April 3. 129 THE ,PAI?T NEWS PAGE SEVER Hen in the Moon FIAT n sir - it B 9 LIVIE SEMENTS - NIK .tt . is my WVU JUS l ZIP JL the wi airier when even il n-( can make THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. splash. golfer's favorite song is Mi.- Ball." ' ' :- -.i. j nyA 4 lawyer fi lttcif. i. ,.! First he lied on; one, ii. I then" on 'the other. i onl!)0jr'vhon asked to le- ,,' .1-i'llitlbu8 Hllhl It was . t. ;t man in Italy. That's n( a joke. ,,, sbo !re looking -h'i count isruiolft. marry a v r! a 'bihi - k'.)per.' II ry wll to make jokes Scotu Building, Vancouver. B.C.. Ui,roR RENT rurnliried house th WMathcr. but this J'.T , is no ioke, owjttBtor. which, t iiitor Hays he has had to uke - ii..ii5ri :. .i K..ruen page k because there was SO of v on the ground. ua tnc 1 ' at Ten Years Ago In Prince, Rupert on , AtA 3. 1919 of Ki.d and tiun Club, at its :u i.l(iiij lav nigt, elected follows: hphdrary i i ileorge' B. HhM; I Ikn Soli ; vice-ppe'sid-A. , kry.'iut; setireUiry pa i, Ti. H. Shockley; exe-vS. K. Williscrolt, W. E. V. iu-id. I). C. Stuart, !(. Oliver. Rogers, W. ..-.ndernd W. W. Wrathall. F. Tolmit and J. C. Mc-, ,'. deral mcmb-rs, have re- .; suian es from the Ot-. . ri.m- 'ii that a dry dock on (milt U Victoria. t , . :( - wilt he taken out wUh- frlr' rilleeji neiv IvowseA , i. to bt nu lit under the - ri'aniw'd housing mom- ii i i - i;hjHiiJi'iSrr! tides' ' . f 4 i ' U V'-lneday, April 3 8 2 a.m. 13 H. p.m. 16.S ft- ;2:M7 MH. 18.1 ft. tf:2S jm. 8.0 ft. ThurwUy, April 4 ' ' "' 9:S1 H,m. 16.5 ft. 2:!: 09 p.m. 1G.C ft. 1:03 a.m. 11.6 ft. 10:34 tun. 7.1 ft Friday, April 5 10:46 an. 17.4 ft 23:38 u.m. 17.6 ft 4:87 a.m. 10.1 ft 17:22 p.m. 6.1 ft Satxd, AprJl 6 ..." ll::S2Jj. 1S.S ft. 6:42 .. 8.5 ft 18:01 D.m. 5.2 ft i-,ltxl . i Cm the I . service; Fairbanks-Morse Type "Z" Engine Thi efficirnt little pawor plant has Rotary High Ttntion Mr.gnelo; Renewable Die Cast tarings. Drop Forged Crank shaft. There are fewer parts subject to wear, and those parti are machined to within fraction of the diameter of a human hair and then heat tirated. In every particular the "2M engine is built to live the utmost wear without giving trouble or requiring rrpsiri. ' Made in 1, 3, and 6 h p. sizes, ".'c also supply FAIRBANKS-MORSE Marine and Stationary Diesel Engines in iliei up to 840 h.p. OAs CANADIAN Faiibanks -Morso COMPANYvLVnUMl r li6ARI) AND ROOM ' BOARD! Ahd room. Phone Green . ,5 ROOM Arid Hoard. Central lo-IFOR HUNT chtlon: Stearrt hat.-: Phone ;'lue' W- tf ! i, WATKR NOTICB Plimlon ond Fse TAKE NOTICE that Alfred II. Bryant. whom address la 809 Bank ol Nov Orek bout ettht mllm Irom- Omm ,1 "T"- ibut thuartir. a mile from Deuw Creek and will be lor htdiullc minmir purpo! upon mine dctcrtbed as Hrnay Money Uaae. Sunrtae taw i No. 1M and Creek Claim Dtuay and May mnmom I W.tr to h dlmrtud from Buck Oulcb i a point lit lower end of canyon of aald ' crrek and carried by ditch and flume . over bencnet to mint or use. This notice was posted on trie wound the aut day of fxcentbcr. l38. A copy of Una notice and an appUea- Won pwmairt flterato tM to the "Water Act" wll) be died In the office the Watet Recorder at TeleKrapb Creek. B.C. ObteetlM to trw anMleatkm may be flied vtth tbe said Water Recorder or with tte Comptroller of Water Rights, , radlaiMMit BOUdlnaji. Victoria. B.C. within thirty days after the first ap- oearanee f notice in a i local news- PM The date of the first publication of this notice le Uereh l 11. II. IMS. ALTRETJ H. BRYANT. 'OKI'OIUTION Of THE CITY OF rillMT III l'l.KT- TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1 . The Council of the Corporation of the Cltv of Prince Rupert Intends to construct a pavement sixteen feet wide Ambrose Avenue baainnlnc at a point where tnc centre line of otn Avenue insects the eentee line of Ambrose Avenue thence aiM the centre line of Anttrwe Avenue To its Intersection again with the eirtiw ttoV of th Avenue, a a local lm- etMOt. Ad Un4 t specially as-tbe 0Ot upon tbe land abutting directly on- tbe wrk. Meept uch por-t ton of tke ,tPMf.Lf la tacuned at street ' THi aNnataH'eoat of th work Is tUxn.M. of whtoh, ,i4.l: u to be JsMtMie U.I.4NL.. Tbe-apaelat men IV IS VP PV PSOq 1U 1U MUUIIWUH- rrrr ttwr. w !: I Fwraon detrl( petMlon aast undertaxiM ua wpra must, go so on or etorets Ith (fy -of uay: ttw. ; E.' K JONK8, Oaty Clerk. Dated fhls Ind day of April, 1829. Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER DULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Plume 68 Carfige, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Goal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Try n classified ad. in the News j ,and get RESULTS 1 BRINGING UP FOR RENT, liOUKS For rent. F. W. Hart 94 -Five room furnish' ed flat. Mussallem. Grocery: tf.j FOR RENT Four room flat'with bath. Furnished.- Phone 547 tf. roil MENTHA utornobl lea, pianos' phonographs and sewing mach- ines. Walker Music Store. kepiDKro,msbythday,Week, month. Phone Ked C07. tf Lni in.1 wf f.a, r rnAntMl Apply ' Westenhaver Dros. tf. . rtJ run nr.m ocrii iuu uvure uu u.,th M.r Auditorium. eon nn imi u iiknna 7 P. VArtJ.W U IIIVIIIII. ft IIVIIV " v. 206. tf. FOR REJNT Furnished modern house. Harbor view. Monarch range, $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. FOR RENT Building containing large workshop on ground floor with 7 room modern flat above j at 177 Third Avenue East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tf AGENTS VANTED THE GENUINE EVINRUDE Dealers Write for 1929 Franchise. HOFFAR.REECHING SHIP YARDS LTD, 1927 Georgia St., W., Vancouver, R. C. I DISTR1RUTORS FOR WESTERN CANADA 7R FURNITURE I Mackenzie Furniture, Phone 775maT.be alsoRt AhtVjter ef - EVERYTHING FOR TJIE HOME j Chesterfield Suites, Dining i Suites, wsllnut and oak Deds,casjs Relief teVel I guaakeg Snrinits and Mattresses, curtain Rods and Blinds. ' PRtNfiE RUPET AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or ex - change any kind or furniture . , . i strumenis, macmnery, .etc. eral repairs, crating, packing , i it-i Li- ana snipping. vraiiiniieinp guaranteed. Just pnone uiacs 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES. Federal Block. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give Instant ser vice in buying and jelling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange, We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court ft Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Lld. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert R.C. FATHER i m I i.VVj m "JTh I 1 i FOR SALE FOU SALE Four roomed house ajld two lots. .Apply 1040, 10Jh Avenue E.. . - tf. FOR SALK- Phflco radio, Con sole model, balteryless six tube set. Snap for cash. Will con-; .gider term rrince Kupert Auction' Mart. tf i NOW Is the time. to order garden p'U a ii a manure, rlrst orders win rje: first delivered While it lasts, ' $3 a load. Phone 303. Casey Cartage & Fuel Co. . 93 .f.:i FOR SALB One line shaft 18 . feet long and 1 incheB thick. One 20 inch Hanger; Four 11 inch hangers. Two large Iron r .,1 .1 ic ii runeys, sprru i vj i mtn. , Vi inch belt Two line shafts 8 feet long, V.'i inch thick. ' ! Three Iron Pulleys, mree ; speeds 12 Inch to 8 inch. Two; Wooden Pullefs. Apply Daily News. W WANTED rS H WANTED -W'l fr general ' -' Af K K a- housework 4ipiy Mrs, . rriz-lellis Storis.- tf. GRADING, Excatating, Concrete foundations. Nels Hokkjar, Room 9, 028 Third Avenue. Phone Red GtS or Black 700. 81 CHIROPRACTIC j REL1BVE IlljADACHES? j CERTAINLY I This distressing maJauy if ;v.rv nrieuiklwWtfta thia' timr- of J - - - -7 the yiar, as a rule is sVererr iroubie. .7. . i.i.. such as af jm qi .xne eyas, liver: MneVsieitiinall!:vete. It "A : .at v t t- i j feots of lilfluVfSk 'ii (fensult the Clilloirfaeiavr alt, Consul WliaulM ui-i T B , , VI J.!-.; .-, V ,-v PR. w. n.."ArNXfL t r I ., 6,ri4 . Wfnw wv r v Green j 241 -Phones- nisyV1 1 Open Evenings :' ' ; t'J,v?lAr Qr r.fM ; ijaj I New Dressy Oxfords A LL the style ihat a well-dressed rnta eould with for, plus comfort and Icmf wear, at a strictly moderate show you Leckies. J iiiriSBSIIlilBiii il ilWIMaWW m2sa I) ltt, Im1 rlra S.rb. m, CrMl trrttm rlht marvel BEAUTY OPERATOR. MISS MARY 5UCFJE For Experienced operator, modern methods -in all linen nf beauty culture and hair dressing. Mnke appointment by phoning !!ed 389. SALVAG AND TOWING it's on or under the water we .1 fi u. PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LI5IITED Fully Equipped for Diving and i j,ivaKe Work. t aruI Seowg of aj deifcrni- ;,,,,, for charter. r,,)W j.oi,ts and Canoes for hire. )iirMins )n r.as Bnginen. Af'PNTR FOR Vii n Hierck. Rasthope, Hicka L ''.allantyne Engines, .. .. r tjiw..- r,orinern n. v. uu-inuuvuio Coolidge Propellers Phone. Day or Night, 564 P. O. Rox 1561 PETS We arc importers of canaries, pamts. foreign birds, goldfish, monkeys, :oks, cats and rabbits. If you want a pet of any kind, write us and we will ship on ap-' proval. Money refunded if not satisfied. PET SHOP Largest Store of its kind In Canada 573 Rroadway West. Vancouver RESULTS COUNT Paiti in the side, Indigestion. flu, Aa.iliihiiDk Hfforlnpkcia Vftf. VJ'' " "v."-..i vouHnes Insomnia, t atarrft- a?il n, . i.i.ia Kneumawsm are ca,.etey lieved by our new form of diet li and spina! treatment ; Read our National "AdV! In itlie '.ihertv MaMuclne , everv Weeki T - jtheji csxjit f DR. EYOLFSOIS p, Wm g5 of ,ed r89 t Open Evenings. . , Kf JL price, Ask your dealer to J. LECKIB CO. LIMITSD VANCOUVER, RC. m$mm .STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Vnnoouter- ; Bundaya Prince Rupert I ft hi TLc.;diw 3a, Catala Thursdays as. mnce UWep iu Q.m. Ur .! aa. Prlncaaa ricuraT 10 i.ro. Fridays -a. dardena . . . . 12 wldhmbt April 3 as. prifieesa Mary Pn 1 April 14 t. Prrnceaa Alice p. In- April 3-- Prlnceaa AUj:a ... p.M. Frsni Vanmuii-r faauday ea. Cauls 4 p.m. wedneaday a. Pr. George 10.30 am. r. ,uay- e. l-rui'-ewt Koyui .... 4 p.o.. rriaavi aa. nardena a.m. ay- . Prince Rupert iu:s'J p.m. ru 10-U Princeas vice a.m. H- ntncoM Alice a.m. Fcr Neg Klvrep-Sunday Cataia .. .8 p.m. tor INwt Mmrwon and Naas Kiver ftKri . Geuia uo a.m. ri - Uworf. iimurr, mx pd MU Arm Sttnday ea. aetata 8 p.m. i vaaiday as. Pr. Oootj p m. I Saturday -as. Prince Jtuoert. . p.m. l frnfi strwart. iTrmlrf. Anjnt and Alii-e I Arm Rutirlav- -as. Prlace Btwart 730 p.m. Tnesday Tuadavea. ss Catala ... 11:30a.m. Tfeuradajfr-sa. Prince qeoru 1 7:so p.m. I or wen f'hsrliitte lmilf Am S m. Prtnce John 10 p .m AbrU ae-w). Prince Joh . . . . .10 pjm. Freni Qtieen Charlotte Islands April ea. ranee jonn -" April 18 as. Prince John a.m. For Alaska Aprit 10 as. Princess AUee sjn. April 20 as. Princess Alice a.m. Irani Alaska- April 3 as. Princeas Mary p.m. April it as. Princess Alice p.m. Anru a as. Princeas Alice p.m. For liort Klmpaon and Wales Island Fridays as. caraena Front Port Mnin and Wales Island-Fridays sk. Cardena Pn- C.N.R. mm ror the East Macdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at U:S0 m. Hon. the Sunday, Tuosdaya and Thursdays at 3:30 pjn. LF.TTr.it V: 'roUT.CTIONS Tpr- um & AUtdiAve,.t. . -a Af 100 73C itb rufctbn Si. .t u 7 ' ith At Thjpkja 8t, . 15 ,Hb Ave:"4ilhe,pVke 1 n. kP'SW h !ve. tt Hss 39ve Ay:.. S.30 e.fjf W Ave. A- Baya.3oe Cuvle 935 8 0.- Hth Ave Cottru St SW 1--" Itb Ave Oreer. 3t. iHsnilj v s . Ith Ave. KleBrtde St. . 94S ti. Prov. ntv' yuiidmg . . 9JW 8v NProv. ut- Wiari . .. ... 3 34 6i O.TJ Wharf . ... tO.UU 8 ' 6.7',? Ration ... tOS - 13S - lad. 'Ave. Ind; St. .,. 1040 8.40 3rd' Ave, ib Fulten St. . . .... 10.1S S.4J ! 3rd Ave. 6th St. .... 10.20 I. St rAS.AlAK'NQ A PES 'LP ,H HIS VOQWEkA N & . you THftetv rr Amv. By MAIL SCHEDULE sr (he Ea.'-t Mondays, Wedfieedajs, Saturdays, mall i laao a in. he FAtr- i, TQfatiaya SIM inursaays. . j.au p.m. Vli .r8n 'wodneadajrs and Saturdays. Sundays ' .' '. . . i :30 p. m! Vhurjaays 9 p.m. Fridays : 11 p.m. C.P.B. Afrll '3. 14 ad 24 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday 4 p.m. W.-.sda-ys lQ:aO.m. Fridays ,.... a.m. Saturdays i..,. 10:30 a.m. C.P.K. -April 1 kW 30 .m. Hit htewart. Itemlef, An)o ard Alice Arm S::udays 7 pm Wedftisdays 3 p. m. Sr.tttMaya P-m- Pram Btwart, Premier, Aqtok and Alice Arm Sundays 7:80p.m. Tuelars 1 1-30 am Thursdays .740 p.m. T"B,"2 a,4rr reinti 7 pm From Saa Ulter Point Tuesdays 1130 im To Qneen Chariotn; April 6 and 20 9 P-m. From ueen Charlettes April 14 and 18 a.m. To Alaska Points AjrU W aafl ao Noon From Alaska points AtrU 3. It ad 24 p.m. To Prrt ftlmpmn and Wales Island-Fridays a.m. Frasrert Slmpsoi) arid Wajes Island MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City, VALENTINDAIRY Telephone 657. C -f l'M tmi. 1 r George McManus