THE DAILY NEWS -Saturday, August PAGE TWO 17 The Daily News PRINCB RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by. Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue thi s miracle- '- ' linjoy H. F. PULLTiN - 'Mailaijing-Editor 1i!f'': DAILY 8MTI0N Saturday, August 17, 1929 MANCHURIAN SITUATION " It is difficult to write anything about the Manchurian situation, because possibly before this is in print another despatch may arrive which may change the whole comi plexion of affairs in the Orient. As it looks to us, there is not likelv to be war, although we must admit there is a lot of dry tinder around likely to break into flame. Already ; there seem to have been minor raids, but they can be dis- j owned by the Soviet as unofficial. It seems to us rather i like a game of bluff that is going on, but it may develop ' into war if the present tension is not relieved soon. The Soviet still looks on the rest of the world as hostile and we must candidly admit that very few countries can , hope to be friendly to a country that is ready to help upset the government of that country at any time and indeed is: using every possible means to do so al! the time . h SIR '.HENRY'S VISIT Sir Henry Thornton will be more welcome on this visit than he has been on some occasions in the past, because his railway has shown a greater interest m Prince Rupert recently and there is a general impression current that this interest will increase. It is understood that Sir Henry will be entertained at luncheon by the Board of Trade and j that he will give an address on that occasion. Should he do so, it is hoped he will have some announcements of local interest to make . While everyone recognizes the great work that Sir Henry Thornton has done for Canada in connection with the railway, Prince Rupert will judge him largely by what he accomplishes for this section of the railway. A chain is judged by its weakest link and so to some extent is aj-ail-' way. We judge the C . N . R . by what we see here . If this end is inactive we judge that there is something wrong! witft tne management, at any rate to that extent. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES AT LOCAL STATION D. B. Finn Reports on Work Being Done at Prince Rupert Three progress reports have been Issued in connection with the w ork being done by the biological board on the Pacific coast of Canada. These are printed in pamphlet form ,and are being distributed. In the first of these, D. B. Finn, director of the fisheries experimental station at Prince Rupert, gives an outline of the work being done there, as follows: Refrigeration 1. An examination of the chemical changes which occur in fish during cold storage; (a) a study of the changes which occur in oils and fats; b) a study of the effect of low temperatures upon fish proteins. . 2. A study of the chemical changes which occur in fish oils durltig "rusting." Ifactured in this laboratory are now ) being tested In Prince Rupert and 1 Saskatoon, Sask; 3. An investigation of the medicinal properties of fish oils, ta) the vitamin A content of dog fish liver oil;- (b) the vitamin Dj content of dogfish liver oil; .(c) the irradiation of dogfish liver oil and the effect on ita antirachitic' value. A paper on the vitamin A content of dogfish liver oil has been published, one on the vitamin D content is in the hands of the publishers and the work on irradiation is nearing completion. 1 The work on fish meals In-; eludes: 1 1. The analysis of fish meals,! including a determination of the' nitrogen partition and the content of essential ami so acids. 2. A study of the effect of putrefaction of raw materials upon fish meals. 3. A study of the effect of various methods of drying upon the analysis and nutritive value of fish meals. 4. The biological value of fish meals. 5. The influence of fish meals upon growth . ' The work upon fish glues In- eludes: feet Of stoflhg 'frozen ffffflh varf-i 1 " 7he nn,'8l8''fr- wale f from ffsh cus cases. press-liquors meal .iThese Investigations are all concerned- with the storage of frozen fish, a titti which is urgently In need of research, aincc very little is known about the causes of the deterioration which frozen fish suffers ordinarily during cold storage. By-products (plants. j 2. The preparation of clues from fish heads and offal." 3. A study of the influence of various constituents of press-Hquors upon fish glues. Thi work is being carried on in order to find a way of preventing the great loss of nitrogenous 1 materials which now takes place The work on tor-Products has - t vorv tt., ,oni .,if teen carried on Ir . three dire 1 Amongst other investigations tions: fish oils, fish meals and may be menUoned : me proaucuon 01 lisn giura. An examination of the cause of 1 worK on oiisncjHcles: the discoloration of haljbut in tl. 1. lAHitudy of the physical and hold's' 0 isklnir vnaoiV ThJ.AX. ' - wmmn m II V UtvJ chemical characteristics of pll-i coloration has b6en . found to bel chard, salmon, herring and dog-'caused by a. .-certain bacterium! fish;oils. pseudomonas 'fluoresced. The 2. An Investigation as to the taethod for the prevention of this! possibility of using fish oils in discoloration by killing the bac-' paints; (a) the bodying of fish.teria has been found and will be! oils by heat and blowing; (b) the applied during the coming year, f character of rjaint film prepared This r&search will result in aw! from' piIcr,aroil In large sums of money for the'- a ina .worn m- iiroaircingveiy lnaustprjand at-the xame-time irh-promising results. Paints manu- prove the quality of iced halibut. Cholera Infantum The Fatal Disease of Children There is bo more darwrrous trouble, to children, during the hot ether than cholera infantum. Mothers will find Jn "Dr. FonWs" a remrdy that has no superior for ofT-iettin tha Yomltlsg, purging wad diarrhu-a of this terrible bord tHHilla. It tins been oa tLe market for ti patt tiglity-four yean, and can be used with the gratat confidence. Price, 60 cents a bottle at all druggtat and dealers. Put up only by Tha T. Milburn CaiUd, Toronto, Ql. Lm a12Tffi9 m . ?7l7f cr$k ia m &wmmwr&&uj vss 1 ictor- rt-I vicrca RADIO tUXTROLA RE-45 ,. $375 (Complete with tubes) ymnm Tin Dally Nevnpapcrt Printed in Canada nftuatt sad Attt&mq OUTIIOPIIO1VIC VICTKOLAS AND RECORDS SKIDEGATE Ray Sharpe, log broker, retur ned from the west coast yoster- day and reports logging opera- wee'c 'n ni" motor yacht. uons going on splendidly there. Captain J. Haan jr, of the trol- Syne it is ... the musical sensation HERE of die age ... the instrument hundreds of thousands have waited for . . ; the very newest radio by the creators of the New Orxhophonic Victrola ... the newest radio by the producers of the marvelous Victor VJE. Orthophorric Records! ( . . Radio by Victor . created by Victor . designed by Victor built by Victor! i V . 1 - An instrument that introduces an achievement heretofore thought "impossible" . ., m MICRO-SYNCHRONOUS RADIO . goal towards which radio striven ever since the birth of radio! tew McRAE BROS. Captain J. G. Oillatt of MurgMer Ila. returned from the west Farm at Sandspit made a brief! coast this week. The Ila is high call at Queen Charldtte City this boat of the Quern Charlotte Islands' trolling fleet for the sen- SO the engineers liave . on all-electric radio that reaches far into in per you can at alk Victor Dealers! Don't Miss it! the future -. that Victor is proud to trademark "His Master's Voice." Qo Today to Your Victor Dealer VICTOR TALK I NO MACHINE COUTAKT OF CANADA LIMITED. MONTREAL QMS the most sensational triumph in the history of tone reproduction. Revolutionary V in." principle in design -formance! Victor quality at a a price price afford it if Outstanding VICTOR Features 1 Micro-jjncbronouj balance: Every element in ' mkrO'exMl resonant e at any frequency. Con' Jtnseri automatically harmonized. XJnprect-dented sensitttity aid ultctirity. Perfect performance through the entire range cf the' dial for the first time. ) Super-automatic, full vision, illuminated ita " lion selector . . . as illustrated, O Improved circuit developed by Victor ."77 unparalleled stability and fidelity. 4 Push-pull amplification . . . introducing the new power Radiotrou 243. Greater and -distorted volume with the entire musical scale, 5 Three separate and distinct units interchangeable . . . all accessible . . . all parts shielded with scientific thoroughness. 1 6 Marvelous new improvement in the Victor electro-dynamic reproducer . . . re-creates the quality of voice or instrument in all its life-tike realism. , 7 Compact cabinet design of all-VhIor craftsmanship . . . exquisite in every line, liar-nonizes with the furnishings in the iinest homes. 8 A remarkable new improved EJectroLi thai reproduces the new Victor V. Ortho phonic Records in all their brilliancy. FULL VISION. SUPER-AI'TOMATIC STATION SELECTOR, ALL STATIONS PLAINLY AND PERMANENTLY VISIBLE . , , JUST SUDE THE KNOB TO RIGHT OR LEFT IN COMES THE STATION YOU WANT! VICTOR RADIO CONSOLE R-32 ,$255 (CompUt xcilh tuUt) Never before has radio afforded such startling tone naturalness . . . reproduction to be compared only with the singing or playing of the artists diemsclves! Victor-Radio can be had separately in a liand-somc walnut cabinet or with the marvelous new improved Victor Electrola ... combined in one artistic cabinet no larger than your old Victrola! The best news of all is the price! Only $253 for the Victor-Radio Console . . . only $375 for the Victor-Radio-Electrola Combination. You may purchase on the deferred payment plan at all Victor Dealers. .nmnnTnTTrKT.! refill :I.iju A son was born August 12 at the Queen Charlotte Citv General Hospital to Mr. and lira. Fred Atkins,. . A large number of guests have VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS been staying hotel at at Tlell lieu at Madam IUjojJJ tin mis 1 beautiful place having eve lnn Into nn n-n.,lntn summer dimmer an up-to-dato Advertise In the Dally W1