GUARD AGAINST THE DAILY NEwe, FIRE, One Reason Why SATURDAY --- FOR CASH ONLY Fuller’s Special 60c. TEA ONE DAY ONLY Limit Two Pounds, and delivered only with other goods ON SALE AT 45c. PER POUND Watch Next Week’s Notice for PRESERVING PEACHES FULLERS, LTD. Phones 44, 45 and 534 Tw> Stores. lself > (; ——my\ DO. W. MORRISSEY Phone 573 WILFRID KELLY P. O. Box 1664 rince R ! (jrocery “ p Company iving more stock on hand than money in bank, takes this in giving the public high grade value for their cold The prices set forth below will be aintaned until vertisement is changed, when a further list of good follow These prices are absolutely for cash counter. No C.0O.D. or charging to account wil i these prices. Delivery will be made by auto on succeedimg purchase. Maleohm's Best, 1s .60c. 2s ..$1.15 5s . .$2.85 I ARBDOL) DOP Ts waces cb de coe cece cess .. Be. eee ee a ee eee ee eee 2 for We. Pork and Beans, tomato sauce ..... 2 for 25c. x Waiter DOES: cc ub bode << Lorem en hnes 5 Ibs. for 50c. - a et, ot bein 6 9.90 04 iit y Biscuits, all varieties, per Ib. ......--4+ eee 30c. Strawberry, 4s $1.26. Biack Currant, 4s, $1.00. Ned t, $1.00. Raspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and $1.00. (ireen gage, 4s, $1.00. : iloes, 24s per case $4.50, per dozen $2.40, per can, 2 for 45c. ! Loes, 2s, per case $3.76, per doz., $2, per can 2 for 35c. Molasses, Dx eee, ca we 30c. 3s, . 40¢. 5s 60c. OG, DE a's cunele « Hehe saved . Ge. nards, per can 20c. : Deatthe Gi... 's. cu wins > 15c. i ae eC, ee , 35c. Macaroni, @heeh gel sg 2 for 260. Pri C wn ? rince Rupert Grocery Co. —— 4 | Sport Briefs " t l % SURPRISE PARTY FOR MISS HELEN HIBBARD Number of Young Peopie Visi' Hibbard Home in Section 2 and Spend Enjoyable Time. people organized a surprise party evening a number of young which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard in Section : The evening was in honor of Miss Helen Hibbard who is lea ing in a short time to begin a normal school course in the south All knew of the affair ex cept the lady of honor and she had been taken out by her mothe: until all the people arrived on the members of the party. All had time Helen Morrison ficiated at the piano for the dances twelve a good ‘ 0 most Supper was served at o'clock and then the bustled into the cars had conveyed them there and a quick ride to town follawed. It was loads of fun bumping over the road on the way in. makers which \ S scene On the return, great vs i Helen's surprise to find such «! number present | The evening was spent in games and dancing and Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard showed every kind- | ness in opening their home. to the Joy} Beemer mses ms emer lhose present were Mrs. J. H. i Lindsay, Annie Kelly, Caroline he Callies team in the foot-|Mitehell, Margaret and Muriel| ball game Thursday evening} indsay Kate and Alice Allen showed more life than any other| Marjorie and Irene Carter, Myra| - the league so far: Phey Harvey, Helen Morrison, George j Ceomontatrated to the fans that Roberts, Roy Lancaster, Willie jthey knew where to place the| Mitchell, Charles Currie, Howard jball. Some of the players did not lhave the wind to take the leather jright down the field but they al- ,ways played it safe to some of the players who were unchecked. ;the forward line was -weak in ;shooting, apparently wanting to jget within four feet of the net j\.ithout losing the ball. Both coals were scored last evening by he eentre forward. ; * * . | In the game between the Tiny |Tims and the Nationals Tifirsday levening Willie Mitchell pitched ithe whole eleven innings by him- This is his second match in nights and his arm held out »wonderfully well. Besides strong arm muscles there must be con-|conditions. siderable grit for such staying In the story Bob Sands, the |power. character taken by Hart, is en- “ . - gaged to tame Larry Harrington, | The Footbal! League. which he does mest effectively. s. at : _ 7. . — Larry is a demon to fight, but Bill | Callies 2 { 0 { 9 takes care of him. There are all | Trail 2 0 { { { sorts of complications and natur- At Thursday evening's baseball! ally there is an automobile race | game at Market Place W. J. Cash hand to encourage his On the evening that they cleaned up the big boys he was unable to be present, but he was there with words of kindly given advice on this oceasion. Follow- ing the match there was a meet- ing of the members in the office of the Booth Fisheries where the whole scheme of play.was worked out to the satisfaction of all. By next season with such good and interest shown in the boys the team ought to be crackerjack nine. was on team. coaching a Bennet who plays centre hal! for the St. Andrew's football team an old hand at the game and the exhibition he gave on Thurs- day evening proved his worth to A team member who the team. all the other players and .every- When some of crabbing and decisions they miss the ball when it near them. They are und do not know where to place the ball when they it, and thus the whole combinafion goes to pieces. All went well on thing works fine. the men start growling about usually comes rattled get the game the other night and there was not exceptionally great INSURANCE David Hl. Hays General eal EstatelAgent Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. NOTARY PUBLIC Royal tneurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire tneurance Qo. O6 PR Bey m | he Smeeton Tea Rooms NNMNenenenenenes 309 SECOND AVENUE sesenenesesrersror™* REAL The Business Man's Restaurant naa HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH ome Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. noise made by those taking part, CATCH MANY TROUT IN HAYS CREEK At the present time there are large numbers of trout in Hays Creek, which are following the salmon which have just come Up to spawn The boys who live near the creek are having the time of their young lives and are bringing home large eatches of good sized Dolly Vardens In the days before the drydock was built and the mouth of the creek closed fish used to come up the but the have dwindled, many strean sadly number Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesdays, Thouradays and Saturdays at 8 p. vndays at 7:30 p. is such a good sport encourages | Frizzell, Eddie Clapp, Howard and | Sam Hibbard, Roth and Lee Gor- | don and Willie Martin. BIG BILL HART IN QUITE NEW ROLE! in “Branding Broadway” the Big Strong Stage Hero is Just as Ever, But Different. ; Big Bill Hart was seen in a new role last night at the Westholme | Theatre in “Branding Broadway,” and his old admirers were de- lighted at the figure he cut in a dress suit and under the different go to make a modern photoplay. This play is well worth seeing as Big Bill Hart is unique. GLADYS LESLIE IN APPEALING ROLE In “A Nymph of the Foothills,’ which was the attraction at the Empress Theatre last night Gladys Leslie has a most forceful and appealing role, that of a little mountain girl who marries a city camper, who takes her to his city home. She is coldly-reeeived and in her husband’s absence is made to believe they are not married at all. Crushed, but still loving hin she returns to her mountain hon ito learn that her father was killed the day she was married and that the man married is sought as the He is arrested and would have been hanged but she murderer. for the testimony of a hermit who tells how a jealous sweet- heart of the girl had started to kill his city rival. Her father tried to prevent him and in a struggie which followed, was killed. Ben is freed and shows Emmy their marriage certilicate. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT — and — N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ADALINE EDITH KILBUAN, DECEASED INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE Honour F. McB, day of July, A.D that in Order of His Young, made the 24th 1910, | was appointed Administrator of the estate of Adaline Edith Kilburn, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or befure the ist day of September, 1919, and all parties in debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith Dated this 80th day of July, J, H. MeMULLIN, OMecial Administrator SKEENA AND RECORDING DIVISION DISTAPCT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE LANDS ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that Oliver Brown Victoria, B.C,, occupation machinist, in- tends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum on the West Coa of Graham island, in the vicinity of West River, commencing at 4a post planted one mile south of the southeast corner of ( . 10312, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, north ment 1919 thence west 80 chains, thence 80 chains to point of commenc: OLIVER BROWN Per Austin Brown, Agent and the other exciting things that | } Dated May 18, 1019 we eg WN \ \\ \ y CAI. ee ent ane Lhd \ \ \ \\ The longest — the greatest satisfaction for your sweet tooth. "? in the sealed packages. Air-tight and impurity-proof. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT Tm: PLE Z EARMINT ERFEC? GUM F) ———— =% | gig LLa i, 7-1 4 a \ S S St WS KC A Ormes Limited While our stock lasts we will GIVE AWAY FREE—-A BATHING GAP with every purchase of Rexall Preparations value One Dollar or over. Come early and take your choice Phones 82 and 200 Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street P.O. Box 1680 Yes - - Ivs BETTER Domestic Bread Made by Machinery 717 Third Ave. WEDDING CAKES A Phone 190 SPECIALTY THE LA CASSE BAKERY PASTRY PIES Pound Cake & See ALBERT ®& McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line Wehnte eo Prince Rupert oo Co.’s Lumber B. C. Mill’s Fir Lime Cement > Plaster Brick Shingles Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd.