PAGE SIX MIMOLIM AD CHAMBERLAIN' IN FLORENCE DEMAND ' La Prance: "Well, wtmt'i alt the secret about?" Sir Austen Chamberlain : "Oh. nothing at all. We're only trying to make Imperial Romanum' rhyme wtth ftule Britannia'. " Kladderadateoh, Berlin. "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked. Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.) Ltd. ; mmzl 'Visiieitr Prince Kupen.rM Alberta Coal, Bootless Alberta Sootless, Efe $12.50 Pembina, Egg - - $12.00 DELIVERED HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED saiiiDX trom FTlnre Rupert Iwr VAVCOCVCR. VICTORIA. Sw.nson luy. IVutedele. Alert flay, etc. foe. IZ tS&V&SF&Wffr Sf- ' . Friday MB.iht dJ iJo p mNTO-V " KI. Naa Mirer. tonn, Bn. l A I llniurniauf B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SF.RVIfN SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, WringeD. Juneaa and SkarwaT J litis llrltiaaeia ' IS.VVo01"? Vlr,,,rl. Seattle June 5, If. 15. 19. ft. M. . fRINTKitii MtqilX.NA-Ocean laiu. etc.. Venturer and tlctorla errrr Frldiy 10 p.m. rentr, for all Ktestrunlp Lines ffd Ate . Trlnre Rupert. n.C rhene 31 Canadian National rfiit Largel Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AN D'TRA'IN SERVICE ' H.IMI.M frnm rRINCF. RirmtT for VANfOtVCR. VlrTOUIA. tTTI.K. and IntermrdUte polnti, Mondays, Thundan. 4 p.m.; (a(urdjy. 7 p.m. Ir ANYOX and STEWART. Mondays. 8 p.m.! Itldaj. 4 p.t. lor MASSETT IM.ET WHITS. Monday. p.m. IW WlfTII Jl EE. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnljMly. lor KKAOWAV, Wedrieodayt, 4 p.m. paeii:r trains ixwe rRin tjiii rt DAILY KXCKI'T Rl'NDAY it 11:30 a m for IMIINCK flKOKtir, EDMOV. TO.V. MINNIfEO. all point EaMrrn Canada, inltrd State. - AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP lsr City Ticket Office, B28 Tlilrd Ave, Vrlnre Hupert Phone 2C0 an WHHrtf came Into port, she Uri up direct at the oil dock where shows-, rutted by a Canadian customs offtoeT tn the usual routine of hie duty. Sis which wasn't so bad for eight days. In-; Vancouver eludtnf (n long Sunday. Two bottles ( out with of scotch and one of wine remained when the customs officer's (eared pres ence appeared aboard. Notwithstanding the torernoMCM seal on the bstOas, thLi on of Uncle asm. our cousin, still In thrall of' prohibition Mtwe go Into tudd-n panic fearing the aonieattoo of smuggling boosw aoto the prortnoe from Alaska ana here the tragedy beared the two full unopened battel of scotch and the half bottle of wine through th porthole Into the salt chuck. Moral always think twice betcr? taklng momentous decisions! On of thw flneer power rash whw-h ha i-lfttad this port and one which wa U- ewnrsure of all water fr-nt eye while she lay here to the etghty-foot Decrleap. a brand new we belonging to A. W McCUatont of the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club which was tied up at the Union Oil Co 'a wharf from Sunday untfl Wednesday. The Dmrlasp was Isuacbed durlrg the past spring from the Hof- far-Besehlaff shlsward In Taneoueer. She nxsaufes eighty feet over all by wateam teat beam and 9.S moulded depth and Is of exceptionally nee in construction tor a power cruiser, har. ing sawn oy pises frame Imtsart of the ordinary team brnt ribs while the rest of her timbers and planking are sturdy h proportion. Thjs deck end deck booses being, of teak, the layout cnivU of obKerratlon saloon 'irlng salcon and galley tn the deck- ouae abaft the pilot house while FUteroom tor the owner and !u quests are altuated tn the after per rf the boat below. Furnishings of rw boat throughout sre luzurtou frctudlag esey chairs. upaoltei'e,l and open grate fire place In the "bsereatloa room and a handaome lining suite built-la bouffss and ther eonTenisnoea In the dining room. The ownera stateroom I the full width of lbs boat and hat a black marble bathroom adjoining. The oower plant canslsta of two 76 h.j. Hall-scott gasoline engines with re ductlan gear which glees the Deer, lesp cruising speed of ten knota wtth maximum of twelve knota. There sre also two generating seta for light-;ng and auxiliary machinery such a leetrtc anchor winch. Kelvlnator refrigerator system. automatic bilge "rump and a pressure system for dla-trlbwtlng freafc water. The beat k heated by radiator trom a oentra! heating bouer situated in a separate boiler room Just forward of the engine room. There Is tank space for 1500 gallons of gaecltne and a similar amount of water. Another feature is a full automatic fire estlnguiahlng jrdjem. Toe Deerleap is one of the meat, attractive and elaborate power cruisers In British Colum&a and. Indeed, slang the whole coast. Seow Leaving 5oen Repair of the B C. Packer cold A d5 0 ee uJ Z h Excluslre struc tural and operative Bune rioritles liuve definitely established Champion as the better spark plug. That ta hy Champion outsell, all others throughout tho world. SPA UK IM ;s Windsor, Ontsrto A CANADIAN. It AUC moDUCT in plant THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. .tl. Waterfront Whiffs , Tragedy This Week; Salmon Season Opens Quietly; Preparations for Canadian Fisheries Convention Here Two full bottles of Scotch and half a bottle of wine, vintage and label unknown, repose at the bottom of the seas just the width of the Prince George, off the oil dock which fact Bill the Diver may note owing to a sudden panic and ignorance of the Canadian laws concerning the possession of liquor. The incident, accident or tragedy, or rather the misconception that Canada was not the Land of the pree. arose in the minds of a man and his wife, citi zens of the laud of prohibition which doesn't prohibit Before joining the Prince George a week ago Monday for the Uwka trip, una traveller, rearing auii - weather, brought on board not dosec or so bottle of liquid sunshlno. acotcfi lor himself and wtna tor wife When the PrUM Oeotfe returning from Alius storage acow. whl. h brake adrift from a tug in Hecate Strait thla spring bottlee of scotch and tare of wtne bad i almost as good been emptied In the course of the trip i 'ew days, the necw Within the nest will be taken to she will I ktrMoerj ana s coltf stsd 'Storage Cost is sasRl) They get the fish. A trial will e vines yoe. Cohoe Kirnr Spinaars. (144) The wokwss ftohing season In D- trlct No. S aaened quietly enough cn Thursday morning after midnight. What boats wear out on the Skeena River reported fairly good results for the first couple of days In the sea-'.on though there was aotbina: spectacular, fipnan 1 1 1 1 j there was as ood a nrn as i sipaetaii at this '.me of year sad ereiabudy Is happy Mid hopeful. .wiU not be until to--norrow iiislag. foOowtag the first weekly class vsason. tnat the big me-"rlty of the flshennan aad bosU get aut. StHtng Pollre Doat It will be noticed that toe provincial government hot been running sn drertlsemetrt ejsewhere In this paper railing for teoSVn for the purchase of ths ProrlnolsJ Motor Launch No t which Is to be replaced bare by a new and larger boat being built by Yarrows at Vartrrla. The PH I. 1 formerly named Adana;. Is 41 feet S toe has long with foot Inch beam wd 4 foot 7 Inch draft and I eniUp-prd with 3C-M hp. Buffalo bsaw duty engine. Tender wtu July IS. Toe big Vancouver power cruiser, well known at 'his port through saving made many call here several year ago when owned by P L Buckley and aware recently when owned by Bon. W. c Shelly, has been re cently sold by Mr Shelly to Jdr. Caeton of Duncans. Vancouver lattntt' The vessel is about TO few tn length' ' ud makes over ten knota wttli a Vivian heavy daty gasoline engine She hat been used eatsnslvsly in the past for cruising this far sad farther up the coast. In rommand of Fred Herein and with Sid BBkliu and Teddy Smith a hsj able mate. Dr. w. T. Kenrtn' big power cruised Full Moon left at the end of last week for Rivers Inlet where the vessel will be engaged In fishery patrol operation for which the Is wefl suited. The Pull Moon will be away until early In September. Laud RrMwreh tVork Our local blatarJcaa station seems to have solved the problem of the yellowing of halibut which. If eon- sumated. will resujt In the asvtng of teas of thousands of dollar to th nanerman and dealers. ear Col J. W. Nlchona. comptroller of the Cana dian nh Cold Stores Co "We think that the prwecutlon of research rk tn the fishing Industry should be emphasised on every possible occasion nd there Is room for a great deal of Investigation into tbs woduc- ttoij. preservation and distribution of fish producti " Tr OansdKin Pbiherman. mibllabsd by Csnt. P W Wsllac? at OifSts. nusl convention of the Oinsdisn Flsbrries Association In Prince Rup-ert on Augut l and 2. accompanying the artlrle with photos of the elevator and local waterfront fishing and ship ping scenes The business st ths con vention wall include s discussion of the potley for ths regulation and Improving ell branches of the fishing industry, the reeding of papers by fishery expert, and the further urging upon the Dominion government to appoint a ssparste ministry of fisheries, prominent men In the fishery business from one end to the other of Canada will attend the convention at which T. H. Johnson manager of the Canadian l1ah Cold Storage Co. here, will ne alerted president to sur;ed J.- T. O'Connor of Montreal Special Invitations to attend hae been sent to Hon. P. J. A. Cardin. minister of marine and fisheries; W a. found; deputy minister: Henry O-MsUee. oommlssioner of nsnenes lor the United Stales: T. W DEL RIO AND FARRELLSTAR IN 'RED DANCE' .tadlraee llrld Spe.l-IVuind Itr Their rrrfmnnanre in Ton I'llm their' Teemed for the first time lu The pleasing enthusiastic Dotorei Del Mo aad Ohartam Psrrell give a remarkable performance tin the stellar rale of "The Red Dance.1' Ka feature which bad Ma local premier on the ecrsen of the Ceettcl Theatre last night Separately and together thee two young people held the audience spell-bound be their fine charasteraattona. She at the peasant ten who becomes the fame ui "Red Danocr the Revolution." he a the Grand Duke Kugen. whom he trie to save from it vengeance of the people. Another great per- crmsnce Id that of Ivan Unow, the and suttckm damage, oeing. (r,t ru,. , wnj as a private sol- subeecrueetlv sold by the underwriters I lkr wrcs D-l Rio but who. when he to the Nlsarn Pa-king Co. of Van- j beeomea a -Red" general, eaves her uver. han fuet a ut ben completed 1 1w lrom th, ,lrln at the locel dry deck and the crtftj -tk, r-. n,no- la aslendld not looks almost new sad, BO doubt, t -rjy M n crtenalnjulU. but a v:d pictunr of revolutionary Rua-a It aV-und in thiilta, such s-i when the eosiscks are shewn iwssp Ing down on a d fen oe less village, the r. rclt of the pratcaers tn the nit ruiiiii and many similar epi-sodes. But this I not a gloom; picture. There la much tractor, fin romance and much teaut; of soenery la tms praduttiuB. whtah Raoul Walsh directed wtth sy.npashy and gave a . received the Veat Coast of Vance uver Island. The beat la H feet long tad la equipped with a 140 h.p. gar ill n motor, hrr red eing up to forty miles per hour. Bad Maedonald. for yearn bus! new aaent of the Drwp Sea nshennen Onion at Seattle and. tbesefore. wsU known to most of the hall butter, u relieved to have dnawned In raitott Bsy. seattls. reeeoily Mis effect r were found on s pier, together with a note indicating that be had taken his own life. Supplies of halibut bait at SsatUt are reported to be tow wtth only moderate suppltc n the 'rewrs There Is an abundaare of frossn belt bars, however, and other nonhsrn fiomts am also reported to bass a awd supply. tr the current avia of the Cans-tlan Plahsrmsn pirar picture of the famlltor ar.d popular face of John, vyeoBTn 01 rrssot rsupan who ha earns nate In to flahlng industry inrcughout the Dominion as man-err of the Rwysl Plan Co an M-t-ertt Canasrs at veil as ths Pacific Coast rsmnnrrlal reoroserruirt on toe- BlrJogtosI Board nf Oat-ads. After having bad her trial run esrrtier tn tbs day on which she tur ned up the satfsetorv speed of il-J knoU per hour the Canadian flan Cold Storage Co s fine new 7 too: fkm pacbar Chief Beegsy. buUt at the local dry dock this srrtng. met Sstwrdsy evening for Shuthirtte Bsy. Vancouver bland, an a flab bay-lag trip from which ate b due bark about tbs and of neat week. Cant. rred waitars to tn The Cold Storage Co now ha the W R Used packing na fish from Msssett wtth Oapt. S. wanders n in rommand and on toe Morth Island run la the Chief Zlbsses to command which Capt. Alsx Outhle was reran V- ly sppoiEted. The Chief Legale. OaM. I Svindi an. goat on the Skesna River run this west sod sad tbs nedetia aad Oner Btarrett will nest wee pecking aatn da Island and Warke Caaal strike Oter The strike of trclltre prices lasted just two days last The fishermen sre said to have say- miaerea grseeruiiy by iney sere -just taking a Oohot Kinjr SpinnertLaflitor, rate. Quebec, m Itt last lame, prints; faster Spinnfhjr. stroBftr bnilt - ao" "r nienoance at me an-, than .v.e n,.ilr ,lk. - . avis s vr g wH saTdM swivel drop. Halibut lending at the Prlnoe Rupert for tbs or (141) up ot dot retsbed a mrger CTrmts than In n year at Ust past'. The total so far this year now slaisli t laiTO.tsb riup as aatnst mat vr I3.0wH.er0 nouxda and the 11-028 SCO in IBM. th high rec-rd vcr for larding t Prince Rupert. Are-erlnn landlre so fr this waaon amount to a 154 joo p6urda aa against last yeara .MJAA nmindS. while Canadian landing have latnlieU 1.51S a0 pounds 'in comparison with 1 BOaJM prunds last year. Tbii year big gain W thus all on AaTsttt-cen fish. Dum g the ps-t week. Sa'urosy to t:day Inclusive, landlair arnountsd ti 740 900 pounds made up of 41.. MO pound American halibut aad 9MMI0 pound Canadian. There wa rather more ftaotuation than usual Bryo president of the United States I ,n 1 during this are. Tbs high Plaherlea As,oc1aUn. and Dr. W. P. Ibl Amer!rrr alHKi wi 1, Tnomoson. ai nsl Plshene many others. of the Internatlo- Osounleslon as weU aa rmou Sornl iwnit The srn going gfeedboat Miss Van and 9c which tbe Malnler was offered for 4 600 pourult while the low price was 13c and Be whleh the Resolute snd Zenith received for catches of 40.000 snd 1700 pound respectively The hlebeet Canadian aloe of the week was M 7c snd Be paid the Vers couver. which gained fame last year : Beatrice for ia r.,T .Z. Z hen .he n.sde trip from Oraven- ! gf reeeiveT l and nQ 00 rr"lr1 W hurst, OntHrlo dlstanoa of a rmn I ,.T . to LrXZJLZ?. ,.k. Johnn ft oatehes been .old by tri'ner. SWne, 1' 4 "" Wh Willlnn formerly of this cMy. to the fcUncl P.v.icm Co which will use ths V4M1 as a scout boat In connection wHh the pilchard Mtherlee on AM old world munkry have pouches: no new world monkeys hsve uivm. -www . J ! fiyy DELORES DEL HU. AND sT Two Shows When the Son judges Rlfl IN THAT GREAT SUPER-SPIX IL "THE RED DANCE" COLLEGIANS NO. 7-Comedy, DUMB Mil ADDED ATTRACTION The Premier Orth, t a will, latest music at 8:50 each night. Admi.-wion. lor & 50c; Sat Matinee. 2:30, Admission. K & the Father ! THERE comes a time when neatly every ton gtt in mental judgment upon hit father Sometime, alai ! that time doe not come until the father it dead. The ton, pcrhapt, may be a mete Ud, faced with the knowledge that his U the task of helping to look after mother and, perhaps, younger brother, and titters. Then it i that he judges his father. Then it is that he remembers hit kindnesses, condones his weak neaaca, and then it is that he wonders sorrow' fully, why hit father did not make better nnan ctel provision for his mother. If you have known of an instance where a ton has thus sat in judgment upon his father, remember that the time mav come when your own Km (or your daughter) - if you have children will ait in JuUsprient upon you. What will their verdict be insofar as it applies to your provisiun for their, or for their mother's and your wife maintenance I If you haven't provided sufficiently for tht-ir rriatntmuK until they are able to look after t Kem arrives (and their mother) isn't this the time to do it by means of Confederation Life Itta-urrsiice? VrV trW pavsMat "Ne Xlsnev WUt Mopprm". Tewtsf fmi it eyry imuttumg-ss asy aVt Matt. AJaVesiyer ttut net to Confederation Life Hoofers TO.IONTO Association llrsnrli rill.. tli-n K"t" HelldiMc tsnrvutrr ? "BLACK & WHITE" A SCOTCH WHISlV DISTILLED. BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND. "ALWAYS RIGHT" J"" t Ca lis . 1 " 1 This ailvt'iii.tfniftit in not puhlinhetl or dlsplaytMl Liiiuor C'otiirol IWrd or by the Government of Ut iHti Columbia. Dr Alexander PHONG 87S IICSNER ItlOCK DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 1 CarUge, WsrehousiMf- Distributlnjt. Team or Motor Servics Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Blovlnr