a N the road, am I not?1 ' MAV rrwvllt-Ir "fVrtalnl ....... M-J ' as to which half you prefer." PORT ARTHUR TO MEET TRAIL IN ALLAN CUP HOCKEY WINNIPEG, March 20: In the Allan Cup hockey Dtav-downs Port Arthur de- feated Regina ' last night Port Arthur is now qualified :' to meet Trail, B.C. in the ' western finals, and the win- ners will play Toronto Var- aity team. J , r? rr'PLMOFFSIN HOCKEY LEAGUE VANCOUVER, March 20. The playoff games for the Coa4 Hoc-'sen, key League open vn in in Portland- zuruaiiu on uu 1 Mrs jirs. ews and Views in The World of S. . G. u. uiwrei 1 fine sead rtune tf uke &bnre f JMarc27. JnUiete cour. (nnc are re tcntJCTheifl,. tHr'yearnfe year are March 25 with at Seattle on total goals winner will play ancouver a three out of five st'rie commen- Mhe inA'aacouvW 1lTSrc29. ' MOOSE LADIES ARE CHAMPIONS I the Stewart club'a hall. The Win Ladies' Section of Vhlst challenge came from the Hyder league and Will Play Grotto, Athetic Club and was answered Men Winner for City Title by tbe defe,t of theae BVOrtnMn . ., T" , , , 'With a score of 16 points to 6. Moose Ladles, by winning last. The wg one of intene "j: t uu - n o tT. champshi; of the ladled mln throughout, m the meeting one bf the section of the Braternal Whist mo,t rtc;eMful of th Leagae and wfljavoffjon a dke 8asn-to be? fixed wltffolti, wftas 1 ' of the men'a section, for the Dyb- Eight U. S. players and Jean havn cup, emblematic oi city Boratra of France have been sel-ohampionsMp, the Newton cup ected in the draw for the national going to the lpe,ra inthis pot-, indoor tennis championship, season playoff . Francis T. Hunter of New Roch- In lb second game last eve- die, N.Y.. veteran Davis Cup Ring, Oraage Ladles won 6 t 3 player, hax been placed at the over St. (targe's Ladies, but this did not affeet the general ataadi ing of teama. which is as follows: W L P M(k 8 4 8 C. N. R 6 6 Orange G 6 St. George's 4 8 4 - 1 1 a v. a .uemorr, u4 i ( K w falmadge. Hunter starta teams are: ..,. with Lieut. R. M. Watt as his op-Moose Ladles Mrs. Jack Ratch-L.f ... ford, capUin. Mrs. .CroAr,, f?"'?J Mrs. A. Wick, Mrs. 0, Stegavig. i B Mrs. P. Wlngham and Mrs. H. j Skattebol. Max Schmeling. the "German Grotto Men Aid. G. W. Rud- Dempeey has petitioned the Ger- derham, captain, Harvey Fraser.jman Boxing association to cancel Jack Cobb, Gunner Anderson, George Howe and Alex McRae. BADMINTON TOURNEY i( BY CATHEDRAL CLU? City Open Compeiitjon Now Progress and Finals Sche duled for Monday Next A city open badminton tournament, events being men's, ladles' nnd mixed doubles, is now In progress under the auspices of St. Andrew Cathedral Badminton Club. A few games have already been playi'd and the finals are scheduled for next Monday nlglit. mam hf mm, i-rf.H . -- . London Opin-.o of Sport Chat Devotees of tennis at Stewart Panning on getting the sea- on started early this year and. at tne annual meeting last week. empowered the executive to pro ceed at once with the maWag of necessary repairs and improvements to the courts including the erection of a volleying court The club is to be incorporated ander the Societies' Act in order that it may hold title to its ground end a committee consisting of R. T. Crosby, J. P. Scarlett and harry Zeffert was appointed to proceed witn tne necessary ar rangements, R. W. Kennedy, lawyer, giving his services free of charge. A ladies' committee consisting -of Mr Levis Behir-" Mrs. R. W. Kennedy and Lawrence was named ers of tn cub as ioiiowb: president. H. D. Rochfort; vlce- siden CroiAy ; wettat surer. v J es Mofyice; ex Miss tfkllor. W. T !S5" and R, V. Kenlrdy The first game in an international series was contested between Stewart, B.C. and Hyder, Alaska basketbaliers recently in t,v,ty nd hrd P'y. b"t Jf001 ! head of the list, followed by Wll- uam Aydelotte, last year's win - i ner. and Julius Seligson. Lehigh r , wRn r.rJin . r t J. Gilbert Hall of Orange, N.J., Canadian titleholder, is in fourth ' place. The defending champion1 j will open the tournament againat I , his contract with his manager, Arthur Buelow. The young heavy- ftfjrhtnmfa he 'Would present Iilal reasons for asking the cancella-1 tion yithin a few days in writing. Schmeling left the United States! recently with the express pur pose or ridding himself of the lniCOntract by which he was bound to Buelow. His first American invasion was piloted by Joe Jacobs, American fight manager who is now with him. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English league. Division 1 Bury ft, Birmingham 1. ' Bournemouth. 2, Northunpton 0 3 Oose Foagfo Games TORONTO, March 20. The Bruins obtained a jump on the Canadians by smashing out a one to nil victory last night in the first game of the Stanley cup playoffs. The teams appeared equally matched and displayed almost the same aeeressiveness. Boston was able to take advantage of the only break of i Alter eight minutes weiianu, tne uruin sunsiuuie, rusneu ' with Lionel Hitchman. The latter carried and from the j inside the Cftnadiens' defence snapped. Weiland made a perfect pass which the latter 7 - - rammed iflto the corner of the net. with Detroit t l. feat the t ou- The Oanndiens scored in the sec- ond period but. were " "e The W3S played inBOSton. X' J1,. ,,., Ijam. the 'Americans and Rangers, at New York battled through 60 minutes hard hockey to a scoreless tie. No overtime1 was played. Toronto played great hockey AN OUTSIDER WAS WINER LINCOLNSHIRE Mrs. Foster's Elion Romped In First With Rig Money in Mile Race LLVCOLN, England, tarch 20-Elton by Essex Fort out ; of Twin Cat. owned by Mrs. R. W. Foster, romped in first in the Lincolnshire handicap over a- mile couree today . The second hojsewas W. " Barnett's AthTord. while Lord Beaverbrook's Miscou came third in a field of 35. The winner was a rank outsider, the betting being 100 to 1 against Elton, 33 to 1 against Athford and 100 to 8 against Hscg I BROWN HEADS CRIB SCORERS Individual Records for Past Season Are Announced exchange this morning. Nine Prince Rupert CrRAage League , American vetaeJs received lCle final Individual scores for the,and 7c 17 lc am, 7c f0r 108. esen 1W8-1M0 were as follows: j m whlIe four Canadian Thto list includes all flyers' Wu we ,,5 15c aDd and 1,. 11 J.lc d tor UW pounds. V. lit-' ""l A. IU tosh. C.N. Operating 113 lihI!1' UWBftW A. AM IcKwan, Cold Storage 109 S. Hv.t earce, New Empress 108 b. m P. R. Hotl 107 F. E. Wermig, C. N. Oper 10G J. Waott, P. R. Hotel .... 106 II. SkQtebol C. N. Operattng 104 Rimce, Canadian Legion. , jW ) Clark, P. R. Hotel J- Uakles. Canadian Legion if- S' - J- J'011 " i Hill. C. N. Operating 10X p.ij Cl.u .. 100 1AA1 iR. Anderson, Cold Storage P. Rothwell, Orange Lodge . . 99 I IT. Rausay, Eagles 99 j. Andrews, Grotto 99 jN. Hughes, C. N. Mechanics 9S A. Harvey, P. R. Hotel' 98 H. Letourneau, K. of C 97 N. Smith. Orange Lodge 97 A . Fffljch, New Empress . . . T. MpJ. Fortune. K. Of C. V. Holriton, Orange Lodge .. q4 A. Klfg, C. N. Operating R. Arney, Moose 90,14,1C ana 'c D. Kennedy, Cold Storage SO ! L. Astoria, K. of C. 69 A- Rogers, C. N. Mech. 83 VV. Davlea, Omadlan Legion 88 F. Aldridge, Orange Lodge H. Astoria, K. of C H. T- J. Rose, C. N. Mech. S. Moran, New Empress f . . . 86 R. VMeriek, Eagles 85 !M. Murray, Native Sons 85! W. Bailey, Orange Lodge ... 85, A. Astoria, K. of C 85 1 F. Rlffou. K. of C 841 W, Ueid, Emgles 83! 3. Wynne, Orange Lodge 83 j J. Lawrenson, Canadian L. 83 F. Barber. C. N. Mechanics 82 G . Royer. Moose 82 , 81 hum, Menhanlw 80 the game in the first period. - ars three to n--. They bested j,'etroit through"!... v.hree periods and only the lone , f fort by George Hay. Cougar winman, went for the Detroit goal in the third. period. Andy Blair, tall left een- tre slipped through two goals in the first period and one two min- teS before the end of the game. ; ce Hailey, the league leading scorer, 'gave Blair ad assist in the first. Art Smith scored the other Toronto goal in the first w penoa on a pass irom uanny ox. 1 ""h 15 The felfowing were the scores Taronto S, Detroit 1 . N. V. Americans 0, N. Y Rangers 0. Canadiens 0. Boston 1 . ICUBS BEATEN IN LAST GAME1" tr uinrnn.. . L n . Sttie EMmm defeat the Vic- aCub. her. last night four to three in an overtime struggle. It was the Cubs last game of the sea ,pn. l HALIBUT BIDS ADCCTHI IIP niVLi ULIUU Ul American Fish Receives As High As 17.1c And 7c And Can- adian 15.1c And 6c A total of 128,800 pounds of halibut was sold at the local fish iMmit Ik. i, i. 1.." .TV I W. first call at this port. She awhi aklMu u- n sf wnux-u SSIIV4 imiSC4 W V jn f t. John, Peterson, formerly of the local boat Edward Lip4t. T 1 , r ""t' " arivaia ana iwnsf were as ioiiows: 1 American Royal. 7.060 potrnds; Roatd Amundsen, 8.600 pounds, and Norma Jane, pounds, AtllR Fisheries. 17c and 7c. Al.ntian. 2J.00fl r ' !FIhriM, 16.1c and 7c Portlock. 20,000 pounds, Pac ific Fisheries, 16.2c and 7c. Sumner, lg.OOO pounds, Royal Flh Co., 16.2e and Te. Tatoosh, 12,000 pounds, and Arrow, 11,000 pounds, Canadian Oft,1"" niic 10.0c Mini 7c. Rose Marie, 5,000 pounds, Can-gjjjadian Fish A Cold Storage Co a t m Canadian Edward Llpsett, 6,000 pounds, and Margalfco, 4.000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storaeo 'Co., 16c and fle. D. S. T., IftBOO pounds, Royal Fish Co, 15.1c and Gc. Tramp, 2,500 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 15.1c and Gc. IIORNE PAYNE'S WILL LONDON. March 20: Several bequests to English charities were contained. In the will of E. W. Home Payne, formerly of the British Columbia Electric Rall- ways. Thu estate amounted to, $700,000. , Sport CROCODILES HAVE STARTED TO FLY AND IN A PHOH BIT10N COUNTRY Stanley Cup I Th:s uiv true, -fur the hoire li'.i dlo apen'mens he plne nniTHPnTr 1 rpinil CONSERVATION SALMONSUPPLY Parse Seines to He Regulated in 27 Separate Areas of British . Columbia - ..... . . VANCOUVER, Mareh 40. As a art to facihtate the Bomena- m of British Column. salmon 'supply the Dominion flitieriel tie-' partment will divide tfee coast fow tw ne MmK , e4eh - , swJlWe wfth .elation , neetfs. Major Motherwell an- ItMHIttfMl todV. He said that 3&ft purse leines wMI be permitted this twit as - .vjlL AT 1 . .t .amr vi vvaMoiiurg vfiauvi in wit: restricted areas instead of involving the closure of one of the ttree Infge' divisions ol tke prov ince in the event of excosaive I seining in a relaWvely small sec- tion. SCANDINAVIANS ARE ARRIVING Two Hundred Reached Winnipeg This Morning on Special Train From East WINNIPEG. Maroa 20:--With 206 broad shouldered Scandinavians on board, the first , immigrant special train of the season pulled into tin Canadian National Railway station this morning. Two aihora are on the way. In addition to the Norwegians, Swedos a ltd Danes, there are 22 British immigrants, including four families and a number of Poles, Russians and Finns, bringing the total up to 369. Three Norwegian couples were also on the train but the majority sf the newcomers were single men. They were passengers on the I Stavangerfjord and the Lancas- tria. Two more specials tomorrow morning will bring the total of Immigrants for two days up to nearly one thousand. The steamer Regina will provide 230 and the Frederick VIII. and the Brot-tningholm 344, the bulk will be Scandinavian. On one train there will bo 2G7 but there is a large number of British. The Canadian National Coloni zation Department has place for all of the arrivals. W. C. Fraser, ajrent tbr the White Pass nnd Yukon Railway & Navigation Co. at Carcross, was a passenger aboard the Princess Mary today returning north lifter having spent a vaca- tion visiting at Vancouver and jejVfherOv In ihcomh. Senitncle Indian scouts now go for the aquariums which, when STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) The following quotatlont were ihl and a iked : Bay view, 4', Nil. Big Missouri, 1.66. l.0. " CbA" Province, IT, 1TV. Cottws elt; 7. 76. s DnwelUvvftB. ' . Duthie Mlneiy NM, 4g. ;r-George Copper, 6.00, M. Georgia River. 40V, 41. Golcenda. 1)10. U2. , ;: Grandview, 66, 66, Independence. 8, 9. Intern. Coal 4 Coke, t&, SO; ' Kootenay Floreni, Nil, 17w . Kootenay Ktaff, 46, 47,. l)f L. & Lw. 4. NIL Marmot River Gold. Nil. 7. Marmot Maia. A G. , 1 Nat. SI). G. A, 18. 19. Noble Vive, 70t, 71. Oregon Copper, 70, 71. Peml Oreille, 11.46, 11.60. Premier, 1.88, 1.90. Porter-Idaho, 66, 67. Reeves MacdonahL 3.56, 3.00. Rufus-Argenta, 81, 83. Ruth-Hope. 484, 49 Vs. Silver Crest. Nit. 8' j. Silverado Cons., Nil, 96. Snowflake, 24, NR. Sunloch, 2.90, Nil. Terminus, 8, 10. Topley Richfield. 88, Nil. Toric Mines ,1.80, NH. . Wellington, 18, 19. Whitewater, 1.G0, 1.0. Woodbine, 6', 6. Oils Advance Oil, A 8.K. 8.60. A. P. Consolidated, 3.00, 3.06. Calntont Oils Ltd., 4.00, 4.10. Dafhouaie Oil. 6.38, 6.96. Devenish Pet. Ltd.. 1.88, 1.90. Fabyon Pete, 1R, 16. Home Oil, 2040. 21.00. Mayland Oil, 10.26, 11.00. McLcod, Nil, G.40. Hargal, Nil, 1.60. United, 10.00, 10.26. Turner Valley, 2.00, 28. Eastern Slocks Sherritt-Gordon, 9.10, Nil. Noranda, 6G.66, Nil. TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Close Howey, 1.26. Hudson Bay Mining, 20.00 Intl. Nickel, 67.80. Mandy, 1.35. Noranda, 8G.00. Sudbury Basin, 11. SO. Sherritt-Gordon, 9.05. Teck HughesrJ).15. Ventures. 11.25. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER. March 2u:The price of wheat todajvas $1.2514. R. E. Benson returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver nnd Seattle. It was I his first trip south in many y-curs. out in an aerojian' caught, are brought t M Local Items J. M. Hoar, W.-II U via nmt mining man, an; tty on the Prince 1 tnornfng from Seatti: by train to tn - rviBcc lUver Tobaii.i hn tkw city on the I'm OUa mrMg from Var U wtH of Inapeitio!) t Grotto Cigar Store t u Cliff Warner cf Smi'l.. r-. who I has been on a holioV. ' arrived in the city on ' George this morning : lo Ifii Tntevlor. Thee m a totai -f T1' '.i-' wngera abeard t r 1:. mm: Princes Mary whirh vm in ra" t Mon today bourn f-r 5-ir way. Oaly ee disen t ..irked U'- Mrs. OIav. formerly c' Pit-sen. Passengers sailing ar rnki steamer Princess M.ir ("T north inclueVd: ( O r ais n,f Junwut Mr. Iorenwn a:l Mr- ifllatta, for Ketchikan Wd Mrs. A. Magnus-!; ana u Mftgnetson, fer Whiten rse HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Danae. Pa rente awl " 'j1' Prlft. Georre ; Ki quette and H. Levinc. S.i. t C. Livingston, T r. m. ' Bourguei, Blllmor Mil) . puis, Haysport; U. W M ti and C. KaroUdd, n( Prince Rupert Charles Ilollister, Any.s. A; L Gray. Victoria: H. B. ien. WlnnfoMt; 0. C. Livin,-' ' onto C. II. Scott ami 1 Wnson, Vancouver; A tt"lf ; N. 114 Mr. and Mrs. W i l mry, Oceanic. Savoy . Mrs. Hanson and Mr M; son, 6ona River; R. W ! apd H. M. Wlllson. T.'i-rac- M. Smith, Tort Eingt..n. lJ BeckDlgby; J. Mywtt a'"' ,n Johnson, Wark Canal. Hoyal R. Wnger. Alice Arm. Awrtw Volanlchf Anjx; M. Wf nd 1 Vancouver? H. Howanl Umlcrwoo.1. C.N.R.; Mr. d Mr, W. Weeman, city. A USE FOUND AT LAST -What do you do ityour blades. Joe . worn-out raior hi ... tn a svonl-wl" I sun Ultm P' i.., vehn uses them OS n petizer.--Boston Transcript.