. ¢ Page . THR VAILY AEWR M * THE DAILY NEws PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. gH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Eprror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00, To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. TELEPHONE 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. aii Zo. Monday, August 25, 1919. DAILY EDITION, _ Widows and Children Must Get Justice. On Saturday we reported a meeting at which strong pleas were made for the widows and orphans of those fell overseas. When the men went away to fight for their country it was on the under- standing that the country would look after their wives and families. In many cases distinct promises were made by recruit- ing officers, but outside of that there was a tacit understanding that the country would do what was right. If the soldiers fought for the right, the government at home should do the right. So far, the Canadian Government has not done the right thing by the widows and orphans. As the speakers said at the recent meeting, no woman can expect to live on $48 a month. In Prince Rupert widows of soldiers have had to go out scrubbing in order to make enough to keep them decently. They have found that they cannot live on the pittance paid them. As Major Robertson truly said, “We have to hang our heads in shame” when we think of it. Mackenzie King Not Coming Yet. It will be rather a disappointment to Prince Rupert people to think they will not have an opportunity to see and hear W. L. McKenzie King, the new leader of the Liberal party, until well on into the autumn. Perhaps by that time the election campaign will be on and he will not come under such happy circumstances. If he came now all would join to welcome him, just as all would join to welcome Premier Borden if he took it into his head to visit this far western point. It is a matter for regret that Sir Robert has never been here, though he has been premier for a number of years. His eyes turn east so much more easily than west. We are becoming so important that all the statesmen will want to come here before long. In the meantime we must con- tent ourselves with an occasional visit from one of the minor ministers of the crown. We are looking forward to Mr. Ballan- tyne coming and hope that when he arrives he will be so inter- ested in our needs that we shall want to see him often. Sport Interest Is Reviving. There is a revival of interest in local sports. The football league and the baseball games add to the healthy development of the place. Soon we shel! have more sports, for basketball is talked of for the autumn, and it is much to be desired that some organization shall We formed to give phtysieal classes and gym- nastim work at the Exhibition Building throughout the winter. We cannot well get winter swimming, but we may get the other exercises. There is a proposal to complete the levelling of the Market Place and use. it for outdoor sports. The suggestion is worth investigating. Possibly it would add to the interest taken in games generally if that ground were made available for the foot- ball and other games as well as for the boys. Children Should Have the Best. The children should have the best we can offer. What is the good of making money if the children are not going to get the benefit of it. Just now the children of the commmunity need a school. They need the best in quality and on the best possible site. Both the school trustees and the members of the City Coun- cil have investigated thoroughly and found that the best possible site available is one near the Acropolis Hill playgrounds. They are now asking the ratepayers to approve their choice and grant the necessary power to proceed. Good Schools are Good Business. What Prince Rupert wants mure than anything else is popu- lation. If we have good schools, family people will come here. If we have poor accommodation, discerning parents will stay away. Just now we have an opportunity to help the school trustees pro- vide a good school for the community. Some are opposing the plan and they have a right to their opinion. It is hardly reason- able for them to do se, however, without offering the public an alternative. ——— Ride in Comfort 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your Service Day or Night ST Third Avenue and Sixth Street ROYAL HOTEL Parkin & Ward Electric Co. > >. Electric Engineers and Contractors We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates. Grills, lrons, Toasters, and Fixtures. i i | INSURANCE Opening — One of the oldest and strongest Canadian Life Insurance Companies has an opening for a thoroughly reliable and energetic agent to act in Prince Rupert. Please address applications to Box No. 292 The Daily News Office CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE that @ vote of the rat payers will be taken on the following by jaw, in the Council Chamber, City Halli, on the 27th day of August, 1919, between the hours of 9 a.m, and 7 p. m., A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF PRINCI RUPERT TO PROVIDE FUR THE REPAIRS OF CERTAIN PLANK ROADWAYS IN THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, AS HEREIN AFTER SET OUT, INCLUDING RESURFAC ING WITH TWU-INCH PLANKING, AND KEPAIRS OF SUPERSTRUCTURE WHERE NECESSARY; AND TO CREATE AND SECURE A DEBT FOR THE PURPUSE UF COMPLETING SUCH WORK, AMOUNTING tO THE SUM OF TWENTY-FIVE THUL SAND DULLARS ($25,000.00). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ERNEST A. WUUDS has beeen appointed Returning Officer two take charge of tbe said vote. ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk BYLAW Nv. A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REPAING OF CERTAIN PLANK ROADWAYS LN iit CITY UF PRINCE RUPERT, AS HEREIN AFTER SET Oi, INCLUDING KRESURFAC- ING WITH TWO-INCH PLANKING, AND REPAIRS OF SUPERSTRUCTURE WHERE NECESSARY; AND TO CREATE AND SECURE A DEBT FOR THE PURPUSE OF COMPLETING SUCH WORK, AMUUNT:\) TO THE SUM OF TWENTY-FIVE THOL SAND DOLLARS (825,000.00). WHEKEAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert has determined to resurface the following plank roadways in the City of Prince iiu- pert, namely :— Section Five—Fulton St. and 8th Ave. W Section Six—-4th Ave. E., Hays Cove Cirele and Hays Cove Bridge. Section Seven—6th Ave. E. Section Eight—cConrad S81. AND WHEREAS for the purpose of such resurfacing it will be necessary to incur a debt to the extent of Twenty-Five Thou sand Dollars ($25,000.00) ; AND WHEREAS the City intends to issue Serial Debentures to raise the seid sum of $25,000.00, payable in five (5) years from the date of the coming inte effect of this bylaw, and bearing imterest at the rate of six (6) per ventum per annum. AND WHEREAS it will be necessary to raise each year during the period of tive 5) years, by special rate, the sum set out in the schedule this bylaw, for the péyment of the principal and interest o said debt AND WHEREAS the value of the whole rateable land and improvements and real property of the Municipality, according tw the last revised Assessment Roll, being the roll for the year 1919, is $21,051,580.00 AND WHEREAS the whole debt of the City of Prince Rupert, not including for local improvements and school purposes is $860,676.26 which is not twenty (20 per centum of said assessed amount AND WHEREAS this bylaw cannot be altered except by the consent of the Lieu tenant Governor in Council NOW THEREFORE, THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, ENACTS A> FOLLOWS: 1. It shall be lawful for the City of Prince Rupert to resurface the plank road ways herein referred to, and also make repairs to the superstructure where neces sary, such work to be executed under ‘he supervision of the City Engineer. 2. For the purpose of paying for the said work hereby authorized it snail be lawful for the said City of Prince Rupert to create a debt to the amount of §25,- 000.00, which debt shall be payable in five (5) years from the date when this bylaw takes effect, for which debt Serial Debentures may be issued to be secured as hereinafter mentiond. 3. The Mayor and Treasurer of the City of Prince Rupert may, and they are hereby authorized and instructed to sign, and affix the Seal of the Corporation, & each of the debentures hereby authorized to be issued. 4. The said debentures shall be in de- nominations of not less than fwo Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) each, and shall be payable at the office of the Bank of Montreal, at Montreal, Canada, or, at the holder's option, at the oifice of the Bank of Montreal in the city of Toronto, Catada, or New York City, New York U.S.A. or at the City of Prince Rupert, Canada, 5. Each of the said debentures shall bear date the ist day of September, 4. D 1919, and such debentures shall wave an hexed thereto coupons for the interest thereon at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum, payable half yearly on the ist day of September and the ist day of March in exch year, the first payment to be due on the ist day of March, A. D. 1920. 6. The said coupons shall be deemed to have been properly executed by each one having written, stamped, printed or lithographed thereon the names of the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City of Prince Rupert, Each coupon shall be numbered with the number of the de benture to which it is attached. 7. All debentures issued under this bylaw shall be numbered consecutively, bo matier when issued, beginning with the number One (1). 5. The principal of the said debentures shall be payable on the ist day of Sep tember in the years and amounts set out in the Schedule to this Bylaw 9. For the payment of the ¢:\1t hereby authorized and the interest thereon, there shall be raised and levied in cach year during the currency of the sal debentures, the annual sums set out in the schedule to this Bylaw. 10. The total annual sums for. interest and payment of the debt referred t in the receeding section shall be raised and levied in each year during the currency of the said debentures by a rate sufficient therefor on all the rateable land or im provements or real property within the Estimates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Rega! Gasoline Engines for troiling Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Mosier Spark Piug (The Plug that was chosen for the Transatlantic flights Our service department will help you to plan your Lighting Equipment. A full line of Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable, Lamps, Searchlights, etc. We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal... Third Avenue ‘(opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 unicipality it he said debentures when issued, sold or hypothecated, and any coupons thereto attached, shall be deeemed a valid and binding charge upon the said City of I'rinee Rupert, 12. The Council may sell the said a bentures at less thaw par if it is found at any time hecessary 80 to do 13. The amount of debt authorized by this Dylaw is subject to consolidation with the amount of any other debt authorized by any other bylaw of the City, and not- withstanding anything herein contained authorizing and directing the issue and sale of debentures for the payment of a lebt thereby created, the City of Prince tupert Consolidated Btock may be issued nh the place of said debentures to the amount of such debt This section shall only apply insofar as the Couneti may be empowered by Statute so to do 14. This bylaw shall take effeet upon the it day of September A. D. 1919. ut before its final passage shall be sum- mitted to & Vote of the ratepayers under the provisions of Seetion 165 of the Munl- oe eee CR Hee MAIL SCHEDULE , eee eee eeeneeneeee For the East. oe Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- days at 9:30 a, m. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thure- days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver: Saturdays ...... eeeeees 2p. m. Sundays .....sseveveers 10 p.m. \Tuesdays ....... coscee O P.M, Thursdays .......«+-. 10 p.™@ From Vancouver Sundays ...... eovccee 50D Wednesdays ......+- 10:30 a.m. PPIGAYS «ec eeeeeeees coos, & Me Saturdays .......0. 10:30 a. m. For Anyox: Sundayg ...... sse.e+..40 P.M. *Vednesdays cocvccs SOD. & iBaturdays .......se00% 10 p.m. From Anyox: TUGSGRZS 2. ccccccsececes p. m. "RUPOGAVO 2. ccsccces coos Pe M, Sundays ....... sveedetes p. m. Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, SUNGRYS 2 cnc sieecccres 10 p.m. From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. TUGSGRTE. 6.0 ooccecdescec ss Be Me For Port Simpson and Naas River points: POMS «ic bdas dees coe WO Ge From Port Simpson and Naas River Points: fatarGaFE os ccccciss cove Oe MH, Queen Charlotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island poiats: Wednesdays .......... 10 a.m. ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: TREPOERYS 2 oc ciccccccccs Do MW “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: Fortnightly. From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points— Fortnightly. For Skagway and the Yukon. Mondays. From Skagway and Yukon. Saturdays. itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m. From—Saturdays ...... p. m. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look out, Mystery, Midas Lake Frac., Pass Frac tional Mineral Claims, situate in the Port land Canal Mining Division of Cassiar Dis trict. Where located:—On the East River Valley. TAKE NOTICE that I, A. H. Green, act- ing a3 agent for L. Watkins, F.M.C. No 16349-C; C. D. Carter, F.M.C. No. 9,588 C; AR, M. Martin, F.M.C. No. 0,687-C; H 4. Fetter, F.M.C. No. 9,807-C; #. E Cariton, F. M. C. No. 6,598-C; Martin Welch, F. M. C. No. 9,500-C, imtend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im provements, for the purpose of obtain.ng 4a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of «im provements Dated this 25th day of July, A. D. 1919 A. H. GREEN. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTIA TION ACT — aad — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ©) TONY LUCICH, DECEASED, INTEST? +i TAKE NOTICE that in Order of Htr Honour F. MeB. Young, made the 9th day of June, A.D, 10919, I was pointed Ad ministrator of the estate of Tony Lucich deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the 1st day of September, 1919, and all parties indebted to the es tate are required iv pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated’ this 30th day of July, 1919. 4. H. MeMUL . _ OMeial Administrator SKEENA LAND RECORDING pDIVIsION— DISTRICT OF QUBEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE thai Neil McLeod of An yox, B.C., machinist, Intends to apply for ee to prospect for coal and petro eum on the est Coast of Graham Island, in the vicinity of West River; coramencing at & post planted at the southeast corner of C. L. 40312; thence east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains, thence west s: chains; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. NEIL McLEOD, Per Austin Brown, Agent Dated May 18, 1919, 000” SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT OF QUEE? ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Edgar Davis, of An- yox, B.C., electrician, intends to apply for rmiss on to prospect for coal and petro eum on the west coast of Graham Island in the vicinity of. West River: Commencing at @ post planted at the southeast corner of C.L. 10,312, thenee north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 86 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of commencement. EDGAR DAVIS Per Austin Brown, Agent Dated May 18. 1919 —_ —— 7 Cipal Act, Chapter 52, 1914, a8 amended by Svctlon 25 of Chapter 45 of 1015 and Secth.a 33 of Chapter 44 of 1046. PASSED TIP MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE GORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT THIS ELEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST. A. D. 4919, TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposes Bylaw upon which the vote of t rate-payers will be taken in the Conncil Chamber, City Hall, on the 27th day of August, 1919, trom the hour of 9 4... to the bour of 7 p. m. ERNEST A. Woops City Clerk iT ecHeouL BYLAW = 5 YEARS FROM SEPTEMBER ist, 1910 Total amount of debt authorized $25,000.00 Total annual instalment as coy ering Principal and Interest 5,034.01 Payments to be made as follows Interest Principal Salmon DIVISION CHARLOTTE ‘ 1920 $1,500.00 84.434.01 2 1021 1,233.90 4,701.01 s. 1088 $51.85 4,085.06 ‘ 1923 662.86 5,282 0 5. 1084 935.94 6,508.07 $4,674.55 $25,000.00 ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS Consistent Saving The systematic and con- sistent saving of money, is a duty which devolves upon every one of us. The Bank of Montreal will open Savings Accounts on receipt of $1 I and accept thereon deposits of $1 and upwards. | The Royal Bank of Canada| - ® 58,600,00 Total Ansets, Nov. 20th, 1918, over $153,000 000 The Boss of Today was the © Laborer of Yesterday ai He was ambitious. He studied an‘! raised himself financially as he inc: | knowledge of his business. If you want to be a boss instead of a! . study and save. Open a savings account right now. , UNION BANK OF CANAD | THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA ! pes HEAD OFFICE . WINNIPEG, MAN. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, A. T. BRODERICK, + + .« M anager. — = ————— begs to advise that it has for rental at moderate prices _ SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXE They are recommended for the protection fron) fire or buy: lary of valuable business or private documents, Victory Bonds, jewelry, etc. The Manager will be glad to furnish particulars i ation } Prince Rupert Branch - A. W. Cameron, Mg. or 5.S. PRINCE GEORG ————— BAILING THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALE VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX &. 6. PRINCE JOHN AND PRINCE ALBERT Por STEWART every Wediesday at 20° pom Massett, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, Aves! 2s Southern Queen Chariotte island Points, September TRAIN SERVICE Passenger Monday, W*dnesday and Saturday af {i Se 4 for Smite Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making «i ns all points east and south AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Por information and reservations apply | City Ticket Office, 5626 Third Avenue. Phon® 260 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest Rates to al! Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steamer &.8. PRINCESS ALICE §&. 6. PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert During July and August every Saturday 4 For Ketohikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince RY During July and August every Monday 4! aT yA PACIFIC pert : 7 | : ! | CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES For rates, reservations and sailings, 4pi W. GC. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. # __feorgetown Lumber". Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central 8. © FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. 0, Bes Phone 37 P.O. Bet For Comfort, Courtesy and Serv'<® THE SAVOY HOTEL www F. T. BOWNESS, Manager . Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert! B.C. | Home Cooking 4 water Running Hot and Col