INSTALMENT TEN A Bench For Two Dale jumped into a taxi and hurried away to keep the appointment of which he had spoken. His face had worn a light frown when he left the restaurant but it changed quickly to a whimsical expression. At one Of the entrances to Central Fark he dismissed the taxi and walked briskly inside. A girl was seated on a bench, and he gave hera quick and unobtrusive inspection, then raised his hat. "I believe you are Miss Adele Castle" he murmured. "Yes," said Adele, regarding him a little doubtfully out of her dark, troubled eyes. "But you" she hesitated "certainly you are not the Picaroon." "Why not?" he asked lightly. Her lips relaxed a little. "Anyway, sheep's clothing is becoming to you." "Thsaks. Is there room for two on that bench r She edgftd awar a little, making room for him, and she was still retarding him witlt a shy, questioning glance. "I'm glad you came." said Dale, sitting down beside her. "I was not sure you would." Well. I hesitated a bit, but when one is desperate, then there is nothing to do but clutch at whatever straw may come along." Dale nodded. He twirled his stick between, his knees and gazed Thrilling' Mystery Story In 30 chapters HERMAN UN DON seem to have information In your possession that could destroy my father." "Nonsense, Miss Castle. You are not at my mercy. You don't believe for a moment that I would use the Information I have in an unprincipled manner. Da you?" "No," she replied faintly, after a little period of hesitation, during which she scanned his frank ixpresslon arid clear-cut features. TET us demonstrate the newest of Frlaldnir XJ a new low-priced model with a beautiful all-porcelain, non-rutting cabinet. Operate from individual electric plants or central station current. IIH1TK KOIll.VsON FI.F.CTItlr (tl.C.) LTD. C 1 A 1.(1 Kit, RI'KCIAI, ItKPItKHKNT ATI VK Vsnoouvrf. Victoria FRIGIDAIRE i Oh QUIET Qulomaiic JUfuyuaiar ) "I was not far away. I heard every word. Let me tell you a! secret. The Picaroon visited Doctor Moffet's house one dark nijrht' about a month ago. It was just chance that brought him there: that time. He didn't see Doctor Moffett, but he observed a num ! ber of curious things. He decided! to make a return visit and find out some more. That's hov he happened to be present during your interview with the doctor." "Oh, I see." She smiled faintly, but soon her face sobered again. "He told.mj he is the ugliest man in creation. That's one reason why he doesn't want to be seen. Now, If we should come face to face with a very ugly man" Dale laughed. "Yes, that would shatter Doctor Aloffett's anony mity. If he really is as ugly as he told you, then he would be very conspicuous In a crowd. Rut it s possible he told you a lie." "I hadn't thought of that." Well, we can't be certain. Maybe he lied, or maybe he told the truth." "He also said that he is suffering from a nervous ailment that makes his eyes sensitive to most colors except green." .To lie Continued Tomorrow) 'No, I don't believe you would." ID ATTTMP PDnrT "Thank you' Dale' said gently.1 ft A I I Nil .IF KM casually noting the trim lines ofldizlng my safety. But I don't be. Z 801 ,hb twity-ih homer, the her smartly garbed figure ! Heve you would harm me even if J,? l' "You ddn t look a bit er' you could, sixteen to two. vicious." I "No, I wouldn't. That wouldn't Philadelphia Athletics went on a Dale lauriied. "You can never; be nlarine alt. Besides" and b"lD P" ,wln Dln ,n tn go by appearances. I may be a, with an expression of doubt and nTberCmV tot t ! wolf in sheep's clothing.'' 'I don't believe you would betray me, either. By inference I have AI? T1UA TP A MP Emitted that I am the Picaroon. I I IT 1 If II I Fitt ihl You are the first and only per-! son to Whom I have msdn mirh an' admission. Of course, he chuckled "'B! J aTE? softly, there are not witnesses; Third iiomrr to this exchange of confidences.' I can be frank without jeopar- new York. Aug. l: Led by Gehrig seen curiosity sne gazeu at htm troit team. incredulously. She scanned his ,n double hesder Boston won the face "I don't believe even now "r,t. ,ort th ?fco'h.d .. si. tii In the first game the four runs which the Picaroon- .iy,?U ?re Mve them the victory were .cored ln Tell that to. Summers, Dale the seventh inning, thre on Rhyne' laughed. "Now, Miss Castle, let BK, . . us face a few facts This Dr. w"bu''sft Ptrt went down hill Motrett appears to be a villain- Philadelphia, it wu Klein's thirty-ous old soul. Neither you nor I third homer. have seen him but we have heard Bortn Nationait broke the Cuba-Kis voice Rather pleasant voice S m?' " Lather pleasant voice, hasn t score for th. n.v w-r. . mh. he?" . . , "Yes, but I had a feeling h, tJSTS-ST was disguising it." Brookim a-8. st. Louis s-j. U "So did I. You were closer . to. . Philadelphia 6, Pituburgh a. him lhan I. What did you see?" ' 'Boston 7. Chicago l. "A rich green light like vel :vet." Adele shivered a little. She out oyer the rolling greensward had not yet grown accustomed to and the trees in the autumnal jthe pretence of this strange man coloring. There was a warm haze i who in some intimate way an- over it all, and a certain tender peared to have acquired a know-feeling irr.inK was nu pultlng misiiiK wistfully wisiiuuy ledge leuge oi of the me facts iacis that ma; concern- concern- over it." AMERICAN' IK AO IF. Chlaago a. New York 16. Detroit 1. Philadelphia 10. Cleveland 0-. Boston 1-2. St. Lou la 5, Washington 1. Boston 7-3, Chicago 1-6. f THI PHP 1 TrTi through the beauty of the land- ed her most vitally. "I also saw II!IKI H H r AEthK tape, la figure, but It was very shad- W vUDLLllJbnliai "Forgive me if I n sneak blunt- owv. The face I couldn't rpp at ly,' 'he murmured. "Your father' all. There seemed to be a cloud is the mysterious Mr. Graves. Dr. Moffett knows it " , A gaap came from the girl beside him. "Dr. Moffett has documentary evidence which proves that your father is the mysterious Mr. Grave)," Dale calmly continued, "and he has placed an outran-eous price on his silence, a price which your father is unable to meet even .If he were so inclined. Thafi the situation in a nutshell, ipt itr i. The girl shrank away from him a little.' "How do you know all thatT" "It Is true, isn't it?" AT SOFTBALL Dale nodded understandingly. I "YOU found it a bit spooky, of Station Ileal rikh Parker anil Then course. That's what Doctor Mof- y rriwk fett intended. One of his objects . ' was was to to makP make jou vnn reel fVel rrmr that It It ,n double header aoftball game ,t nlfht 8utlon Te&m lbe would be useless to resist, a man Halibut Packers 8 to e, and lost to like him. I don't believe he quite the Drydoek s to 4. succeeded. I don't think you are Th'r WM lcU M fun ln the tlnl " g,me w,th both t"m P11"1- t6 easilv frightened neneQ' i . 'ball. It was the first time we knew Uh, but I was. I was all chills MtnUes packed IUh, but he seemed and fevers for a while." 'to have gurry all over his hands ane "But only for a while. The nt ,mid he v7 fJ'PP" herwis-result fell short of Doctor Mof- "."5 Trr ZXZVltZ fett s aim. So far he has been for the runmen. successful in his secondary aim,' styles catching for the station and anonymity. Probably there fa no ..2 xes! The little word came auch person as Doctor Moffett the iishmen think they can trim the on a fluttering whisper. 'But IjWe wouldn't know him If we station UOn t understand" fahotilH mm fta in ti,t.A ,t,nu Button stylos. B. .....'l,t Int0,h- Horton, Thomas. U Un'f f u t.j .... . iiv vvddu i j mai, jruu uvui me vuitc we nuuru was ten. Parks Stalker. oiiuuiu unuersuna just at pres- aissemuied. end. Miss Castle, do you think you could trust me?" She looked at him solemnly and with a quaver. "I have no liirht?" "You heard it too?" "I was there." "In the room with the choice. I am at your mercy. You I He Bmiled mysteriously. green Skattebol. Mc Drydixk Wins Holtby. Coo. Hsllbut Psckers Klrkendall, Styles. Ullkcr. Dougherty, Hanson Pierce, Men das, Chtmxk), Starr. The accond game waa air tight ball from the beginning, the Station get ting one run in the first and two lu the eighth, the Drydoek getting one ln the second, one In the seventh and two in th eighth. There were no outstanding players In this game, they were all good. A few mroe games like this will put softbali on the map in Prince Rupert as one of its leading games Drydoek Gawthorne, Smith, Kelsey, Heditrom. MeKeown, Retd, McPhee, Howe Palmer. 8tatlon atyle. B. Skattebol, U Intosh, Horton, Thomas. Holtby, A. Skattebol, Parks, Morrison. Sport Chat On Acropolis Hill lot tonight, the Bona of Canada will be "at home" to the visiting Gyro Club, and after listening to the rumors that are elrcu-Utlng around sporting circles, are going to be anything but polite hosts to their guests. If all the statement Dame Rumor Is noising around ara true, then the qwo Club re in for ft most Unsociable reniAgiillng, that ss guests, they should be treated with THIRD AVENUE . ..n4si than the re m 11 vbic mure tuw oelve. may change Mr Moran's rrew into an almost ruae " men, ho will tar the fl O.C. "at home" to pieces with a shower" of base hits that WIU shock and embarrass Messrs. Love and Mitchell, and, nil the hearts of tn fans with Joy. I Olllfl Ilsfelatltl in probfthly be the Oyro Vtefiet thu evenma-, if th less of four or five teeth, the result ( of 0 ba2 bouncing ball U Monday's gsme lias nut I " WarWeHii a little! Pumps Strap Slippers Oxfords Values to $8.00 SALE PRICE 445 You never saw an attractive array of new atyleH in any sale before I Reptile trimming are featured In abundance! Every pair beautifully I rimmed and charmingly fashioned. Values to $9.00 SALE PRICE 3.95 Sports and Drew Shoes and Oxfords are all reduced for im mediate clearance! Patent Leathera, Kids, and all other leathers. All smartly styled for both the snappy and conservative tastes. Miaky hope not. and lots of luclt lo yiu. Ollie j TV 8 'tis cholre will nerharu h' Great Annual 1 787 y IS VI V il II IT" oney- McArthw's Shoe Store 1 I ' - . ... i awsaeaSssaaa1ssiaaaMaaaaaaMaammaaaaM"'MsMMM - Kmsing SALE AT McArthur's Shoe Store Sale Starts Tomorrow, Friday $15,000 WORTH OF HIGH-GRADE SHOES IN A MIGHTY PRICE SLASHING SALE Every shoe in the rack must go. No reserve on any lines llus is a special event m shoedom in Prince Rupert and an opportunity to save real money! ASTORIA SHOES SHOES for BOYS for Men Ten per cent reduction on all lines of this famous make, as well as on ARCH-PRESERVER SHOES. VALUES TO $8.00. SALE PRICE 4,45 In a great variety of styles from Canada's best shoe makers. Evory pair beautifully and charmingly fashioned. SHOE SAVINGS FOR MEN Valentine and Martin, Trcd-Rite and other popular makes, in the finest of leathers, in black and brown shoes and oxfords. All sizes. Regular values to $5.50 and $6.00. Sale price 45 '- t - sr I ii Men's Work Sho es GUARANTEED QUALITY! Regular values to $700 SALE PRICE 4,45 Wear like iron. Br, roomy toe and the combination last. Genuir leather solos. In black or tan. Workmen buying them becaurc they fit comfortably and are easy on tlis feet. - PRINCE RUPERT, H. G HOHSESHOE PITCHING V. Wendle. a lucky lad who has been Cahadlsn National Recreation As-lettlin by ln fine style so far with ' Wlstlon horse shoe pitching result mi inwnici mitt and a nice new """" ball cut there ou the firing line. 0. McCandleas na J. Bond Jr. .. 3 With a l'nr nenin. Tulloch and A. Marshall .... 11 vu si iva wsj p.-'vre m. 1'i.n t ,ji that i r:uirca uuw :u uwk the show a complote succets. ia for Mr. Fan to turn out in lure numbers, and we ffel Mire ilmt he Will O. tlarradlne and 11. Thmnn ...atai T. M. Fortune and A. K. Dlekeni 10 Q. MH3andleaa ahd J Hond Jr. 75 81 T. M. Furtuna snd A. K. Dickens 10 O llamdtne snd If Thrupp 3t ; Tulloch and A Mi-' O llarradlne and II Tm a McCundlese and J Bo:. r M Frrtune and A E t E. Tullom and A. Man- A BASEBALL Tonight at 6H5 S O C Gyros. T