. FAG2 STS Prince Rupert Girls Have Ideas and Ideals and Marriage to Them Husband Was Afraid She Was Getting Pneumonia Mrs. Charles Edwsrds, It. R. No. 3, WbestUy, Oct., writei;- "Liut winter I m bothered with a vsry bad ooU, aad my husband u araid Iu itttinj poeuinoala. "One day on of mr naichbors cans in and she suggested Ut try Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup I took a few doss and I was grestly rcUersd. "It also relieved my son, sged niss, of the croup. "I will never te without a tatU of 'Or. Woody ia the bouas, sad 1 cannot recoauDaod it too highly." Prios tie. a bottU; Urge family si tOe. at all drug git snd dealers. Put op only by Ths T. Mlllura Co, Ltd, Toronto, Out ahe realizes that this is, one so as to get the most out of life is what appeals to them. They have been trained to know that if Jthey get something they must earn it. While they are Interested in young men, it is more with the Idea of having someone to take them out or to buy chocolates than In the old days many girls be came drelimakers or nUriinens, hut that does not seem to have oc a name in the world. She start well, educating herself for .the. work which is to be done and by means of which she will distinguish herself. Then comes the (Trtot, rXraat, the the cruel cruet biting pitlng frost Trost which which' a re- DAILY NEWS " ,THE - -Wednesday Mhr,.v Grim reaper wins great battle against (continued from page 1) ' Jm J VJ. , n,,L,T, , is Something for Remote WftS StsJ." - Stffig scene anu ner amoiuuns are guiitr. of the jjjjj uugt g spearhead Most Local Young Ladies Want to Do Something Be- he see nothing but him and all the allied oflen,iVe on the West fore Settling Down to Domestic Life Follow- :her "j"08 aad activities are at Frent Canadian war corres- once iyaloii awards his captiv- imnt wrdte at that time as fol- inj, intr the me Ties ties 01 of marriage Marriaee , ;ty hersdf ag preUy was asked to uie thc 'and agreeable as possible until Cuudien corps to stem the tide What IS the aim Of the average girl? What does she in- he h.. him "landed." After that of invasion. No,' came the re-fend to do? Has she ambition or" does she simply drift "h- if stni likes pJjr o .the story goe-i cannot him she will try to hold him and afford to do that. Ry their valor . o .,i ,.j ri i, mn;nrrA no kH r,ry hei with the tide? Does she look upon marriage as goal, ,er him After the troopa won Wk at pr has she something else in view? These are questions her ithit and idal; MCOmt Vkny the mMt valuable of our r. Which OCCUr to many in these flapper days, and with a mh:j;wi j Hj9 and she is only mafning coalfields. These are view to cetting at the truth an investigation has been Mrs. So-and-so with all the ideas e nerve centre of France. We made in Prince Rupert with the rather startlincr result r-d ideals of a mother thrust a.ord. to "trust-their ie- tfcat most girls have aims In life,- although it is difficult for some to. an end and that passing ex- to express them. aminations, while Very deotrable, Judging from the direct infor- fs not in Itself valuable except in nation from a number of girls at- that it indicates, to the world that tending high school, they praetie- they have done certain work and ally all look forward to marriage, are qualified to proceed, but ft is in the remote future. n,fI, manr wiii nat mv ad- upon her and that possibly with-,fe ur h",n ia hands if .-.lit naonaiMtion fnr thara Of all the girls heard from, "t one wants toaettie down right ........ Tl -I; .. .J Ludendorff bs described Aug ust 8, 1918. as the "black day of the German army." The Amiens ' Z" . offensive was put on as a trial bal- ometh.ng first. Not one. "Uoo,,, i riJvd to succeasful thnt far as can be gath r-!. has the ,0-0-1 nWr uti.nrk. .11 ..H idea of preparing herself for i Anmn tJ 'in. finally mwhi ik. They are In high school because m,t tnere undoubtedly a de- rrotherhood or f..r 'Jonitstic life. enemy. In chat battle Foch show- l?P 7 i r ,re on th Part of maQy flTirts to That life is so remote an J so ed his confidence in Haig by put- enW me ana iu excel iri literature or art especial- i.ttle to be considered that it i ting the French I. army under the J? 5 y m08t worki ly iri literalttte. They wuW like comes later as a haopening and j tatter's orJrs for the operat.on, Slefllgiaph tathlng and nurs- to write or tribute to not as a career. Poasibly some of end it thus came about that on ing are the professions that appeal the guinea, but usually it is them think about H but do not ' Augual 8. 1918, the French were mpst to the girls of Prinee liup- jpj upon as too difficult and bo express themselves. It is sug- th Immediate right of the Ca-, ert. The first mentioned is the too viiimzry for thla workaday gested as a posibility that having Jnadian forps, on wtoae left agafnl mo.U attractive because it is most worId perhapg they realize that Spinters for teacher brings this Australian corps. ! easy of attainment. It offers tthe no OBe ean write well unlesa they fibout Tin- ladle who teach I August. 1914. fwnd Foch In' largest amount of Independence hlve had experiences. They must have no domestic ideal themselves command of the Twentieth corps1 L Hrl..rl tZ know ,ife if they ,re write M do not Impart it. but rather .fore Nancy, but he wa. speedily time. So many girls are looking about jt Second.hand knowledge rneuleat the ieals of indenen- Pced at the head of the newly to I $Z S Mt" J S U f ,ltt,e Va,Ue- Atl'ormed ! IX. army to fill I the gap rblcan ZZ Home decorating appeaJs to one any rate the preeent day change direction of positions for them all. Salaries ,rt- f e w,fu,d ,,kf fnr ,! ery marked one from the will drop unless the girls follow r"in 1 J day. of grandmother and erand- the footitep of the industrialists Abilities of change in either that father. Whether it ia altogether appeals to her. She admiU that if and form a union. MtWactory is a matter of in- she becom. a nurse "she could dlTidu., opiniB. is As the high school course g . . lUVlC XXU1U IflAVC W VIKC. 41 4VXIC framed to pass the students; , T W IT L ,. . - throug to .the university. ,he df woud to! . gfrbafi given the 0Diveritr?idea Wto Sh Hlofvinf Maiit'a the on.flne trait that of want-, fed thetfly ha in v.W lilStriCt llCWS ..A4 insr t i.ui j! 4.. -i.r li work- particulariy true.ohe be&-i S?25Jf ? X 1 iany. f? n" that, he aught dents. it said, are in. 1,ke to .Uke, course in physical j fluenced in this direction by the nm.es. As oae girl put It jrhen gymnasties and teach , dketming the subject: 'TheTJaea11. STEWART Jack FHsgerald arrived last week from Seattle to here take retreat of the IV and V. armies. This army he command t-d in the Battle of the Marne, being opposed to the German III. army and part of the II. After several crisea he finally repulsed the attack and initiated a counter-stroke which proved the pivot of the Freneh victory. It waa from this battle that there arose tht story of bis message to Marshal Joffre: "My right is crashed. My left fs in retreat. ' I am attacking with ray centre. " In ISlp Foch's. group of armies applied, th;, French element In tn maity cases is fostered by tWof h modern niethoda of making charge of operations on the In-Ufce battle of the Somme -TST numerous pictures which one sees a ",n- fn wn,CB er t3. dpendoce raining property wards the close of that battle, his - on thtseseoa today of gay college mother might have thought un.jWqik Wi brotneTt s p Fite.;rUUe underwent a tomS me. ai iuib age uic lues is tcij ikciiiu, id iHcapacwiMMi mm appeiliiiVralrnough in reality mis-1 A social career ashe concomit- sult of a rweBt aeeJdeBL leadTng. for In the films It Is ant oi fame following a serious , lUy 'exaggerated. " .career or worK appeals to a young; Wjtem G Doubttea te influence of the ft "everyoae likes movie on the life of the young is 7V" '"jiorth last week after an eaten- for most high school jn Ieft everything Jr tery great v y Vancowor and Se- stodento attend the movies and th d9 P- She fthitt what they admire on the screen is not u?Mt the wk whte5 1 wht ifew Admire in Iff I wouia cause ner 10 u uonisea ana Girls have ideas and ideals heed Co., of the returned Cora M ViMn u.aa tka 4u4al.1 seems to have no idea of the long L,lMM, , MTu There is no doubt of that. Fes- Iean strenuous effort the Mounta,B mhlB Is of the nessary to-attaln to such a posi-; sRly ft envy young peo- efty pie of today that make the older "wn- iOUl l" K""" , people decry the flapper age and and he J " f difficult for Mr and Mr, WiHiam URose wonder what the girls are coming 3ro.utb to visualize the gradual at-jrtorBed wt4k afWf having to. There tea girl in Prince Rup-jtament of the end. , t tfw , the ert who says she would like to One thing whkvb seems interest- fly higher in an airplane than!"" j. R. Turner, consulting engin - ' mna.al musical aabi Few m IamlI local girls. e4lai ! J B anybody else and hold all the eelipse, motived no doubt lanrelv by the disappointment-felt both fa Bngjand and prance as to the rosattoVlWt a4io and perhaps more by somewhat obscure dom estic intrigues within the Freneh staff. At that time the movement for Joffre's soper session had come to a bead and, it is said, his adherents within the headquarter sought to maintain faha In power by suggesting that Focb. the most likely candidate for the place, was broken down in health. Though this did not prevent the removal of Joffre it excluded Foch from the succes-1 ion. Gen. XivoMe waa appointed career. tnr u'fnArMJm eommandor-liwhief and a certain 11 J a ! oiAam in Kava 4 WsuirV.t at nnuil si ' " aAlkftrnl control Wt by Kim him awa 4 the kA tlsUotl, British wa recorus in vennis, swim-j - ,,rB" " " ""'erty, left last week on his return ntng. and other sports. In order f means of livelihood or of attain- to mft having speat ten to do this she would like some un- " fame. One sag-gesto H aa a, . . r ' .rraiiMmenta khown uncle or aunt to die and possibility, but r,t partkularry t Jy" ' "I at th leave her enough money so that lor herself. She does not even ! she mlirht be in a nosition to carrv uggest it as a means of UveH-j out her ambition. The same girl "ooa- n tnaeny is more xo-wollld like to be a detective. Pos- ward business than the arts. siMv: the Influence of the radio' Aviation appeals to a local ralos. Sr ftie detective story hi seen but not as a profession, only as a; here. . sport or recreaUon. She wouw The girl w Would like to own Jerome, a pilot or nwcoanlcian.) J; ". "rned lt a country' .tTe aWt ofme: cTxaVel'.iPpeaUrtronglr to Mtt'?,,t t" T ,n Vancouver. with it as a means of expressing oung girl. Most people would ... . . - 1 .-1 4 I 4 41 u I - tiemil because she has a sense or i!wnniiB , the suDcrseaaion of that Brl Kiir4. j 4. .nrj. (. tMnirs. With some it is the desire' Mrs. J. H. Baker left laat week ! pT"..n slbb Influenced by a male friend for knowledge and with othera,011 a holiday trip to the Okan whom she hopes to Join in such a aimply the wish for change. The country, it ,- .. u I. temnorarv earr bv rrvpnna af vbihvu. x!. uiij lavci iv s ui- . f r yiiiiii auu a very uccessar iuu .... -w lalrabl ealliivir ratner popular. With O. W. MePadden left laat week on a biuineae trip to Vancouver and otltor points in the south. over forces was agreed to by Mr. Lloyd George Government, then newly ig ofke. Foch waa relieved of hi command and sent first to the Swiss frostier to report on the possibilities of attack and defense in that quarter and then to Italy to negotiate wth the Giwtando SdptesM as to aid from; FrOnfe t eso bf a dis aster to. Laoerna a forces. Hut 'on May IS 1017. after the tragic I failure of Nivelle's offensive and Wy retain, M. Painleve called Foch to Paris aa chief of the general sUff of the French Army. Howse returned last week this ftapacity his Influ- practical Ir from a husineas trip to Vancou- enc really effective only tu v.... .v.. ii ,hir ia a tran ia fini h. , er. wver me acceosion to power OI 4 ic Kiln prui iu u ilic luca - o-r " - '41. 41 11. 1. . that high school is simply a means tween the time they leave school Cl u J Not- 1. and the time they marry, and to Capbel left last week b ,From that point to the fill that gap to the best advantage on a (mwnese inp to Vancouver. j arcn ivio, me evom t'on of Foetus authority was rap- Mrs. J. Storey returned last ,d- He was first, as advisor to week from a visit in Vancouver. .Clemenreau and as a soldier . -. , whoa counsels carried more weight than those of any other, ALICE ARM a powerful indirect influence in , , the inter-Allfed discussions as to rrovinciai uonauwe William the plan of earopafcn for 1018. with any present idea of taking up j S"nI,th Aft has boon a recent Then as Freneh member ef the matrimonial duties. ,nr nere on oiikmi auties. ,-Exe-itire Gowniittee," a sort, of jboar nf Inter-Allied command Rev. Father Chamagne of An- founded lnJanuafy 1918. he tor AV x t.A ... . 1 L.I I . . . JT- . - v"" new nta rtfac almost aa de jure pre! curred to many today. The cen- mass at the home of Mra. George idem of that body. Lastly, the training oi me areasmaking bus-""""""' I Iness and the monopolizing of the u . business by tthe ready-to-wear es-1 tablishment has taken away all 1 ' desire for individuality along that line. ; 1 A young lady from a local edu-. eatlonal establishment looks on life in a rather naive way. She sees the girl of today starting out in life with good intentions and with the desire to make Your Head Colds tt fMltlng Vtckt la a pa ar tla any aaS akaUac t . TWr alaar tka kaai laiaaiatalr wicks v VAtoRua i storm nf the German offensive iroke on the llritlsh V. Army on M-.rrh 21, and although Haig and Pet K in managed by cordial cooperation io reconstruct the i-,w,.n iii and check the German advance, the situation remained so critical that the last step was taken. On March 27 by general consent Foch waa nominated to 'o-ordinate the operations of the British and Frenh in France, On April 14 the title and authority of commander-in-chief was granted to him- by the two governments concerned, and on April 16, 17 and May 1 respectively by the Delgian, American and Italian governments. On Aug. C, 1018 Foch was made a "marshal of Franc e In the interval the Germaus hud renewed their offensives four times, ami more than u there had been a crisis as trr.,v,. m that of March which Ham and Petain hail bad to face, notably on May 27. Bat the . ris s tnt been surmounted and inwir.'H the ud of June, w.th h ri- .Qnc greatly augmented thnejii ihe emergency measures taken rv the American government, the British sea transport uulhonii. und Cen. Pershing in !ran e. he Could begin prepanitiin i r hi ountcr-offoneive. Fi"m s. pt. 20 to the Armhvtice the who!" front from the san to Verltm wis on? continuous battlefield, controlled by one comhtander-in-chief. An extension of this batt!efi lit into Lorraine, where the final blow was to be delivered on Nov. 14, waa only prevented by the capitulation cf the enemy. After Ihe war Marshal Foch received ,the highest honors from his own country and from the Allies. In one of his. frequent visits to London he was created a field-marshal in the British Army and he waa also awarded the Order of Merit He became a member of the Academic Fran-rolse in 1919. He visited .Montreal on Dec. 11. 1921, and received a warm welcome. Amid :he elamor of church belle, whistles nd shouts of thousands of per so an who turned out to greet him the marshal and his party wore driven from Windsor Station to the civic library in open carriages. Rising repeatedly from hia seat, the Generalis simo, who wore no overcoat despite the crispeeae of the weather. saluted and Hailed happiky. At the library an official committee received the Kronen war hero In the first of a series of ceremonies Which took up the- seven hours he remained in the city. At this period also be bad a great reception ia the United State, Ferdinand Foeh yras bora st farbes Oct 2, 181, hie father being a cirri official and his mother's father an officer la Napoleon's army. Educated at Tarbes, Iiodez and finally at the Jesuit Colleges of 3t. Michl (Loire) and at- Clement oieta) he was preparing for thc entrance examination for the Ecole Poly-technique to the artillery, in which arm the whole of hia regimental service was .spent. As s Captain he became a student of the Staff College (Ecole de Guerre) in 1B8S and left, with fourth place. In 1887. From this time until 1&91, save for a period in which as major he commanded a group of horse artillery betterien. hia work lay in the general staff of the army, the staff pr formations and the Ecole de Guerre. It was in the Ecole .e Guerre that he developed his Joctrines and hia influence on the education of the array. From l04 he waa asaistant-profeaeor, and from le8, as lieutenant-colonel, professor of military history and strategy in that institution, first under Gen. Langlois and then under Gen. Bonnal, the two leaders of military thought whose work, with his own to complete it, established the new French doctrines of war, based on re-study and application to modern conditions of Napoleon's practice. This is the key idea to Foch's elaseica) treatise, Principea de Guerre and La Direction de la Guerre. Nominated to the Supreme Command in the .hour of direst peril, Foch, unJhaken, calm and steadfast, applied to that situation the doctrines he had preached at the Freneh Staff College and it waa these same qualities that enabled him to seite the hour of victory Whan it offered four months later. In bis book Foch quotes with approval the saying 'of Jo-Beph'Maistre: "A battle lost is a battle which the army believes to be lost, for a battle cannot be lost materially." Conversely, he writes: "A battle gained' is a battle in which the army refuses to admit itself beaten." Foch goes on to say: "No victory can be won without a vigorous command, greedy of responsibilities and ready for bold enterprises, possessing and inspiring in all the energy and resolution to go to Ihe very end." HUMORED AS NEXT VICEROY OF INDIA The Duke ef-.Yrav second in of Kim- (... ,, next Viceroy of India, according to dispatcher . Delhi. It ia neid he will succeed Viceroy Irwin royal spoaaorohip to governmental reforms La-Simon's cots las ion report However, there i- ,t . the Duks will accept the appointment becau.-o rigors to which his daughter, Princess ElizaiH-t!: hrone, may be subjected. ANOTHER BIG HOUSE GREEIS "OFFICER 666" Party In Boston Hall Followed Second Performance of Farce Last Night ' "Officer 600" waa played oeToire another Urge bouse in the West-holme Theatre last night, the farce going, off just as nicely sw ft dM-at the opening show on Monday evening. " X fW fne ' Aowe'Jnoers of the cast aad ail thoae who participated and aaeiftedbi rjbf, staging et the pUy.wej eawiaiied ato. party in, the BaatoOfrU. ' Jjtfeenanta were served and dancing enjoyed. . The proceed of tin) show will go to fonde of the Gbttreh of tle Aitnuneiation, under the auspices of which it was held. ' SAW HIM PASS A placid old lady who took ife philosophically sat kaMte n the drawing room. To her .here came rushing her 15 year. Id granddaughter. I "Oh. Granny. Granny." cried! Jie girl, "Father's just fallen off; the roof." I "I know." my child." replied I the old lady, without even rvi-"rg her eyes. "! stw him pane he window.' Halifax Chronicle. ' final or Projettlonuh Ta .Ol" a I JBa la rwtm- t. H aalMT alia a 1 taara lrla aipari- LINDSAY'S Cariage an1 Sor2ge Phone ( i Cartige, Vf 1 fj '' )Jltritu. : K- . Motor - 3 Coal, Siiii.i . . .;: We Specie I ie In Piano un Furniture M itt. Rubber Boots at daki Aisrr Atnee HoMm -Mootka" P.r v ? per pair Northern Rut for, per pa r Boy' S-4 Lent'. tot, per pmr yaara ... 4 ILL. M4U&1U !, 8 UH PKH'EK AI(E DAIM-- WHY PAY MOKE' Montreal Impor n THIRD AVENUE 1929 Examinations THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA following Examinations In all branch f THE engineering lll be held on the last Monda in April, 1929, in Vancouver, Victoria, Nelson, hsm loom and Prince Hupcrt, H.C, In accordance the terms of the Engineering Act of the I rutin and the Hy-Iaws of the Profession! rrtliminaryi Far filrtln aa "Caglarias rtil." fW atiulaala II to rara af mm H h S at imra innrmtUfw Ua l pkM4. tMtmll, rimUata In PMi J Sa(sra aitwrtW fevaa Ikk agamlMatUa. Intermedial! Tral. -alataa." I- -' llnaljor Vnirenity CrvJuatri: tar ma aS.IUlla a. "'' Inl ' 4 Iralalai aJ l '"' .MX aaflawataa P,M" (Jfciaaa'araiiml; f If Tlie sco.e of the examinations, with names ImkiVs nml reference hooks recomnicndcl W IWetelon and other relevant Informal on rai oblalol 011 request. Please gDe dste of birth ' xritliig. AtUtrea Vie Reghtrart Association of Professional Engineers VAC01VER. 9M UIHKS I1UILU1NC Early Ad. Copy is apprecia tei