ardens and Oardnino- In Nnri-hn Rritisk friliirnk J -J : E ALL-SEASON ANNUALS 1 1 ' nuals Give he Most Flowers for the liCXJ, Trouble. u Ii the entire season, from r July 1 to;. frost, furnish the crial for beds or borders that i.'.iniiully, once they start lit cu s them offweet i ' rr ir: l si weeks stock, hias. verbcntts and zin- Any of these annuals mav he used to fill a Ijed or border with a certainty of a sheet of color during the summer months. They may be planted either In beds of; a single color, or mixed or in a' selected variety of color. Sown outdoors by May 1 and eiiW i thinned or transplanted they begin uioomiiig by July. i 6nd increase in beauty n s '(ho Season pro- gr -.e.s. T e French marigolds, the tall Josephine being one of the finest, and coming in either dwarf or ' i-aieccs, ac.ieve their most hri! iant colcrs in the cool days of of fall. The petunias of the small t'owcring family bedding types, buch as Hosy Morn, give the most solid sheets of bloom. The zinnias in the colossal types give the i)-st stately display. All are extent for rutting. While other nnuals have their season of i: t trouble. There have been -eason all these continue to bloom y qui ries aacto annuals for all- readily until checked bv frost. i::on bi ds and, borders by people The calendula or pot marigold is oi. r. nt.-a pro;fftv who did U its best in the fall, ii to spend money, for per- The main item to be considered r shrubbery w&ich they ror the bent success with all of room room u U dcv develop. nn Thtvitmnup Thproper 8pac-. h.,t but will not .1... close a it i too u'lh.. tightly for '. water . to . escape, in is always listed on the seedj It must be fine soil with plenty of sand in it, , L pacVet. Fol ow it carefully. If plants have very thin roots and they must be able to i hi a. kI Hgeratum as edging -rowded the blooming c.ipacity of aii n.lulMS, excholxias or the plant is cramped- There will i i i poppies, French mnri- sltjo be larger blooms if the plant n;i tu' tiums, annual gail- is given room. Cut all seed pods. . ! innias, scab!osas, ,f All of these annuals need full rr picked; salviua ten- sun. KEEPING THE SOIL AT WORK F i i j JMWf f ' Succession planting m- T(Ti!$ I '"ciss of keeping the soiltdlly II 1 . JIWCBJ IVIII I IITM I I at work so that at no time il'lks, idle and is not producing smae ; thing. When one crop is through another at oie .take its place The bearing season-of some vg elables. ri9ablj- peas, is short When they arts done pull them uj and have 'something el r ready to go in. There are two . distinct .i ti f. a r i . ii .a . ra'ic.t l in Fisuring Out hort seasMi hp" Bg sson jl'le ( ropplng. tnrns. pea, radishes and youn? on'ons are of the firnt. Corn, pep- .i vegetable garden on: i. i ,ri' planting it is most' a n in figuring out double1 i White it may not be so ; :i lo lay out the plar o the f rr.t planting of a n't n, it is necenrarv to ;n advance what is ) '.' ksep up the supply. i'i liiig Is of two kinds, planting and succes-. ,;:ng. The first is for .i .ace and the second '"li v ..f t me. They are i'a.tors in gardening h ' , itudicd to obtain full 'he Succession Planting Soil at Work. Keeps the pen and tomatoes rc if the second. Usually only one planting u made of such short season crops as spinach. Then somtslhing takes the place of spinach Figure out and murk on your, plan what vegetable goes into the 1. t t . t J S . 4 n 1. ,nllnl Itt. Ihu mirl. : 'V " uiuaine iiuiue lor iioxi n icu, tu u p.." n.t cars liaracn. aic oi juuc fjjfl Cut of Town Readers! AV ....... s.. WSAA R;$YvKsL gladly make purchases for our jjpT&j Bf'WV r,atlCrH wno Hve ut n distance yw H;; AyV from a tthoppins centre. AlwOiSl ilMC : ,'! "'ce J11" "ecn oppre XMtvKs BpVaj i tt'd, particularly l.y the women KxaYA lc district. There is no aiided wjOP BVW l""r 111,(1 attention is personal. PivC I JlST U-IUIT J Tn5 ,)AI,'Y i.i-t. .... Twwng -fepox aijwtr ( inotm ef. water -J U31. SjjkirKbo let thfe Watkr come iit,le ton'' ThAlnilCL seeas 10 sprout. v 'v; i i them. Tnken-ot best digging the garden cannot be regarded as ; i light occupation and every gar-! -ner ;s sroing to h re it cone if 181 space occupied by the spinach IHve th Fork or Snatlf Almost; radishes and lettuce. A number i Perpendicularly to Gain Depth 1 of rows will bo vacant before the ' summer is well ander way. Early he enn find a im.n to do the job. j Itofnr.i ,r v.uitou iHnnio.i la no., urn nil donp and the vines! inn rnancps uro mat n won t nrv too goon a .too oi digging imi1ps MVe gnrdener tides in to it himself. Tho garden noecjs to be dug ' U'r rt : fairly deoo and earnestly, scnt-v,n" nf the sur for a couple of inches or, Well-Grown Vegetables Make Attractive Flower Show Displays. ..sit. Seeds for your garden mav be started, indoors irtHin old rivar hr.r First take the lid off. and then bore a few.hojes'jn the bottom, srijj? that water can run out easily. Over eachbote place, piece of broken , d..h.'.r7l. whicKn nSKZZ I , warnt place andiw fifeJys for the If gardens would dig themselves The soil itself is the guide as; ! if tney didu t nave to l.e dug to when to start. Sometimes it! t all there would be vastly more can be done in March, but more! often April is digging .time. The time to aig is when fftie earth I .ii fall apart readily but will' not cake, 'lest it by taking e j handful of soil and breaking it j ipart witn the finger. If it! u. vans dp. . rta,iny out not tuul readily it is ready to dig, If it; ;;. a con.act wet! mass in! the hand it is not ready to work as spading .t .ve ou.j hard lumps. When a spadeful of earth may be readily pulverized ....ii iii. o vii- spaue, it is )f the proper consistency for Us .C ; .Ut so. But it need not be a job of Xest (he Soi, hy TnkinR a jInnd. 'ir as often recommended. Break in th" Lumns and Getting the Soil Finely Pulverized . .Is Important. ' Few of the vegetables send their roots more than a foot deep and if the soil can 'be turned for a foot it is quite sufficient. Seldom does a garden get spaded that, deeply, but good vegetables are i grown nevertheless. f Breaking it Apart With the Fingers. ! C. J. city on n on' "ii Stevens .returned tn the i. ,. nftns have a J . OSS I llf.J iiv.s'll o bttsines-t trip to Ed- There are three trying periods in a woman's life: when the girl matures to womanhood, when a woman gives birth to her first child, when a woman reaches middle age. At these times Lydia E. Pinkh&m'i Vegetable Compound helps to restore normal health and vigor, GIVING ANNUALS AN EARLY START The season is now ut ban4 o start those annuals wanted for early effect in the garden, particularly to transplant into tulip beds to give color in place of the yellowing leaves of the bulbs. While a little to early for the cold frame or holbed in the northern sinte--:, the seed box in a sunny After Ruling Off in Rows About One Inch Apart Sow the Seeds Thinly. window may dp its duty effec tlvely. Start ten weks stocks, salvia and verbenas for early bloom a tjiis t:rae. Snapdragons also ea be got going to good advantage a they require a longer growing se-son before com'.ng into full beaut than many annuals. W. ndh": - annual. 1. to gve each plant) .. G,.Ve uir. Gov, ai oi annuals ma: ' me Doxes witn trlass until cerm; , , nation starts. Then see that th so,i eaany. ine soil must be pretty well packed down use u bloci of wood and preBs it quite firmly until it is smooth and, level on top : Now take a ruler and press its edge into the soil so as to make sev-. ral very shallowditchee running the long way of the box. The first ! uhould be one Inch from the side of the box and the others exactly on. ' inch apart. The seeds are to be sown in these ditches, j Tear off a corner of a seed packet. By tapping the pa.xet gently you can drop the tiny seeds from it directly into these fallow dii'-v- i It takes very few seeds for so small a box; and the rest must be carefully saved in th'p pcjt. dumber Jjta ditches or drills, as gardeners -all them, and p.uVdjwri in a noteboorathe Kind of soed you have sown in eaeh drill. Whe'tfiheljlttle plhtaiippear you wil know just what : ind they, are. .sli-fcv ! . ! After the seeds are,8wriciyer lem lightly with soil pushed by! jtoui fiflgAs from the, woes of thefarill. Then take your wooden! - '(! iff I.- ..- aim icvennK ii. filHng a dkhpan and Uotn is wet. Do not luW tin tv'fltAl. rmiftlrlt ' and wfofrjfyu see thaWt is wellioeiHpeJljoxtiSod hofddt "above j th rfkWMA. until if f.a .1 Win nl . ry.' . Cut W folded newsiwpef SbQUtiwf iveeJliffliig0 hat you have 1 a paper blanket just laenough.ifcf fimaclPWPlM box . Wet 1 this blanket thoroughlTid putit p J (Jsar sjbeffiSmat is what ardeners call the" placeUihcfe ere seeds seeds have have been been jdahlMr-Tou j)lanldr-Tou may may now now 3.1 ihe Dox awy.irfi dark, I n 9eeJ Hoxes Should 1 Firmed Uefore Planting th Seeds. mit plenty of air. Do not place In full sun with the glass over them closely. .They are likely to be scalded. Bake the earth and sift finely efore planting the seeds. Place e rough material over a layer of ittle stones or broken flower po) i the bottom f the box and the ne soil above this. Firm beforo dantingthe seed. On coldnights ive the 3eed box away from the ;ndow. The boxes do not need un until the seeds begin to ger-inate. They may be kept in anv mvenient place until the sprouts 'gin to show, but at this time ey mutt be moved to the light Don't sow seed too thickly. Sow inly and sow in rows. The seed )x can be ruled off into rows an ich apart or half inch apart and will be much easier to transient from rows with less loss ian if you have to dig into a leeds Started In Boxes Will Pendy ts Transplant to Cover Yellowing Tulip Leaves. hick and broadcast planting. Cover seeds double their thickness. Do not bury too deep. Fine ieeds merely press on the surface t the soil. Water the boxei by dipping them in a tub or a pan of water, not by pouring water on the surface. '. Be sure that the seed boxes have mple drainage so that watering 'hem from below in this manner is a simple and practical process. . oo much water Is death to seed l;ngs wet. POPPIES TO COVER THE GARDEN . Poppies, roaming at large in' the garden, allowed to self-sow and come up year after year, guarantee gaie y at a time when there is a flagging of bloom and spread a sheet of co.or over the garden of a brilliancy and delicacy not furnished by any other annual of FINE ROSES ARE GROWN IN PRINCE RUPERT I-idy Tells of Some of Varletie She Has Tried and Found i t Successful i A local lady who prefers not, to have her name published has' handed in a list of roses that by actual test have been grown in Prince Rupert and given excel-, lent rasults for, , several years. These can bo purchased through ai;y dealer and may be secured locally by ordering ahead. .i - mi it ; urn h common one ami gwvs ine list lonows: a '.hi y to rue g irnen whti no rfforf when the June perennlate tire goin? out and Beforo the pMores and annuals have Ukn up h" display. Sh :Hey ropples are th moat valnible for this purpose, the one drawback being the necessity of removing lavW of poPPJNS lings each Hjwlhsr and thinnftirf so thnt the Indlvldonl plants' w chance. But tho dlpr'ay from this self-sowing is worth the trouble. The same effect may be swurcd by sowing se'd over the ground now. Popples germinate ir h ra 1 and the wants win nam freezing and be ready to come along and do their duty. New seedlings will spring u in myriads and a colorful gard'n i certain once they are domesticated. When they bloom see to it that the dull and unattractive ones are either pulled out or not allowed to go to seed. Pinks Betty Uprichnrd. Willow me re. Lady Ashdown. Madame Carmine Testout. Mrs. John Lang. While Prtu a-jrl Druschki. Madam Jules Vouch?. Beds IUdley. General McArthur. Hugh Dixon. Ceorge Dixon. , . Hoosler Beautyv' ( . ' Y-iln- iadamel Edward Herriottl t'.orgeoui. Tuly llflllngdon. Souvenir do Claudisis Pernet. AFTER THE ACCIDENT The Victim But, lady, you put out your hand. Fair Motorist (recently en- ft 1 . . ft- fta 1 1- 1 1, S' T - 1 Anvpn ijh4 Tiuir wantM 111 luvvdiecu ouri v. i was usi au- Daily News classified columns, j miring my new ring. Motor Ago.' Work sifted ashes into the onion oed if the soil is heavy. Plant both white and red ra 1-ishes. The two colors mal e ornamental contrast on the tabic nd for garnishes. Gef in a Supply of tobacco dust. Sprinkled on peas when wet with dew jt will drive off plant lice. Set boxes rhubarb to stalks. . or barrels oer tie force some early Soak spinach seed for a few iours in warm water and it will speed-germination. Turn seed boxes every day so plants won't grow one-sided. Don't plant onions two yenrs In the. same place if you arc growing them for the bulba. With young onions -ft makes no difference You can get a start on hc.vl Ict-ucp row. The earlier it f.-fU ""'nir the more certainty there is of getting it to head firmly. Plant beet seeds an inch deep. They are one vegetable tbat sr.-ms to relish being burled in infancy. R?i!e the seed beds this so there, won't be anv danger nf Keep them. moist but not out py rslns. In dry. sandy so'Js. seed bed with stTaw dayi softer planting. mi'lc the for three MERE MEN HAVE'NT MONOPOLY One of the most successful cooperative Marketing Oriraniza- This lady nays that to winter tions in the west is governed by ,the plants she banks them up in four women and two men, and tha fall about a foot above the th nrMtMent u Vr. .r,.hn ii..ima Plenty of Poppies Means Plenty 'vel of the soil and when; (above), of Saskatchewan. The r" (V!r. fr08t over ,n th "Prlng : prof iUble pool, The Saski.tche-w- tb:s earth is removed. When an Egg and Poultrv Producers th -r fea -on. The tr'ck of allow euvered with sacking she finds (Limited, with a total membership ing popples to iMf-sow " ""v tha branches are apt to mildew, 'of o-er 19,000, was organized by number of farmers' wives less than 2 years ago and is now do, tng a gross annual business of approximately $G00,fMK). Last year the pool marketed 18,000,000 eggs and over half a million pounds of dressed poultry, most of which went to Eastern Canada and the United States. If You Take Cold Easily You Are Vitamin-starved Take SCOTT'S EMULSION It Protects The Body with Cod-liver Oil Vitamins Droll Ik Down. Torunlo. Out. thX