Story of His Military Life Is Thrilling One, Especially That Dealing With His Final Thrust Against German Forces in 1918 PARIS, March 20. Marshal Ferdinand Foch, the generalissimo who led the allied armies to victory in the world war and who is generally acclaimed one of the world's greatest soldiers, died at his home at 5:50 p.m. today after a lengthy illness. He was 77 years of age. Although it had been apparent that the great genera1 was fighting his "last campaign," his warrior heart would not give in and day after day he fought off the inevitable PROGRESS MADE LEGISLATION Public Utilities Chance and Succcsnlon -Duties Amendment VICTORIA, March 20: Consideration of amendment, of the Water Act, under which provision was made for the creation of a public utilities commission by granting powers to the exist! 0 water board of the department of lands, kept the legislature busy yesterday afternoon. Under the general section which was amended In some par-titulars, effort was made by T. D; Pattullo to have It enacted that no water rights, where a capacity of over 40.000 horse power was Involved, should be allowed to be granted without a resolution of the legislature. This proposal was taken by the govern-j ment to constitute a vote-of wanti of confidence. The amendment was defeated. ' Twenty seven members of the government and Mr. Uphill, labor member, voted down the amend-1 ment of Mr. Pattullo to the bill! to amend the Succession Duties Act to the effect that instead of all insurance being exempted from the inheritance tax, exemption be given only to the extent of $50,000. KERfilN VOTED WITH GOVERNMENT ON RAILWAY ISSUE VICTORIA, March 20: In the Legislature when the Stewart railway was under discussion, R. F. Kcrgin deserted temporarily his fmrty allegiance and voted with the Government on the question of granting the charter. He was joined by two other members of the opposition, L. A. Hanna and Wells Gray. He also spoke in favor of the measure. Pattullo and Manson op posed it because there whs nothing to indicate that the people behind it were cap able of carrying it through. They feared that the Govern ment would again have to come to the rescue as In tho case of the P.G.E. end with grim courage. But the oalition of heart trouble and kidney disease and lung infection were too great at his age. It wa. he sudden eollea of the heart hftrr several days of improvement that brought death. It is proVbie the verdict of listory will k that two gr&t mil lay&eswKtirjri; the worlcTwar, Ludendorfr, who after crushing Russia on the East Front saved the German army from defeat in 1917 and In the spring of 1018 came within an ace of final victory; and Foch, created generalissimo of the allied armies, in April 19J8. who finally broke the tnemy'a military machine in the gqeat series of victories which opened at Amiens on August 8 and terminated only with the armistice on November 11. Other commanders, including Ilatg, great in his steadfastness of soul, will rank high in history, but none of thein cherished weapon of Marshal (Contu.iMxl on Pi4fc au) LIBERAL VOTE AT LIVERPOOL MAKES GAIN LIVERPOOL, March 20, Hon. ! Henry Mond yesterday won the byelection in East Toxeth and re-, tained the seat for tho Conserva tives eB SUDDEN DROP OIL STOCKS VANCOUVER, March 20. Terrific selling pressure developed yeserday in oils and all issues with one exception lost ground at the close, the losses ranging from 10 cents to as much as $10. Home Oil lost $2, Dalhouslo $1.15 after selling off more than $.1.50. Royalite lost $10, while loswes varying from 20c to $2 scattered throughout the tut. Mines were uulot. Big Missouri was EXCITEMENT IN IN DIAO Grim Reaper Wins Great Battle Agi ainst Generalissimo Who Led Allied Armies to Victory in War MARSHAL FERDINAND FOCH, FORM ASSOCHTION VICTORIA LEGISLATORS attained to the military genius of these two men that seta them on i a plane with the great commanders! VICTORIA, March 20. Steps of all time. were taken last night following The Canadian corps was the the session o the legislature to form a II. C. brunch of the British Parliamentary Association. Members who met named Premier Tolmie, Provincial Secretary S. L. Howe and T. D. Pattullo with ether members as a committee to I proceed with the undertaking. LEGISLATURE WAS PROROGUED TODAY VICTORIA, March 20: After having cleaned up all the business before it the ' legislature waaiprorogued to- day by Lieutenant-Governor ''' Bruce, who previous to, ad- journment gave his assent i to the bills which had been paused. !. MISSING-MEN ARE FOUND Plane Was Destroyed in Antarctic Regions by Severe Winds NEW YORK, M rch 20. Larry Could, Bernt Hale m and Harold June, three memb Irs of the Dyrd ixpedition, who hi d been missing since last Thursday in Rockefeller Mountains in the Antarctic, have been tound, .according to a radio despatch frm Little America copyrighted bathe Jew York Times -and StJjisIt despatch . 'The commander, who'llew to their rescue; reported that their plane r was destroyed by c vere winds while 11 was on the ground. NO CENSUS'! ' : VANCOUVER VICTORIA, March 20. The first bill to meet its death this BABINE VICTORIA GROUP OF MINING PROPERTIES ARE FINANCED AND WORK , OF. DEVELOPMENT TO COMMENCE AT ONCE ing sold. Machinery is being or dered, a road is to be constructed from the Crotiin Road to the miji camp on the property, trucks purchased and building, mat rlal-i'nd supplies are being taken In at once. Mr. Messner states that 50,000 feet of lumber will be taken In at once to build bunkhouses, compressor buildings, powder maga zine, blacksmith shop, assay office and other buildings. Supplies are also being taken in and three there. As soon as weather condl i Mods permit a crew will commence work on the road. Mr. Messner j will spend this week at tho mine1 making arrangements to carry nut ! these plans WILL PROBATED VANCOUVER, March 20: The will of the late William Henry Barker, salmon canner disposing of his net estate of $551,000 was :crewH will be kept at work in the probated today. Tho immediate off 10c, Premier 5c, Pend main tunnel now being driven. A j family receive the bulk of Oreille up 25c ond Golconda 10c. new camp will also be built Onjestate CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Bveryon read the Cludfled Ada. LAKOE CABAflET If you low, idTertlM for tt. Special Dinner Thursdayi and Saturiktya If jou find, locate tba owner. Dancing every Haturday night Iroui 0 to 12. Whatever you need, advertlae for It Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodation for Private nr.T THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. Parties Phout 457 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol. XX., No. C5 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1929 PRICE FIVE rv.KTt OF ARMIES IS ARRESTS OF COMMUNISTS INDIA TODAY NEW DELHI, March 20. , Sensation was caused in Bombay, Calcutta and Poona touay toy sudden and extensive police raids on alleged com munists. Offices of the Youth League were ttie main objectives and a great many arrests were made. The outstanding arrest was that of Dhundiraj Thegadi at Poona, a socialist leader, who was charged with waging war against the King. Three other labor leaders were arrested in Bombay on a similar charge. Intense excitement prevails in Bombay with the police and military guards being station ed at strategic points. COLLISION ON ! C.N.R.0NTARI0 Passengers Were Asleep at Time af Accident Several Lose Lives BAGGAGE CAR TELESCOPED ' Graphic Stories Told of to Avoid Ccrmation Burning Wreck Efforts in TORONTO, March 20. Seventeen are dead, including 13 passengers, and five seriously in- session in the legislature was the Jured as a result of a head-on col-one to provide for a taking of a lion between two Canadian" Na-census in Vancouver. Its defeat tloiral trains early today at Dro-was followed by a statement is- court, near Parry Sound, Ont. sued by J. B. Williams, city so- The trains were number three llcitor of Vancouver, in which he charged the government with breach of faith. He said that the government hud approved the bill and had promised tq pass it. He had been so advised by the Hon. It. L. Maltland, minister without portfolio. westbound and number four east-! bound between Toronto and Winnipeg. The known dead are the conductor Barstead, Brakeman , Ferguson, Brakeman White and News Agent Miller. The known injured are Engineer Gauverea, Fireman Smith, Brakeman Savage and Baggage man Roberts. Practically all the passengers were asleep at the time of the accident. The impact telescoped the baggage cars of both trains and both ngines were a twisted mess of steel. Passengers on the sleeping cars of number three bound west returned to Parry Sound this afternoon. It appears Ii. F. Messner. managing-director of the newly-organ- Jhat the colonist cr. the . '-it : n'. CM.." M? T tA MPT fifl oaggage car oi mis iram cauRiii Both the Conservative ana tne cu liunuiii u1ii;1-ouci mmra mu, uvlu,, !.. f,re nnd 8everaj pas8engers were Labor vote was decreased, while 0n Saturday night from Vancouver after completing ar- unabie to escape. the Liberals increased theirs, rantrements for Vancouver and Seattle capital to finance Surviving passengers told gra- Morgan's majority o?er the Labor candidate was about 3000. flnvfllnnment of the Babine Victoria Group. phich stories of Present plans call for a big program of development to escape cremation in this year, including 5000 feet of tunnel work on the main n,n? 7 y snOWings. roi uus puiJU5U pi,uuu is uciiig inuviiicu unu . heln . an aggressive campaign is oeing earritid on In the city of Seattle, the Little Joe side of the property where most of the shares are be-; to carry on work on the showings heroic efforts the bur- oman was re- died calling for for her child in the wreck. The line noon. STEVENS APPALLED BY POPULATION LOSS ! SPEAKING ON BUDGET OTTAWA, March 20. Canada is faced with a shrinkage in population which is appalling, according to H. II . Stevens of Vancouver Centre, In the debate on the budget on Tuesday. From 1921 to 1923 we have lost in numbers all the Immigrants who camo to Canada, in addition to 240,000 of tho our natlvo 'Sttvens. born, asserted Mr. VER ARREST COMMUNIST LEADE RS Indian Viceroy ii State Regalia m. Here are the first photographs of the Right Honorable Viscount Goschen of Hawksbury an d his wife, Lady Goschen, in their state robes. His Excellency is at present Governor of Madras, India, but will become acting Vicefoy of India when His Excellency Lord Irwin returns to England for a four-month vacailon. One Hundred Women Expected be Candidates in British Election Contest Is First Since Women of 21 Obtained Franchise and AU Parties Arc Making Efforts to Enrol Voters in Campaign LONDON, March 20. -While the date of the British general elections has not been set, it is expected that they will be held in May and women will play a very prominent part in the choosing of the next House of Commons. With the franchise extended to women of 21 years of age, the number of women candidates is also going to break all records. The first woman to be returned to parliament was the late Countess Markievic, Sinn Fein supporter, in 1918, but she did not' take her seat. Already 54 women , candidates have been chosen for j BURIED TODAY the coming contest and it is ex- pected about 100 women will be J Burial of the late Jack Don-in the field. And politicians ee- neuy WM made , Fairview Ccm-timate probably a third of these etery thlg afternoon with Rev. will be elected, which will mean j B Gib80n officiatng at the that women members of the House j.,, Pallbearers were E. of Commons will bo trebled in; r itMn w snivn An,irw number. The three political parties are vote. Thousands of women re-cruitiug agents a,re being employed and election literature aimed especially at the women voters,'' Is flooding the country. So far the Labor party has selected 27 women candidates, the Liberal party 19 and the Conservatives eight. There are at (Continued on page four.) McDonald. Jack Priest, Albert Johnson and M. McLeod. De- was reported clear at spending a great amount of 1 ceased's widow and son arrived I money, time and energy in ef-'toduy from Vancouver. forts to capture the great new Scottish Humor Imported direct from, the Aberdeen Joke Factory NOT QUITE Aberdonians aren't as mean as they would like to be. Inspector James M. Tupper R. C. M. P. returned to the city on I MEAN TEMPERATURE yesterday afternoon's train fromi Aberdeen is n hard eity to one of his periodical trips to the : live in. Even the temperature interior on official duties. is mean. V