PAGE SIX SALAD A has the finest flavour In the world and it costs only one-third ofi a cent a cup TEA 'Fresh from the gardens1 FURNACE or STOVE WOOD (8J-N.W. Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 11 and IG-Inch $1.50 PER DOUBLE LOAD ' BOX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage BAGGAGE COAL I S5-7i "Caterpillar Tractors'' MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributors for II. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. Sl STATION STREET, VANCOUVER. B.C. branches: Prince George, Kelowna, Nelson CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING 0. T. 1. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd: PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TIIE DAILY NEWS Saturday, August 't17. 17. 1929 Waterfront Whiffs Salmon Fishing Season Nears Conclusion; Halibut Landings Holding Up Well; Other Waterfront Doings has been doing well on pinks. rear of the premises formerly oc-A gratifying fact during the cupjed by the Rupert Marine 1929 season is that large quanti- Works . The shed which was forties of all species of salmon are merly formed a portion of the they have been expressed by the females. They float at varying depths, usually below eighty-five fathoms. Those collected by the commission's staff were taken eighty-five to 750 fathoms in depth. The eggs when ripe are translucent, free of visible globules or floating particles. The outside capsule Is marked with delicate short Intersecting lines. 1 With the closing yesterday at 6 p.m. for a week of They arc round m fishing with 5 3-4-inch mesh nets, many of the salmon can- motets in sire. The time ta MPvioo nn Trio Sh-rinnn Pu-ov rlicprmrimin,! nnnfofinnc fnv in incubation is Unknown. centralized in perhaps four or five canneries on the Skeena River With the practical closing down while the rest close down. this week-end of salmon fishing and canning operatons, there has On the whole, the 1929 canning been a large movement of fishing season in District No. 2, of boats to port in the course of the which Prince Rupert is the centre, week and, during the past few can be described as having been days, there has been quite a con-little better than fair, although gestion at the Cow Bay floats, it shows a substantial -improve- Many native boats have been comment over 1928. The run of the ing in and quite a number will choice sockeye has been up to ex- emain in port until after the fair. pectations and quite satisfactory, when they will proceed to their while the pink run, as anticipated, various homes to commence the illi- iken The the season and the fleet of active f ishqrmen will now be Sn,CXS.Tt reduced from 1100 to some 300 or 400 boats. For a week of Aiasia at depths from 250 to fishing with nets of less than 6 1-2-inch mesh will be pro- 850 fathoms. They were in the ,hibited, with the smaller mesh again permissable after yolk sac sta, all muter 2.1 mii-.that time, although there is expected to be no resumption "meter in length. They have long to any extent of fishing for fall varieties after the inter- !K"le:,ikeTJ" The vlfLnoTrnXw mission. The season is now end. !bodieV eye,8; Proportionately ed except for churns and cohoes " "VnH Ut shipped froai Seattle to the Uni-ffi6" head, are large and the h. Snout and packing operations will be ted Kingdom. pugged. The pectoral fins are small and lavvaeal, the dorsal and pectoral fins not yet shown. In the Gulf of Alaska the eggs and larvae drift to the westward. The commission has collected a large number of the very early larvae stages that are much smaller than those previously collected anywhere. But so far the older stages' of the very young, fully formed fish have been taken ' only in Europe. I After the yolk sac Is absorbed they swim upright like most fish. was light Throughout the season winter's hibernation. Several !noth Mm of the head and body trollers have been quite success- seineboata have also come in as are alik(!i IIow long t,,ey 8wlm ful in taking cohoes and arc still well as a considerable number ofi ji.i. a ,.,v,0 0a .,, continuing operations, while sein- trollers. ing and gill netting is now to a "hanges occur before they acquire the habit of lying on one side, large exiem snui uown. ine pnih Under the sunerv s on of "Buck" h url.t.wl run is pretty well oyer. It has Lodge, who wag recentiy appoint-! both eyes on the upper side, is in-J been practically a failure on the ed foreman for the the. company, known. It is one of the most fas-' Naas River, while it was fair on Pacific Salvage Co. is redecking cinating problems on which the -the Skeena The central division the west end of it's dock to thejeommission is engaged. It is one of the most engaging problems In marine biology. In recent years there hat been no branch of hery science as geiung up ui rivers anu crey. buildings of the Prince Rupert !rich in results as'that of the study 111 me uiainci 10 bjiuwh. uik.i Doat house will be moved down water has considerably aided the from tne government wharf and movement of the fish. placed on the Pacific Salvage The chum run will commence Jock. on the Queen Charlotte Islands toward the end of' August with Margallt-e Fishing Again two canneries operating in Mas- The wet nown i! halibut sett Inlet the Langara Fishing & boat MargVlke, which sank about 1'acKing uo.- a,; wew aiasseit ana a month ajf4 on the wJgt coast of the Massett Canners at Old Mas- the queen Charlotte Islands, be- sett. inese win De ine oniy oper- ing 8UceeMfUlly raised by the Panting canneries in Massett Inlet cJflc Salvage" Co. and repaired at this season. The Langara can- th local Hr'vWv. loft for rh ST. CHARLES MILK is "Made in British Columbia' It Is pure, rich milk produced by the herds of our own fertile Fraser Volley, with part of the water removed. It is packed in sanitary, sealed cans for your convenience. WtH lit for Tti Book otP.cipt VtifBmU Gxjlmdid VANCOUVER "Support British Columbia Indmlriet Lighthouse tender Ncwington, Capt. Harry Ormiston, left yesterday for a two weeks voyage down the coast to service the various lights in its territory between here and Egg Island in Queen Charlotte Sound. I The halibut is the largest of the edible flat fish, one of the most tic and North Pacific. It is sel idom found south of the fortieth of age and rate of growth. Not only does it show" the rate of growth at which species develop and the time taken In the imma ture stages, but it throws lighi upon their movements thus in the salmon, the length of time silent in the sea, and the river in which it is hatched. The -anie method has been used in herrini?, a classic instance being the discovery that in a certain locality on the Norwegian coast the growth nefy commenced packing cohoes tlMng groutlUi ,ast week-end un-iin a particular year was very irom mc nuncio hub der ,ier command command of of Cant. Cant. Andrew Andrew I 11 ti. u..ln i,f i C Garden is now due back in port . New Patrol Iloat again. Capt. Jack Christiansen, Delivery wasi recently made by owner and skipper "of the Marg-the Hoffar Beeching shipyard in alice, who sustained painful burns Vancouver 6f ; a 45-foot power on both arms from an explosion cruiser for fishery patrol service on board the vessel while she was in this district. The vessel has a being repaired, is now nearly re-beam of eleven feet and a speed covered from the effects and ex-of ten and a half knots with a pecte to resume command on the very large cruising range. She Is next trip. named Cloyah II. ' 1 f George Eckerman, who has been Captain Joe Enos. fish skipper identified with the Nelson Trading of Provincetown, Mass., is ex- Uj. on the local waterfront for hibiting a blood-stained eight-inch the past couple of years, left on wooden fork which he says came Tuesday evening aboard the from the stomach of a large cod- schooner Dorothy for Seattle. It fish caught off Highland Light. 1 uncertain whether or not Mr. The fork has been added to Cap- Eckerman will return to Prince tain Enos collection of odd finds. Rupert. He was very popular which now includes the skeleton with many friends along the front head of a cow, which was found and his presence will be missed. Inside a shark, and a half-pint' bottle found In the stomach of a Shel. Darton, accountant for the horse mackerel. I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. and Mrs. Darton had a narrow Motorship Zapora is due in port escape from what might have been this week-end from Alaska to serious injury last Tuesday eve-load at the Big Bay Lumber ning when his car, in an attempt Co. 'a sawmill a cargo of airplane to avert a collision with a big spruce, which will be trans- transfer truck, wept off the street I ! and turned over on its side in n i" " ! gully on Sixth Avenue East. For tunately, Mr. and Mrs. Darton were unhurt, although the car sustained considerable damage in its contact with the stumps. small. 4 lie r there were marked by this small growth so that their migrations were followed, year after year. ! The halibut has an inner ear but no external ear. In the ear a stone is developed, which grows in size from year to year by deposits from the outside. The winter growth is more transparent than the summer growth, making a fstone which is marked like the rings of a tree The bones arc called otoliths, or ear-bones. They are used to determine age. The scales of the halibut also show growth rirfgs, but they are so con-' structed as to make it mo- tedious to determine, than the study of ear-bones Halibut Landings The 1029 season is still maintaining its healthy lead over 1928 in the matter of volume of halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert, the total up to and including yesterday having been 17,771. 550 pounds, as compared with 17,-125,700 pounds at a similar date last year. Canadian landings nw aggregate 5,439,850 pounds, as against last year's 5,5i:'.,!00 pounds at a similar date, whib1 total American fares are up '0 12,331,700 pounds, as compared with 11,611,900 pounds. During the week from Saturday to yesterday inclusive landing amounted to C8G.9Q0 pounds, which 258,900 pounds was Canadian fish and 428,000 pounJ American. Prices during the week were around an average level. The highest bid for American fish was 15.7c and 8c, which the Frisco was paid for 9000 important of food fishes. It is In- pounds, while the top bid for Ca dlgenous to both the North Atlan- nadian fish was lbc and 'Jc. re ceived by the Capo Spear for 10,500 pounds. Low bids of tho parallel. It is not found south of week were 18.2c and 8c for Lana- the equator. It exists in the great-! dian fish and 12.3c and 8c for e'st abundance off the British Co-j American. lumbia "coast. Early explorers to; ' the northwest coast of the Pacific The date for the closing of noted Its abundance. Captain tenders for the construction of the Cook recorded in June, 1778 : new fishermen's floats here has "Our people caught 300 halibut been extended to September 11. this morning' Ho was at that Soon after that time, it is expect- tlme in the vicinity of Kodlak Is- ed, the contract for construction land, Gulf of Alaska. , will be awarded by he federal de- ' The halibut spends its entire partment of public works. life in salt water. They spawn in deep water fifty to 250 fathoms in depth, in the fall and winter. Daily News "Wnnt Ads" bring Their eggs are fertilized after quick results. mm J larger abet. Aug. 5ept Aug. Sept Sept Sept Sept FROM MONTREAL To l it mouth- Chrrnnnrg - Southataipteri Hamburg Sept. 18 tyntcalm '! ( hi rituU!g-Xutluiiiiloi)-!llitW'rrt Aug. 89. Sep. as MunlcUre T Hrlfait-l.lvrrMM!-(iliuEoiir ' , Aug 31 Srp iS MlnnMCta 6pt. 13 Metagama Sept. 31. Oct 18, UucImm of Richmond , Not calling at Liverpool. . Tu tlirrli:iuf c-nuthanitton 31 Duoha of Richmond 1 To Antwerp . 13 Montrose I To Liverpool I 98. Sep. 18 . . DucImm of Bodror 4. Sept. 37 Ducheee of York 11 .DuctMM of Atholl 14 MellU FROM dUEBEC To ChrrlMMrg.nuthampton 37, Sept- IT Montmyal 8, Sept. M.. .Bmprew of Australia S Impreac of Canala 10. 'Oct. 1 . . . .Kmnreaa of Scotland Calling at Hamburg. Aonlf to Aeenta everywhere or J. 1. lOU.HTKIt 8. 8. General P&aa. Acent C.P P Station. Vanro' r Telephone: Seymour 2630. World's Greatest Tracl System Ciia.mpio.vs clu sivc sillimnnttc Insulator Is priM llcnlly iniprrvioiiH Id I' carbon and oily deposits. Spcclnl umihids electrodes resist pining and burning to the utmost. That is why Champion excel in service. SPA UK II,IT.S Windsor, Out. a c:anai)ian-m Air: rntmucT FRI. AND SAT Two Show. 7 and 9 p.m. GREAT DOUBLE BILL HOOT GIBSON in "Clearing the Trail" and CHARLATAN" WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST COMEDY OSWALD. Admission, 15c & 50c; Saturday Matinee, 2:30, 10c & 33c ICiil Dangerous Flie Quicker! Clean imelllng Flit vpor, from the handy Flit iprayer, IMa flirt qulckerl It contalna more inaect' killing IngrcJlenti, though harm, lest to humanf and italnleu to fabric. That's why more people use Flit. Money back guarantee. More for your money In the TJ yrltn, cm lUlk band" La Dr Alexander nio.vr. 675 ItrHVLR Ill.OCK DENTIST Economy Store Cash & Carry 319 3RDAVK.,PHONK3G9 Our Week-End Specials FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY SLICED PINEAPPLK -3 tins HEEDLESS RAISINS -15-oz. pkg 1,1 STROH'S MALT SYMT JH' 1,K flavor i... ENO'S FRUIT SALT ,v Large Lottie " McLAREN'S JELLY rOWDrjG-1 doz. with W'edgW'""' !.'. special - CROWN 11RAND SAIU'IM. pure pllvo oil. 2 tins CLAWS' VEGETABLE SO; . ,Psr tlrj. " L'RAID'S .BEST TEA 1 '-jJ cup and saucer free FRESH DATES 3 lbs . -51 SWEET, JUICY ORArWl ' -5c 3 doz Fresh Fruits and VeeetaW Lowest Prices Arriving Mf itJBaBBKBZ3eVleBnBW8Me'