s.turday, August 17, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS No, 1 A. Folding Kodaks From $12.25 No 2 C Folding Kodaks From' -f - .$18.60 A kit & McCaffery Limited Fifteen hundred tons NANAIMO-WELLINGTON coal arriving during August On account of lack of space wc will sell this coal at tire following prices to those taking five tons or more: SCREENED LUMP Sacked, per ton :., $14.00 MINE RUN Sacked, per ton ........ . 12.75 LUMP Loose, per ton 4,..,. 12.75 MINE RUN Loose, per ton .......... 11.50 . PHONES 11G AND 117 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Slll!US l-lll,lTllKf llUIHTt lor VAMUUKII. VICTOKIA, .Nmriiwii Ibir. Uiilrdulr. Alert Uoj. flc. rur- day. 3:30 p.m. it , ' rnr VAM OMKK. VICTORIA. Ilulritalo. Alert liar. ete.. Frldar midnight lor ALICE A KM, ANYOX, MTL'WAKT. Noji ilhrr, I'urt Miumu, fcun- Uaj, 8:oo p.m. , . I'M TOUT NIMI'MIN AM) WALKS IUND. Tn ur(Ur. p.m. lil Znil Atrnur IC. M S.MIIII Atrnt ITInrr Kuiir-rt. tt.C. TlnU(h (lUrt tuld to Vlctorln and eattlr jnd bjfscce checked thniuth lo droll nation. Canadian; FACinc 'XnilBlfJ V LU B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES siMr.s rnoM phimt. hi tikt To Krtrlilkan. Wranfrll. Junru and Skajwi) Au(llt :. 3, 9. It. 16. 19. M. 20 To Vancouver. VI l or la and SMittlf Aii(Ut 3. 7. II). II, 17. tl. tl. SR. 1'KINTC.hh MAItV Ocean t'all, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria every Friday 10 p.m. Airnti for all ptcamvnlp Llnri , V C. ORCllAKtt. (il-.NCKAL AOEXt Ird Ave . Prince Kupert. II C flume Jl Canadian National Qid Largcft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE fiiiMf. imm ritiNri; kitkkt for VANcori mi, vicrnim. m:ttlk. and Inlrrmedlate polnta, MondajA Thurdaj, 4 p.m.) Saturday!, 7 p.m. lor.ixvox and STIAVAHT, Mondays, 8 p.m.! Fridays, i p.m. lor MAHHKTT INLKT I'OKTH. Mondays, 8 p.m. lor MilTII IllKK.V CIIAKI.OTTK IsUVMlS, fortnlfbtly KA(HV.IY. WfUiierdu)., I p.m. PASSENlltK TWAINS I.K.W T. PKINTt fUTKKT "AII.Y EXCEPT St'MlAV at 11:30 ajn for PHIXCK (lEOKOE, EDMONTON, UINMPEU, all olnts Eaxtern Canudm Lulled sutrs. AOENCV AM. OrFAN STEAMSHIP Mr.S Cily Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave- Prime Itupcrt Phone 200 MBER Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S IS Dimension and "oardg. ' , KILN DRIED Sitka ,$pruco and Cedar Finish, Ceiling, and Rustic. SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edpcgrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3'? and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling- : I x 4" and 6" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, H. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3G1 Hetall Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 423 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results , vacation. win spena a which, she will LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Mrs. jJ. H. McLeod returned to tthe'cityori, yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Port Edward. ' Premier McBride and Hon. Dr. II. E. Young left for Prince Rupert and Atlin. Twenty Years Ago, Vancouver Province. , G. A. Woodland, local agent of the Impe'rlal Oil Co., returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Smith- ers on company business. Inspector William Spiller, provincial police, returned to the ! city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Peace : River district on official duties. Union Oil Co.'s motorshlp, vacation at return here to For having liquor in a restaurant, Kitty Olsen was fineJ f50, with option of thirty days imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymnnt in city police court this morning. Axel Olsen and fined $25, with option of 30 days, for intoxication. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dentist Dr. J. 686. time. C. A. Curihhi'd R. Gosse. Phone . r , ! I Scandinavian dance in Boston Hall tonight at 8:30. Miss Mary Dowther will sail this evening on the Prince George for Vancouver. This afternoon's train, duo l wet-no on vuiiLuuver inianu, ui. - ! return to the city on the Catala tomorrow afternoon. and will sail Miss Rose O'Neill R.N, MtNag ' XlnnilrlTg ' completed her corjfte of WK ! SS&if f for In the Prlncelturt"""'1 VIV-.lCiai lilWI'IMll. It-il lillB """-ft, .norlntnf ttl for her home at Anyox where she' i,Yr 'clock an HOTEL ARRIVALS H. N. schedule general ' Canadian ith head- IV a a JIUl nurse DC 14 II C 1 I live 11 U I'm ..,. i lttf 1 a n i ,vi. l. 1 quarters in Winnipeg, and B. A. UIru ill IUC LH WL JCP'lClUM afternoon's train in the course V1innd will sail this evening on the Prince George for Vancouver. Prince Rupert Marshall. H. A. Walter, Michael J. Waterman were each 'M. Cairns and F. E. Williams, lR Vancouver; Dr. and Mrs. Crutch- low, Eileen Crutchlow and Winifred Crutchlow, Montreal;' F. R, Pitcher, Canton, Mass.; T. D. Pattulio, Ole Saters and B. Har-elde. city: Dr. C. M. Earbeau, Ottawa: Mr. and Mt. E. S.i nlil. Knnnalrnainir. Ont; T. fiJ 1 ' .... -it. . . , LBinouc uazaar. unooer 2 ana oiaekwell. Lindsay.. Ont.; Mr. 158 1 and Mrs. H. T. Mulletl. and B. A. jjRtja Erfmonton; C. A.Cunning- A face-to-Face Talk With a Watch That Stopped Why had it stopped this fine ham, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stockdill and daughter. LUNCHEONFOR RAILWAY HEAD Hoard of Trade Arranging Public Event and Will Meet Sir Henry The Prince Rupert Board of Trade has decided to put on a luncheon at noon pn Wednesday, August 28, which will be addrcss- from d hy Si Henry Thornton, presi-ted the east at 3:30, was repor- this morning to be on time. entnd general .manager of the . Canadian National Railway. Mi.a nrmimfnn wfcn w boon I It is understood that this lunch- visiting here with her. father, i;0" wiI1 be a Pub,ic affafr and Capt. Harry Ormiston, will sairdubt,ess ?d many will take hv PrinP nonrcro thu the opportunity of attending. nlno- on w rpttim tn Vlrtnrfa. 11 ,s understood, the Board of I Trade will also meet Sir Henry r'v n atpamor Prinrp rw. Pr to the luncheon and will take lotte. Capt. C. C Saintey, Is due tup witth him matte of mutual in- in port at 3:30 this afternoon from Skagway and will sail at 5 p.m. for Vancouver and Vic- tanker Unacana arrived in port torla. at 3:30 yesterday afternoon from, , " , C"! S"tter A. f he B- C-oil the south with a cargo of fuel' for the company's local tanks- ?fkin ,Co- ho has n on a i ! trip of inspection to the com- lr if. n 3 J Li Tin n v'fl jtannorloct nlnncr iha .noot terest. SOCIAL TIME CATHOLIC HALL returned to ' the citv vesterdav -ailed last night on the Cardeha , " n.8J'easUe MjoyaM 'from" a trip to Seattle from for Vancouver. j where they motored into Wash-! , ,, . .. . iington, Oregon and California. . Ensign W. Yarlett Salvation I . Army officer at Glen Vowell, paid brief visit to the citv ! - H...1 -j i a over. Card Tournament and Dance Last Night The social given by the Catholic Women's League at the Catholic r.r:'nirht. He arrived on vesterdav "all last night proved a most en The "i" a"ernoon'fl train .returned to and financially successful have have been been spending spending the past part nix event . The momi. I early part of tl.e eve- HALIBUT SALES J4 Summary American ' 4G.000 pounds, 12.5c and 8c to 14.Cc and 8c. Canadian G2.500 pounds, 12.5c and 8c to 14.2c and 8c. American Tahoma, 10,000, Cold Storage, 12.5c and 8c. Lumen, 10,000, Cold Storage, 14.5c and 8c. Eureka, 17.000, Atllri, 14.Cc and Sc. Cnnadian Viking I, 8,500, Atlin, 13c and t Cape Spencer, 19,000, Cold Storage. 13.Cc and 8c. Covenant, 20,000, Booth, 12.5c and 8c. Margalice, 5,000, Pacific, 14.1c and 8c. Ringleader, 4.000, Atlin, 14.2c and 8c. CANADA'S FOREST AREA The total forest area of Canada is estimated to be 1,151,454 square miles. Of this area, 865,-880 square miles are productive Koyal nd accessible; a little over one- D. UrquhartStewart; Frank third of this area boars timber of McDonald, Johnny Bj-entzen and merchantable size; the remainder M. O. Docherty, Sunnya'dc: A. W. carries young growth not yet fit Rita, Oceanic: J. M. Bennett, for use. Sofkeye; K. II. Argue, George E. waicnz iNoi irom an accident. or New Westminster; Emil Nyja and canned salmon for Vancouver, misuse; but simply from neglect. K..n. i.lhint natuur: n uri Like most men. its owner never Graingo. Port Edward; A. Snell gave a thought to the beatings of man and son. 1 ort its delicato. heart until it, George Allen, city. Istonned. evening by the Prince So we maintain a service de partment to give "proper attention to oUrullomere' watches. yu,.i r illHN I l I, Hi I'll" (Jewellers ,TIIC STORE WITH THE CLOCN Savoy D. Main. Alert Bay; Peter Mc- iKInnon. J. Murdoch; Abel Oue, S. SInifer, II. Thompson, G. P. Lyons, i.nd Archie Pilling, city; W. H. Thmne. C.N.R.: W. Russell, Phel-Lin: W. Yarlett. Hazelton: Staff .Captain Joseph Acton, t.Wrangcll. I Dr. J. C. Lawson, Vancoaver Essington; dietician, who has been giving .lectures hero this week, will sail (this f"8 wnirni ueorge on nis .return soutn. A. Johnson. B. Hostad, H. D. Greenwood,, D. MacLeod,. .Ted C.N.R. steamer Prince George, iir: Charles Johnson arid' Angus Capt. Harry Nedden, is due back Bakken and James Hunter, city;"dt 6:30 this evening from Anyox B. Webb attd G. P. Waring, Cas- d Stewart and will sail at 7 sair; Charles Johnson and Angus P-m- lor Ocean Falls. Powell MacLeod. Vancouver. . River and Vancouver. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE China cabinet, tables and other household furniture. Suite 1, Waldron Ajvrtments. Phone 'Red f00. 193 mineral division In the province. phenson, well known prospector of 25 years standing In this district, has lost his life in the hills south of Hubert He was last seen on July 6 when he left for a fishing and prospecting trip to that region. A search Is being made. warmth and satisfac Peters and E. S. Arnold, Q.N.R.; Frank Waterhouse freighter For "1 D"". Fred Ball, Haysport;. J, Davidson, Southholm, Capt. Sutherland, is tory service, you 11 Una Inverness; F. Sjoblem and V Lea, in the Skecna River today loading Police are inclined to the be lief that Thorns Francis Ste BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS will suit you to a "T." Long sleeve, ankle length. Color, ecru. Regular $1.50 value. CLEARING PRI6E 95C TIME Brownies from . . ,"s'.$2!.'25j Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks 7rom $11.25 No. 3 A. Folding Kodaks From $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), f . 3.5. lens ........ $100i00 MakCili'yj sizes in stock.- Developing and printing for amateurs. Daily service. Quality finish. Ormes I&d. yfie Pioneer Drttncists THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONE 8?6200 : J from Smithers on yeterdy af-' ... L,. i-xJtia.'nro of expletive terior, will ...i4k r. m.. t proeeia Milton at Kaien. Mr. Apps is PJver ,oad capn4 C.N.R. baggageman at Smithers. I ine BOUin- Capt. J. K. Elfert, harlwr mas In order to catt Seymour Nsrrpyi saneu aiiernoon on1 .4 ter, yesieruay t) . n.' PrincesaL, h. 4 ,har round trip to Anyox and Slewnrf ,B"r' WI" on official business and. accom panled by Mrs, EiteL wil- BW 711 ,way earlier than usual next Wed ning was gi-en over to cards and Mia Kva Kllfott. who rui 'He remainder or the time to been relieving here for a vear a ' dancing to Baiagno's orchestra I it:j -i i. with Harrv Astoria as master of Hfla Pht-111. frwvnov RM nf ' viiuiti. urutu..,B uuruiK " absence of Misa Isabel Had- ceremonies. vnJn rl x JL?T2 SZTUock pn furlough, sailed last '.The affair was in charge of ,,u.....K niffht on th'e PrinceM Marv for J. J. Ulllls, convener, as- ttr mirnt nn t no I'rinro i .carina w j i . .1 - - Von.,..- . sisieu oy ;iibb iviarv iBioria ana to make the round trip to Stew art, Anyox and Massett Inlet. Mr. and Mrs. William Apps and family arrived in the city Frank Wdlwhrf Miss M. Busenich, with M"s. M frplirhlrr Couture and Mrs. A. Murray in 1 u ,ii. n charge of refreshments. The re- ., ... ,, ... , ... frevm Van- suilB 01 lne cara Ka"ie8 ioiiows irhnrirtno- n image iaaiea iirsi, lrs. j ' T 1 1 . , w II (r,o ir. t - iaiUKno , seconu, iu.3. Gianni ho ttirono Miller; gents' first, E. Green; sec A. Asldria. ulmnn fnr ond, t Whist Udies' first. Mrs. M. ILeFage; seeona7Jrts. Fred Itif the tide in IOU- B1en.H, "T JameB wu,l p seconu, j . aiair. . v-ik... Auenaance . orize, air. uwen, L" " with ticket X6." 42. I If 111 klMIU - . . " tu rr i...rfn n n was won by Mrs. J. Tennant with ticket No. 25.. - ;. . CHRISTIAN .SCIENCE. .; Christian. Science JSodfly. J13.ccontLAvcnue , This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christi Scientist, in Boston. Mass." Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "SOUL." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8'o'clock. The public i cordialy invited, Read-ing rqoni, 345 Second Avenue, open Mondays and Thurs days from 3'to;5 p.m. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, II. A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Responsibility of Personal Influence.' Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "Things That Survive the Earthquakes of the Ages." Organ solo by Ewart Lyne, "March Rc-ligieuse" and "Fugue on a Theme From Handel" (Guil-mant) . NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. SMITHERS Indians of Hagwilget, Moricc- town and other native centres in this district have expressed their opposition to any power development of Morlcetown Falls on the Bulkley River. They claim that it would ruin their fishing and declare that they would demand a million dollars ior ineir rights. At the Vancouver Exhibition last weekl Owen Lake mine won first prize for c,opper ore agajnst scores of well known properties in British Columbia. The Omih-eca banch of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines won first prize in a competition for the best display sent in from any being concentrated on the Copper Island property on Babine Lake whore diamond drilling is proceeding. The Efnurald and Glacier groups on SIbola- Mountain are also receiving attention. Smithers defeated Rose Lake by a score of five to nil in a football game here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie and family and Miss Avia Wall have returned from a month's holfday motoring in the southern part of the province. During the trip, they visited Vancouver, Victpria and Seattle. fclNCE GEORGE nr rtvaifVfiAs i Jr'takPaB to developed at Fras- "whether the main lhj;rwfl)! .o,n -whih fonsiderable improvement wiHoon- have to oe unaenaKen, gnouiu ue uunt ilong the south or north shore of the. lake.li Thunderstorms and showers have been general here during the past' few days. The provincial government's ! road program In Prince George After an illness extending over district Is now well under way a period of eight years, Roy Sidney Ridsdalc, aged 44, died Sunday night in the Hazelton Hospital. He arrived in 1006 at Hazelton where he was engaged for years in mining and prospecting as well as ranching. More recctly he had been an engineer st the Duthle mine. He is survived by his father as uell as a widow and three children in Vancouver. The most active work of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. in the Omincca district is alter navmg been delayed on account of unfavorable weather. A survey has been commenced by J. W. Miers for the extension of the road from Summit Lake to Davie Lake. The distance is expected to "be about 26 miles. Miss Lottie Davi and Alfred Holmwood, both of this city, were married last Sunday morning by Rev. T. S. DePeneier. They have left for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver and other cities in the south and will later take up residence here. UNION SUITS at SALE PRICES MEN Here's Value MEN'S COTTONADE PANTS Regular $2.25 value. Clearing price $1.35 J. A. Kirkpatrick SIXTH STREET, I'ltlNCE KUPEKT