CLASSIFIED. HABIT fvtryonc read the Clarified Ada. II jou Iom. tdrertlM tor It. If jou rind, locfttt tb owner, whatever jou need, idrwtUt for It CET TIIC CLASSIFIED HAMT. A Vij. XX NO. 70. 'V JUDSON MAYOR JUNEAUTODAY Jl'NEAU. April 3. Thomas U. Juneau yesterday, defeating Henry Hidden, attorney, by 178 votes. I) M. Bothwell and Lockle Mk Kinnon were elected council-tneti on the Judson ticket, while G . E . Krause on the Roden ticket W in third neat by defeating War-fi'T. a Judson man. Recommended Council School Rate Criticized up as follows: General expenditure for the year, 16 mills. Levy to cover fixed charges, 13 mills. Jtate to cover scnooi expenses, 10 nuns. CAPITAL FOR PEND O'REILLE ANCOUVER. April 3 An-v. uin ment was made today that ! . r. Md O'Reille Mining Co. hud '-'!: fully financed by UnitexJ s-jt,.s capital and a fifg program ' instruction and development v II be undertaken on this prop (- and on the adjoining Reeves-M D nald controlled by Pend 1.' lie A new company, the ! O'Reille Mines and Metals i any. i being formed. BRACKEN SAYS NO CORRUPTION WINNIPEG, April 3. Appear- tor the first time before the '! Sinters royal commission, I'r. mier John Bracken today de-' I the corruption charges :k ' n.nt his Manitoba adminlstra- ii No promise or understand-' k f xitted, testified the premier, I-i-'"P to March 20, 1928, when the 1' m-gotiatioa with the Wlnnl-' k' Electric Company were com-1 1, tod . it not been that some money from the sale of the power utility wa being used to pay off city bends on last year, gt ir.e decrease would have been greater had it not been for the unwarranted increase of three mills in the school rate. The city unfoftnaatehr had was altogether out of proportion o the expenditures In the remainder of the city. Ajderman Prudhomme asked th'nt the members of the council be BURNED TO DEATH SAULT STE. MARIE SAULT STE. MARIE. Ont., April 3. Albert Robinson, aged 56, his wife, aged W, and his brother, Samuel Robinson, aged 71, were burned to death today when ii fire destroyed their home at Goulak Bay, 20 miles from here. The three were apparently Judson was reielected mayor of iCauirht in tholr sleep. The char red bodies ruins. PRICE OP WHEAT VANCOUVER, April price of $1.21' .. DISPOSAL OF MONEY F Tax Rate of 45 Mills were found in the IIS SALVAGING In order to do this some rn-k I to be blunted. Cnj.t. Paul Armour, who hu r.iit Intn the water throuirh the given copies or tne estimates, ue f urthy onto tte rt Knew nothing anoui wnai mey( The erew was brought WILKINS PLANS Mite PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, W EDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 102D WRECKED BORIC Is Abandoned Ry Owners and Attempt Will 1? Made to Tow Her Here LIGHT BADLY NEEDED i Special Meeting of City Qouncil Called For Next Monday .Accident Might Have Been Av to Deal With Matter After Explanations Made MtA, ,f Needed; Aid to Nav At last night's council meeting, Mayor MdMordie presiding and all the aldermen present, the finance committee nvnmmonrWi trip atrildnrr nf n mill rntr nf 1K mills rrmrlp igtion Was There i The halibut ncboene Dart i a total wreck abandoned i. t.h owners and will be floated i brought here by the Pt-i t ic Xu!-vage Company for the i.'iider-writer who have $2.0mi i im i-ance against the vessel. QKa uli l.n f inqfuft Li' T iiMImi. It was explained by Mayor McMordie that the rate 40 empty drums inide h. i .-n.d -would have been much higher had tnen towed to the drvi nuu tnHB cuvc me charge or the work savs charges. It was a slight decrease to draw 8ttention here. he in-of the authorities to the need of a light on the outside of Kir.uh.m Island. Had there been a light at that point the Doric would an n4lrt lift Ml h rfwkft v5 2?.FI? SeThave been asking for thi. to kp A dowjj !be rate, the school g board poshed thelrVup. The In-! Th, rjoHc i8" reported to have crease was almost so per cent anu, tom virtually torn out. Her cargo of halibut is flowing ; to hi cii' vere to para on. aboard the Salvage Princess yea-After some discussion it was terd(iy afternoon. It is believd decided to provide each alderman tnat aIj lhe fi(Sn on tne ViSfifMi jj with a copy of the estimates aodj pojed. to hold a special meeting next( Capt 0. B. Hanney, part Own-Monday to finally decide on the er of rjoric, was on wateh tax rate, Alderman Dibb explain- when the vessel struck. He was ing that not only was it proposed groping his way through-a blind-to reduce the Ux rate, but thi InK 8now8torm at a very slow assessment also had been reduced. 8peed. ' Had the nawssrrnmWemained the I same, the Ux rate would have been reduced more. POLAR WORK IN A SUBMARINE SOUTH PLAINFIELDS, New Jersey, April 3: Sir George Hubert Wilkins, before leaving here for San Francisco in a plane, spoke of his plans in the southern polar regions. He emphasised that the life was not dangerous. In the submarine In which It waa planned to travel they would be kept comfortably warm. They would be just bo- 3: -The low the icebergs. wheat here today was J. C. BRADY, M.P. WILL ADDRESS A Public Meeting in Moose Hall, Thursday Evening April 4, at 8.15 ALL CITIZENS CORDIALLY INVITED Sir George has just returned from flying across the southern .ihtflifr regions and previously at cm Point Barrow in the north . i ' ... polur reiriona to tpitxuergen. BRACKEN GOVT. IS SUSTAINED WINNIPEG April 3: By a vote of 31 to 19, confidence in the Bracken Government was oxpres- jsed by the Manitoba Legislature last night when the Labor resolution demanding investigation of PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ROM POWER C TO King George Recuperates Slowly Rlowlv recovering his strength at Bognor, EnJad, tho pioto hrrws King George in a wheel eh air with Queen "Mary at his de during one ftf the frequent strolls which His Majesty enjoys, now that he is throwing off the terrible effects of the sickness" which -ilmost proved fatal. :,tJdta;ryiB,l City 'Decides How to Dispose of sun is K'auu'v 1"""K " "Money Received for Power Plant; Will Purchase Own City Bonds At the meeting of the city council last night the report of the finance committee dealing with the money received from the power company was adopted. It follows : "Your finance committee recommends that the balance of monev received from the sale of the power plant after the amount of zzs,uuu nas Deen ueposueu wuh u; iuuui,-real Trust Co. be placed in a special city trust account with the Royal Bank of Canada, and that city oirnnceitup- i rt bonds to the amount oi ap- t ?r!,y!r SfS'S PROPERTY OFFERED 1 rUXU ill id a w vuiit - proximately $17,500 be paid from this fund each year up to and in- eluding 1936 and thereafter CITY FOR ATHLETIC PARK AT MEETING 10,000 per year shall be used from this account to pay off; . ..... ii it.. nr tin nilu Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinner Thursday! and Saturdays Dancing titrj Saturday nlfht from 9 to 12. Dnc Hall for Hire Accommodation for Prlrato Part lea Phone 437 PRICE FIVE CENTS BE LOWER OMPANY ARRANGED Slight Clue Found of Capt Kings ford Smith and Southern Cross SYDNEY, New South Wales, April 3. One clue came I out of the wild Australian bush today to guide the search ers lor the airplane Southern Cross, which vanished on March 31 with Captain Charles Kingsford Smith and three companions, who were on the first lap of a flight to England. . . The Drysdale River mission station this morning sig-ied Captain Chateau, Australian royal air force aviator, on the searching expedition, tnai an airplane passed over the station March 31, heading southwest. It was the slenderest of threads, but the first definite trace of the flyers since they vanish',1 after sending a radio message that their motors were failing and that they were coming down in a blinding rainstorm Into the bush about 100 miles east of Wyndham. The vast labyrinth of western Australian bush Is one of the most savage stretches of country FOUR THOUSAND TO PREACH GOSPEL OF DAVID LLOYD GEORGE LONDON, April 3: The great Liberal drive for vie- tory in the general election begins Monday when four thousand speakers, preach- ing Right Hm. David Lloyd Georce's new unem- left of the-habitable part of the fjloyment remetal . schera Barth. Prospects are anjthing efery riotSr'amJ but cheerful. Torrential rains in cranny of the country until New South Wales, Queensland and everybody knows it by the northern territory today flood- heart. ed the aerodromes and prevented the departure of planes to search v 4 4 4, 4. 4 the bush. i ,,, The aviators had little food and they were likely to meet with short shift from the hostile inhabitants of the uncivilized bush-men and even cannibalistic pygmies . TO REPORT ON m UTILITIES TO CITY COUNCIL At the city council meeting last :;ht the city treasurer was in structed to make a report on the city utilities to show whether the city had er received .nr money It was also reported tpat the council last night an offer was ! asked that the prof its of the tele-papers had now all arrived and' received by G. P. Tinker on be- j phones be looked after by the the city council at its meeting half of the G.T.P. Townsite Com- utilities department so that they Monday night would decide defl-1 ( pany to sell to the city 89.2 acres should not have to ask the city nitely at what date the property ' of what he designated the beet to put through bylaws when they passed to the power company and j land on the townsjte for 55 an needed money, arrange any other details. acre to be used for a game. Mayor McMordie hinted that Quotations have been received around. The offer was referred the report of the city treasurer for suitable debentures which the: to the finance committee for re-'would be an eye-opener to city might purchase and the port. council finance committee has been given power to act in this regard. FIFTH VISIT OF LINDBERGH TO MEXICO MEXICO. April 3: Lindbergh arrived here yesterday by airplane on his fifth visit and was met4y Miss Morrow. He will stay nt the Embassy while here. SNOW FALLING Snow was falling thi morning at Terrace. Rosewood, Alyansh, the Seven Sisters Falls power ag-jllaielton, Smlthers find Vander-rtemtnt by a committee of the. hoof, Recording to the Govern houM yWI def jwtd'. . : rnt TsJewrnph report. -4 ASKS KM.MIINA1IU. TWO CENT DUTY ON CANADIAN HALIBUT The city council at its regular meeting last night passed a Resolution asking that nt-erv. rmisibla. taken toMriduce the Federal ftnvornment (n negotiate a treaty with the Washington Government looking to the elimination of the two cent duty on Canadian halibut go Ing Into that country. The resolution was moved by F. G. Dawson, seconded by C II. Orme. r L ll 1 U ik AaA irum mc i.kpu 1' wu ... . ... . MAN MISSING 0NL0NGR0W Frank Rothery Left Zayas Island Three Weeks Ago For Warke Canal in Nine Foot Boat Frank Rothery, who was visiting with a friend at the Zayas Island sheep ranch, has not been heard from since about three weeks ago when he put off from there in a nine foot rowboat with Warke Canal as his destination. A storm arose soon after he left and the belief is that he may since 1920 or whether the city 1 TV'" ;""", ",a TV had had to searched Mordie when Alderman Brown) ? REBELS DRIVEN I INVESTIGATION OF TRAP NETS u. Session of Special Commission to l"e , ..IJ tl I..J I'lll.. ise item iiere uy juukc ciius VANCOUVER, April 3. Appointment has been made of County Court Judge J. N. Ellis nttMlIf IinnfltPI 'of Vancouver by Hon. J. P. A. HKllM 1 1 IV MNHiCardln. minister of fisheries, as a 1 11V1U J 111111 1UU commissioner under' the Dominion I . . . . i it i i . . j t - jintitiiries xei to iuybsiikhiu hojj a Mexican Federal Troops Gain No- net fishing In northern British Co-j.: table Victory Under Gen- lumbia waters contiguous to the eral Alamzan ftusnauuuuuai,. i Judge Ellis is authorized to in- MONTEREY, Mexico. Aflrll 8. 'qdre Into tho qtiestfoh Of Whether General Almazan. commander of, it is in the public Interest that the federal column attacking trap nets for the capture of sal- Jimlnez, for whose possession mon should be permitteu in tnat battle has been raged with severe casualties for the past few days, entered Jlmlnez last night. Desnatehv stated that the rebels evacuated troop trains. nart of British Columbia. His honor will leave here on April 1G and hold trie first sitting in Prince Rupert. He will then Jiminez in six return to Vancouver to take addi tional evidence.