May 1, 1929 Msdev THE DAILY NEWS FADE SEVEN Ian in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND ml ,n '8 not to be used. pi'trv.'C Rupert people kindly THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. JJfe note. 7 - -."-IVn Vm. 4 w -. ,..... . ., ...... . I' :.i..t do not . mind . an i idiot. Intt uo not mmti an ass -what, we hate above nil things r o;ie v.'ho spreads pojson gas. th- r. h i'! been prizes offered ompitltive plans When, the Hd croatMfc would things i been different) ) rt'ii iilty with the world! t.h ,t o many people are 1!.. f a in' nnvihliitf ...... nnp nnil . IK. w r. . 1 !l A A I in omeming similar next time. fond of automatic things ha move along by rote, bt v hat I nc;d the most of all n ;j -1 lf-rcnewing note. W j mny have heard of the Bur 1 : k ; y inai mq a amerence Jth her empjoyer'bout lunch jui . That wa in Prince Rup- I ' think we know j ; v n phyrs blow ind how stocks aviate lid f.tjen we see nli'i'-wingly V were in on them too late. A Ten Years Ago In Pr nee Rupert May I, 1919 T L. Patiullo, minister of jinnounces that the jirovln-"Vtirnment intends to eom-this year the preliminary of 11 route for a iroad be- Ilazrlton and Prince Rup- rt U McCall. general superinten- T the Grand Trunk Pacific ;v;,v Co.. mvs that ATm. r 1 :ir Whitu-nrth C.n l. 'thlnlInn t iitubliahing iblwhing. an armaments -1 jpbuildfng wSrks ere.' i,th T h.'ilihnt ItAfif sare In nort uilh . uti-hp. Th nr th . . ' r, Liaire. i'ioneer. .ui(i. Hull Moon and bqua f T h"tfl. m Europe now per- ; K'ngers on thlr way ac-Atlantic to reserve there P n t.v radio at the exnense of ! -'el. vlndi' cityful of cheerful, "g people rushing about with ' 'n; this is the visitor's tni'ii-i.Mion of Prague, capi-' 1 hnslovakia. kct ion SALE IN MEKIvKIt m.nrK THIRD AVENUE N THURSDAY AND FRIDAY i AT 2:30 P.M. ? solid Oak Dining Room ;t- - 1 Mission Oak Bookcase. 4 Oak Chairs. 4 J-'iv.ssprs. ' hit fonieres. lunges. uum Cleanefjv ' Lid.. complete . " Auto Knitter, Dishes. Pictures M' Tlli I'ftllnnnmia . Art Inlna inn - V L IT Misvsn VUM :'-''ou to mention. CEO. J. DAWES Auctioneer Phone Black 120 MILK MILK KrtNh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENT1NDAIRY Telephone 657. BOARD AND ROOM ROOM And Board. Centrat location. Srteam heat. Phone Blue 153. 1 tf. WANTED WANTED-MVoman cook! Apply Inlander or I'hone 137. tf WATpri '',-,, for general housework. I'hone Ulue C91. tf GRADING, Excavating, Concrete foundations. Nels Rokkjar, ftfinm O' (SKK Third Avaniio Phone Red G25 or Black 700. tf , A MTl'H 0.1 ,.4.l.. for MayUg Aluminum Washers. ! Electric 0 Gasoline. Suitable j fof eftntftone. citv or country. Seliintf experience nofo lutely neesary. Good rpjen well paid .The Ihfi Maytag Oimpany, Ltd, Calgary, ary, Alta : 108 SITUATIONS .VACANT Permanent position. ''Respec- l'.k 1 -1 ia''L,i nr lauie e men men. ueiweeii 10 auu on. with no assured future, should invtMtinate the onrmrtunitlM ' i vice, which is rapidly expan-j ding. No age limit for ex-Ser-i vice men. Full information, free of charge, may be ob-i tained from Dept II., M.C.C. Civil Service School. 401 Ken- j sington Building. Winnipeg. 1 letter Box Collediork r ..... 1 p. ... 9 00 7JC ut . & 8th at. 9.06 7AJ "t . eih M. ti FaUm Bi. . . . 9.10 7.4P 8th At- Thompson 8t. .1S TAb Utb ATI. 4t Sbrtrook 9 20 Ulh Ar.a,-Conrad . 9X tM AKt.H.y cot. am. 9M 8.00 933 8 OA athtiTcS.afii3 i s 00 IJKi "AwTAaMrfll. (HpU i0 8.10 MtLATts sthjvTtg y yen B4J &.1I 5Siwir.i.T.s: 9 90 8JM l-y ftov USVKv 9 S9 !J5 10 UU 8.JI U.A r ' ouvo, ..... 10.05 tl-iS 33d A.'4''ni Bt. . tO.10 8 40 trd At.. & rultfii St. 10.15 8 45 rrf Ave. At eth 81. .. 10.10 a S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buylnOnd selliirg1 orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges, Closing prices from those of exchanges posted on our stock board twice dally. Orders from out-oMown clients, by wire erletteivwill receive our prompt attention. a S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue I'hone 130 Prince Rupert, B.C Dally News "Classifier ailver- Using brings results. BRINGING UP A.. I MAO KIGVER EVER HKA.RO H.MAM& A.L DO HEAR I'a HIM SIKVIE- OUT t10 OKIE. - II KMOWe WHERS MS -jfcja. , , 0 FOR RENT F. W. HAUrS Office, Emad Rlock. 124 SUITER For went, Summjt' Ap-i nrtmenta K Jul FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. I'hone 427. 118 FURNISIIKU Shack for rent. Mussallem Grocery. tf FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. I'hone 547. tf. i'OR RENT Six nouses, three furnished. Apply 21G Fourth Avenue E. tf fl NkNT-Furnished modern 'r, f,at' C,aI'P clock' AMbir Bros, t. RENT Automobiles, pianos' phpnograpjs and sewing roach- in 68. V,aiker Music store. FOR? RENT Furnished house keepicf rooms by the day, week, orj month.' Phone Red COl tf FOIJ SALE We have several choice ibqitnesv for1 Bale, well sit-J . . ' . t af 1 r m. 1 1 uaieu. yjppjy u. r. 1 inner uia.- Phone VJ. tf FLAT FOR RENT Modern, three Led rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath. 1028 Second Avenue. Rent reasonable. Phone 180 or C45. tf painls, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies (J. BOX 120 PHONE 22 ciURornACTic ELECTROTHERAPY CHIROPRACTIC FREE CONSULTATION AND 1 ADVICE To better acquaint the public with m? methods of treatment FREE EXAMINATION AND TREATMENT To enable those sceptical to Investigate without obligation. DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green: 211 Phones Blnrk: 281 Open Krcntngs - You Are Taklnir No Chances In ' Taking CHIROPRACTIC " ADJUSTMENTS A's'Vj'rom This Office Six months experience with our nw Analyte, the light thatK tr.n,fW( indieyntes the place of nerve In ter ierenfV has proven the principles of Chiropractic to be of deidetl benefit in the majority chronic ailments. The Analyte, careful preliminary training by medical men and years of experience In the Chiropractic field assures you of first class HEALTH SERVICE Consultation Free R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR (m Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue R. Residence Telephone Red ."89 Hours 10 to 12 noon; 2 to C & 7 to 8 p.m. FATHER MKT '1 FOR SALE f FOR SALE Dining room suite at a bargain. Enquire atMc-Gflff ery i&t.Gibbonv ., i UJUtsaiyU-toiuve, .chairs, uu; stead, dresser, kitchen table, etc. I'hone Blue 3K0, tf FOR SALE Ford Sedan, in good condition. Excellent, bargain. Kaien Garage, Chevrolet Dealers, tf FOR SALE Thirty-two foot boat hull. New, excellent for trol ling. Apply J. M. Carter, Port Essington, B.C. 101 FOR SALE Fishing boat, 54 ft long, 13 ft. bejlm 50, h.p, engine. Going nlffiaTifajn. Owner leaving townijhiie dreen tf LOOK! ?250 dpwn and the bal ance of ?1950 BSjrent and this six roomed fqlljumodern ljouse Is-yours, Beaumili .panoramic view of harboand,' isllnds. Phone BlueO,, m 102 FOR SALEjiaAj it ranch. si) ucaruiK iruii, trees and small fruit. Price $2800 cash. One mile from Terrace High School. Apply to 'ilcRae Bros., Executors for .Estate of J. C. McRae. ffi tf FOR SALE OnerHne shatt 18'Suites, Beds, Springs feet long and 1 inches (hick. 1 tresses, Ranges, Linoleum, Blinds, One 20 Inch Hapger; Four lljcurtain Rods. Inch hangers. Two lnrge Iron j Pulleys, speed. JP to 12 .Inch,' MALhENAlE vrKpv7tp FiIliMTimF FURMTUuE . Inch belt. Two line sjhaft4 Xs. phonel 775 i . 8 feet lOnir. 1H ' inch thic. ., ... 4, .: - .. Wooden Pulleys. A Apply Daily Queen Charlotte Islands (, Visitors- When travelling between Portj l20ahdve wllV-oall. GEORGE Clement and Queen OnarJoHel J.'DAWEa Federal Blocks . CtHi MrW m nni tiiKltn' ti-am' JJ '. ' "1" ' ' ' 7i l-H" YOUNG IlROTIIEItSv-Skldeght'iLC.' : Y'"; "(lOVCU.NMENT. LIQt'OK AC I I Notice of Application lor Ooonent to Traiwfcr of Bef Utmw. NoUec la hereby flTeD that, on th. aevnth day of Jure nxt. the uad.r- control Board for wWiu to tranifer i of Dm Licence Number 12S8 and laMied Iji iiiana fcf nf t-ion 4 S-kas n tvn.l -aaf at 1 IbuHdlng known ai Tourlat Hotel aluiale, !L? ,",- un, SLTT ' trtct ut 89. Map 9T3.. Prince" you want a pet of any kind. ' T A TH RmMmIIah niafrln. In k. IMfl. I . ... '....I ...ill -t-t- C(jKwerluI and Anj.lo Ewtaeanlo. lloeiueea. to John Allen MeDouialU of Terrace. British Columbia, the trn-feres. Doted at Terraee. B.C.-tkia SOth day (1M JOHN ALLEN MtDOOOXttl LANU ACT .Not Iff of Intention to Apply to Im land In Land Recordliig liUtflet of rrtsoe flu pert, and aituate eoutti-wea akle of Walea taland. ' T Tata Mrtlee that The Oariadian flah-Ine Ooaipany. Limited. ( Vwtemieal. a. C . occupation, a corporation imoorpoe-ted under the law. of fbe HivtIm uf BritiAta Columbia, intend, to eply tor a leaae of the following deaerlbed laada: Commencing at a poet planted on an! unnamed point on the aouth-weat aide I,ov of Walea bland, opposite Proeter I-landa; thence northerly S etoatea; thence ! weatftty 30 chain.; then aoutberly Bl ohalnsi tbenee eaeterly 20 ehain. along : Utt shore line to the point of own- Utah mencemeiu. and contaMmf 10 aorea.. K" MN or leaa. T1IE OANADtAN riOHHtO CO.. LTD. Per W W. Hotter. Asent. Dated April 30th. 199 . iiSTTTT" . J-.r. JiB6AUTV !jQiPERAT0li MISS MAItY MACF1E . Experienced oper ffultured-v'ha!r-Ilrewffrg. Make appointment by phoning Uea SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on nr under the water we do if PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and i General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all deacrpl-tions for Charter. Row iBdats.andCan0csV for .'.hire,. Bargains fn Gas Engines. ft- Van Blerck, Easthope, , HicJ( A (iallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributers tributr. Coolidge Propellers. V' Phone, Vaxfy Night. 564' FURNITURE EVERYTHING F,OR THE IIOME Dining "Suites, Chesterfield and Mat- MART. We e buy, selL or ex change any Iclria or furniture , or nouaenoiq ,gqous, mus.ia.i n-, truiijnta, machinery, !eJ;c,'Cen-,eraJ, repairys, coating, packing L,,and.. shlnninsr. . WorkmanahiD m iguaanWd;-'-JL phone- Blacl AUCTIO'EER L L. IIDERSOS', Auctlftrfef .'and annrafser. Cash tat n'all " g6cas anii fufnllu'-e.- PETS Va n ra ImnnrtorA ft rnnnriot . parroiS. foreign DlrUS, gOlUIlsn, monkeys, dogs, cats and rabbits. write us and we will ship on aj-proval. Money refunded If not satisfied. PET SHOP j - Largest Store of its kind in Canada ' I. i S73 Broadway West. Vancouver : e Hcinck itilPEirr tii Wednenday, May 1 High C:S7 a.m. (CO ft. 20:18 pun. 16.2 ft. 18:01 lxm. .7.7 ft. Thursday, May 2 7:1 a.m. 15.G ft. 21.20 p.m. 1G.0 ft. f. 1:42 a.m. 11.9 ft. M:3l pjn. 7.7 ft. i- v.utrnr (t UftTtM-OADOi'-MY GtRUl w"tKu U chum at cou-ece e, I&ME7 II OOMIKJCi TO SPtLKJO TWO WITM ME- 2 s r-A WEEK'S I'M" "a 8S W f) New Dressy Oxfords LL the style that ivuitjfj wish for, plus - strictly moderate K show you Leckiei. I J. LEClilE CO. LIMITED VANCOJlER, B.C 1: ' 0. : 'L:::: ,hHrt Persistent mm rrAif porter: urriped out of ropiane i pen: Fed-Up Aviator: "Go back fs EMBARRASSING MOMENTS II IBBBBW-- m r W ri t luLI I SHaarVWaHraB - BBBBH ii Hi m i ism i mm tfWKa I a well-i dressed Tiah.cpuld comfort and .longt at price,, Aikouillfl to ;f .K . 'V "What would you do n you jina your paracnute wouiu nut and fetch another." Kl VouiCi fjbAItt hiJ4l tN QMTFIT O George McMai ui LOUD WAST UttLMjU'o ett?fV HAULEttti SAIL "WAT VOL SBbU2&-mr YCUfe AW6WER)Pe- iw, ta. riim.1 tntAMm. b. am awuia r By WELL- OONIT 1 , i