THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERY olchak Government Crisis In Russia is Expected Soon; at Vladivostok Japanese are » BL Ce ritish Soldiers Mutiny Because They Thought Were Being Sent to Russia; Bolsheviki Being Driven Back; Ubraininn and Roumanian Forces Acting in Conjunction. MONDAY (Specfal to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs London, August 25.—-Viadivostok is surrounded by insurgents d the town is filled with refugees, according to Bolshevik wire- ss, A Japanese squadron has arrived at Viadivostok. Washington, August 25.—-Ambassador Morris who was seni » Boisheviki have been everywhere driven back by the Ukrainian d Roumanian forces acting in conjunction. London, August 25.—-Three hundred soldiers of the Warwick, rkshire, and Gloucester regiments have been arrested for re- ing to obey orders to embark for France. The soldiers for PRINCE NIKOLAI iS NOW HEIR APPARENT = “tine.” ts oneot tts ROUMANIAN THRONE f the territory to China ' my SUGAR SHORTAGE mn PECK BANQUETED BY STEWART PEOPLE rkey, not to Russia. ber PBUILDING __ SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THE HEROIC CANADIANS z | Pring [IS ONCE MORE the United States department from Tokio to Omsk to report ~— - Aug a rt —s the conditions in Siberia has advised the Government that the '"~ "wee a ar ‘o. e xt thirty days will probably see a crisis in the affairs of the po uinania in place ichak Government. Charles, who re adamant his right Berne—Thursday-—According to jatest reports from Ukraine, days ago. i W Peck, M. P. returnes most part objected to embarking because they heard they from a visit to jase by Z h uld be sent to the Black Sea after arrival in France, whereas ‘his morning. Whil th py had received promises no one would be sent to Russia unless 2 . - ‘ae ae ae y volunteered. ' points of interest in the The war office statement says the men were being sent to vicinily were visited by the AUGUST 25. 19190 COMMITTEE OF SENATE VOTES TREATY CHANGE Would Amend Document to Make Shantung Returnabie . to China. (Special via G.T.P - Teewrepen,) Washing August I'he Senate Foreign Relations Com. miitte ithe word ‘Japar i he pr ivisions of the Pea lating, to the disy tier e Ge jmany « etit ~ jinsert I ts place thie \ i“ China In effect the umend IS VERY ACUTE THREW GLASS, (Special via 4. 7.1 Telegraphs Ottawa Aug. 24 The whole- ile grocers’ co entior pred that sugar will soa to 20¢. a pound before tl esent short age is relieve The seamen’s strike in New York is blamed for the present shortage in Canada. | BIRTH Phe to M \! | H Mo Ya sor at thei I 1 Fourth Avenue on Sun. lay morning : TA XI “Phone 15 and 35° We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE PRICK FIVE aan . Is Charged With Having Betrayed iViiss Edith Cavell Defence of Quien Will Ask that Case Await Trial of Former Kaiser And others Primarily Responsible. (Special to The News via G. T.P. Telegraphs.) i aris, August 25.George Gaston Quien, charged with having —_ , | inte oe with the enemy and alleged to have betrayed Edith _| Ga oll, appears before the Sixth Council of Paris today. mt prosecution claims that they will prove that after obtain- ng funds and help from Nurse Cavell he went to Holland and returned to Brussels as a German agent and betrayed her to the Ge:man commandant. The attorney for the defense will ask for an indefinite post- po emect until such time “as the Kaiser and other parties pri- marily responsible for the death of Miss Cavell be brought befor: n international tribunal. - HIGHER PRICE FOR HALIBUT Cents Ps .Paid for First Class Fish on Exchange and Nine Cents for Second. MONTH IN JAIL. lat McAuley Gonvietes on Charge Thirteen | of Assauit and Mas to Pay Penalty. | In the ne betore police court this morn- Manistrate: MeMerdic The bidding for the fish which ‘|}was up for sale at the local ex- ‘ Ves ” ‘ es as- leAuley, charged with as-|opange was very keen yesterday. pre firkearig arya ca te 6 ar Prices soared over the 13 cents imprisonment with hard tabor.l jock cor Geet Class and almost (in Saturday ening, according 9% the second higher » for is much paid for class. This than has been some time and those accused had pool rooms in he evidence, the of the entered one te u 1 @rink-crazed condition and wae fishermen whe ‘were fortungte itt i, a ed beer glass at the bar-}h cing in for the big prie®. were , 1, Miss Hazel ee, who ap- very free with their cigars to- | peared mthe ‘court = a “Iwards the end of the sale. The - Mergen Co. Ones Bore Sus) See ee tae oo orehead highest prices of the day were On the Slips and Requiring } | ; 2 aon ania ; ‘PP i : 1id to the Advance, Marguerite i ne defence, aske« or a ligt 7 ? Men on Job. te — aan, and Agnes B. : ee - ey About six car loads in all were construction take that: Gaus. © he aa “®"lsold and the following eatches 5 . c Ain . ne lo be allowed] ade up the shipment: Yellow- or » with a simple fine even OD) one 45.000; Noraen. 9,000; 4 possible exeuse that he wasign.. 49.000: Relance, 6,000; +e on |? ponsihie for Ris actions Onis ase $9000; ds, Geen: ot te enpout account of ate condition. Ranier, 7,000; Helena, 9,000; Ren- u Be pum Sn ahead nell, 8,000; Advance, 10,000; me Ue ‘NEW CLERGYMAN FOR Margueriie, 7,000; Agnes B., 7,- i laying 000; N. & S., 9,000; Tramp, 4,- i BURNS LAKE DISTRICT 000; Gilford, 12,000, and Baker, veeks u ores 9,000 Ibs. : ew building Fev. Arthur Garlick Arrived Re-| “The Geo. E. Foster came in on t work having cently and was introduced by Saturday with 110,000 Ibs. for the ne the trike, Bishop Du Vernet. Cc. F. & C. 8. Go. The Chief Zi- peratio ——— bassa also brought in a large . h lips will , Arthur and Mrs. Garlick} catch. ' ssible th d here last Thursday morn- The following boats are in port laid in three i um England to make this|this morning, but their catehes t headquarters Archbishop; will not be sold until tomorrow: u niead Du Vernet met them at Prinee|J. P. Todd, Holdal, Notlad and nave ge and spent two days with| Pair of Jacks, “*°¢-RVINED YPRES PREPARES for SISUTSEgRS eee LFS. PHOTO. isidie, Seaiie deteedinahioet eae ie ciitiaehtae ; — : = lemeaiiinee > . ea ¥pre® Bel igium, is making ready for the bupdreds of thousands of tourist? who will visit the ruin of the the peopl i ee ie Corsetiere. Phone ' staff mn ll be added to §& ack 257. ro 7 a bistorie city. Sigus bave been erected asking visitors not to carry away bits of ruins as souvenirs and warning of one x = ve 7 a i Re Ruy Radegr ef Camas & the SS hen lve until a parsonage can be|kadysmith Coal. The best. Prince Kiad to feel th aac aoe * i. Mr. Garliek will also have|Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. istry ne MIKE O’DOWD "SPECIAL L INSURANCE ~ MOUNT VESUVIUS IS of 8. Lake's Goer ar = here al of St. Francois Lake. eae FOR WOUNDED ME® — ee RAPA ire shoes oot nee ee D MOR ; France during the war and is ant - ia 6 Fr. Teliegraphs.) OF ee al by G.T.1 legrapn : ; “ ~ \ fmuch pleased with what he has E PEACE TREA Calgary Aue ~4 " , : * ba seen of this part of the country 25 M k TY heg ‘ i we ty sltreatis A BRITTON ARP JO. Sn. a Spent i yesterday Iwo streams ; ae tee uc ers via O.T.P. Vet . a hortly before the Prince Ru- ne lisabl: t : rt . ones pert. sailed for Vancouver last ‘Apely ~~ on ! ae Oe . pt —— oe evening the Prince John docked if the Peacs Speciai via G.T.! Telegraph wounds gas should ed by lo i undere mind dumb ah all ak ah: consideragle J. R. MORGAN LTO. y, is the text Newark, N, J \ug Mik li in the opinion of Ut! number of passengers from “At j , to the German |} O'Dowd, world's middl - ight | writers oe ‘ eae ae kaa Stewart Yhose who were de- ; Shipbuilding Plant. os sailles by the champion, outfought Jack Britten ada in convention here. sath ed seeds hand hat aaal reaching Vaneouvel ne} } . ; id of e 102 bat a a ee the orld’s Welterweight cham. = »- oh hanged over to the flyer, but _ as N Vas among it ‘ ne for; 2 ere | pion, in a no«decision eight-round NEW WESTMINSTER WINS euth on the boat last nieht Pmest of them stayed on the John sae * : Ap “~ | bout ae ; i lee i hai he }as she left an hour after the Ru- S * M . oo 2 . aatrans ugust el only a bri time in the} , ti Vi : R E 3 S O'Dowd had the better of Lhe Vancou ‘ : th 1 this oceasion, having ar-,Pert Sailing to Vancouver also, pecial ee lfig Ll thin s While Britton , Westiminst “ : emai fog nes - +8 9 ing Now wenight & rye eo r se ‘ oA ow in leomsrne wainst Vancouve ed fram Vancouver on the boa i eaiesiith Stncind Mitentcae tees Made a | ee as fe nmonors it 1 OUse , , » ednesday morning } ast ; af : . of 5 to 2 couver on the Princess Mary on = ALI O'Dowd weighed 155 pounds - , he ‘turday was Herold Pudért 2 GO.W.V.A. Rooms . : eig agreement ri : : : i i : CE JOYCE und " ne er si a | student of the’ King Edward High “Tuesday, at 8 o'clock “o ein ad ’ woll us ‘J rade ws siveness T T School who has been spending his nent ” inn mee eeee’s One" . i WES I &THOLME HEA RE numer holidays at North Island = he Linn ang tie Maus ” against Britton science, bu be Presenting the pick of the world’s best ures and ow splendid concert orchestra in the eatendin Madimond’ we ie Ail Returned Men ent ans cleverness UZ ZIOK a U 0 set oF os {i oo TONIGHT ° returning to take up his techni- to hear H§ R ret . } his opponent only during the arts part of the contest in which he A kn look the first, second and rINE COMEDY rounds SOCK iC REEL General meeting of Labor way an celebration committee tonight at ud 30 conte ¥:15 in Carpenters’ Hall ’ ang 9 B. ©. Undertakers. Phone “a Margarita Fisher in “The Mantle of Charity” Exposing the « The Great TOTO in” A a eal charity swindlers ‘The Great Water Peril” inny Comedy British ‘Offic ial Gazette Shows, 7 and 9.15 Admission, 30c and 1%5e the term opening the of next week. cal course Mr. F. A. BARTER early part . a Travelling Representative of Chen e Tite, junior, Was among Pensions Board, Ottawa thos ieaving for the south on also the Grand Trunk boat last night. lie will take a vacation for a few Lt.-Col. ¢. Ww. Peck, TS. months in the southern eoast Hon. Pres. G.W.V.A, # e: “e * ~ » Swe ro eg % a ‘eS eet