f AGE F.OJJK borne r adian p . vase will " : e impo tthat it X)W81 H'.j: the JDSltff The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMMj Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert rDilS' NeV Limited Third Avenue. ?, , , . H. Eip'uLLaS' - Managing Editor, " ' DAILY EDITION People ar3 United Statefe - SURSCtfUTION RATES City Delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance J5.00 j Fcr lesser period, aeid ir advance, per month . . .50 j By sail to all part of Northern and Central British Columbia. j paid in advance for yearly period IS.00 j Transient Display Advertising, per inea, per insertion $1.40 j Transient Adverting 10 Promt Page, per inch ........ I... VSO( Local Reak-s, jperj Insertion, ; fr line . - -25 1 Clarified AdvertiAc. per Insertion, per word ............ 1 171 NnHres. ae! inrtftB per seats line 15 1 Or four month? fnr Sl.Ooj By mail to all other parts 01 bnUsh Colombia, the - British ( Empire and United States, paid in advance per ear SG-0- 8y mail to all other roubtrtes. per year $7-V'j Coatrset Rates on AppifeaUen Advertising and- Clrcufatien Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 1 ijember of Audit Bureau at Circulations ! Wednesday, March 20. 192& piHDLY PRESIDENT PRESIDENT AND CANADA (Winnipeg Free Press) The United States tariff on agricultural and other nat-: VICE-PRESIDENT CURTIS (Continued from page one). This excellent telephone picture for rftievv attitude (Ml ttie part 0f the ;ws taken of Vice-President Srady at. P. varfUhe Leaeue of Nations with Presi-'CWies Curtis at his desk. iwtost. hWh'ftoWnmu. AtnnotimoMr Wnmt Washington on the first day of homme. ,i..w....a.v T. iui -.. h official duties la ais ae of- hostility toward it. While doubtless the president fe; bound by his party policy greater co-operation is looked for in future than in the past one hundrid women akk . lecWctttftelrwtmatereJ3tlon1S,, "Ulm CVW0,?M ' re that must be dealt with between ptorsare be&i train- !?u w ,M w r' by the hundreds, and thousands! r as iriendly a feehng as possible. Needless to say, tariff of women will wear their re-' ; i ers raised unduly by one country and injuriously af- cruiung bacig The siogan of i-eung tne people ol a neighboring country, do not in increase the spirit of cordiality between them. THE MODERN PREACHER (Vancouver Star) Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick whose name is as eall the narty will be "Vote for the Conservative party, which gave you the vote." The Labor .party leaders say they are paying special attention jto the women because they think 'women will "Instinctively vote . . 1 I rr L i i i . uDor. i lie urtr in incrauinK ai .- i A ormwooa to some Protestants and as welcome as the the noInber WIBtB propagan-i ' ers m Slay to many others such antics does ortho-jdists and has the largest number d . play our poor minds has been writing in one of women ccadsdates. They con-of the more reHponsible and serious magazines of this con- jtend tncy hv 'ways recognized tinent on thivciumging conditions being met by the Chrie-,tb Wbu of women... The party future of tPJ-otesftt ministry For obvious reasons uuln, th women how thZmen-his paper ist)f immense interest to Canadians. folk have suffered during the He notes that Protestant worship has its centre in the Conservative government by un-sermon, while that of Romanism centres in the Mass. For' employment and under-empioy- the Protestant minister the tun rhif nntivitioa aw noaiment. f a vfc? W I f tC A. 1 -:. 1 I ' . . ... - A I torai visuaiion ana preacning together with the performance of a considerable list of lesser but very desirable duties. ut preaching, up to the present, has been the chief tssential. "The call to be a' Protestant clergyman has always been primarily a call to preach." Today the situation is changed and there are many yountf men preparing for the ministry who never expect to n:vach. They will specialize in religious education, child training, psychiatry and religious journalism. KEEPING THE SEA-LION QUIET . si'- Ngu)- SESSX'cfe;"' LetV hope the pedestal kce ps firm! The Evening News, Glasgow. And the Liberal party is campaigning vigorously to educate the women electorate to Liberal ideals. A big demonstration for vomen was htW in London on Murch 14, when speakers included Lady Allendale, Miss Megan Lloyd George and Miss Nancy Stewart P&rnell. The Liberals are attempting-to show by price lists how safeguarding, tat. Conservative polity. 1 lifcffwimy-rhe cost of living and Lilnral reme dies for unemployment are being j stressed. AURIMONT COMPANY CLOSES DOWN WORK . v ROCHER DE BOULE ' k t. Little, who -hd -had -the' contract for hauling ore "from the Rocher de Boule mine in the Hazelton district to the railway at Skeena Crotming for shipment, and G. L. Salter, director of the Aurimont Mining Co., which has been working the property, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Camo-sun for Vuncntiwv. Operations ttt the mine have been closed down. Try a Diuly-Hws-'WANIVA THE DAILT IJETT3 Wednesday, Mareh 20, 1929 PRUDHOMME IS NEWPRESIDENT Elected to Head Fair Hoard Last Xight Date For Annual Exhibition Set Earlier Aid. A. J. Prudhomme, who has long beep identified "with local Exhibition affairs, having served previously as president and last ; car as chairman of the finanee . nirr.ittee. s elected president the Fair Board for 1929 at th. first meeting of the new di-j re. '.pvs which wa held la?t night, j In the hope of obtaining more -tied weather conditions than often have been experienced in tim;jer, it waa decided to advance the date of this year's Fair from the usual date, about the middle of September to August 27-30 inclusive. The full list of officers fee tht- year is as fotloam: ' Honorary pfewid t,T. I). Pa tuiio M. L. A. Hoaorarr vice-ptasidiut, J. C. Aid. J. Prd Vfee-presideat, )$Ufiajn Sber- HoBerary acretfeji F. Another meeting of the board EXPECTED BR CANDI DATES ! will be held next Ttastway when IN BRITISH ELECTIONS. Uhe appointment of a managing secretary will be dealt with and the date for regular aseetings set Ural products will probably not be raised as much as was Present nine women members of j feared from Mr. Hoover's speeches in the presidential cam- th Hou f Comnwns-Lady . jJJgg Serious note to have been taken of the paign. seems ex- Mrs r'Hilteon PlaM l .ay has been settled out of court. Te pressions of protest in this country, and there IS a good Iveaglv Conservative'; hw Khen caae of Ferry vs Steins . UgL. deal Of appreciation of the value Of the trade ,whch the Wilkinson. Miss Susan Law- which era to have come up today. United Stams has With Ba8kr. Prstdlht HorJVef can- renee.fMiss Margaret Bondfteki. has been set over for a few days. not go backkm his word, however, and he will use his H" Htfh Din. Labor,: . - called tiienyr, bis,4rwuTirai.acia8s-on farm Pxri3ff SLXrL tZl been rnarkeJJJngi'tbe Unftel States. And tae pTotect4r Athoii. Mrs. Hiium PhUipsonj industrial WAtf&SlS WtU favor more ptotection for the aatf Miss Ellen Wilkinson, the farmers in order to have them thoroughly committed to otne- f,ve entering throuajh ty-, that nolicv. ' t.' ... . , elections. ., r - t . . aa j" . i- iJu : jQrWe UflitodStaes tariff affmtngCa-"r Ti 1 Yjfiojaafm lt fhttt is any recognlfian of especially, to .them. . , TOOa tO tne unrtea SiaieS,-anff0T'le;;infKj0 meetings in every cor ; jmi ne important in a few years Wtifithe country to further the I The Cunard Chief Steward ... creator of the Menu ... mentor of chef and steward!, who Inspires thtm with his own enthusiasm and prlds in making you comfortable. Ills genius is a mighty force for your comfort. You will never forget those dances on deck those children's parties, that little dinnerparty.. sou (.vnarail Bfi brut Tie Cuwi Start Skip O., Umitti, foil feat'nf I 3648-9), or any HfmmMpattnl. . wtuy sntns to Europ From Umj Sfd om MonUeml (tnd Qube?l , CUNARD ' CANADIAN SERVICE ' S-101 Crtin.TojrittThifd tV" n4 TNfC On MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on VJnrouver Stock Exchange on out stock-list board daiy. We can gLrq instan service in buying and" jelling ' Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We alo have facilities for accepting Wheat order- ou Winnipeg St wV Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Johrston Co.Lld. 617 2nd Aienue Prince Uupe.-t, HX. . 4 4 1, I OH a mn the service of sms&cy ' ' :ffl I !,. CoMaes and Railway Supplies Concrete mixers and carts, wheelbarrows, hoists, shovels, brick and concrete block machines, rock, crushers, tools and supplies for contractors, as well as a wide range of railway yard and shop equipment such as jacks, hand, push and motor cars, trucks of many sorts, stand pipes, car movers, etc Equipment With complete stocks of practically every item used to control and regulate steam supply, including Fairbanks and Pratt & Cady Valves, we can meet the demands of a wide variety of services. Our men are experienced in supplying not only tb appropriate single valve, but also every item of a stoim hjlVjcfcnjplete to engineers' blue prints, numbered arii ready t6 install Aui omofilve Supplies In our Automotive Departments we carry large and varied stocks of supplies, replacement parts and garage equipment. Garages. Repair Shops and owners of Bus and Truck fleets are assured of an excellent service in parts and supplies, such as Spark Plugs, Chains, Fire Extinguishers, Wrench Sets, Brake Linings, Piston Rings, Pins and Bearings, Ignition and Battery Cable, Gaskets, Carburetors, Alenrite Fittings,' etc., as well as complete equipment for repairs and maintenance, indud-"Tng Cranes. Tire Changers, Presses, Spraying Outfits, Hoists. Test stands. Air Lompressors.etc j A ' & jt oiflfiisagiJinaiSJiiatai Equipment To ensure the steady "and economical ilowj of power from drive to rriachine, peoper shafting, hangers, bear ings, pulleys and belts are essential, and here you vyill find G rat on & Knight Leather and Dick's Batata Belting", Fairbanks Wood Pulleys. Barry Steel Spjit Pulleys Hyatt Roller Bearings, as well as all the numerous appliances necessary lor the transmiMton of power. Maehiueiy asueS Supplies Machine tools of all sorts ranging from a delicate precision lathe to a huge punch press or shear automatic Ecrew machines, shapers. grinders, drills, millers, threaders, planers each selected for its proven abilityyou can obtain any of them promptly through our machinery department, and here you will also find a wide range of small tools, precision instruments, taps, drills, files, grinding wheels, abrasive papers, in fact practically everything needed for modern machine shop 'production and maintenance. I- In our twelve Branches yon will find stocks of Mechanical squifeaent and shep M supplies that lor variety and quantity are uaeqaaled in Canada Assoc worn tne I , many lines made by us, we have been selected to raaseaaat many of the world's.. j outstanding makers of machine tools, machinery, MWSsftt sad safeties. Our , general catalogue shows clearly how wide a serwe wellrovidc for Canadian industry. A copy will be mailed without cfllrge. r nJke CANADIAN TaiitaitM 'Mouse COM PANY-iniibed ST. JOHN QUEBEC MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO WINDSOR WINNirEO REG1NA CALGARY EDMONTON VANlOLVLR VICTORIA tes SUt Aitnti: liirold F Rxihic Co. Ltd. Tufuwo r .., you drink Fluid Beef and gain fresh energy