1, 'S PAGE EIGHT The Best of Milk Produced La Cusdt' IWKSKNC.Elt TUAINS LfcAVE rKI('E KITKIIT Each .MONDAY, WtDXESIlAV and SATURDAY at 11: a.m. for I'KINCE OEOItdK, ED.MO.STO.V, Wl.NNU'tU. all point tastrm Canada, inltrd Stales. AniINCY ALL OCRAN STEAMSIIII' LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Prince Kupert Phone 26it HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump $13.50 Mine Head Alberta Sootless Large Egg $12.50 Mine Head Sootless Egg S12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Also all other classes of coul. DRY BIRCH, JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load S3.50 Double load SG.50 Large sack 50c Box wood cuttings, large load ... .$3.50 Piano and Furniture Moving. Express ami Baggage Day and Night Service 13'J Second Avenue Carnation Milk is simply pure, sweet whole milk, evaporated to double creami-ness. Nothing is added; nothing removed but about half the water. Try this dependable, convenient, economical milk. Write tot Mary Blake Cook Book Orn.tlon Milk Product! Co., UrnllaJ 114 Abboa Sum, VsncouTW, B.C "from Contented Cows UNION STEAMSHIPS LIGHTED Sailings I'roni IT I ne Kupert lor VAMOIVKK. VICTOItl.l, Swanwn Itay. Ilutnlale, Alert Hay, He. T u curia) , .1:3(1 p.m. lor VANCOL VKK. VICTORIA. Hut rd.de. Alrrt Mat. etc.. ITIilay midnight I'ur ALICE A KM. ANYOX, NTMVAItT, NAAS ItlVljl. Minilay. K:()U p.m. tor POUT Hl.MPM) AM) MALES ISLAM). Thursday, p.m. 1!3 2nd Avenue It M . SMITH Agent Prince It u pert, II. C. Tl rough ticket (old to Victoria and Scuttle .and baggage checked through to destination, 1canaoianJ PACirici 3rd Ave.. . B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS JFROM. PltlNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangrll, Juneau und Skagway March So, 3D, April Ml; to Yancou.er. V lit or In und Seattle, Mar. 13, 21. Pit'lNCss IcoyaL Ocean lalls. etc.. Vancouver and Victoria ever? Friday 10 p.m. Agents (nr all Mraimshlp Lines. W V. OUCIIAHl), liEMUlAL AOKNT Prince Rupert. n.C. rhone 31 Ranadian National Q7,d hirgeil Kailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE rollings from PltlNCK RL'PKKT for VANTOl't 11. McTIIIIH KTTLK. ami Intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. I'ur AN'YOX and MTEAYAKT, each Wednesday and Saturday, 4:l0 p.m. lor SOUTH AM) S-OIT1I (lttlEN CII.lltl.OT 1 1 IM,AMi. tbrlmgntl). avi it.i, Crescent Ground Cross-Cut Saw, No. 325 This b ens lU most populsr uwi en th msilct (or cutting putpwooj. It Is used by tht Urgtst pulp wood fubbrrt and msnulsclurcn. It is mails with Lane Tooth, it nairow, and with its hollow ktck it specialty SU!0lK rmD SAW CO AIM IUD detigiwd lor tailing purposes, onimt. vancouvih. GETTING POWER OFFICE READY City Light Consumers Will Pay Their Accounts Direct to . Corporation Soon V' . bnipmeni oi , . '. ,MEN"S AND BOYS' M echanic Shirts and Overalls Union Made These will be sold at my reason able prices. Also, remember, there is a 30' drop in all lines of rub ber goods. We sell Ames-liolden cfit of this 30 per cent drop. Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE JAMS! STRAWBERRY JAM 4s 70c RASPBERRY JAM Is 05c CHERRY JAM 4s 70c BLACKBERRY JAM Is Wc'was THE DAILY NEWS "LILACTIE"ISSUPER- SPECIAL PHOTOPLAY Colleen Moore in Greatest, Most Lovable Role of her Screen Career AihafAthp truintlfimus background of war-torn Tiie rower Corporation of Cnn- France; with flying aces zooming in the air overhead and ittlnf the backwash of the world's most terrible conflict bring- !SiXbJ5t bit panic to the peasantry, a little slip of a girl in simple ness. offices lmve been estab- irocka takes you to great emotional heignts, brings a lished in the Exchange Block and, heart-throb here and a tear there, as you follow her after this month, local consumers through one of the greatest romances ever told. will go there to pay their bills. ; That Jn a 8entence, is "Lilac" " WhIJe J. J. Little, former super- Time." First National's jrreat new I that establishes her as a consum intendent of utilities, Is Northern speciai picture starring ColleenJ B. C. manager of the Power Cor- Moore nt the Capitol Theatre to-poratlon, W. II. Wilson Murray, njKhti Thursday and Friday, formerly of the City Hall staff, Ljlnc Tinte" is truly great, will be directly in charge of the and Colleen Moore is brilliant in iftVe to the staff of which Miss a roe that rjge8 to emotional Kathleen Stork and Miss Lorna heights. This clever little corn-McLaren have been appointed. edienne, who sprang to fame in ithe flapper pictures of a few SLIGHT DELAY IN !years a iB iU3tly entitled t0 a AUTHORIZING WORK inicne among me dosi aromatic The local Ladies of the Royal Purple, of which Mrs. W. E. WU-liscroft is the honored royal lady, mate actress of dramatic strength nd power. Gary Co'oper, who .cts the rolo of her war ace weetheart, is an ideal leading nan. Aside from good looks and likeable personality, he is an xcellent actor and gives a brll-!ant performance. Not a War l'iclure "Lilac Time" is not a war story. 1 U 1 In j actresses of all time as the result 'ne "ve - I AVIMP WATCD DID57 this ,rreat role in the picturi-i war "" ,u . "-J"' LAYING WA ILK PlPli "Lilac f is a Rth. zation of the stage play by Jane J V ; Cowl and Jane Murf in. "heart story"Ta rortance u- A 'discussion took place at the As Jeannine, the little French , a pipping, poignant, corn-city council meeting last night in girl who lives within hearing of P bbuman.na':t,v of the orld War regard to the laying of new water the rumble of the great guns, who, the background conflict that swirls and ed-tHMer mains, Itarose OQ a suggestion hides her tears behind a smile asi" Iffy . behind th.s fra.l lass of tTio of her sweetheart goes away to al-;f pipe, be opened. Alderman Brown most certain death, Miss Moore, hunn' nce-suggested that the work should be ; ----- -! - done under a bylaw and that in the me&ntime the tenders be returned unopened. Alderman Iludderham argued I strongly for immediate action and : after considerable talk it was de-j cided to return the tenders and ' await the action of the Board of Two Hundred Persons Helped Works in regard to preparing the bylaw, it being pointed out that it was proposed to extend the scope of the work to include other streets. The estimated cost sofffarAvas, SG.QCfP; . FINEPARTYBY ROYAL PURPLE ! Week-End Loral Ladies' Organization Celebrate Eighth Anniversary Special id KELLOCG'S CORN FLAKES Pkg 10c CORK'S PORK AND BEANS 2s. 3 tins 40c ' i - i 'rtrtvt f iti'iwd AUnfftiurpa We Have Just Received a Largo ceiouiwa w eignwi wniwwrj numuvm oMwtt.....-- r a i . . i . . . a i w Tin. .mM oi mcir ysiiiiMiiiuu wihi m " - highly successful and enjoyable i NABOB TOMATOES Lsrge site. whist and bridge party and dance ! 3 tins , . . .60c in the Elks' .Home last night 1 CLARK'S ROAST MUTTON la. There were about 200 persons in Tin 35c attendance. The ball waa taste- qqLD CROS8 PUMPKIN 2s fully tlec orated lor, we occaaion1 2 tins -..i'v 25c in the colors, at the order. HORLICK'S MALTED MILK- tnere were ureniyuigju Muiea , i)0jjar gu , )C of cards and prixe winners were: PATrntlP 3 large bottles ........... .86c son; second, P. I). Cameron;! ' BEEK1ST HONEY 6-lb. tin sc second. Mrs. Phillipson. IB. A K. PASTRY FLOUR Bridge Ladies' first Mrs. J.1 10-lb. sack 60c E. Jak; second, Mrs. L. C. Eby; FRESH PULLET EGOS men's first, George Howe; .sec-i 'nd, Alex McRae. After the playing of cards, dainty refreshments were served during which time selections were played by Al Small's Orchestra. Prizes were. presented to the winning card Dlavers bv P. A. Mi- GREENGAGE JAM 4s COcjihe sale of admission tickets. Her ASSORTED JAMS Is, glass SOc, number was 19. CLIMAX AS80RTKD JAMS 4s. , -- Each 50c BRAID'S BEST COFFEE 2 lbs $125 I Teajwt Free. HEINZ CREAM TOMATQ SOUI' 0 tins $1.00 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 7 Una $1-00 SWEET MIXED PICKLES Ots C5c SOUR MIXED PICKLES Qts.. C0c All These Goods of the Best Quality and Brands. Get Your Requirements' Early. Mussallem Grocery Co. LirnUed Dry, Hacking Cough . Was Caused By A Bronchial Cold Mrs. A. Pruneu, 3(1 Ingram St.. ChAtham. Out., write: "I am pleased to toko this opportunity of telling you of my experience with Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup "Early last winter I suffered from acrere bronrhial cold that left me with a provoking, dry, backing cough. Af tei being bothered with it, both day and night, for aomo time I liml a professional nurso recommend tlie alo-e cough ... . syrup which 1 took with worxlerlul 617-423 5th ... Ave. . E. Phones 18&81 1 rfts, and. now. it is the only remedy P. O. Box 575. I 1 ver 'or o1" I Pric 35o, a battle; large family tit 1 COo. at all druggwU or drtders. 8 dos 86c I LARGE EGGS Extras. ! Udos $1.10 , NO. 1 JAP RICE 6 lbs.- ...46c N. Z. BUTTER 3-lb. brick 61.40 CHATEAU CHEESE ' Dollar box ....., dOc and McCready and Northern rub- quejon 0f Calgary, grand organ- NABOB RED PLUM JAM bers. and will give you the ben- i- of the B.P.O.E.. who annkp 4-lb. Un 46c I briefly. j BLUE MOUNTAIN PINEAPPLES I Many people took the floor for! 2s. 2 tins 26c the dance which started at 12 o'-g00D SIZE ORANGES clock and lasted until 2 a.m. i ...... .,,v. 96c The committee 'responsible for ' AYtMEK CRUSflfro P1NE-the success of the affair consisted i APPLES 2 l-2s. 2 tins . .66e or Mrs. ii. h. uniick, convener, : Gu&maii ....... . niluuiBll : Airs. Li. ai. ruuer, .irs. n. a., Roo-i and Mrs George Fritsell. iW. I). Vanco was in charge of the bridge tables and Harvey i Fraser, for the whist. K. 8. Mc- Quaig was master of ceremoniea for dancing. Mike Budinich and W. E. Willisrroft presided at the j door. I Mrs. Anrt'lo Astori was the winner of a 66 gold piece which raffli-il In connection with BRIT-BREAD ! 1-lb. pkg 36c FELS NAPTHA SOAP I 10 bars 76c Alberta Marktl P. GAMUL i" if tli Street. nprietor Phone 20S Smart Hand-Tailored Clolhes Made us you want them from your choice of .fabric and fashion-tailored to your body lines. Wear Art-Kraft Clothe Samuel Wood, Tailor SIXTH STREET Phone 38 P. O. Box 2C5 ICoV A C0l08Sal Hpt-i t ;n ), woven around a beautiful and rum ,.; tic love story. STARRING COLLEEN MOORE KXTUA Jack dc Jausscrand, YHn.YJuoeo. V' (a) MeoTlatibn (Thais) (b) Beethoven's Menuet, by request. TWO DS LUXE SHOWS, 7-9 P. M 50c an.! i Canadian National Stepmships Prince Rupert YDOCK y AND : SHIPYARD Oirfll!ng O.T.I'. 20.000 Ton Hoallng Dry Dc KtiinrSTn. Mist-hinlritn. Rnilermaker. HlnrliHntitho. Pattern .nakrra. Founders. Woodworkers, Ftc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. uur plant is equipped to handle all kinds ot MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 MwmmtwmmamawmaWm siswsisaBsasBssBwBaaiasms HAND FINISHED LOGGING AT HALF Ti'i: cost or HORSES Bigger Production Economical Optra: ! CATERPILLAR 1R ACTORS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for B.C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LT.) 1M0 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, H I' Branches: Kelowna, L.C.; NeUon, DC; Prince Gcuruc B 1 Silk & Wool Knitted Ensembles Pleated Skirts, Sleeveless Pullovers, Single and 1'"iH breasted Coats. Two-i'iece Silk and Wool Knittfd Suits, Pleated Skirt.-, u lancy striped PuHovers. Your wardrobe is not complete without a knitted fnn niM All shades desirable. S18.50 and 27.00 The Home of Cortlcelll Hosiery SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 7G5 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality.