tr.-r: PAGE FOUR 1 He turned quickly Into a Cigar itore. entered a telephone booth, and caned make the Oastie home. Miss Castle's Tc4ce,on Thrniino ' Mystery Story In 30 chapters the GREEN r. at m jw: m. m mm. m wmmw vy a m am mum mm v iu in m hbv -aaBBar- m w 'lyHimM LAN DON ,1. INSTALMENT TWENTY-THREE; telephoned me an hour ago. He had a very astounding report to usually so clear and bright, was hey jnavc j,een recovered TtW- "Congratulations," He spoke in .( low vote., out f resoeet lor tM mureu. neutrally garbed person hovering outside the booth. "Any newsf" Her answer eame after a little nauee. "yes an ultimatum from but you knfw.He has given me 24 hours. After that " "I can gue rt." said Dile. His face chHKled while he reflected briefly. "Did you er hear from him by telephoned "Yes, this morning." Dale reflected Main. At the other end of ibe wire he could picture- brave, lovely girl beset by tribulations. "He will probably telephone you again during the afternoon do so. ask him to sail back at 9 answer. Plot and Counterplot crazy notions in it lie gave me a vntrtie Idea of what occurred in this house last night." Ferryman him suspiciously. "You were here, weren't you, in the role of, the Picaroon?" Dale laughed. "That's one of "Oh, I di'dn't care about the pearls. They are ! of order and neatness. Things were scattered about, the furniture had been disarranged, there were signs of some one's hurried departure. "Yes, I noticed it this morning," said Ferryman, following his glance. "I called Axelson's attention to It, and he acted sullen and discourteous. Then I discharged him. There is no longer any doubt in my mind but what certain persons have been j making Improper use of my house, possibly with Axelson's connivance. If so, I h.ope they are gone for good." He sighed, "You were inquiring about a certain Dr. Moffett the other day. Lately I have been thinking that perhaps such a person exists." "You iuu have nave jeuriii'q learned something?" i . ,, , -a, , i . to";ba"headumanPPHole asked qu!ck!y the of the ed on stoop adjoining house. "Wish to see me?" he asked. "Oh, it's you; Mr. Dale." A chill crept into hi voice. "I saw some one from the window, and I wondered, l ean spare you a few minute." He came down the steps, cros-i fed over to 202. and with frigid '. politeness motioned Dale to enter. They ' walked into the library. Ferryman was holding himself a little more erect than yesterday, but traces of shock and grief remained in his fine face. "Be seated. Mr. Dale. I am rather surprised to see you after what' happened here last night." Dale smiled genially. "I saw Captain Summers at lupcheon. Queer sort. Summers, physically and mentally. His-head is too large, and tnere are too many Ferryman hesitated. For just a. moment he seemed Inclined to take Dale into his confidence, ad then his face closed up again. "No, nothing definite. In fact, I have had only the vaguest sort of inkling. Besides" with a glance over the confusion in the room "all that appears to be happily ended now." Dale frowned a little. Last night' excitement, together with the subsequent discharge of Axelson, had evidently prompted Dr. Moffett to make new ar rangements in great haste. This development was not to Dale's liking. His task had not seemed so difficult as long as he knew where the enemy could be reached. Now he would haVe to trace him to his new quarters. Doctor Moffett had added tlusiveness to his other formid able qualities. That would mean a new problem to solve and con sequent delay. In the midst of his reflections he found Ferryman regarding him with an intent puzzled ex pression. "You arc a bewildering person, Summer's refreshingly original ( Mr. Dale," he now murmured Mens. WeM, when a man has a, with a faint, uncertain smile. "I head ns big as his, he has to fill should distrust you, perhaps hate it with something." as a murderer, but as I sit ' v ouiiii iim.i, J you I'M M a aiaua-4x,va Mut, u a m chow .Ferryman's eyes were., ptl 11 full lere. looking, at you.JVsomeli of "disgust "Captain Summeri'cin'ffeel that ' wTrwwar you. Either I am a very poor judge . of character, or else" he paused, his eyelids drew together, a frown came "I don't know," he finished lamely. J Dale laughed. "Afraid to trust lyoUr instincts Mr. Ferryman? j.AYeU., that' natural. I'M make I you a promise. Inside of a few I days within a week at the most the murderer of your wife will be brought to justice." I He rose, wondering If he had made too rash a promise. Ferry-jman rose also and followed his leader to the door. There, with j still n trace of reluctance in his manner, he offered his hand. Dale shook it. He could see that, although he had not won the older man's confidence, he had made a good Impression. Half an hour later he was again In a telephone booth. .'THE DAILY NEW3 Saturday, Ac-mt " . .' Sport, Chat Although the automobile has done ; Iimu in K rnmmfrrjflt , and family i " On We of the Dntted States, the equine U again, coming lntq Its own In. the society centre of Newport, through the! effort f Mrs. .Muriel Vanierblltj Church, "one of society' most popular leader. An enthusiastic sportswoman, adept .at tennis and golf as veU as boating, Mrs. Church- real outdoor love Is I)orww. 6 be now has 33 norset, all shew animals. In her beautiful 1S0.OOO stables, 'erected last fall. year meets "He is iroincr to telenhone nirain .k.. HARD HITTING OFN. Y.YANKEES 12 to 2 Frpm.Jlefroit..nuL ' O If 1 i t e ! I : Hesult NEW YOHK. Auk though Chicago outhit Brooklyn the Hobins donated the leafcue. English teams either in by Ruth's thirty-second homer, ' Around The World With Sport Fans (By The Train ul When the Hon, F. A.M. A. Agent ueneral leaders a breaking un irame with i the fact that .4 Pauline. for the province, presented to the Caruulian i'n- jvilion ut Bisley a mounted akin In the name' of the people of British Columbia, he reminded the Canadian team of the Pacific Coast a three runlraly in' the seventh! had always been well represented Inning, winning five to two. 1 in the team and he expressed the! O'Doul hit his twenty-fourth; hope that the B.C. reprfesentn-, rL.M '"iti"" Mtu s--v Vt In lnlnitliuul inomer i i the tne Philadelphia-Cincin rniiaaeipnia-uncini,llvcJ wuuiu uegrc cii,m meir: inati ' nail XUIUC. irame. :fellws. He nas been justified 'of i competition bos been" selected from the j The Yankees Md an old-fash-ithat nope- IIow Lt- Co1, BIair of ccunty industrial teams. The team tolion(li Mtttn r-il!v rmmmorJnrr Vancouver carried off the hings directed toy the Worcester OountVi County,-.. . " " ". . . I : Prize after th most dramatic i if 1 1 mi jiii nvfr ur wie i mm r 1 1 :( a' 4 aiueu ninnfi i - ' - Sportsmanship p Brotherhood DnnueraugQ and iuq each; mni "ro,- piace ... shoot-off on record nas now '"Yes. he called only a short thi country or abroad. They win .tay smacked when Uhte was on first, pas"ed ,nfo history. But what while ago," Miss Castle told him. In England for three weeks thU year. WmHni. Iim, Iuib lM A frown of perplexity gathered 'af o" . his forehead. "The pearls 'ni.n((it n-u a.nij ,p. . ., ,,, , roa hi ahonlrlr throng tr.o UUI1 Ilghllng Will De a popular Dale mur- elasa mnel in the door. A lnnkv sport in New York some day pre- tn . .k.Kt.., dicta S-dnev Franklin. Brook- t,5,i,u" " Dlll,l,jr l . ..1l !. V Ll! greatly dawdling at the nearbv counter. only full fighter. Frnklin e-valib'He lowered his voice. "Ill call who was once a commercial artist' L l L i i. .. i . . - l .. 1 1 ei l. r r - iiuir, io ue nurc. uui oi wnai use at half-past eight, if I may. That u"a 1" UP uuu k'-'k- aiLct- are they to me now? My poor i will iriv ns Imlf on linur nr becoming interested In it duringi iwife will never wear then again.' His voice broke, but in a moment it gathered strength again. ."There Is only one thing I live !for now, and that is to see that the murderer is properly pun ished." tell Dale Inclined his head "At ? what shall I tell h!m" that the Picaroon murdered her?" wcVmeintlme- ""V Th. other n hesitated His "Twenty-four hours." Dale thought face showed a conflict between as h stepped out of the booth. "Dr. stern emotions and gentle ones, Moffett la getting anxious. ; between grief and vindictiveness. I "I am not convinced," he- said. "It is strange that the Picaroon From the telephone booth Dale should have returned the pearls, taxied to his bank, arriving there And there are many other In- just before closing time. In ex- congruities that complicate the welll" notes and 48 one-dollar bills, The Axelson acted accomodating bank clerk selected twinkling, as fresh, crisp currency and snapped face, all my former feelings with considerably younger than Axel-son. He was dark and lithe and slim, with sharp features and a cautious expression. "Is Mr. Ferryman in!" he Inquired. "You will find him In the next house, sir, 2C0." Dale studied the fellow for a moment He reflected that Ferryman was not particularly fortun ate in hs selection of servants. "You are new here, aren't you? What' become of Axelson?" "Axelson is no longer here,- air. He left this morning." The servant started to close .the door in Dalea, faVe. "I doubt if Mr. Fer-ijyman will see you, sir. He is not recelylnR caller today. But you nitght - try-i -oh,.,here he comes" liberation." a visit to .Mexico uty, says mati "Oh, do come!" said Miss h fighting carries the "great-l kick in the world for him." Castle eatrerlv. "I'll so md un- t less I can talk to some one" ald. "That's why I fight Dale strolled out into the sun hulls. Enjoy every minute of It. .h!np Jio-nln Fnr n ivMIa Iia I Only wish I COUld fight (UOm- I amused himsplf hv mnVlnfr HIvpm Ing. noon and nfght." Franklin sym-hhort. turns, doubling back on his ha fought three times in Seville If be Should nathetlVnllv. "That n nnrurat t u.. ji i nnH nn at Rnn Rphaatinn nlulr ihiim Vnltiar frtT Vrtlir riaflnliA . iUUie uicasiuuiiiiv. uiijuiiii; iniu "v- - sentiment, Mr. Ferryman. But subwav entrances and nut aimin said he wag hopeful that nie. ou uoni reaiy oeueve and after an hour of such man oeuvres the lanky person In gray f"r the bull fighter to triumph Is, was no longer In sight. He usuauy me mpsi severe test- oi laughed at his successful dodge, the profession. -Franklin is a I stopped at an exclusive shop slim. blond, well-built youth with window to inspect a display of a boyish grin and looks more likejl neckwear, and in a moment he a clerk man a bull lighter, lie grew conscious of some one's furtive and deliberate scrutiny. Another," he rnumbled. "Well, change for his personal check he matter, ne. raised his head a He-iurrred-jrway-and received two one-thousand dollar little. "I dldrt like the way sauntered, down. the street, paus iasi mgnt. in a ipg snprtiy peiore I looked Into his window; This one a rubber band around it, forming regard to him changed. All at a compact bundle about as thick once I was filled with distrust as Dale's middle finger. This morning I discharged him. With a careless air Dale drop- I don't know whether or not I petl the bundle into his inside was justified." coat pocket and went back lb his Dale looked about the room taxi. His next stW ;was.62 Bank which had been the scene of Miss Street, and here he-paid and dig- Castle's interview with Dr. 'Mof-missed the driver. Without expec-jfett and of his own exciting en-ting a too cordial reception he ran counter with Captain Summers up the steps and rang the bell. It lout "teht. Somethings seemed to wbs a new face that answered have disturbed Its former state his summons the face of a man leisurely llej he would succeed in Madrid where does not wear the little pig tail that bull fighters used to affect but instead has his haid cropped "lowly nd neatly parted. He has been 'ftghting bulls about five years. Unless a bull gets him, he another shop says he expects to continue in had mirrors the profession and Introduce jt at three sides, and In one of in New York. them he saw a tall, loose-jointed, 11 " stylishly garbed person who FOOTBALL POSTPONED shortened his steps as Dale . stopped. T,in ia.t niirht caused the "Paul Ainsworth, alias Doctor postponement of the league foot-Moffett,' he mused. He fingered baI1 fixture between Thistles and h,s te.ia"d f3ll& wry,y at a the Empress Social Club. This reeolfecbon. Then he swung makeg th third "Mobley' Cup r'!l n n,.y; ame ft has been necessary to OhhellotAInworth! he ex- p08tpOne because of unfavorable claimed. "This is luck. I was WMtVipr just longing tot the sight of a - ' familiar face. Shall we stroll SOFTBALL. POSTPONED along?" , , , "As you please," said Ains worth with a shrug. His sneering, insolent manner concealed shadowing. "Who Is the lucky tnniht little charmer?" Last night's . C.N.R. Softball League fixture between the Round House and Sunerinten- whatever disappointment he may dent8 office had to be postponed have felt at being thus openly on account f the rain. It is pos-accosted by the person he was .jki0 BBm mnv be nlnved The what?" . " , You were looking 'at a dls- worth' surveillance, but the play of sealskin coats In that little episode pleased him. window. When a man shows an Soon, however, hi face sob- interest in such things. It iren- cred. Ainsworth, with his dual erally means that he is contem- role, was a greater problem than plating a present to his lady he had ever atucneu. ;omenow love." Miss Castle must be Informed, "Not norpsanrllv TI mav but Dale'dld .iwt relish-. the part . . , . , Jl be wondering how such a coat ot iniormcr, u .oniy. anere !couiu would look in n trrppn HirM." be some 0rt of automatic ad- Ainsworth rhtirkled tinnWiu Justment. if only Kate, WOUld nntly. straighten out, herr owtf stupid "I see the Jaw looks natural tangles! again." After half an hour aimless "Thanks to massage and cold roving he dismissed the taxi and applications ." said Dale good- dined at a hotel, He lingered naturedlv. dancing at Alns- over his after-dinner cigar and worth's empty left sleeve, "Shall coffee, then took a walk. A pre? we turn this way?" clsely half-past eight o clock a Thev swuntr Into a side street servant ushered him Into the where the late afternoon traffic Castle drawing room. was not quite so thick. Adele was there waiting for "By the way. Ainsworth. where him. She was . In A simple gown did you learn the art of shadow ing?" The other started uncomfort- that yet gave an Individual charm to'lier dark beauty. She looked up at him with a vague nblv. For the moment his suoer- smile and gave him her hand, cllious manner was gone. His "Are we alone?" Dale asked, discomfiture did not last long, glancing about the stately room however. "Yes. father 1 Mill at the of- "Oh. one learns all sorts of flee. I have left Instructions that things In the course of a busy I am not at' home to any one. but life." am to be called If I should be "Yes, but it' rarely one learns wanted on the telephone. Oh, by, them thoroughly. Let me give you the way. dfd you see that horrid a tip, Ainsworth. When you are editorial in the Sentinel?" shadowing a man and he leads "No. What's the yellow rag you Into a quiet side street where howling about; now?" there Is little traffic and only "About the mysterious Mr. an occasional taxlcab, then look Graves. It says he must be ex-out. Your quarry is going to give posed and punished In justice to you the merry haha." the thousands of noor people he A lone taxlcab came cruising has swlrfdled out of their pitiful along the curb, and Dale haled savings." Her face flushed. "It it. With a wave to Ainsworth he says the failure of the police to jumped inside. The cab glided annrehend him amounts to a awnv. turnpri th corner, and was nntiiif Htrrare It Isn't fair I It's soon lost among thousands of Its cruel! Poor father! Ife Is work-J kind. Dale leaned back comforf- Injr day and night so he can i able and litrhted & cigar. Ha, lad miik restitution." I TiTd -KSmm l6ttrTtiit? AfiSwtIW'Cllii- Monday with Comha also nn li.-io Th pernaps is not;o wen Known or win of the. Yankees did not help recognized la the wonderful feat In the pennant race since Phila delphia, league leaders, also won. The White Sox ended a losing streak by trouncing Washington in a free hitting contest. Scores for the day follow: National League Chicago 2, Brooklyn 5. Pittsburgh 9. Boston 3. Cincinnati 7, Philadelphia 3. American League New York 12, Detroit 2. Philadelphia 6, Cleveland 5. Boston 3, St. Louis 2. Washington 6, Chicago 8. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL SCOTTISH LEAGUE Aberdeen 2, Motherwell 2. Airdrieonians 5, K it he performed In winning the Grand Aggregate on the sam day. The two event, the King's Prize and the Grand Aggregate, tnke nrecednncc of all otbfs in the great rifle carnival of the British Empire, and from a shooting- point of view, the Grand Aggregate comes first. Never before have the two beep won by one man. ENGLAND OPENS CRICKET MATCH Scores IC6 For Four Wickets Against South Africa Today in Fifth Test LONDON. Aug. 17: When the I'M WW j i x. - .tmwwmy.fFX r- in7 mm GERMANY'S TEN Ms STAR For the f i St Johnstone 'Ecglish first inning score in the year since tin- VV (fifth cricket tost match with' many made h. ; Avr Tlnitpd 2. Partlck Thlitl 4. 'South Africa stood at 106 for i the Davis Cup lawn Clyde 1, St Mlrren 2. I four wickets today, rain stopped j Dr. Prenn. top. .-!.. DuniW 0 Falkirk 0 nlav. The match continues on hauer, below, rai ' Hamilton Acads 5, Dundee Unl- Mqnday. ted 2. j Jack Hobbs, the veteran Eng- Hearts 1, Kilmarnock 1. Illsh opening batsman ectired Morton 1, Celtic 2. I only ten runs. Queen' Park 1. Cowdenbeath 2 So far South Africa WIS Uangers 3, Hibernians 0. won a game the semi-finals tional matthis I. irninated by ih. j Tennis expert- !' not "f aces shoulil . next year. Ual Hit mi mult mult of of MOTOR . yiTH valves pitted and scarred, bearings grown old before their time, many a fine car is ruined and scrapped through using impure gasoline. Motor Halitosis (vile smell ing exhaust fumes) gave fair warning, but was ne PRODUCERS glected. Avoid motor troubles by using REPINERS ..t , Guaranteed 'free front corrosive mdhurcontpoHnds Sieves no gas like HOME HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LTDfcAr DISTRIBUTORS