lone it well. The mtlh Was "Dad' Janes, the cougar hunt-1 Fashion tancies- Irregularity is the Chic Keynote to The skirt affects the moulded hipline and a double peplum. The fabric is brown, beige and yel low, with beige chiffon bands. w Formal Evening Gown Unusual Grace of F or. ne is saia 10 nave Kiueu nunareas or cougars, thus Here a chiffoA dance frock Riding the farraei ttf8nbmies which did art' immense. ln dSeP wenrreen shade, cut on l&Timount of damaee. If a sheeD was killed, thpfnrmprsspnt Ul "ne8- A. circalar " tortha f for Dad and put him on the trail of the beast. He invari- iTj'Z bw i-nV.1t, k.,in.Uf u u tt i. .1 i .1 , m back and ends in a train effect - auv u'uu8l Jiume me pciu ne went aDOUt me WOrK at the heels f systematically, trained dogs to the hunt and the result was The hips '.re molded and two fr that no cougar could live in peace within 50 miles. He ex- circular flares nuke a long-in- celled in his work and his name is known among hunters bck Airi- Thi" the type of and farmers on the island and will be remembered for dre!W th,t ,ook Prfctiy gor-i manv vears. igeous when iU wearer is "in ac- Br;)., ...i HOWARD!" 'IT , M l. 4 The Humorist E&dvprrfsA in .uTIia Dailv Npwq" fbi A w w mmm m w a- mm f If Ition." The Rallied Edge cWtume Makes Its Appcuirance And now ravelled Rorts. This It t!on which becomin adiiB which formal edgrs for KMMt lflMMMUl'.V This ensemble of up ring green kasha has a three-quartet-, length coat which uses ravelled fringe about one inch deep for all its odges. A single row of machine Hitching ho!dn the ravelling in-tact. Ths blouse, of whit ailk qrtpa, has a scarf nack that us paAto t.KysJ)id moat. . k ' JHE PA1LX GOVERNMENT WILL NOT PAY TAXES TO CITY ON ITS VACANT PROPERTY At the meeting of the city council last night a letter was read from II. Cathqart on behalf j of the. Provincial Government de-j partment of lands. jn reply to a request that they pay taxes on the Government blOc in the centre of the city, especially that part which is being rented. The letter said tint- the departmnt would not do this. SUBDIVISION. PLAN RAILWAY LOTS ON G. T. P. HOTEL SITE At the meeting of the city coun cil last night Frank Rice on behalf of the Canadian National Railways asked approval -of a subdivision plan of Block E from Little's news stand to and including the old G.T.P. hotel site. The application was referred to Here is nroof that fashion is the city engineer ana. ooara oi still being faithful to the irregu- works for report. , , Iftrjine. Jj, j the printed, chiffon.. afternoon dress sketched above, , , . mmt mm u ni .--. ... .- j... - 'I l- r fit Abtvttkt Joorwty eflbt Pail Shop, tcrat from tin rifxra bouu Vinna, mj d urn trtzti if Stmt of tlx nttiratcj Royal bttui It utich thi lUui tfPaU bat acuj i Btaulj AJt uef .1 trmhu hrmnU tmtoJrint irtHl Mil tl htlm unJ tliH. "ST: 'mCm7 KmW IOC This celebrated expert emphasises the impor- " tance of washing for beauty and(Warns against - the ill-effects of soaps hot; spepially made to.y.rAHn retain the bloom of a good complexion. . 'i . HJ t: " earnestly recommend to my clU ents that they ue only the $oap blended of palm and olive oils. The use ofl'almolive is especially important because its gentle action leaves the shin in a healthy, smooth, normal condition which is the wry foundation of a beau tiful complexion. Wi ti. -' . Ml (-' i. .ilfl B - , -.! . .. J ViawA I, Kaesntkeutiaih 28 TN gayi Vienna, where the women ar? enchanting; in romantic Duapct,ci the Danube there it one name in beauty culture which hat been recogniied for over a hundred years the name of Pewl I Today, in the celebrated thop acrott from the opera in Vienna, S. Petti carries on the tradition of the Petti name. The crowned heads to which he has ministered are evidenced by the royal crestheisauthorizcdtoditplayabovethe windows of his typically Viennese shop. To his select patrons, Pcttl recommends a very simple treatment? jfor retaining youthful loveliness . . the tame treatment advised by the outt landing beauty specialists of Paris, Berlin, Remt, London, Gemva everywhere. ' Palm and olive oils in soap "I should naturally have been ledby. my knowledge of the complexion efTts of palm and olive oils," says S. Feisl, "to have invented a soap made exclusively from them," "As these oils are already combined in Palmoliyc Soap," Monsieur Pcssl explains, "I earnestly recommend to my patrons that they use only this soap. Its gentle action deans the skin thor- Wednesday, ApriJ 3, 1923 The Daily News PRiNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMMj Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Edlior. t tM -, i" . ' ' RATES T.- It City Deliver, by maUfr carrier, 'yearly period, paid in advance ?5.00 I Jot lesser in tva)tf; month . .:'.)lJ..A -'WO I By wall to aij jtjipti.ort,nertt ara;Bntrai cnusn uoiumoia. jc ,paia in aamntKior yeany penpo Front Page per inch iZJOO FAMOUS ARTISTS S'UDY OF LIFE APPEARING BARGEE SURJECT OF J. II. Amshewitz, noted E gli.sh artist, chooses the almost xtinet, but infinitely bargee as a subject f r his studies from life. Power-driven barges are fast the old regime. J ...... ' . ., ., .ii.l .. . . h I!" I- I cifVlENNA and BUDAPEST head of the famous' House of Pessl, beauty advisors to the aris- 6 tocracy f plover 100 years V ft ' iVfJV4f-' advises this 6ne 5V"ay to skin beauty Mill. I 1 .Ml II- I'll!, I.' .I-' 5. PBSiL W tf Ihf nlttrat:J limit PtiU, vbkkbMmimiltrtJllbtttiMtyndifRnslty ftrtnrlWpmn. Mtxneur Pint n nkttbtir-drttur, ldj, mnJ Ihi nijulrtni tin tx-Emfrm tfAmtriA and suttj iflbt Quant Etinft. oughly and, at the .lame time, lea vet it in a healthy, smooth, normal condition which it the very foundation of a beautiful complexion." The famous"internatiottal" treatment for a lovely skin The noitouous and dangerous secretions of dirt and dust, of make-up and cream which find their way deep into the pores mutt be removed. Palm and olive oils, as they arc blended uk Palmolive Soap, ace to soften the skin, to cleanse the pores, to refresh the natural coloring. To get the utmost benefit from Palm-olive Soap, you a're urged by all the experts to follow this treatment, twice a day: with both hands make a rich lather of Palmolive Soap and warm water. Mastagc it gently into the skin, permitting it to penetrate the pores, to .Vftce them of all impurities, Then rinse;-first with warm water,' later cold. An ice mastagc is invigorating. M. Pessl's advice is echoed by such famous specialists as Lina Cavalieri, of Paris; Elisc Dock, of Berlin; Dertha Jacobson, of London. Wherever women seek the best tkin care they arc told; wash for beauty with Palmolive Soap.