uid TheV've Man The wf. the das- gjfied adve. . v; .nd uge8 them whenevt ? to sell or buy, or re. 4 iost goods or to get a X. - lialf hour. a. waWi Associated Boards of Trade Will Meet Here This Week and will Be Entertained Locally Prnrrrflm nf fintertainment for visitintr delegates to the Aasociated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia annual convention here next week has been arranged and will be under the joint auspices of the city council and , Prinnd Ttiinort. Rwml of Trade. ! t . ...v.- j -- - 1 Boston Grill troll LAIU1E CABARET Special Dinner Thursday and Saturday Dancing Every Saturday Night, 9 to 13 Dance Halt for Hlrt Accommodation (or Private Parties PHONE 457 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XX., No. 144. V0 PRINCE RUPERT, B. O, SATURDAY. JUNE 22, 1929. PRir,q FIVE CENTH Government Takes First Step Toward New Trade Policy for Canada to Offset U. S. Tariff MONTREAL, June 22-Steps designed to lead to more extensive relations in Imperial trade are being taken bv t - Canadian Government, according to Finance Minister Rol'b, who is.quoted by the Ottawa correspondent of the II ;:ircal Star as stating: "Communications already Governments of all the overseas Dominions on the sub-: ject " The newspaper adds that D. H. Ross, trade com-n.i sioner to Australia, asked Mr. Robb if the Australian j pact would be revised. "We are going much further than i t .at. We are communicating with all the Dominion Gov- j emmonts looking toward greater Imperial trade develon-! rr.fnt." The minister refused further to elaborate beyond ad- rr. iting that what is in view is a policy of preferential Imperialism and development of trade within the Empire by m ans of exchange of preference. The common inference hat the development comes t. States tarni noucy. FIRST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL . ;ia list tor the first year high , handed out yesterday aUst-, principal Peddle toitewa: . , ix B - ru wtth nrsVdUei : rdr o( mertt: Rupee Bon. : Desgerdlnee. Jom Wtosloe. nth aeooaA-olMSjhUMittto oadw Ethel TMaUaMa. Joyce (MU-r.T.nr.rrt (Peggy " snK Bvith Wilkinson. M Ivron. Vance. Chart Stuart, Ma Bessie Haan. Phyllt BrlmUe ' c Mviasallem. equal. . order of merit: Jack Osde. ' niuton Helm Pratt. WVnnlfred . LrDuke. Huby ICrlkeeeky. Mrcaffery. Jack Brady. .n-mtonal on taking phyetsa: rpuek. Enid Morris. Terrene Nrah Ruddernem, Annie Mur Mi.ri.m Morgan. Harry Qulek. Marie v Catherine Muaaallem. Marl uicm Anita, Upstn. Agnes Corns- at Y. MX A. CAMP OPENS JASPER rEIt June SI -nepreaentlnr. the i' tea and colegea of the four west- wince. 88 run people are gath-... . 4w.v m r. A aamn on the f Lake With. Ja-rr Ntio4 .ending the western eferene. stud-m chrtatian moventmn ntmmlty probterna aucn a a - lie Oriental dueetloo. intamatlon- the peace of the ehureh n the : t the country, will form a large their program. Prominent men t ad their dteeuealona and deliver t c-ors Dr Bmeet Thomaa of Tor- secretary of the board of social . -- .. . t. A. : m the unneo unuren. ' . ..! -h. AtMiinf addresa last nlatit; - 5 Wwxtawarih. M P., who U1 d'al i t j-virI nmslfflu: Dr. R. O. Wl li -.ldent of the UnU-erslty of Al- , t Dr A D Miller of Edmon'on: ; r ' A f. Phelpa of Wley ColUae. W iwv K Shlmlsu, Jana-iese gradu-' -he University of Drltlsh Oolum-A E Otewel. regtetrar of the Unl-- -f Alberta; and Miss Oertrude r -rford. essrdate general it movement. Toronto, will take the ' ' dUcusslon. The del- ! the fonim '.r- during the seven oey firenre will alternate their meeting l ike, climb end rldee l". " niHV get ret the the full benefit oi -w ' inn ,f .! per a well as tl.e.r iniration with each other ' SPANISH PLANE 1 LANDS AZORES ""r'rTA. Asore. June 33: -The Span-tians-Atlantic airplane ' M)or) r -n franco and hi three compan-was reported late this afternoon j ' l've UuKtrd on an Wand of the. F Mliiuel group thla morning. HALT I.AKK. NKKVKK W r tine at Salt bakes. Naa Blver 1 iv Pacific Balvase floaU every tM have been addresed to the in consequence of the Uni- MEXICO AND THE CHURCH MEXICO CITY. Jmir : K-Ule-nifiit of lite ronlrmcrM Mtrni thr K. man Cathnitr I'hunh and Mntfo was announrM l Presl-d-l OH last ngh. 1 he Mrxlrsit Oeternmesit will allow Ihr f'athoUr Uetierrhr to 4 ""gave tlr riw who are t reftlMrr In romillie with MnJraw fasts. Relo In-a'ritrlWn. aMM mt hermit led Isfj -,ih. sclvw'i Vrisfrte. .t ITaaM t Wpi H 0la rvUMtm. , Twkleh have been LauncHad over a period In the 1r fight Ik nvrtnl lor Hip Cat hoi Ir (ireJatr In afl far a mefleeUeMljM the ron'ltnlkMi at any tint fnj?tr fa I err HIT-AND-RUN DRIVERS SHALL RECEIVE LASH ; JOHANNWBURO, South Afrlom. June Ml - aarnlas: t!.t any driver of a motor oar who knocka down any person sad drives on without stopping to see what injury he ha oauead will reeetve . -! Jit l-vd bv Justice Krause the Rand Criminal Session r oently whan he fined Idwal Thomas, European amhylerce driver at Springs. 1136 with the option of eft months lmprtsoonwmt I The accused pleaded guilty to running Into a native who waa xldltut a blcvcle on the road near Berkpaa and causing hi death. Thomas had stopped his ambulance, placed the man Inside and ruined hhn to. a hospital, but the Injured man died six data later. 1 "f'n people who drive ambulance and poet office vane." iwld tea judge, "think r - T JrTr,,JT rZr "SZL ., . tv. nt taehea would have been oonsloered. 'I Issue a general warning.' said the Judge. "Men who come before ate who hare driven into someone end have then driven on without caring for the result will fet laahe. That la the sentence lor brutality " BABE RUTH IS ! AGAIN A HERO Ni:V YORK. Jump 22. The New York Yankees took the nightcap from the Philadelphia Athletics 8 to 3 after losing the first game of the tloufble-iieauer 1 to 1 1 ...,, .Hnrnnon. It wag all , ,. - i. ftfh. uhn. for me wo a ui "-":'. ." ": the fjr!rt time Since nis iniw,uK. ""'" ' " 7, . th onli found himself. In the first gam hi. wan Just a hall player, but In the second he became hero once mocB. He I i ft.?ci two homers and .tJa n ainirle. drit'lug In seven run out of the eight. The huge crowd went wild with excitement beloved Itamblno once to see the more ninweu down for the home team. NATIONAL 7, Ronton 3. PitUbugh 14, Chicago 3. AMERICAN .Philadelphia 11-8 New ok 1,Jnton 4, W-Wnnon5. UK H DAVIDSON i Who hi oer. lcctci Prewldent of the Royal 0!!f4' "i Dental Sur-Dnv:d- 5eon Dr n graduated from Ue Rjysl Ctillenc (,f Dental Sur- geftK in 182 and i:as bctn In active practice aa a dentist in Ottawa tv more than forty-five year. VANCOUVER COMMENT ON BISHOP LLOYD (Vancouver Star) U la (maU BMMay tor surprise that the violent ami veto pBOftl attacks tot I rt ytar by Bisbop Uoyd of Saakatahewtn have at last mived one of their ntim- ' !.r. a member of parliament at Ottawa, I to warm rejoinder. Theae e1 tacks have aometime ftund their wit into the Dreaa. and tha War. u. no doubt, onlv one of the manV'at Jiaper to which typewritten eommunlea- rtkmi eontalntnc tit attacks are Jre- Quentiy sent. Judging by the wired re- aorta Mm Ottawa. Mr. Luohkovlch' re- ply was at once dignified, eloquent and MUnf The ArchnlAhap ol Canterbury on "The Church and Ptace." at K bishop ot Cpsala. Crown Prince of W4 A. SESSIONS CLOSED FRIDAY Reports Presented at Ituine9 Meetings Yesterday Keflected .Successful Work in Diocese OFFICERS ELECTED Mr. 0. Ai nix, Is Again Named President on Itoard in Caledonia At the bulmss sessionti yegter-day of the eighteenth annual meeting of the Caledonia Diocan Hoard of the Women' AuxiHar?' to the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada, there was a large attendance and excellent reports were presented by the various ladtee in charge of ut a . .u- .j? nirai unNii uiiciiui. i iie auuress of the president, M . G. A. Rix, was listened to with great interest. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follow: President-uMrs. G. A. Rix. ' First vice-president Mrs. J. n rii.. Razett-Jones, see'retar lift c8, "Living Menage" editor Mrs, J. D. Allen. United thank offering secretary Mre. A. II. Carson. Girls' branch secretary Mrs. C. W. Homer. Junior branch secretary -Airs. T. Parkin. Little Helpers' secretary Mrs. W. II . Tobey. Sunday school secretary Mrs. Hagon (Hanelton) . At the lunchron given yesterday afternoon by the local branch of the Woman Auxiliary unaer me - 8pcrnteiM3ence of the pre dent. Mrs. Thoma And ew, to the del egate to the conference, R4tho G. A. Rix expressed his thanks for the help that the Woman's Auxiliary had been to the diocese especially for Its success in rals ing the large sum of $1000 for the ; Episcopal Endownment Fund. At the tea given by Mrs. Rix on Thursday afternoon to the delegates, ladies of the Woman's Auxiliary and cong-egatlon of St. Ancf.ew"s, Mrs. J. B. Gibson, as- At 7 o'c ock Wednesday evening, me aeieKaiea wn ut Uiken for a motor drive to the end of the Kaien Island TnX " there will be a banquet Highway. On Thursday evening SecretaryMrs. A McCMkT,e. in the Commodore Cafe and on Friday afternoon at i$y Treaurgr Mrs. n. l. Mdn-! the visitors will be taken for a boat trip on the harbor and tosh. 'olflowriorp inthvicinitV. ' Dorcas secretary Mra. A. E. The rest of the time of the delegates here will be pretty well taken up with the business sessions of the convention, NEAR DROWNING OF GLEE SINGER Thirteen year old Alan Oocdered. . nt uw. Wtmlnatr . 7"U " vLltln " cr "Vflve bo, soprano, who can- net swim, hud the most exciung experience of his present twir in Prince rreTt yesterday afternoon when, ea-aylna to cross the old dilapidated wharf between the Canadian National and ocean docks, he stepped on a rotten board iwhleh gave away, falling ,k.w.K Ka hnla ii, Ltu wAter brlow. h.vnil hi.' denth and the litrgeet boy of the party. Dougis Bartrlp. attempted to rescue him but by dinging to a pile, could do no rotter Wish help htm to keep afloat. Timetr aid came along In the person ol William Retd of the C N.R. elec Lerfcal deparUmnt who climbed down Hm rooky shore and pulled the lad hrko safety. ' Beend Wand cannibals kill their vlo-IbM V smothering. WAS CARRIED OVER A CLIFF GOAT HUNTING David Hhaw, prospector, Wa Struck by Boulder Near Kalnm Uike INQIEKT BV MOXKOR t Funeral Took Place at Terrace fnder Mxsonlc Auspices. and Uut ; Pmt Sounded TE It RACE. June 22. Ail lnoueat Into the death of David Shaw, prospector ol tne Kalum U:e dtotrfct. was held In toe police station an Wednesday before Coroner C t. Monroe 'pf Prince Rupert. The JU17 after beerlng the erldence 01 P NlRhtwlne. -who wa with him at the ttin. W Steren and ConaUble H. Ray-bone who located tbebudy. brought In a rcrdlct of accUJentalideath, caaied by belnj hit on the toewljby a faUtoj rock and knocked over a cliff. T ie decewed man and. hi brother-in-law l NlgWwtne. werf foat huntlns on Ba'.u-.d'iy about nine mile up Mircon Crrck Irom Kalum' tike. In golnj o round a narrow lede on the moun-tai-lrt a large bouldejr loosened and fetl atrtk'nj Mr. Bhaw on the head and cirry.ng him over Jhe edge. AfUr leirr.hing unuecMfully. during Saturday nliht and part of Sunday, Mr. Mg:twlne returned to Rosewood and organized a earch Prty. i The body wa fmind n Monday abouta hundred and twenty feet down the mountainside. Dra'th hd b-cn evidently lnitantan-eotw. On the arrival of a policeman on Tuenday the remain were moved to Rcaawood and thence to Terrace on Wednesday. I'nneml Wednenday FcllowlAg the inquest, the funeral w held on Wednesday evening from Knox United Churah and wa largely attended hW-'Wrff. Allan conducted the aerrtfi and E. T. Kenney aia ipoae on of the Native Son. wBUe a male renderpd pprrprlate rouale. Til. Anrt mm. Who wa flftf - i . , , Mfmi. hM b,fn rient of this ditrtei mmt " He wa a.-ToaT'Si. Qt jtng one or the Tint .white children - n he Csrlbno country. He w a returret rn and wa a member of the Masonic order interment Was mide In KlUum Kaltvra remetery. The ritual'of thel'tUve 8on waTe,4 th enlVesMe by. A. E. JohnrtoDAnd, l,he ! Post wa sou no to dt o. n Klrktidv hrrewxmltlco of hU war serv Ice. There were many oeautnm iiorai tribute. Deceased la survived by a atater. Mra. P. NUhtwIne. of Terrace. and a brother In the Cariboo district. ...mi i HALIBUT SALES lUials helling fntrhr at fcal lUh i:rlmnte Tdny . Nummary -American 109.000 pounds, 12o and 8o. Oanadlan 47AO0 pound. 12o and Be and 11.2o and do. American Havana, 27.000 pounds: Tatoosh, la.- 8Ur "000: .ooo; venu., 8J0O. and Wave, 3.W0; Cold storage. 12c and 8c. J. P. Todd II, 13.000. and U using 10.600, Booth, 12c and So Hanel It., M.ftOO, Atlln. 12c and Be. f'uniiUlun Cape Spear, 8,000. Pacific 12o and 8s. Unome. 8,000, Atlln, lS.2o and 8c. Verne. 8.800. and Southend, 11,000, Atlln, 12c and 8c Bobby, 2,000, and Dundas, 3,000, Oeld storage, 12c and te. Capt Swatn, 10,000, Booth, 12c and " 8. . Celebrities at tl: e Burge Memorial Lecture pro d-d Ht u k d.lna, bcdtn An the Burge Memorial Lrture given by the Buhop of Upsala Oxiorct The -rcup above shi.ws leu tc righ.: The Arch- b-sh-jp of Canterbury and the Dean ol Kings College. TO TOt'U CANADA Rt. Hon Winston uhurchlll. Chan cellor of the Exchequer in the Con- ,rn""ve government. cuming to lOanada on an extensive tour thla aummer now that he ha been re lieved cf hi s.rcnuous duties by the Lsbor Party. smted in receiving. Presidinae in the tea room were Mrs. Tnomas Andrew and Mrs. George Rorie, while those serving ref vshraents were Mrs. C. W. ilomsr, Mrs. A. T. Parkin, Mrs. A. E. Daett-Jones, Mrs. C. V . Evitt and Mrs. Alex Rix. PLANS SURVEY PEACE RIVER Plane U on Way t'rom Wlnnlper: to Undertake Work for Provincial Government W1NNIPEG, June 22. A Junker plane took off from here yesterday for Edmonton, where Pilot Calder will take charge and make a photographic survey of the Ponce River dlgfefet for the "Urit- tah Columbia Government, covering 5000 square miles north of Prince George. 1 : ruin; or uhkat TAKI1S JIWII' ItlliAY VANCOUVER, June 23; The price of wheat took a Mff lump too ivy on the local e change rea-hlng 1 91 3-4. the highest 4 quoted in many week. SWIMMERS TO MAKEATIEMPT . CROSS CHANNEL DOVER. England. June 21. The c;un. .el -cross .na; sesson Is op again. What Julius Caesar did In a boat la Si B.C. and Ovrtrude Ederle did In a bathing ault in 1928 A.D. has been done twice this year on pontoon-bicycles, and le.,st a score of swlmmeta are In tr imlng to do what haa not been done - nee 1933 the swimming of the Bng-. .h Chai.nc: .T.n England to iYance uvsteact of vice versa. Two baktra, a msttreaa maker, a ooup'.e of stenographers a nursemaid and a Bo-bemlao mechanic have splashed thesr ny from ihe ccat of France to the coast of England, and It I getting to be old stuff. This year the rcaUy ambitious swimmers are out to perform the mare difficult feet of starting front j" and finishing In Prance, unfavorable current to the contrary notwithstanding. Aotong the men and woraac who have announced their InteatkW to compete for the gold cup ottered lot the first Kngland to France rrosstng am several who in previous years wnmfitWhed he France to England er4. T!:ee include Charles Toeh. the American, who swam from Ogps Ohs JStm to Dover in l3a in 06 hovn and I mln- uta; Norman l. Durham of Umdon. who did it in 13 hour JT minutes in 19M; Oeorge Michel, the Paris baker, who crossed in the same year in It hour 8 minutes: Ishak Helmy, the Egyptian, who struggled over In Sl'tO last year; and two English gtrl who alto made the !stmce In 1928 Ivy Hawk and Hilda Uddle" Sharp. Miss Sharp did the Orta Nea to Dover wlm in 14 38. which was within half an f Oertrude Ederle' channel record for vmten. Two other woman who have no Bng- Msh Channel crossings to therr credtt yet hope to have some soon are the Amer--sn twins, Phyllis and Berenice Zlten-"eld It la also possible the Mercedes Gle Us. the Indon typist, who swam the rhsnnel In 1927. wUl compete for the gold cup this year. Other aspirants for channel tame In ili9 include a middle-aged woman with a family of eight an 11-year-old schoolgirl, a one-legged swimmer and an athletic though white-beaded gentlemen ot 00. COLUMBIA WON ROWING MATCH MARIOW. England, June . rhe crack 180-pound crew of Columbia University today won the liar Vow sights, defeating Twickenham by a length and a luarter to the final after winning two preliminary heats. The tune was few minutes 20 eeconda for seven -eighths cf a mile. Sfflith Africa produces 90 per cent of he world's diamond. - ii i I