1! PAGE EIGHT IS Srd Ave anT WTTW anl l! I Tri Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre WEDNESDAY ONLY 7 AND 9 P.M. Rod La Roque IN 'hove Over Nig he Jeanelte Lcff, Mary Carr, Tom Kennedy and Strong Cast. A FAST-MOVING HILARIOUS COMEDY-DRAMA COMEDY "STAGE FRIGHTS." SPORTLIGHT.' TOPICS OF THE DAY." Synchronized Music and Sound Effects 3c and 10c. COMING SOON-"MOTIIER MACHREE." UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from Prinrr Ituptrt for VAN'C'OL'VEK. VICTORIA, MiitMm lla. HutMUl. Alrt IUJ. rtr. T-da. S:SA p.m. lor VAMOI UK. VICTORIA, HuIkUIa. Alert Ha, etc.. lMajr mMaltkt. lor ALICE AKM. AXYOX. STEWART,. WAIJ'.r ISLAND.. TOUT S151lOX, N.IAS KIltK, SumJaj g p.m. Its 2nd Avmw R. M. SMITH Agent Prim Raiwrt. B.C. rireiiih tkkrU sold to Vlrtcrbi ami mttl .and Baggage dMKfcfd through ta deMbutkMt. ilCMiADIAfi, pxcncj B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT Tn KH lilkaii. Wranffll, Junr.u ami Skagwa Marrh Sn, 10. April in; to Yaorou.fr. Victoria und Srattlr. Mar. IS. M. miXrLSS ItOYAL Otnii tall rU . Yanroutrr and Vkr-torla nrrr Friday 10 p.m. Agmts lor all stmnuhlp lint. W C ORCHARD. tiCXERAL AGENT Trine Rnrrrt. B.C. Phone 31 Ran ad San National Q7jc largcil ailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE MUt( Ira rKISCt SI PF.BT (or Y A Ot i:K. I' TOKIA ..! TI.K. ami Intrrwdtaie potat. rath llttliAY. 2:Ou a.m. r STEW ART d AM OX. eart MElVttMAY. lJ pjo. far MMHH AD MJl-TU tjl EEX OLVKI OTl t 1M.A.M. lbrtU(MI) f"ArnEBtvTB.US,lE-VVF rWIME RHKRl tWen MVUV. t1HlUtV ad SATfitUV al HS m.m WOHnMi. wlHtfVUVlu;.JU13j ni..iii lu. mtt pm inrn iwnui. ' . 3 : AOI yqfy Ticket Offic ffice. 528 Third Atl PriVeopri-P8nrfe 2fo HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump $13.50 Mine Head Alterta Sootless Large Egg ..... . $12.50 Mine Head Sootless Egg $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Also all other classes of eoul. DRY BIRCH, JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load ; $3.50 Double load '. $6.50 Largo sack 50c Box wood cuttings, large load . . . $3.50 Piano and Fa mi tu re Moving. Express and IUy?ze Day and Night Service 139 Second Avenue Canadian National Steamships V Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock En.vlneeris Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, I'c ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SS KIB-TICKLING COMEDY-DRAMA "Lov Over Night" Beirirt Shown At the Westholme Tonight Only Movie fans who saw Rod La Roque in "Hold 'Em Yale" will remember with pleasure the many laughs they got out of the antics of Rod and Tom Kennedy who, as a detective, pursued him throughout the pjay. thoam pair are appearing tonight at the West holme in "Love OVer Night," a faster - moving remedy - drama which give them unrivalled opportunities to & their stuff and send their audience into laughing hysterics Rod as a smart young man about town is a scream and Tom, a bungling detective who mistakes him for a slick crook, is a riot. Nothing funnier has been done in the movies. The scene in which La Roque fools the boob detective with the -aid of lady's silk stockings roiled up over his arms and lady's pump on his hands is alone enough to make the spectator laugh for a month. .Jeap.tte, Lof . fand' Mary Carr htefl a atjoh s&fcifrtfng east. TJiejnt iTnleo a Waapy imedy mad a "Sportlight" and gazette. Synchronised musk with sound ffects will accompany the show. Visitors are assured of a pleasant evening's amusement. SPRING SCHEDULE CANADIAN NATIONAL COAST STEMSHI?S The last sailing from Rupert on the Winter Schedule THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Mar-h j. Wednesday and Thursday Capitol: 'The Shopworn Angel" with Gary Cooper Nancy Carroll. Westholme: Rod La Roque in "Love 0r Night." Friday and Satcrday Capitol: ""Our Dancing Daughters' with Joan Craw- ford. Westholme,: Belle Bennett and Neill Hamilton in "Mother Mnchree." SPECIAL MUSIC AT CAPITOL "Rofe- Greenfield With Capitol- ian Tonight and Thursday A big special musical program hes been arranged by Jack de -'ausserand, pfnular eondocter of the CitoHfnVand wf t be presented to Capitol patrons at the Wednesday and Thursday shows in connection with the big feature pfetajre "The Shopworn .Angel,", starring faney Carroll nd Gary -Cooper. ' "Bob" Greenfield, well known' clever corneUt, has -been en-ghW to kponr with dtJiplW-.ana in their special musical program which includes a selection from II Trovatorr by Verdi and "Ecstasy" by Lewis Ganne for stringed trio, by serial request. NEW CANADIAN ! NATIONAL SHIPS Victoria Has Report That Con-structfon of Boats Is to Prince Crt Soon witf be Friday. March 22. Kf- Orders for n-w coastwise ton-feet fv the following week, rage will be, placed soon by the double weekly service will be tit- 'Janadian National Steamships rtigu rated, Canadian National Ltd., aceordim.' to , authoritative urday 10M A.M. Sailings for couver Provine. Company rep-Vancouver will be each Thursday :sentatives ascently instituted end Sunday 10.00 P.M. Both enquiries aatoag Clyde shipbuil-boats will call at Any ox and ders with (riew to obtaining Stewart, sailing northbound from ata on constraetion costs and Prince Rupert each Wednesday date of delivesg. trid Saturday 4.00 P.M. Queen it is understood that two mod-r'hnr!ottr Islands service remains ern passenger and freight boats 'ortnirhtly as at present. with possibly 'a third, will be Full particulars from City built to autneit the Prince line icket Office, Phone 280. G7 service out or Vancouver to nor-. them British Columbia ports and ' Alaska. lt2SZ5&&m U is honed by officials to have the new boats for entry in the tourist service next summer. REAL GET YOURS WHILE THEY LAST 1 Prefcrving Kettle. 4 liars P. & G. Naptha Seep, 6 Bars Guest Ivory Soap, S Bars Ivory Soap, all for .tfl.oO 6 Glass Tumblers, 8 Bars Royal Crown Soap, all for K.'c Bulk Butter 3 lbs SlUtf E. C. D., Hollybrook, Pmeer Valley, Woodland 2 Mm 96c Robin Hood Rolled Oats (China-ware), pkg lot Mussallem Grocery, Co.1 Limited 'I br-4Z3 oin avc. i:. i-nones P. 0. Box 675. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. The steamers Prince Rupert and Prince George, now on the route, were built by Swan, Hunter, Which am & Richardson at -Tyne in 1910. Royal Crown Soap Deal 8 BARS ROYAL CROWN SOAP AND 6 DRINKING GLASSES for 86c Hills Bros. Coffee Per lb. ..7." q FRESH BGG8 Malkin's Coffee Per lb. ....lc PviM extra per dot. 35c 8 dos. for 51.00 Fresh firsts, per dos 4Uc SWEET, JUICY ORANGES 4 dos 'Vf BARTLETT PEARS Sst. ( APRICOTS 2s . 8 tin .... . .75c FRESH GROUNP COFFEE Per lb 45c GOOD BULK TEA--lb 5J NABOB COFFEE H). ...... .00c NABOB TEA lb 00c PASTRY FLOUR 10-li). sack 80c NABOB TOMATOES 2s. 4 8 for k 40c NAIVOB TOMATOES 2 l-2s. 3 for 60c Bush's Grocerleria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER POPULARCOUPLE VISTING CITY ! Nancy Carroll and Gary Cooper At Capitol In "The Shop-worn Angel'' Stepping along on her own two dainty little feet, is Nancy .Carroll, the latest bit of piquant personality to grace the screen. Her latest picture, in which she : is co-featured with Gary Cooper, lTbe Shopworn Angel," opening ' tonight at the Capitol Theatre, 'where it will play for two days, I is a new triumph for Nancy Car roll, Paramount and the Capitol 1 heatre management. "The Shopworn Angel" Is a tender love story of a boy, shy, bashful, honest, and a girl, gay, giddy, charming and true. It Is a pathetic story played against the bright background of Broad- -way. It is a glittering piece of romanticism, a thrilling tangle of circumstances in which a (flsn4 minded young man and, re- .wakened girl are swirled "help- easly. "The Angel? ' v Shopworn anS . ny things to recommenLL .10 has Nancy Carrol, Gary 0ooptr,f f uul Lukaa, that captivating and ! mysterious person, and an unus-j ual, moving love story in a bril- J , liant setting. It is good enter-' tainment throughout and It is' srood for thinking people. The .Shopworn Angel" is a picture to! ec and talk about. Stop Itching Skin Troubles A Real AntUeptic Celt Rciultt Piiai, kaM Ula. trbn. Md Mktr (Ma liiitla Urklr rM to Ii.D.D. TaU pwa twllac l4aw1 pMlrat lh tkla, wwtkint ad kMllar lb.- Irriiitw! Ilim ITTUtNO STItPS VTLY D D.D. M dor ud Ulll . A Xtr hottlr pnrft 1U Iwrlt r JW drret 7 vr awr bark. D.t.D. fittl itta kfUK a'MeolrUDASaaM. w m 4. Met! TtllEN. DUKUilST. nRMEX LTD. steamers then arriving from Van- formation nrfived, here, says a m tmi.. jj r.rfcw 'J" HTKX nag -ouver each Wednesday and Sat- Victoria defttmteh in the Van- "fetggVyf rtfcffPftT.tg LCTt a! : Tonight, 7-9 p,ra, 33c and 5c "The Shopworn Angel" WITH NANCY CARROLL AND GARY COOPER j Tender romance in a dazzling swirl! I Special 3Iu.laI Prewrntation by Capitolians, Augmented by "Rob" Greenfield, CornetUt. COMEDY NEWS Till ::S.-FRI. EASTER FASHION SHOW - -- - i i ai LOGGING AT HALF TI", COST Or HORSCS Rigger Product Economical Operation CATERPILLAR TRACTORS Make Rigger Profits Sole Distributors for H. C. MORKISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO, LTD, 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, B C riranchc..: Kelowna, El; Nelson, B.C.; Prince Gcnige. I! ' Daily Nsws Want Ak briag qaiA ResiUs. 4 ';,? 02 IsTSSi..- 4RS (Si X.1 '4 12 M t If jpu.do mt wunt to huj a new ear, buy Following arc Mime we now have for sale: a usel cur that hn hftfi reeitRditiened, and that is guaranteed to be as reprcfcn- twl. 10t7 DOIKli: Sedan, goml romlitlon, good tlrcn, leather upheWery J&sp.OO IMC B88RX Coach, fair condition, good tires w... $100.00 1323 DODGE dsvered delivery, good condition $300.00 1317 FORI) Sedan, good conditlen, good equipment $125.00 IMfi FORI) Covered delivery, just overhauled $278.00 1926 FORI) Covered delivery, just overhauled $275.00 1911 FORI) Dtlivery. gowl condition .......... .1 kt .M $!0.00 FORI) Ton trucli chassis, good motor, as Is $ 50.00 S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Avc. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83