Kodak Tithe is Here ! G We have them In SELVIG BROS. MEAT MAKKET OOD BYE 1ivXv xv 3. i i B1t: stock from the liny Brownie to the Cine Kodak for movie. Come In and see them. We develop and print picture. DAIlT servfea.' , tt 77fic Pioneer Driieeists THIRD AVE. t, SIXTH ST -TELEPHONES 8't,20C 3rd Avenue Phone 7G5 j MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" - Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. The William Booth Centenary SELF DENIAL CAMPAIGN MAY 1 TO MAY 15 In Aid of Our Mi.winnarv and Home Work , "WHEN 'CALLED UPON'', PLEASE (JIVE LIUBRALLY,, xo TIRE TROUBLE Equip your csr with a new set of it Dominion Koysi vorai or Koyu Matters and bid a long farewell 1 to tire trouble. LS j TV.-. turn lr rin'l ht heat. Royal Cords are the fineit moderately priced tires made -Royal Milters cost more than sny other tire but they're certainly worth it. jt DOMINION.' ROYAL CORDS AND ROYAL MASTERS S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DKAI.KKS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIKES Phone S3 Ladies' and Children's Silk Hosiery AT REASONABLE PRICES Montreal Importers TIIIIU) AVENUE c olds Checked ,fc!tfSI By modem vaporizing A ointment Just rub on There were 107 passengers twur.i tui steamer Princess work. Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE C8 - - - 4 a Tnxi Phone 4, Hi 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. .1. R. Gonso. Phone C86. Milton Gonzalea left on th.ls morning's train for Smithers ori ! legal buslndss: Iff T n- t . x t-. . s I . 11. louey, u.iy.i.. umsmnai i superintendent, returned to the clty on yesterday afternoon'a train from a brief trip to the interior on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. Steve King and family, who have been on a three weeks' trip to the Kettle Valley, returned home on the Prince! Alice this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter OvereBd : I ; . . .. - '. Miueu mis morning on me rr: cess Alice for Wrangell enroute I IFHKSH FROM Till) FARM I, Fresh and d.iicioui; lb. lbs. Alice which was in port thail'HOCO i.. i...-.i fmm Vnncnnviir! r resn to Sksgway. Of these 111 wee for Skairway. being mostly em MIXED CANMRS-T ' Special, per lb lC PflTERKRlSP , ClocoIttcatad crisps. . l P.r lb, 10( CROWN SAIUHNES Norwegian, in olive oil . 2 tins GARDEN PBA8 No. T, per thi ...,i!t SLICKD PINBAPPIJJ Rnsign Brand, ta. Par tin UT litrs COCOA IVr tilt U."r WHOLE WHBAT FIG BARg 2 lbs.,. YaTERS Lvm;i .'Vfl A1IJG Per tin ..lovees of the Whitf Pass ami t UrPoint. Point. Yukon IUIU-ay & Navigation Co. ItAlSI going north for the summerfs Td; clear, ? II. I'REI'ARER .MUarARD-r Libjj jafs. U'iz.V. Kf)NTANA'ii .MAQARONl- J (Seaishellxf, pk pah HtUNES ' -at,.. WfllA J" ': .lc 0( Medium sixe. 2-lb. pai-knt?o. Each 'Si Watts' Grocery duality Right Prices Rli;ht PllONK 55 PHONE 50 Mr. M. Thomson' left on this Ewart Lyne, teacher of Piano-mornings train for visit in forte, 5 Summit Apartments. JtoMale, Indiana, and San Olof Hanson returned to the city 'On yesterday ' afternoon's train from a brief business trip to the interior. Attention EajflesJ niem. bers requested to attend meelinjr on Thursday night. May 2. Ilusi, nous, election of ' officers and initiation. wSfjHri .the Inlet ;;o Body, for Juneau; G. Pavloylbk and Q. ravlovick, for Log Cabin, and R. Wilson For Ketchikan. I , May 9. Premiv- Orchestra Novelty Danr in Moose Hall, M.1y 0. Last of the season. Tickets, 75c: and w, from members or Mc-j Cutfhi nil's Drug Store. i . Mw Annual Picnic at Uigby luno M. INDIGESTION V-t CARTIRS RELIEVED nmritv vu-v,-aj-XUt Mj YfiiU fill aids nature as a Uv aUre la its dl.ettlf duties. Often one ot these little pills taken after meals or at bedtime will do wonders, i Kol-lly when you hare overeaten or arc troubled with constlpatlod. Ilcmcmber they are Dr. Carter's foN tnuU. vouiik and old can take thenl. All DriiKxIsts 2Sc and 75c red pkt. CARTERS -JSiPILLS Phone Hlack 345. 101 for Vancouver. 101 Baseball meeting, City Hall, Friday, May 3, 7s30 p.m. All players and those Interested please attend. We peed' your support, ; ! Fred Wells, who has been drummer In the Capitol Theatre orchestra here, will sail -tomorrow night on the Prince George II. Wheeler, president of the' Passengers sailing from here White Pass and Yukon ltailway!for the south on the Catala yes-& Navigation Co., was a pasen-;terday afternoon included Mrs. ger aboard the Prince Alice Matheson, A. F. Caesar and Mrs. this morning bound from Seattle Clark, all for Vancouver. a1. Hfc'iwUl- spend i . the riortji orth. ' to Stikine where Mr. OJw'er&Pi itvtnkjtoWernecke, manager town over night. He arrived last will take up his duties ftj;ttfe,'4l jJ&jTrM-U Yukon Bold evening with Bob Frizzell on one . . . , . i rt 1 1 f I J I ' i W a i summer cuBwifi ouicer. iiwnK v. o.. R. K. tml W the city on the Prince ; pofnw In the south. Qeorge this morning from a brief 'trip to Ocean company ' business. Fall oh' The case of Ole Skog, charged Fred Rudge, manager of Lowe Inlet cannery, was a visitor in was a nasaemrer or. the cannery boats, and.. retur- aboard the Princess Alice this ned down the toast at noon to- MeNaoghton, CN.It: rabriDfh'g returtltrii to Mayo after day. (Mat noMunnv .mnt ALrw. ' a iitU ' rt TJ... 1 .1 1 t James B.gtapler, mining Igineer, Was A passenger aboard L B. Jones. "CXR. aeemV at'tne Princess Alice this morning! Skagway, was' a passenger aboard iKoing north from Vancouyer to the Princess Alice this morning gofmr north to resume his duties with seining herring in the Pearl 'for the summer. During the past tii i i- . . . ji.ruor sjwwniiiK gruunas, - w winter ne na oeen acting as further adjourned for eight days on coming before Stipendiary Magistrate II. F. Mcleod in provincial police coort. dock agent at Seattle. Mrs. Jones will be going north in June. the Taku River near Juneau where a new mine is being opened up. An' enthusiastic send-off with showers of rice and confetti was given by members of the Moose Many hundred Income tax Lodge and Women of the Moose-forraa were filled In and mailed heart Legion as Mr. and Mrs. C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles, yesterday, with checks inclosed Percy Cameron sailed yesterday Capt. Neil McLean, is due in or not according to the demands afternoon on the Catala for the port tomorrow 1 morning from of the case. Yesterday was the south on their honeymoon trip. ! VancoHver' via the Queen Char-'last day on which the tax might; llotte IsUttds nd will sail at 8 be natd without incurring dos- Sir, and .Mrs. George McMur- I , , i r. i i . .... ..I; . " k..l .if ' ii.;!Cl onocK u may evenins; on ner bidw nne or interest charges. !i'aJ 'return sooth over the same -i iirt. Inwci' rOti. M W.'A: Wells of NeW Haven. Vis morning lrninsr . , from from . the the south. south. ' 'Ponneetirut. representative ehtatlve 6 66 .rnyt.iv C.P.R. steamer Princess Aliee. the Skipreme Council cil Pant r r Salnttv. arrival in Knlhti'nf (7nliimlii vma lrihn.-crraduatlniT , exercises tonisht. , . , o , i": -.r ' 3- i . r. . nl..Q 9H . IWi w - w mrnintr nmi " T iw front' i.wu t . cfcy . at "iV flrst-of - - the WeAfend -. ' . aht'lwiuiaghtbr.lianss . . . I . . Jean Me- iiimii jiuiiiinjiiii. w Westinthltlr city 'on th-JMribe George .the-lll'ntl'tVt Prince Rupr of tne'-rt' Gene'rnl 'lfovital nurses' P , , -w VafveVMKdireVf at 10 a.m. 'tliid a' tiMf'to the joc'al ctlTnlll. "rphy. befrife onl; of the gradu- for Skagway and other Alaska lie arrival' from Vancouver and ates. points. The vessel is scheduled ' proreedeU to "Edmonton in: the, to touch Imt' southbound next coarse of a four of Western Sunday. Canada. Wfcm&iKSRS&B<tS SaiiHi Frk' Watehouse freighter r 9 r.... -fLXLJi i'T-.J m price. Robert H. ' Merrick, Caj)t. R. B. Bonnett, 'arrived In port from n the south at midnight last night j nnd is unloading pipe for the " uome uo. s new tuei station as wtll as general cargo. The load out fish mea i 4i. n. f-will 1 am 4ka rilflnf f rha WimArl l Tl ...III lv l- in - 1 T 1,,e' " Marine Products Ltd. at Tucks BUSH'S iGrocerteria 3 doi. .$1.00 Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER Dr Alexander riiois ii lir.SNV.K 111. OCR DENTIST The annual baseball meeting ONE HALIBUT BOAT which was to have been held last night, was postponed until Only one halibut boat offered rnaay. nere- will be another Its catch at the local: Fish Ex-? polis Hill grounds tonight. ,Tyee which was paid l!i.5c andf 7c bv the Cflnndinn Vih CnAt Mrs. S. V. Ardarsh nrrlverl tn Stnrno-n Pn i'nr 1?. OflfV nnnn.l. U the city on the Prince ' George,' - this mprning from Vancouver Cororqahder V. S. Godfrey ofi a.na proceeded by train to Ter- the Esquimau Naval Station ar-race where she will visit with rived in the city on the Prince her mother, Mrs. James Rich' George this morning and will re- mond. turn south tomorrow nieht. FINEWEATHER DURING APRIL , Sunshine Last Month Amounted to 197 Hours With Only 2.2 1 Inches of The month of, April was mark d iwfth : ' dxeeptlonalli" fine weather conditions in Prince Rupert according to the, repori of H. D; Tee. Diaby fsland.'bo. minion meteorologist, which was issued this morning. There was iii unusually large amount of unshine totalling 197 hours while precipitation aggregating 2.24 inches was as unusually scarce. It was one of the finest months the city has enjoyed in years. The April record brings the total precipitation at Prince Rupert for the first four months of this year to 25.50 Inches as compared wltfi 30.16 inches in the same neriod nf 1928 while arrived ,,-pH, -.- m. Ant v oiiy4V' tvi vtt aa j v 4 ,a yaio now stands at 407.9 hours as against 320.7 hour's in the first I'toAr! months of -1 928. Following is the April weather report: Highest barometer reading at en level, .10.39 on April 30. Lowest barometer reading at sea level, 29.0:i on April 4. Maximum temperature, 65 on April 22 and 23. Miiiimum temperature, 22 on 'April 5. I Mean temperature, 42.1. ; Sunshine, 197 hours, j Total 'precipitation, 2.24 inches including 1.28 inches of rain ! iiid 9.C inches of snow. j Greatest daily rainfall, llnch on April 27. Total wind mileage, 3,338. Average wind velocity. ING. 4 PEAS 7 tins Si. 00 Per hour. t m'v fPnm hart. ALYMER CORN 7 tins ...$1.00 . Greatest velocity, 30 miles rom me soiuneau m rv ... i Kxtraa, 3 do. I.O 7n"The"rrn NABOB TOMATOES--. IulleU.doi K1 Alice thla morning Included: Mr. 3 tins 40c " r - , swirrs riuK" iiajis ' an- M W. U, Smith, .MISS U. NABOB TOMATOES 2Vj. i' Average 4' ll. Kaeh $I.OS Smith, P.:V. Yerman, A. H. Kas- 3 tins 50c CLARK'S SOUPS a nd Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Oyer MALKIN'S BEST BABY BEETS I Aasortl. 5 tins lUf nd, for Wrangell; F. Contad, 2, Tin 2c "I wlnfei'iMi i ttMiiiai ai i nu' Mrfc'G. Kraf and Mis Gertrude luu-t huot nninorfAm-. 2s. Tin 80e LIBBVS CORNED BEEF Is. 2 tins 45c " i 1 PASTRY FLOUR 4tttt44 1Mb. sacks 50c ANNOUNCEMENTS m. a. i .? iSWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR 67' Pkt 40c f ) B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR i. ! 10 lbs 05c The Annual Baiaar in alcQlf SWEET JUICY ORANGES- I the Rldiqjr Home will be heliiyn , 4 dox 76c Thursday, May 2. t ill. C. FRESH PULLET EXTRA f I EGGS 3 doz 85c Fair Bomrd Hayseed Unte, n. r. FRESH FIRSTS TIJllof r !!!iis? A-fter mldnl.ht . feeling peckish ,. . . what can be don about It t That's easy . . . call the NlUht Watchman. "Coffee for four, atrr Certainly, sir. And chicken or ham In the sandwiches, sir?" On a Cunarder everything Is done chrf ully, quickly, lavUhly. . . . Sail Cuhardl Bock Ihrevth Tkt Cunard Sttam Skip Co., Limikd, 6ll Jlaslinp St. W., Vancomtr (Ttl. Stymour jtf jV-p), or any tlamkiotnl. WIT dlllngs W UIUl I from UontresI (nd CUNARD -X CANADIAN SCnVICC N- 4o$ Cabin. Tourltt Third Cabin an. TW4 Oa a$ . . .. ... f SCALE OF CHARGES I C 1 i , so 4 rrr . , . , 1 Local and Personal News In Brief ,. ... . - ' ; r I r- - rr n is Is The following is the scale ? , charges made for reading T notices: 'fi& t Birth Notice's 50c. Funeral Notices $1. ) Funeral Flowers 10c per name. - i r---i.-. ..j c ...... .-. . i announcements S2. &tm. -'flnnouncemenis . !2iiir m -they call him The man you cant mttlc ' regularly use Wrigter", The act of filf( chewing hat a toothing effect. The healthful cleanting action of .1 Wrigley's refrcthet the mouth rf'-f gently ittmulatet the flow of the t9 natural juicet tteadiei the nervet aj. aldt digestion. U T- packs 9i ga-y y' jy I i Qjathe 1 ifW service j ly & 4.0 i FAIRBANKS DIAL SCALES for fast accurate weighing You can depend on these fait accurate scales to speed up weighing and to reduce the potsibility of error. Tht have no aprlnjt and thalr abao-lutt acvracv and cxtrtmt arniiuvt ncia will endura for years. Thtir bl clear dial rctittcri a (ait thy can b Iodd and unloaded. Made in many iiylee to meet the yaryint; deroanda oi induitry. Writ lot u deecriptlona. CiU CANADIAN roiiljanlts-Morso St. Jakm. QWe. Montrral. Olfaw..'TtifMil. I'luhM. RhIu. ( . dMtoa, l,er. Vit.iM 118 ft " 5 r m m w - i r mi I w. SAWS Machine KNives S fig Tney tay sharp lonjer. y IHOND CAND MW CO. I'MITIO l.l MONTIUAl 1 F k ..I r T.W M." " l.w . i . . u . lm.b. , B. i m i i r i ti t M lla-.