H' ;:. A i i - PAGE FOUR This sauce deserves its fame L tave given my i recipe for white sauce Pr.W ti )lJ It's the best sauce they hare erer tan ed, so I don't feel that I am boastini iinftulv vhon 1 runic It tfl VOIL. Being evaporated to double richness, it makes the creamiest of sauces, with out the extravagant use of butter. Being "homogenized" which means trat tne aouue cream content is Drotcen up into minutest particles it gives a wonderfully fine, smooth texture. And this same rich creaminess and velvety-smooth texture are found in every dish n which Carnation Milk is used. Because of its uniformity, dependability, convenience and real economy, you will prefer it for all cooking. Send for free Carnation Cook Ilook. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Ltd, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver. EC hy daim no credit myself for its delidous-ixas. I know quite well that Its emooth, rich creaminess is Que urgeiy to tne muKQfiea Unless the milk used in a white sauce Is pore and sweet and rich in cream, YOUTH get an indifferent result. But if SOU have creamy whole milk of the highest quality, pure and sweet, you can count on a tielidous sauce. And that it exactly what vou have in Car nation Milk. It is simply the best of ttkole milk from selected herds with nothing added and nothing taken out except part ot the water. Carnation Cream Sauce (for vegetables) yi tbsp. butter, yi tbsp. flour, tsp. salt, few grains pepper, cup Carnation Milk, M cup water. Melt butter in top portion Of double boiler; add flour and seasonings: mix thoroughly. Add Carnation diluted with water; stir constantly until smooth and thick; place over hot water and continue cooking 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Carnation Cheese Sauce (for vegetables or fish) Add M cup grated cheese to 1 cup Carnation Cream Sauce and stir until melted. Serve hot Carnation Egg Sauce (for vegetables or fish) Add 1 chopped hard cooked egg, 1 tbsp. chopped parsley, and i tsp. celery salt to 1 cup Carnation Cream Sauce. Serve hot Carnation Spinach aa Gratin 3 tbsp. butter, 3 tbsp. flour. U tsp. salt, H tsp. pepper, K cup Carnation Milk, 1 can spinach (No. S), U cup spinach liquid. H cup grated cheese, y cup dried bread crumbs stirred in 2 tbsp. melted butter. Melt the 3 tbsp. butter, add flour and seasoninss and mix thoroughly: add Carnation and liquid drained from can of spinach. Stir constantly until smooth and thick. Add grated cheese; when melted add spinach. Put mixture into casserole. cover with buttered bread crumbs; brown in oven 10 minutes. Serves 5. Smoother, Creamier Sauces PRODUCED flflltlR IN CANADA 3fc tl&r "from Mrs. Harriet Pullen, proprietress of the well known Skagway host-! elry, the Pullen House and one of. the colorful pioneer residents of that Alaskan port, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norahi this morning going south for a I vacation trip to the United States. CjS)i Even the best of bottled milk cannot equar Carnation Milk in cooking results. Velvety smoothness, rich creaminess, fragile texture, 'delicacy these are some of the qualities which Carnation Milk gives to foods. Try itl (See recipes above) Contented Cows on f ha tabtl mtani EVAPORATED MILK of highttt quality Rev.'T. A. Westgate of Winni-i peg. field secretary of Church of England Missionary Society, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this morning going through to Vancouver en route east after having made a month's trip into the Yukon Territory. MUSIC CLUB PAPER READ Miss Way Demonstrates on Piano Work onuasttrs "In Symphony and Prelude The Ladies' Music Cub held a most interesting and instructive meeting yesterday afternoon at the new home of Miss Way. fourth Ave. when the hostess tot the day read a well thought out and carefully constructed paper on the Symphony and Prelude Illustrated on the piano by herself and by Miss Swanna Olafson and i Mrs. E. Lancaster Smith. There was a large attendance of members and tea was served for Miss Way by Miss Olson, Mrs. Blot and Mrs. Hellbroner, the hostess tMt handicapped by an Injured loot. In her paper. Miss Way ex plained the various kinds of preludes, some beinfr of very light texture mainly of harmonies In DroKen cnords and some rcpro sented the development of figures and phrases of melody and are lyrical in character. An introduc tory organ voluntary is often termed a prelude. It differs from Introduction in that it is complete m itself and ends with a lull close. Th Bach style of nre-ludflo were illustrated by Miss Olafson. Mrs. Smith Illustrated Chopin's preludes, tne lovely prelude in B Minor being the selection chosen. Miss Way also illustrated the flight HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and BESNEK Proprietors - Central O. Roberts and W. J. Connery, city; E. Llllie, Vancouver. ' Savoy Hotel Prince Rupext's leadjne faintly hotel. Hot and coldwater In all rooms. A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy William Mackenzie, city. i Demand 1 B.C. lor Your B.C. PRODUCTS IIUHEAU Tb ViMnief Uoard of Trails For Real Comfort get a "Silent Night" Mattress Spring-Filled (Nachman) Such comfort and luxury as is built into these mattresses has seldom been found in any other. Just imagine! Four hundred and eighty four-inch springs in each mattress. No sagging! The well , padded springs give to the weight of the body and induce a rcstfulness that is soothing and satisfying. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER QF 20 OF THESE SPLENDID ."Sifent Night" Waitresses at the Special Price of $23.50 SOLI) EXCLUSIVELY IN PRINCE KUPEUT BY Geo. J. Dawes P FEDERAL BLOCK hone Black 12p Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAIL7 KEW3 of Chopin fancy in the D. FWt rreiuae. The Symphony Turning then to the symphony. Miss Wav sooke of Hadyn who Is bltnown as the "father of sym- net by this cdmposer. She also Mold how Mozart and Beethoven (tarried the work along, the latter bringing it to its highest degree of Derfection. Schuman's work was plso described with special em phasis on the Symphoni inC. it was tnis master who brought to light some of the greatest works oi Dcnuuen uie umimsnca aym-phony which wns found by Schu- mnn nftpr Rphiihorf' rtoofh dusty and (forgotten, , was given .by. tone of this great composer. Miss wav -also tlemnristrhtwi-'Mwmmr sohn's treatment of Martin Luther's Chorale and the Amen of the Dresden, Catholic Church. She TO OPEN ....THRW rymn! mr i ink 53 MAN to MAN Xfhestby Long Odds " WHITE ME REAL OLD SCOTCH WHISKY TMl OlDIST HOKti M TH WORLD . . . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. touched upon the symphony work of other niasteH of the art and closed with a brief mention ot the work of Frederick Delius, the blind and paralyzed musician, whose instrumental and orchestral work is receiving Great .attention today, a creator of the fhost tM Jlime in the realms of music. B. A. TwIsk Wi 1 ver insurance m-iV ger aboard u1(. i. this mornhi!' r. ' ., ter a trip to Kei-i',, Alaska points . Daily New "Ci:,,. Isfn- brinjf.s twufr itled" n w hi sw -mx mm h m -m m ma -i-v w. 1e. v ' ' , . 'i fm. .MHir I Kl.innll I.. I .a... 11 " 1 1.1 that has enjoyed W a world w,or.,d,w,de wide i-VDON DRYd WJy popularity popularity - for for 10 180 7 years. years. v.. --"i f II VTZ-T The Gn of Quality MlaKmtO n JOSEPH JOHN VICKERS U CO.. tw. tONOON 1750 ItUJMV I 1 s advenisnmcnt i- nnt published nr Liquor l ontroi Board or by the O British Columbia. USQ Wdtfjave but a few more days now in which to conclude The Louvre Slock Reducing Sale. There is still a lot of high-class merchandise to be disposed .of licforc Miss Irma Brookes takes over the management of The Louyrc. If prices will sell goods, these prices ought to. 0 SEE THESE BARGAINS LADIES' COATS in tweeds and broadcloths ; fur- Q-fl A IZ A trimmed. All new models. From JJLtfisePv LADIES' HATS in velvets, felt, etc.; metallic-trim- Ql 'mfiig. Prices - $L95, $2.95 and LADIES DRESSES All the dresses on the downstairs floorhundreds Q-i A Aff of them Iwing offered to clear at JJJ3.v?9 Jhese Must iGo. .Irrespective of Cost PARTY DRESSES in satin, moire and georgette. OA f? To be given away at Richmond's Louvre LEADERS IN STYLE AND FASHION THE BALANCE OF TIH TOCK OF THE NOBBY MlT GO THIS WEEK Here are yard goods. riDbon-j laces, remnante, etc. Muk'' vou' own choice. . DRESS LENGTHS gi,95 Only a few left now. v