"V . .:..,,i.:-iv.A..;i s, 1:23 Come in for Details of the $M,000 Prize Picture Contest Let us t;J you how t-asily you can .qualify far a major j.rlze in thi .biy Eastman Contestthe greatest in, e history of'phot.K).thy. Entry blank and complete conteat' information art; available at the Kodak counter now. Gome to our store to fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of earner us ami dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the moat of every roll .f film. MM yfic Pioneer Uriiteistn THIRD AVE. t SIXTH ST TELFPIIONES 8f,200 DEMAND upert You are Not Od at Forty Improperly fitted glasses; use of two pairs of glasses when one is better; unsightly "old appearing" pasted bifocal iMses; "ducking" and "peoripg" over tlw edges of your "reading glasses"; trying to do without glasses-all make you look old and prove Ufat YOU NEED GLASSES. . The kind of glasses that overcome these earmarks of age are our IYIT0K LENSES They will do all that two pairs can do and dp It better. They nre AJalljf4 in John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Brand" "THE DAINTIEST RREAKKAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by "H : tf M Mid lisli & Cold Storage Col Ltd. V 'Ul '! "V ' s !!' ;t '. Wl' ' r'rineiMtupcrt. B-fc ! - it II TT ' Mrs. O. SOT4ra SK.vs i ikia cap mi SI.AR. tew months ruvfl; ANCHOR, luckf Uk lovr. MUSHROOM, t auti.l WEIGHING SCAItS. 1 U ail KANGAROO. a biam.a nvjl HARE. bt lnnl Will tfl.Mll Rfmrmtxt ibl lini J wjuk four NUIkm a Bat cap. suiTS!surrs! MADE ..TO ORDKlT All nuarnP,!'f1 , -SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANI PRB8SED Wc DTllver t Any f ,h' Cily. Lin the Tailor phone filP Dr Alexander DENTIST Try as a Daily News Want Ad, 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Hig Taxi, tf Mrs.i'ArthufU.fCaraon will receive on, Saturday afternoon from 4 to- C o'doek. 7G RAPTJiT CHURCH. Canteta pageant "From Garden to Galilee" repeated tonight at 8 o'clock. . T T; . April 8. I Ualted Aprlt 4. ning starting at 8:30. Premier Orchestra iitice, Ap- rl & .Moose Ha l. rickets on- . wjui, Gyro Hocdown, April 19 Dry mouth and parched throat arc grateful for the refreshing coolness of Wriglcy's Spearmint. WriRlcy's whitens teeth, .sweetens the mouthj clean the throat and aids digestion, while the act of chewing calms and soothes the'nerves. man's inCd after HfT&S every T!tT! kU MFWS ny.r PA3r. TUSK? ' ' "-""""'! t l" " i T -?Sf?SfT??rg!MMMTTTISS??SST ' ... - - - - 1 1 - Local . - . and Personal News In Brief 1 Dentist Dr. J. It. Gosse. Phone 680. For Alberta Beacon Jlard Soot-less coal, phone Albert & McCaf-fery Ltd., 11C and 117. "tf The County Court action of !V. fl. Perry vs Ste.ens Ltd', has J been settled out of court. S. Si.'fSalww" has arrived with r full cargo.of,Nanals -Wellington ! ' Denny Allen Company Annual L.urap.Qoal fon.AlbBrt Jt McCaf-lBa'' Crpekery, China, GIasware, fery Ltd. Phone 11G & 11. tf uutchen Hardware, ioys. uig re Miss Willa Dyer returned to ductions. 75 the city on yesterday afternoon's A- Kellam, who has been a train from Smith where she i business visitor in the city for a spent the holiday week-end visit-1 'ew da7 w"l sail tonight on the ipg with friends. iPrineess Mary for Vancouver. Boys' Band at the Rink Thurs- M A V P A I I PAT) day njght at 7:39. , .Skating until )Ul jHkLlW 10. Lecture entitled "iib've in Action" by Staff Captain Acton, Jri Salvation Arniy Citadel, Thursday at 8 p.m. i United Church Easter Sate TENDERS WHEN CONCRETE LAID Alderman Prudhomme Offers U the Church Parjor; Gobd Musfear5? ! v-h Df Er "' ' ' '' ' ' ' Program! Everyb6'd'y" welcome. ! i ' Halt Estimate Engineer ;v An Organ Recital will be giv- It seems very probable as a en by EwarJ Lyne in St. An- result of last night's city council drew's Pro-Cathedral on Sunday discussion that tenders may be next at the close of the evening .'allcu for the construction of service. 79 concrete sidewalks in the cjty and j if private contractors can do the - A- C H. Gerhardi, formerly work for less than the city they Charles Durham of Usk is pay-; A request made to the city managivg director of the Toric may be given the contract. his flret visit to town in council last night for a new street Mining Co. at Alice Arm, is re- :ral Aidermen expressed them- uuite a time, having arrived from Hfrht at the corner of Eleventh ported to have left recently for selves laat nijfht as being in the interior on yesterday after- Street and Park Avenue was sent South Africa on mining work, favor of that line of action and noon'a train. ; the Utilities for report. - 'in ihe meantime the bylaws for , 1 1 1 Charles Lee, until recently saying five different sections of The Utilities committee of the C.N.R. steamer - Prince John, foreman at the Tiger mine at. ..iuewalk in the business district council is to consider the pro- Capt. E. Mabbs, is reported due Alice Arm for the Utility M in- was passed. poaal to make Sam Maaaey head itf port tomorrow morning from ing & Finance Co., is a visitor, When the bylaws were brought of the utilities department it was Vancouver via the Queen Char- in the city, having arrived yes-dedded by the city council last lotte Islands. Iterday from the north. AfehV jtfbMfl' t VWmraend ! ' - j : ' 4r)ht aiW'khlll te fd him. A.Y.Wilson, Remo ,fa,wmilL yplon freighter Chflliwack. man, arrived in the city on.ithe Cpt. John ' Mulr, sailed at 5 At jlhe Imeetina; of the city Prince George this morning from s'ejock ytwterday afternoon for council last nieht it was decided a trip south and proceeded to the the south after having loaded a forward, Alderman Prudbomme was at once on his feet to protest. He objected to the estimate of .70$ a wtufere foot, claiming '.hat'rJ was Willing to take the jQHtruijt fof the work himself, for lati tnat amount. Jie sam it to se Lot 75 Block 2$, Sec. 2 to interior by train. cargo of Terrace cottonwood logs was three or four times higher E. Tullock for $200. It was poin- at the dry dock for delivery to han was being paid in Vancou- ted out that it was the intention MM 3Iay Donaldson returned the Laminated Materials veneer er. Something was radically of the applicant to build at once. to th on yesterday after- mUI at New Westminster. : wrong. The estimated cost of The lot is situated just beyond ,,oon' tr?,a from Port E'ntn , 1 this work was f38,240 when it the bridge. wfaHIP Jw Pfjt the week-end Dr. II. T. James, formerly min- COuld be done for ?15,000. He visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. Ing engineer for the provincial asked that information be secured W. II. Tobcy, C.N.R. divisional A- Mwwn, t government and now field engi- g u the cost in other cities be- superlotendent, returned to tfca neer for the Granby Consolidated We the work, proceeded, and city on yesterday afternoon's A petition signed by fourteen Mining, Smelting & Power Co., is -ipved to that effect. train fmm trin nn the lino property owners asked the city a passenger aboard the Prince Aid Dlhh thought thpv should - - - : : . . .. . .. . .. . (far as Jasper Park on official council at ineir meeung lasi ueorge today going througn to -.vail themselves pf Aid. Prud i duties. There Rave been heavy r mw Anyox altera trip to Vancouver, homme's offer. I ! snows aloiig the i railway line dur- cir?l. The request was sent to ; Suggested Tenders ,lng the past few days but so far w 01 otks ior repon. naving Dq eiayea in . ieav- A,dermM Maedonald explained1 NQ Paring before Mtnsirate c- Fjre ChM D. H. Macdonald. -""7 ... AU Mf' fjont mornj0g. in city pofe pourt fl daring the 'Prudh Churcfi Kaatar Hasaar, V' XC. T.. KJrJtPatrftV of the local euatofps MrvfVft who has been on tainable at MsCutcbei's fa froni ncouver on the Store or from members. Get inee Geofge this morning, yours now. ' I Mr. ' Kirkpatrjk is remaining . , 7, 11. tl In the south fr 1 a while longer. aet Whist Drive 41 Dance, i - Tburaday. April 11. 4 At the meeting of the city ' ' J IL- 1 TI.I. I pawnvu us iimiai amxys. una includes the construction of the bridge past McClymont Park. The atlon Army for Nor thern British Columbia and Al aska, will arrjvc in the city on the PrincesIary tonight from the north and spend three days here before proceeding Saturday morning on a visit to the various corps between Prince Rupert and Prince George. This will be Staff Captain Acton's first of-ficial visit to this district vfdl lowing his apjwjntment last year. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Dalton Cash Regis ter and adding machine; in use five months. $150 cash, federal News Company. tf monin ana an ine namaire oc- tv l -r I order. Canadian Government Merchant Marine, Limited FOR SALE 5v TENDER cheque to be made payable imt WW of the Oanadlan Ooernjntni7MerBsaj Marine, limited, and accaptetnua Kadlan chartered bank. Thjjgi W hany tender noa- nentwu iPMna and arjeolfkattooa of taamen can b aeen and particular of delivery ascertained op application to the Undersigned, of Mr. B. C. Kestey, racMc Oottat Manager, at Vancouver. Name of vessels must be chanced baton the transfer Is completed. D. O. WOOD, I Acting General Manager. I Canadian Government Merchant Marine ( Limited . AJd. Macdonald: "Calling for tenders would satisfy the critics." Alderman Rudderham said he was prepared to support the calling for tenders. OVMCU KTSJUTTV WSI rc g w , 1 1 s . aw. r,mm the worx. council last n gnt a bylaw pro- 11 at .luui mim Mantrai untu Aid. Prudhomme said ne Auditorium, viding for the building of the noon April a4. imtn tt purchase thought the bylaws would be de-road on Mc Bride Street between 01 tti rouowin swbk unor. to b featd unies8 this matter were Ninth and Eleventh Avenues was, n ."I1"! settled. He eritldied the work or bunker coal Umt may be on beard year. cteiudcd: It was decided to proceed witn city owns the property on either s. 8. "OansdUp ooaater." Mcrtatned tne bylaws and to consider the Side. dcadweitm wpecKT..". maUer of tendm ater Staff Captain Joseph Acton of fcfefreshinr Wrangell, djvfsfonal commander - of the' Salv 8. S. "OanfrdUn Row, aacwtalncd deadweight capacity 5930 tons, built 1930 8. 8. "OaMdlan Obsejrer," MccrUin d deadweight capaoJtjr SSSS tona. built 1S20. J. A. Hlnton has accepted the presidency of the Esperania 'Minlnn r uhlVi nfftfo ho LUIMlJlllUi&. . w. elected following the annual Tender may be submitted for one or of the fomnanv in lSrTSTZ PHnce Rupert last week. cenJ (5't) of tbe amount ot .teama. ' tj ( Wash Away That Itch rare. m. With a Penetrating. Antiteptie Now T ran tip kornlnr Itralat ilia tor. AwlT Uw iwrr rwAlag llull UDU ITOIUNO sTorS INSTANTLY. Tbe belli hMU priMrtrate IB kla iol Moth tbe Irrl-taM Umm. PluplM, aken. ntbrt, II form air ikln troubl. uukklr 7I.M t tbla V.O.D, aatlMviK. a sc uunm rorvi 11a er year snntn xtrn rme vr bx-t. OKMKH LTD. W. t. McCUTCIIDON, llltl OOISIT ASK INSPECTOR OF the track has oeen Kept open, cRBa, clT ttiat the statements of the alder- ...w without delay tp 'traffic h: Wi n,ir.,iv' Vnnpnuvpr: Who has ineww .Lnumnrwnicn was new pected to arrive ' j,,.,., been spendirig'a monUi .at Telkwa'tlth.fibm!fUh pastor, Rev. north before late visiting with her parent; , Mf.fiJ1frtVf?n' wno Piaea- sibly tomorrow ami Mrs. Thomas McDonald. W JT5 ft this afternoon, tb ;rrtv(. in the .itv from the in- M,ta BeatrfC "lerior on tomorrow . 1 rincr Ut'orgi for the iouth. ANNOUNCEMENTS led there on account of the ill- Alaska run. Next, trio she w!ll seas id kr mother. She was ac- be replaced by the larger steam-companied east by Mrs. Walter er Princess Alice. Longwill. 1 Fire loss in the city during the Dido Gurvich and Edward month of March amounted to Sweepey. charged with driving to j55 fujly covered by insurance. ma common oanirer. were 00m .,,ji . rm-t nHMSnaH HVVUI US Sift, tu as - J h ivdvii.vu Anflican . A. Raster OA t 4iasaiai with a warning on ap- to the clty council ,Mt night by RADIO FOR NORTH B.C. C.N.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Harry Nedden, arrived in port at 10:45 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon from An yox and Stewart, returning here at 7:30 tomorrow eveninjr and sailing south at 10 p.m. BUSHS Grocerteria PRASER VALLEY PURE STRAWBERRY JAM 4- lb. tins 70c 40-oz. sealer 60c .2 M PRESS PURE MARMALADE 40-oz. sealer 50c 'RIDE OF ONTARIO HONEY 2 J-2s, tin 50c 5- lb. tin 95c JIATEAU CHEESE 1-2-lb. pkts. 25c , 1-lb.pkta 45c -LYMER CORN 3 tins 50c 4 PEAS 3 tins 50c tekaa last night at meeting 2' 3 t,ns 40c up a p. R. steamer Princess Mary, rM,ru,r.r Maiun PAihiv th f. the council, of St .Paul's Lu- rBt c. C. Satater. is not ex- " "ZZ.., L .... m t 2 l-2s, 3 tins 50c . ' i ?.! . i 1 . .. .. ay wit wwiia ie iiocau ir isn- . herefrom the M-hi:. mm,A ,,t i. (JBKAMOLA UUSTAKU ..1 ua;74 (iai sic h-m " ' ttffilght , or pos- ,u j ,k ; DER Mb. tins t . TCCta Tf Ul LU IUVIC V" v iiic nvia POW-. .40c mftrning. Lp to rf RunWt than in the soulh. WHOLE WHEAT FIG BAR BIS- e vessel had . ' 1M for t-nder thev CUITS lb 25c e Marshall left on not reported when alio might be rf ' tmir nA nfoinhi - fternoon's um ng .. nome expected Th s i. . the last tnp estimate. H. wanted to cTta. steamer " "mb i ""0" - mis winxer 01 me nary on ine v,s-ai Mayor McMordie reminded the 3 51 00 council that an aWenpan could not take contracts from the city. SWEET, JUICY ORANGES Alderman Brows cbjetled that Alderman Prudhomme had dope nothing but "bawl out" the engineer si net he had been in office. He had heard enough of that sort of thing. At the meeting of the city council last pight endorsement was given the request that a radio inspector be allocated to coyer the northern and central portions of the city. The re questor endorsement came from C; ,tj?lam, secretary of the Radio As'soc'rition and Alderman Dibb, moved that endorsement be given. 4 doz. 75c Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER Robert Corlett. pioneer Lakelse ' h!.il?.ra i 2?T to 16 cents a foot ,B a2221" Mouse Whlrt Drive .ad Dac, yi,ey raacher. arrlv h the 1 Z Zrrh .mounted sbuth w" on,y for ,ayinK " - - Aft sfn ? ?pnvrr - - - The usual inspection. jSiTJn C.W.L. Spring Sale id Catholfc M,?ri-e9- thi, wa more expenslye Hall. Thursday. April After- !SD which look him into A E'TS than he actual laying, of the noon from 3 to 6. Social in tVe- th. i,.. w",cn wos 1UU,,U lu uc ,wu concrete. CELLAR'S SPECIALS Alderman Drown said It would not be fair to call for tenders 1 REAL QUALITY CEYLON TEA- unlesa thy were prepared to let Rosabedde O. P. very tippy. Per lb 90c Regular, per lb.. $1.00. EVAP. PRUNES Large sire 2s. Per pkt v 30c Market Day, 4s. Per pkt. 45c RAISINS Market Day. 2s. 2 pkts 45c SLICED PEACHES Del Monte. 1. . 2 l-2s. a tins 85c CORNED BEEF Iibby's. Is. 2 tins 45c CAKE FLOUR Som Mor. Per pkt 25c CUSTARD POWDER Creamola . 8 oss. , 2 pkts 5c Is. per tin 35c LUX 3 pkts 35c f KlNCfciiS SOAP FLAKES Per pkt 20c MINUTE OATS Ogil vie's . 2 pats 55c JUANtiES dos ?100 5doi 95c Sellars Grocery Third Avenue PHONES 45 AND 571